The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X...

Von DeathValleyRider

79.8K 920 769

Scott Wilson's Career had taken him all over the indie scene from ROH to NJPW. After spending 5 years in Japa... Mehr

Character Info
Building the Foundation
Smackdown Live
The Hometown Boy
This Can't be Real!
The light In the Tunnel
The Return Of The Reaper
National Day of Love
Elimination Chamber
Moving Day
The road to Wrestlemania
Face to Face
Grandest Stage of them All
Meet the Parents
The Next Big Thing
This is a Nightmare
Date Night
I'm Coming For You
Biggest Party of the Summer
The Reaper's Birthday
No Days Off
My world is Crumbling
The Unlikely Hero
The Unbreakable Bond
Welcome to Hollywood
Respect Is Earned
The Bet
War Is The Answer
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together
A War Needs Soldiers
Only The Strong Shall Survive
Til Death Do Us Part
With Arms Wide Open

The Power Couple

2.1K 21 26
Von DeathValleyRider


Scott wakes up and looks around the room while rubbing his eyes. He slides out of bed and grabs his clothes before hitting the shower. Alexa is woken up by Scott's music. She slowly gets up and get to the kitchen to make a some coffee. 

After 30 minutes Scott walks out of the bathroom. Alexa hands him a cup of coffee before heading into the bathroom for a Shower. Scott turns on Sports Center while he packs both of their bags for the trip to Dallas tonight. As Alexa came out of the bathroom she joined Scott on the couch to finish watching the highlights of the games during the weekend. 

Alexa: How are the Colts doing?

Scott: Out of the playoffs in the first round.  

Alexa: Who did they lose to?

Scott: The Titans of all teams. Man that run game in Tennessee is killer. 

Alexa: *Kisses Scott's cheek*  Hey we better get out of here. Don't want to miss our flight. 

Scott: *Turns off TV* Right behind you. 

Scott and Alexa walked their bags out to the car where Scott loaded them into the trunk before climbing into the drivers seat. He placed his hand on Alexa's thigh as she placed her hand on top of his. When they arrive at the airport Scott brings their bags in and gets them checked in. They sit and wait for the plane before Alexa's phone buzzes. She checks it to see it a text message. 

???: Hey Alexis, could we talk? 

Alexa: Umm, who is this and how did you get my number. 

???: It's me Mathew, I really need to talk to you please. 

Alexa: Why are you texting me?! I told you I don't want to talk to you. 

Buddy: Why will you not talk to me? I just want to explain myself. 

Alexa: I don't care. I don't want to hear your excuses anymore, I am happy now and I am not going to let you ruin it, like always. Leave me Alone!

Buddy: If you will talk to me I will leave you alone. 

Alexa: No! you are going to leave me alone now! GOODBYE!

Buddy: Ok Alexis, If that's how you want it to be. 

Alexa tosses her phone in her lap and Scott notices that her hand as tightened in his. Scott releases his hand and puts his arm around Alexa before pulling he close to him. He kisses her temple. 

Scott: What's wrong babe?

Alexa: I'm Fine. 

Scott: I can tell when something is wrong. You look like you are ready to strangle someone. 

Alexa: Its Buddy. He texted me and keeps trying to talk to me even though I don't want to talk to him. It is just going to be some sorry excuse of why he treated me the way he did before trying to get me to go back to him. 

Scott:  Do you want me to talk to him? I can set him straight. 

Alexa: No. He will go away if we just ignore him. 

~ At the Arena~ 

Alexa is at makeup with Becky getting ready for tonight. 

Alexa: Buddy texted me. 

Becky: What does that asshole want? 

Alexa: Wants to spew his bullcrap to try to get me back. 

Becky: What did you tell him?

Buddy: She told me to leave her alone but she should already know I'm not going to give up on us. 

Alexa: Mathew, there is no us anymore. You screwed that up when you treated me like crap by making me feel like I was unwanted. I am now with someone that treats me like I deserve to be. You no longer have a chance. Please just leave me alone. 

Buddy: Just hear me out. I want us to talk this out. you really want to throw 5 years away for some punk?

Becky: Hey! She said to leave her alone! she don't want to talk to you. 

Buddy: Why don't you shut your mouth and stay out of other people's business. 

Alexa: Don't talk to her like that! 

Buddy: *Grabs Alexa by the arm* You know better than to raise your voice at me!

Becky: *Texting* Scott, get to makeup now. Buddy is here and it looks like it is going to get really bad. 

