Soulmate | l.h punk

By armcandycalum

297K 8.8K 3.8K

What would you do if you found out your soulmate was the exact opposite of you? This is not a werewolf book I... More

1 | Luke
2 | Sophie
3 | Luke
4 | Sophie
5 | Luke
6 | Sophie
7 | Luke
8 | Sophie
9 | Luke
10 | Sophie
11 | Luke
12 | Sophie
13 | Luke
14 | Sophie
15 | Luke
16 | Sophie
17 | Luke
18 | Sophie
19 | Luke
20 | Sophie
21 | Luke
23 | Luke
24 | Sophie
25 | Luke
26 | Sophie
27 | Luke

22 | Sophie

10.7K 307 195
By armcandycalum

Sophie's outfit on the side x


The thoughts in my head where running about the place with anticipation. Luke was killing me with his mysterious and hidden ways, not letting a single word slip about our date tonight. I was excited beyond belief but just as nervous, if that made any sense.

I was really happy as everything was running smoothly so far. I wanted this day to be perfect and I knew, it didn't matter at all what Luke had planned out for us, it would be perfect either way. Just as long as he was with me. That's all I could ever ask for and what mattered to me the most.

When I said things where running smoothly, I meant pretty damn smooth. My mum had totally believed me when I told her that I urgently needed to spend the night at Taylor's cause his mum was going out of town, and that he didn't want to be by himself. It was partly true as his mum was really going out of town but the being alone part...not so much. He would without a doubt have Tristan over and I didn't even want to imagine what they would be up to while I was away.

I managed to sneak out an extra outfit behind my mums back but obviously I couldn't be all that lucky cause Jessie saw me. I bribed him with hella lot of chocolate to keep his mouth shut so I would be good...for now.

My outfit consisted of a flowing black skirt and a plain with top, marched with a cute pink long cardigan. It wasn't the most exciting outfit but Luke had told me to wear something warm so I did exactly that.

Earlier today Zoey had offered, well more like insisted that I should come over to her house instead so that she could do my hair and make up, but I quickly declined that offer. Just in case you know, Chloe very subtly added bleach or something in my drink. Yeah going to hers would be a very stupid and risky thing to do.

I was currently in Taylor's bathroom getting changed, but my gaze flickered to my phone every couple of minutes, making sure I hadn't missed a text from Luke. The thrilling buzz of when Luke texted made my heart race, but he hadn't in the last five minutes. But that was alright because he was either making last minute adjustments or on his way to pick me up as he had told me that I would be getting picked up in ten minutes.

I made sure not a single hair was misplaced before leaving Taylor's bubble bath smelling bathroom. He was sitting on his bed while giggling, looking at his phone screen. It didn't take a reincarnated Einstein to figure out who or even why he was smiling so widely at.

Once he noticed my presence he looked up and down, giving me an approving look as he nodded.

"You look good, I approve." He said and I laughed, even if he didn't I would change. The reason being I had nothing else to change into.

"Thank you," I smiled happily while grabbing my black purse and hanging it on my shoulder.

"Luke's coming to pick me up soon, so you know what-"

"Yes I know the drill. When psycho mamma calls to check up on you, I tell her you've gone to the convenience store with my mum to pick up some girl things." He rolled my eyes, as he glumly spoke. He was obviously tired of me telling him this one million times but I needed to make sure he understood what to do, just in case.

"Well done and do make sure you sound disgusted." I told him sternly and he huffed.

"Yes don't worry, I'm a great actor. You out of all people should know that. I mean, I acted so tough and brave earlier this week when I talked to you lover boy." A blush coated my cheeks at his name for Luke but then his words sank in and my eyes widened at what he had said.

"You talked to Luke and you didn't tell me!" I sputtered out and he shook his head quickly but I could tell it was a cover up. He had already let it slip, it was too late for those.

"No, I mean yeah but it was more of a mutual glance and wave than a actual conversation." He rushed out all in once and I could easily tell he was lying.

"Taylor, tell me the truth. What did he say to you?"I asked, persistently but just as I said the last word, the ring of the doorbell echoed throughout the house.

"Saved by the bell." He said with a cheeky grin and I was too focused with calming down my nerves than to argue back with him.

"What you waiting for, go your knight in shining armour is waiting for you." He pushed me out of his room as I gulped, trying not to trip on the stair case down.

"Good luck and don't be home too late." He called out to me as I neared the end of the staircase.

I was nervous, really really nervous. I took a deep breath trying hard not to show my nervousness state on my face and went to open the door.

I was bewildered when I opened the door and saw a smiling Michael Clifford standing there.


I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at his cheery face.

"Hey," he cheerfully said with a grin.

"Um hi Michael, what are you doing here if you don't mind me asking?" I questioned him still a bit baffled. It was around about six o'clock and I wondered where Luke was.

