Alpha Female Princess Book 1...

By heatherbug95

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This is about a female girl Olivia, Liv for short, that is daughter of the alpha. she is the youngest of her... More

Shifting for the first time
Training both human and wolf
The same old days
He's my mate. She's my mate. We're mates.
Leaving Home.
New home.
Getting use to everything.
Bestie comes and moves in.
The Ceremony
Family Battle
Big News!!
Bonding Time
😍 Baby Time!! 😍
New Addition/shifting problems
β—βš βš STORY UPDATE!!βš βš β—
New life!
Long Journey Ahead
American Honey (book 2)
The beginning (spin-off book 1)


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By heatherbug95

                When I had woken up, it was 9 o’clock in the morning, I got up real fast remembering that my father was leaving soon. But when I thought he was leaving that night that was wrong. I started walking to my door when I heard noise like chatter coming from down the hall. It was Parker and the twins talking.

                I had opened the door and walked out. They looked at me like nothing was up, but I knew exactly what was going on. It was father leaving for a while.

                Parker tried to talk to me, but I end up walking past him to go downstairs to the 2nd floor to my father’s study.

“Morning Liv,” my father had said as I got to the door. The door wasn’t even open, but he knew exactly who it was.

I opened the door. “Morning father. How did you know it was me?” I had asked him.

“Well I already talk to your brother this morning and no one else is in this house but us.” My father had said.

I nodded at him. “Are you about to leave?” I asked, looking all sad.

“Yes, I am sweetie.” He said as Sheldon and Harley came into the room since I had left the door open.

“Alpha,” they said bowing. “Princess, good morning.” They both had said.

                I smiled at him both. And turned back to father.

“Wish you wouldn’t.” I told him.

“I am sorry, Liv. But its part of who I am as an Alpha.” He said.

“Alpha, speaking of leaving, your ride is ready sir.” Sheldon said.

“Thank you, Sheldon. My bags are ready by the door.” My father said pointing to his bags by the door.

“Thought you wasn’t leaving til later this afternoon or tonight.” I said.

“Change of time. Wanna get there sooner the better. So, I can be back here with my princess.” He said putting his hand on my cheek. I smiled at that then frowned. I hated that he was leaving already. “So be good, Liv. Listen to your brother, Claire, Kevin, and everyone else. Stay close to Harley, Sam, and Kevin. You hear me.” He said looking at both me and Harley, which was still in the room.

Harley spoke up. “Don’t worry, Alpha sir, I’ll take good care of my best friend. No piece of hair out of place.” He told my father as a joke.

                My father nodded and walked out the door. I stood there staring at Harley all sad looking. Like I didn’t know what to do now. He walked over to me and hugged me. He knew how I was with my father since my mother had passed away. Well hell, I didn’t even know the women truly. Only mother I had was Claire.

                That’s when I thought of it, I ran out the room, down the stairs, to go find Claire and cry to her when I fell well missed the last two steps when Sam had caught me in mid-air. He knew I was hurt so he walked me over to the couch and sat down with me. He held me in his arms on the couch rubbing my back. The next moment I had fell asleep in his lap.

                One moment I had fell asleep in his lap the next I was being carried up to my room. I thought I was dreaming. Flying through the air. Traveling through time and space. That’s when its time me, time. Time and time again. Just time.

                I was seeing my mother and father holding hands again smiling and laughing. Like time was standing still or had turned back to where it all began when they first became happy. But that wasn’t it. It was my father and mother with all their children. Parker, Max, Jax, and me. We were all playing in the back yard, me as a little wolf; pup. The twins chasing each other in their wolf forms. Parker just sitting there in his wolf form looking stupid.

                That’s when it hit me, a man or so I thought had came to where we were with a gun and shot at us. Shot my brothers and my parents than me for last.

                Shot me dead.

                That’s when I woke up screaming.

                I was being shook by Kevin, with Harley, Claire and Sam running in the room. I woke up looking at them crying, like a little kid again. I didn’t know what had happened.

“Liv, your okay. It was just a bad dream.” Kevin said.

Claire walked over to me on the other side of the bed, sat next to me rubbing my back. “What’s the matter, honey? What happened?” she asked me.

“It happened again.” I said.

“What do you mean?” Kevin asked. “Sam, go get her some water please.”

Sam had left the room to get me some water but was right back within seconds. “Here Liv, drink this.” He said handed me the glass of water.

I took the glass and took a few sips was water. Then gave it back to him. “It was time.” I said. “Time.” I repeated.

They looked at me all lost for a second. Until Harley spoke. “Time?” he questioned. “Wait about the meadow with your parents, brothers and you as wolfs.” He asked.

                Everyone had looked at him like, how did he know what I was talking about. But he was the only one that knew what I was talking about because I has told him this story once before. When we were younger. When the last time I had it was when my father left like this.