Scott: I'm on my way!

Scott runs out of the men's locker room as the rest of the looker room watches in confusion. As Scott arrives at the makeup department he sees Buddy has Alexa and Becky backed into the corner. Scott grabs him and throws him across the room away from the women. He gets in a defensive stance in front of Alexa and Becky. 

Buddy: You need to step out of the way, This is between me and Alexis. 

Scott: No, this is now between you and me. You put your hands on my girlfriend then you are going to answer to me. Plus what kind of coward puts his hands on a women. No wonder she left you. 

Buddy:  I wouldn't have to put my hands on her if she would just talk to me. 

Scott: I don't  care what you have to say to defend your actions. She said to leave her alone, so that's means leave. If you don't  I am going to make you!

Buddy: *Looks over Scott at Alexa* I cant believe you want to ruin 5 years. 

Buddy stormed off as Scott turned around and seen Alexa on the floor crying. Scott sat down next to  her before pulling her into a hug. Alexa buried her head into Scott's shoulder as they both just embraced each other. Scott stayed by Alexa's side while they fixed her makeup before he walked her to the locker rooms for both of them to get changed. 

~Start of the Show~

Scott and Alexa were sitting in gorilla while they were waiting for Alexa's match that will be starting of the show. Carmella walks by with the Smackdown Women's Championship and walks out on stage as Fabulous was playing through the arena. The crowd booed as she danced her way down to the ring. When she got into the ring and was handed a microphone. 

Carmella: Dallas, Welcome to Smackdown Live. *Holds championship above head* Guess who beat Charlotte for the Second time? ME. I beat Charlotte twice and still the Smackdown Women's Champion. Now that I am done with Charlotte, I am ready for my next Challenger for my Women's Championship. So for tonight only I will be issuing an open Challenge for my championship. So who thinks they are women enough to try and take my title? 

Spiteful plays through the arena as the crowd erupts when Alexa walks out on stage. She does her taunt before she walks down to the ring.  She climbs in the ring as the two women start arguing with each other before the ref separates them to opposite corners. Carmella hands the championship to the ref as she starts the match. 

~Bell Rings~

Alexa comes out strong as she delivers multiple clotheslines before she forces Carmella into the Corner. Eventually Carmella is able to fight back and lands a dropkick on Alexa. Carmella starts to moon walks while Alexa is trying to stand up. Alexa pulls herself up in the corner as Carmella runs at her for a clothesline. Alexa is able to move causing Carmella to run into the corner. Alexa delivers a suplex before connecting with insult to injury. She climbs to the top of the ropes and connects with twisted bliss for the 3 count. 

Ring Announcer: Here is your winner and the new Smackdown women's Champion, Alexa Bliss. 

Alexa was celebrating her Victory as she climbed out of the ring and was taking photos with fans while the show was on commercial break. She looked out in the crowd and sees Buddy watching her. She watched him while she slowly backed up and went backstage where she was met with Scott. They embraced each other as a cameraman takes a photo of the two. 

As Scott and Alexa were heading back to catering Cathy Kelly stops them and ask them for an interview which they agree to. They give the signal for the cameras to roll. The crowd cheers when they see Scott and Alexa on the titantron 

Cathy: Hello WWE Universe, I am here with the United States champion Scott and the Newly crowned Smackdown Women's champion Alexa Bliss, First Alexa you were able to knock off Carmella in a rather quick fashion, Would you like to comment on the match? 

Alexa: I was tired of hearing Carmella come out every week and talk about beating Charlotte. As soon as she issued the open challenge I knew it was my chance to show her who the true champion of Smackdown is. 

Cathy: Congratulations on becoming the new Women's Champion. 

Alexa: Thank you Cathy. 

Cathy: Now Scott, The WWE universe seen the twitter war earlier this week between you and The Miz, do you want to tell us what kind of match it will be? 

Scott: Can you believe that the Miz accused me of cheating? *Smirking* No I was not the one that was caught with a weapon in my hands. The Miz got disqualified and then blames me for it so tonight for the United States Championship, The stipulation that I chose is, A No holds barred match. There will be no more excuses on who States Champion. 

~Main Event~ 

 The new power couple were standing in Gorilla waiting for their cue when the Miz and Maryse walked in. Scott and Miz fist bumped as Miz's music starts to play through the arena. Miz walks out on stage with Maryse following behind. He does his signature taunt at the top of the ramp as the It couple walks down to the ring.  The Miz is pacing in the ring, showing signs that he worried about the battle that's about to happen. 