"I'm here to pick you up for your date of course." He rolled his eyes as if I should have already known but I didn't.

"Um...but my date isn't with you, its with Luke." I told him quizzically, still not sure to what he was doing here.

"I know but I'm going to be the one to take you there." He laughed and I felt embarrassed, oops.

"Why though?" I asked him and he sighed, I could tell he was getting less cheery by the second, I was such a idiot.

"Too many questions. Let's go before Luke's all up in my face, yelling at me for delaying your date." He replied and I nodded, as I shut the door behind us. I was still hella confused but I didn't mind, I wouldn't be too long before everything made sense.

I could see that Michael had a car which was strange because, I hadn't seen it before.

"I borrowed it from a friend, if you where wondering." He spoke once he noticed me looking and I nodded. Getting into the car, it smelled strongly of a guys cologne but I tried to ignore it, as the excitement about the date rushed through me once again.

"So where we heading?" I asked him trying to make conversation and ease the weird tension when he started driving. It was the least I could do for being such an awkward person.

"Um Luke told me not to let much slip because he wanted it to be a surprise," he casually told me and I frowned. I wanted to know so badly but I guess there wasn't that long left until I would.

"Oh, how long till we get there?" I asked nearly jumping in my seat. Pretty impossible to do but a girl could try.

"Pretty soon actually." He said and I looked out the window, watching the scenery pass by as the car drove. We where heading in the direction out of town, and after a couple of minutes I could see a different part of town which was pretty quiet, and had a lot of trees. Scratch that pretty much big forests.

Michael slowed down the car as he abruptly stopped it, parking next to a bunch of trees and off the main road. I was still pretty confused as I got out the car, shutting the door behind me.

"Follow me," said Michael as he locked the car and started walking into the Forrest. I tried not to stand on anything too gross, and stayed close to him, not wanting to get lost in the middle of the woods.

"Michael where are we going?" I asked him, trying to keep up with his speed walking pace.

"Over here." He finally stopped walking and I looked around me. We where standing in the middle of a desolate part of the Forrest, not many trees where here, all of them obviously being chopped down. My stomach was twisting in anticipation, okay this was pretty weird. What had Luke planned?

"Please elaborate on that." I raised my eyebrow, looking around. It was quiet and isolated, I gulped hoping that he wouldn't just leave me here. Who knows what could be lurking behind the trees. And it was getting late, I hoped that it didn't get dark anytime soon because I knew for a fact that this wouldn't end well, without Luke.

"Okay don't be worried, I'll explain everything. Luke told me not to say too much but this. He told me to tell you, first of all not to be scared because he's closer to you than you think. So basically me and him set up a little scavenger hunt type thing. You see in the trees, are some of your books which you need to find and they'll lead you to Luke. In the books are little notes he wrote for you directing you to the next one and so on." He finally explained and I was shocked, excited but still pretty shocked.

"Um where did he get my books from and what do you mean by myself, your leaving?" I would for sure get lost if I was left by myself.

"Ugh you ask too many questions you know that? I don't know where Luke got the books but yes I'm leaving because this is just a Luke and Sophie date, not a Michael, Luke and Sophie date." He chuckled and I laughed as well but more with relief.

How awkward would that be.

"Okay but what if I don't find him?" I asked him another question which he sighed at. But it was necessary.

"You will. The last thing I have to tell you is that the first book is in that tree over there." He pointed to on in the far right Hand corner and I nodded, my gaze noticing a familiar book, perched on the lower branches. And when I turned back, he was gone. I gulped, okay Sophie, you need to make sure you find Luke. I instructed myself, trying to motivate myself with the image of Luke in my head.

I walked over to the tree reached out and grabbed the book. Opening the hard back cover, I noticed a small folded note made out of a bit of pink paper. I unfolded it, a smile lighting up my face as I read it.

'Hey Sophie, I guess you found the first note huh?

I just want you to know that no one has ever made me feel as happy as you do. You seriously have the personality that could make anyone happy in their worst days and I admire that the most about you.

The next note is five steps forward, the first tree on your right.

I can't wait to see you,

Love Luke'

I smiled at his adorable words and how his handwriting was scribbled in such a messy way, it made my heart melt with delight. This wasn't as scary and as nerve wracking as I thought it would be. Now I couldn't wait to find the next note. I put the note back into the book, and took it with me as I headed forward.

I could tell that these notes where going to be more precious to me than any fancy bit of jewellery or maybe even anything someone could buy me.

I found the next note, taking it out the book I unfolded it.

'Your beautiful you do know that don't you? I don't think I tell you often enough.

Your emerald eyes are so clear and hold so much emotion, they're the same colour of this forrest precisely why I planned our date here.

And don't even get me started on everything else about you. To me, you are the definition of perfect. Never think or let anyone tell you otherwise.

The next note is about seven or so steps to your right, in the big tree with lots of leaves.

Love, Luke.'