“Yes.” I said finally answering him.

“Honey, what happen?” Claire asked.

“A man with a gun, shot all of us, leaving me last to die.” I said. “My mother, father, Parker, Max, Jax, then me.”

“Liv, it was just a dream.” Kevin said.

“I know it was,” I started to say. “When father leaves, I have this dream. Like it’s a sign that something bad is gonna happen to him or to all of us. Its just a matter of time.” I said with the word ‘Time’ again.

“Nothing is gonna happen to your father. He has his best men with him. Hell is having Charlie and Shelton with him. And they are some good fighters.” Kevin said.

                I took a deep breath and shook my head at them. Laid back down on the bed just staring at the ceiling of my bedroom.

“I’ll have Sam bring some food for you guys so yall can spend time with each other. Okay, Liv.” Claire said looking at me then at Sam.

“Okay, I’m starving anyways.” I said.

“Good, I figured you was since you had fell asleep on Sam earlier when your father left.” She said.

I smiled at that a little bit. “Yea, I wasn’t ready to be awake, but I had to see dad off. Since I didn’t go to school today since no one woke me up.” I said, looking at Harley.

“Sorry, the Alpha said he didn’t want anyone going to school today since he was leaving.” Harley told me.

“Its fine.” I told him.

                Harley stuck his tongue out at me then walked out. Kevin patted my leg and followed behind. Claire and Sam had walked out a few seconds later after asking me what I had wanted. I didn’t care what it was I was just hungry.

                About after a few moments, I got out of bed and walked over to my desk. I had opened up my laptop and read my emails that I had. And since I was going to school, I emailed my teachers to email me what needs to be done for today, so I could get it done. After I sent that, I went to my backpack and got out my homework from last night since I forgot to do it, since I was a little hurt from my father leaving today.

                I done my math work, which was kinda easy, but I had it done within 5 minutes. Done the English assignment for the book we were reading; ‘The Tail of Two Cities’, I didn’t like the book but still read it and done the short essay about what I read so far. And last was Bio the worst class of all. Was to look online the factors of dinosaur life. So, I had gone to the website that my teacher gave us and watched the video.

                The video was about 25 minutes long, and I was about halfway through when Sam came in with some food and drinks. He sat them on my desk and looked at me and smiled. I paused the video and looked at him and smiled back.

                Sam had grabbed my hand to tell me to get up from the chair, he pulled me towards my bed sat me down and went back to my desk to get our food. He came back to me giving me my food and sat next to me.

                We ate in peace for about 5 minutes until we were done. He grabbed my plate and sat it back down on my desk and came back over to me. He laid back on my bed staring at me, smiling. Smiling like a little kid on 4th of July, watching the fireworks. Sam was sweet and I loved that about him. He wasn’t like those other boys that you see going around sleeping with someone and walking away from them and never talking to them again til like 25 years later. Sam was the most kindness person that I knew and loved and I am glad he is my boyfriend.

                I smiled back at him and leaned close to him. I put my hand on his cheek and he put his on top of my hand. I had loved Sam since the moment I had laid my eyes on him, but I truly didn’t love him or had fallen in love with him til about 5 years ago but never really told him til he had asked me out about 3 years ago. And we’ve been together ever since. But we never done anything but kiss and hold hands.

I was scared to really.

I mean I was a virgin.

A virgin.

Wow, just thinking about me being a virgin at the age of 15 years old. You read stories from your friends at the age of 13 and 14 losing their virginity. But me I’ve been saving it for a special someone or a special time.

I leaned a little more closer to him still smiling at him. Then I finally kissed him. But this wasn’t like the other kisses that we usually do. This was a deep passionate kiss, where you truly love them and want to be with them. He kissed me back the same way I was kissing him. I climbed on top of him kissing him hard, feeling his hands on my legs, my hips.

In the heat of the moment, I was willing to do anything I wanted. Willing to go all the way, but it didn’t happen. He had stopped me. Kinda glad he did.

“Liv, we cant. Even though I really want to but we cant.” Sam said.

“I know. I know. Just I had thought about it.” I said softly.

“Liv,” he said moving my hair to the side. “Don’t get me wrong, honey I do want to but, right now isn’t the time.” Sam had said.

I nodded at him and laid off of him. “Yea, I know.” I said when I sat up on my bed.

                We didn’t talk much or do much after he had turned me down. Even at school, it was different. Everyone was quiet and it was off. It was always loud. But the day that my father left, everything was feeling weird. Like something bad was gonna happen. All the kids at least the wolf-people; their hairs were standing up like they wanted to leave their skin. The other kids were just as confused as everyone else, but they didn’t pay attention.

                Its been 3 days since my father had left out of town, everything becoming more weird. Not just the kids missing some school days or them acting weird, it was in the air. Like sometimes bad was about to happen.

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