fix you (13rw)

By svtfanboi

48.6K 1.8K 1.5K

Alex Standall has been crushing on his best friend, Zach Dempsey, for almost a year. Things changed when he a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 6

1.5K 55 53
By svtfanboi


A week had passed and alot of things had changed. From small things such as getting sick of eating a plate of salad every lunch to big ones like secretly dating a guy, not just some guy but Charlie St. George, to stealing kisses at an empty bathroom stall.

Kissed my bestfriend, got friendzoned, and now dating the school's quarterback. In just a span of a week. Maybe I should start taking things slow. I still have feelings for Zach, and honestly I think it would always be there.

Do I think its unfair for Charlie? Absolutely. Will I tell Charlie about my one sided feelings for Zach? Absolutely not, I really like Charlie, I enjoy his company, he is also great at cuddling. I couldnt risk it. I couldnt risk losing him, not when Im finally on the verge of figuring out who I was.

Charlie doesnt seem to care that our relationship was a secret, but sometimes he would make a side comment here and there that would imply otherwise.

It was my idea to keep our relationship private. I was still not ready to expose my sexuality to other people. Especially to my friends and family. I gave Charlie my trust, hoping and praying that he wouldnt slip up and accidentally tell someone else.

And somehow I handed Zach that same trust too. My chest still feel like they were going to combust everytime I see Zach, but I could notice it slowly fading, seeing him no longer feels like a cardiac arrest, maybe a heart burn.

A part of me wanted to distance myself from Zach, in order to move on and focus my feelings on Charlie, but I couldnt do it. Zach was still my best friend and it would be unfair for him if I leave him behind without any explanation.

Zach doesnt know about my relationship with Charlie. If he was your best friend how come you couldnt tell him about it? I dont know, maybe in my inmost heart I was still hoping for Zach to give my feelings a chance, but that would never happen.

I took a deep breath. Zach and Charlie were not the closest friend but I would say they are friends due to the amount of time they spend together because of football.

"Hey," Charlie whispered behind my back. My body having goosebumps from his hot breath. I was at my locker, dumping books that I wouldnt even read inside of it. I couldnt see Charlie yet but I knew that voice. "Meet me at the library."

And with that Charlie was gone. Library was never my favorite place at school but the school's library was huge, it was like Pan's Labrynth. Plus people on the library doesnt give a shit about other people, they are either too busy reading a book about bdsm or they just dont really give a fuck.

I opened the library and I was greeted by the scent of old books and dead trees. It was silent but the silence wasnt defeaning, I could hear people murmuring from different sides of the place.

I instantly spotted Charlie. His face lit up, like a puppy who saw his owner after a boring day, when he saw me enter the library. I walked up towards him, there were two tall shelves that made the spot not visible to other people in the library. The shelves were labeled as school books and text books, no wonder  we were the only people on that spot.

Charlie grabbed the collar of my shirt and started kissing me. He sucked on my lower lip. I whimpered, not fighting back and letting him command the situation.

"Ive been wanting to do that all day." He exhaled. He started grinding on me, my back was leaning on one of the shelf.

"Are you sure no one will see us here?" I asked, suddenly feeling conscious. Getting caught dry fucking with the school's quarterback inside the library wasnt really how I wanted to come out.

"Im sure." His dry grinding became dry pounding in a matter of seconds. I could feel my blood rushing and climbing on both of my heads. One on my temple and one on my dick.

Charlie pounded a little too hard and the shelf on my back felt an earthquake exclusive for it. A few books fell, hitting the ground and causing a scene. Oh my fucking God.

"What was that?" The librarians terror voice echoing throughout the whole library. Charlie covered my mouth. I dont want to fucking die yet. My heart was beating rapidly and I could feel Charlie's was too. The laughs and the murmuring from other people stopped. No one answered.

And then people started talking again, babbling on about their shitty teachers and boring classes to their friends as if nothing happened. Thank God. Sweat were dripping all over the side of my face.

"Im sorry," Charlie nuzzled his face on my neck. Slowly grinding his body on mine, letting our pants rub on each other. "Didnt mean to scare you."

I felt something buzz on my pants. I thought Charlie brought a vibrating dildo on his pocket but it turned out it was my phone vibrating, indicating a call.

"Wait I sec," I whispered to Charlie. He was nuzzling on my neck, the heat from his breath hitting my skin was making me hold out a loud moan.

I looked in to my phone to check who was calling. Zach. Maybe not the best timing to call, not when Im here in the library letting Charlie St. George dry fuck me so that I could forget about you.

"Who is it?" Charlie was smooching my neck. I bit my lip and moaned quietly.

"Zach." I answered Charlie and he motioned for me to answer it. He went back to smooching my neck and jaw.

I clicked the green button and  placed my phone on my ear.

"Hey." Zach sounded like his usual self but there was something in his voice that I couldnt put my finger on.

"H-hi." I answered, trying my best not to moan on Zach's ears because of Charlie.

"Im at the parking lot now, just asking if you need a ride or something."

"Uh, no. I actually joined that shitty christian club I was talking about." I lied. This was actually the fourth time I rejected Zach's offer to drive me home, maybe he'll stop eventually.

"Oh," Was that a tint of disappointment in his voice? "Sure. See you tomorrow."

"Sure. See you tomo-" Zach ended the call not letting me finish my sentence.

"Im," Charlie was groaning on my ear. His grining were no longer gentle. He sucked on my neck a little too hard and whimpered  "Alex. I- Im coming."

And came he did. Charlie St. George came in his pants in the library while dry fucking me. Oh I almost forgot, he just gave me my first ever hickey.


Im going to be honest. Im kind of having a hard time writing this fic because I really love Zalex but I love Chalex too. And I love Winston and Alex too. Its so hard being gay.

400 reads? You guys are incredible!

Its 5am right now on my timezone and I just woke up. I have a shitty body clock I know.

Also do y'all smell the drama coming? You didnt hear that from me ;)

Tell me your thoughts.

- G

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