My throat dried up at his compliment, I had never been one to take them so graciously. I knew if he complimented me once more that I probably wouldn't be able to hold back these tears of joy that where threatening to spill out.

My eyes then landed on the love, Luke. No that couldn't mean what I wanted it to. He was probably using it as an expression, not really meaning it. But that didn't stop my heart from pounding at the possibilities that, that four lettered word could bring.

I grabbed that book too and followed the directions the not told me to go in. Just as Luke had wrote, there was a huge lead covered tree and I could see the edge of the book sticking out. I took the book out and eagerly unfolded the third note.

'You liking the notes? I'm sorry if they're rubbish, I'm not that good at expressing my emotions, but I should be, especially when it comes to you. So instead of telling you I wrote everything thing I want you to know. I hope that's okay.

Anyway, you are the most comfortable person in this planet. That's sounds weird I know but hear me out. From holding your hand to being in your arms, I get this intense amount of comfort that I didn't think was possible.

Thank you for that, you don't know how much the smallest gesture mean to me.

The next note is a a small walk, about ten steps to your right in the tree that's pretty short. You'll find it with ease.

Love, Luke'

I was all chocked up as I read that. My heart hammering against my chest. Little did he know that I felt the same way about every single thing he had wrote. I sighed, my head spinning at the amount of happiness I was feeling, the wide smile hasn't disappeared of my face since I read the first note.

I ran, not caring if it messed up my hair to the small tree Luke had told me to go to. The books in my arms, never would I ever let go of them.

I found the next book with ease, hurriedly taking out the small piece of pink paper. I still couldn't get over how messy Luke's hand writing was. I had never imagined his handwriting like that but either way, I loved it.

'Okay so this is the second last note. I hope they all brought that smile I crave to see everyday, so much, on your face.

I miss you.

Even when I know we're in the same building or even streets apart, I always miss you. And I don't think I can or will ever stop missing you. Your a part of me that if I lost, I couldn't live with it.

Sorry if that sounds a bit mushy, but it's the truth.

The last note, is a bit further ahead, ten or so steps forward and the large tree on your right.

Love, Luke.'

I didn't waste anytime, wanting to be in Luke's arms more than anything in the world. I folded the most treasurable note and placed it carefully back in the book, my heart busting with joy.

I sprinted across the silent wood to the tree that held the last note. The books where getting heavier in my arms but it didn't matter. All that mattered was getting to Luke, as fast as I could.

When I found the book, I noticed it was put up a little bit higher than I could reach. I gulped, I needed to get that note.

I thought for a second, after trying my hardest to reach it. Thinking outside the box, I placed the books down on the leaf covered ground, and stood on them.

I was a genius.

I didn't mind getting them a little dirty, the note from Luke mattered to me so much more. I finally took the book out of the branch it was perched in, feeling my heart flutter in anticipation.

Opening the book, my fingers shook slightly as I unfolded the note.

'I promise you baby, this isn't the last note, so if your disappointed please don't be. I've actually written quite a few but I'm waiting for the right time to give them to you.

But for now, I want you to know how much I appreciate having you as my soulmate.

I know it was strange at first, we where so different but then I realised we where actually the same, just two halves that needed to be put together.

Id lose it all, you know.

Just to see you happy, id lose it all and even then I wouldn't care. I just need you to know how much you matter to me, your the only person I'll ever need in my life and I believe that we can make it through every obstacle that comes between us, you just need to stay strong beautiful and I'll be here to protect you and keep you safe through everything, I promise okay.

Now I'm sorry if I've kept you waiting but you can finally find me and our date location.

Just keep on walking forward.

Love, Luke.'

I let the tears I had been compressed in my eyes fall. Coming there way down my cheek they fell on the note. I gulped trying to calm myself down, there was really no words to describe how beautiful Luke was. I briefly closed my eyes, bring up my hand and wiping my cheeks.

I nearly folded the note back up and tucked it back into the fifth book. I picked the others of the floor as hurricane flew through my mind, I needed Luke.

I grabbed all the books, pressing them to my chest as I ran forward. My tears where still falling as I ran widely past the trees, making sure I didn't trip up on any twigs or branches.

I nearly froze on the spot when Luke emerged behind the trees, directly in front of me. I had to blink twice, thinking I was imagining him being there but I wasn't. My heart continued to hammer, bursting into a firework inside my chest.

I dropped the books, running and crashing into him, gripping onto his body to keep me from falling apart in his arms with the amount of happiness and delight I was feeling.


Hey guys, I nearly cried while writing this. Hoped you guys enjoyed it tooooo? If u did tell me in the comments.

Sorry for not updating in forever, I had a pretty busy week with Christmas and all. Speaking of Christmas, hope you all had a wonderful time.

Omg I love talking to u guys on Twitter. I have the best readers like ever. Join in the conversations @Lukes_haribo

Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT X

-Nisha x

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