Spiteful plays through the Arena As Alexa walks out onto the stage and does her taunt. The Miz is in the corner looking at the floor shaking his head when Sin with a Grin plays through the arena. Scott runs out on stage and does his taunt at each side of the stage. He smacks Alexa on the ass when he gets to the ramp. 

The both of them head down to the ring while giving out high fives. Scott never takes his eyes off Miz. Scott stopped before climbing in the ring. He lifted the apron and started throwing chairs and kendo sticks into the ring with the Miz pleading him not to. He pulled out a table and set it up on the outside. Scott climbed in the ring and handed his championship to the Ref. He picked up a chair and waited for the bell. 

~Bell rings~ 

Miz climbs out of the ring as Scott charges him with the chair swinging it. He looks on in horror as Scott is taunting him to get in the ring. Scott throws the chair down as the Miz slowly walks up the steps and gets back into the ring. The two of them charge each other and begin throwing hay makers. Miz is able to get the upper hand and flip Scott over on top of the chairs . Miz picks up a chair and begins to continuously hit Scott in the back as he yells out in pain. 

~Towards the end of the match~ 

Bent chairs and broken kendo sticks laid all over the outside of the ring as both men have been beating the hell out of each other. Miz was pulling himself up on the outside when Scott speared him though the barricade. Both men were down as Baron Corbin jumped over the barricade and pulled the two men in the ring and Put the Miz on top of Scott. 

As the ref was counting, Scott got his shoulder up milliseconds before the 3 count. Corbin picks him up and delivers the End of days to him before pulling Miz over for the pin again, but just like last time Scott got his shoulder up. A frustrated Corbin picks Scott up again but before he is able to go for another end of days Scott was able to land Sweet Chin Music. 

Scott looked to the outside table and got an Idea. He picked the Miz up and slowly walked him over and sat him on the table. He reached under the ring and pulled out the largest ladder he could find. He sets the ladder up in the ring by the ropes. 

As he slowly made the climb he looked at a worried Alexa and mouthed "I love you". he got to the top and looked down at the knocked out Miz. Scott stood on the top of the ladder and connected with a shooting star press on Miz through the table and. Both men laid motionless as the Ref counted 3 with Scott getting the victory. 

The Crowd erupted and started chanting for the Reaper as medical staff and refs poured from the back to check on the two men. Alexa ran over to Scott and seen that he was beginning to get his senses about him. The medical staff waved for two stretchers to get the two men to the back. Alexa held Scott's hand all the way up the ramp as he used his other hand to do a thumbs up to the crowd. The fans clapped as he was stretchered to the back. 

~In the trainers room~ 

Scott and Miz were both sitting up with ice packs wrapped around their chest and backs. They fist bumped right before Alexa and Maryse came in to check on them. Both men looked in bad shaped but the medical staff were able to clear the two of any major injuries but were told to take a couple weeks off from competition to let their wounds heal. Alexa lightly hugged Scott as to not hurt him. 

Alexa: I'm so glad that you are ok. That was the scariest thing I ever seen, you know you could have killed yourself. 

Scott: I am sorry that I scared you Lexi. It was actually Miz's idea. He thought it would be a perfect way to end the match. 

Miz: Yea we were talking about it and I trusted Scott enough to pull the move off. The table actually helped with the fall. No way would we attempt that on the floor. 

Scott: Agreed. Thank you for some great matches Mike. That one will defiantly go down as one of my favorites. 

Miz: Me too. Maryse and I are going to head out so I can get that Ice bath in. 

 Scott: See you later Miz. 

~Back at the Hotel~ 

Alexa was laying on the bed reading the comments of the show and came across a live video a fan took of Scott's jump. She watched it multiple times before she heard the bathroom door open. She got up to help Scott but he waved her off as he slowly made his way to the bed. Alexa snuggled up to him with they both got into bed. 

Alexa: Scott? 

Scott: Yes babe? 

Alexa: Can you please warn me next time you have something like that planned? That was such a dangerous move. *buries her head in his chest as she was tearing up* I don't know what I would do if I lose you. 

Scott: *Lifts up Alexis' head and wipes the tears away* I promise I will let you know next time. I should have told you but I thought that your actual reaction would sell it more to the crowd. I have performed that move so many times but I didn't think how it was going to affect you. I'm sorry. 

Alexa: I love you so much Scott. 

Scott: I love you too Alexis. More than anything. 

Scott pulled Alexa in close to him as the two drifted off to Sleep. 


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