Billionaire's Toy

By Archsxz

150K 4.4K 1.5K

Would you go against your pride and dignity in exchange of money? "I told you stay away from us. From me, did... More

Chapter | I
Chapter | II
Chapter | III
Chapter | IV
Chapter | V
Chapter | VII
Chapter | VIII
Chapter | IX
Chapter | X
Chapter | XI
Chapter | XII
Chapter | XIII
Chapter | XIV
Chapter | XV
Chapter | XVI
Chapter | XVII
Chapter | XVIII
Chapter | XIX
Chapter | XX
Chapter | XXI
Chapter | XXII
Chapter | XXIII
Chapter | XXIV
Chapter | XXV

Chapter | VI

7.4K 223 54
By Archsxz

Few Days Later,
Charles' Apartment;

"Aargh.." Charles groaned, slamming his hand on the ringing phone hard. For the past few days, Milliard had been bugging him about his so called offer. He called for the third time this morning already. Thankfully, it's Saturday and he have no classes. Feeling no motivation to even move, he just snuggled on the thin fabric.

And when the phone rang once again, it was when Charles turned it off and three it on a drawer in his nightstand. He had been exhausted since that day when he encounter Eunice. Never got to rest.

Also, his 'friend' Jordan likes staying at his place too much. Most of the time, he spent his dinners with Charles, sometimes sharing his food with him. Even though the guy is annoying and pushy, Charles can't deny the fact that he likes his company for the least.

"Bro! Cheesebunn!" Someone called out, knocking at Charles' door twice.

Charles groaned once again, rolling on his stomach and completely ignoring Jordan's annoying voice and knocks. It's like 7 in the morning; does this guy have nothing else better to do?

The knocking continues, each time getting louder and louder to the point that it's making Charles' eardrums ring in pain.


"Airhead, you're gonna break my door!" Charles scratched one eye open and he slowly opened the door. "And stop calling me cheesebun or i'll strangle you till you turn purple."

"Eh? Why not? I think 'Cheesebun' is pretty cute." That nickname came from yesterday, when he noticed Charles' addiction to the pastry. It wasn't actually an addiction, but it's the only thing he ate from the seven options Jordan bought.

Charles put on a dead look, his eyes below halfway open. He looked stressed. Obvious dark circles under his eyes and very pale looking face. His untamed hair is a minus too.

"Have anythin' to do today? Wanna hangout? Like, out out?" Jordan asked, barging in with two paper bags in hand. "I hate this dreadful life. Literally so boring. When i tell you none is happenin', there's literally none."

"Mine is uneventful too but i'm not complaining. I like it this way." Charles grumbled, slowly slipping back to his bed and throwing the covers over his entire body.

"Yours wouldn't be if you would accept that guy's offer." Jordan wiggled his eyebrows, hitting Charles' elbow playfully. "You say they give you monthly allowance and payment, right? That's bunch of money. Five thousand, was it? Just for being a fake boyfriend? Like damnn.."

"You interested? I can refer you. Gotta say, they'll announce it on public too. Five thousand isn't enough to make me want my name dragged in a dirty puddle of liquefied gold."

"C'mon, it can't be that bad. Besides, dirty gold is still gold." Jordan snickered, snatching something from the bag he's carrying and tossing a bag of chocolate filled crackers to Charles. "Just sayin'; if you need a bodyguard, i'm more than qualified."

"The liquefied gold i'm referring is mud colored in yellow. Like i said, if you're interested, i can refer you." Charles grabbed the crackers and placed it on the drawer. "Please don't chew too loud. I'm not in the mood to yell at you."

"M'kay, sorry." Jordan apologized, toning his volume down. In the absence of the unnecessary noise, Charles sighed in relief. He shifted a little to make himself comfortable in the bed, all while Jordan is sitting on the floor beside his bed eating.

He's close to dozing off, when the loving silence was once again broken. He groaned, throwing the sheets off his face to peek one eye open and give Jordan a death stare. Jordan stared back innocently, confused.

"Dude, it's not me! Someone's on your door~"

"Then why don't you do me a favor and check it for me? Be useful for once." Charles mumbled, throwing the sheets over his exposed head.

"Ok~! Why you gotta be so cranky about it?" Jordan complied and stood up, approaching the soft knocks from the door. Upon opening, he was greeted by seemingly a middle age couple. "Hmm? Excuse me?"

"Oh, sorry. I think we got the wrong room." The man quietly apologize, looking around with a sigh.

"But the clerk said 026?" The woman days, looking past Jordan. Since the apartment isn't that huge, Charles' figure wasn't that hard to find.

"Uhm by any chance, do you know him?" The man asked Jordan, showing him his phone with a picture displayed on the screen. "We've been trying to reach out to our son but he's unreachable at the moment. His name is Charles Monroe."

"Oh?" Jordan tilted his head. On the phone, was indeed Charles. A little young, like prepubescent young, but still recognizable. "Cheesebu--"

"Call me that one more time and i'll slaughter you! I've been wanting to murder lately, You wouldn't want to be the first!" Charles stated, standing up with the blanket still all over him.

"Charles, my baby!" The jolly woman ran past Jordan and hugged the not looking good male. Charles was embarrassed, to say the least. Jordan looked very uncomfy too. "Why do you look like you haven't showered for weeks? Oh gosh, are you sick?"

"Oh.." Shit "..Mom, hi..? Uhm, you didn't tell me you're coming..?" Charles said with surprised expression, eyeing Jordan on the back and signalling him to leave.

"We could've told you if you answered any of our calls. Suddenly went missing? We're so worried." His dad chimed in. Charles sighed at his firm tone, eyes wandering around to avoid his father's.

"Uh, i'll get juice for everyone..?" He excused himself, planning to rush out of the situation with a donut in his hand. "I'll be back..!"

"Who is he?" Charles' father wondered, watching Jordan walk out.

"Goodness gracious, I thought something bad happened to you!" The woman hugged Charles tighter to the point that it started cutting his oxygen supply. "Why aren't you answering your phone? Did we do something to upset you?"

"What? Mom, no. phone broke. Sorry." Charles awkwardly scurried back from his mother, eyes setting on his father who's been looking around his place. "Uh, do you need anything? Sorry, it's kinda messy here. I haven't clean up since...i don't remember when but it's not long ago..?"

He started shuffling around, tossing everything in his drawers. His dad sighed, sitting on his unmade bed while staring wearily on his panicky son.

"No, we're fine...but you, are you okay? It's not even a year yet you seem like you're already suffering hard. Are you eating regularly? You've gotten a lot thinner! And you look sleep-deprived--!"

"Jean, stop. You're overreacting." He scolded his wife, also giving Charles a warm smile that is enough to ease him a little. Invitingly, he tapped on the space beside him. "Come here."

Charles complied. Though a bit nerved still, he find their presence comforting. His father threw his arm around his shoulders, ruffling his wild hair onto every directions.

"I didn't tell her anything. She panicked since you can't be reached." He whispered, a faint smile plastered on his serious-looking face. Thus, also symbolizing the relief he's feeling right now, seeing his son seemingly fine.

"I heard that, Richard. What are you two hiding from me?" Jean narrowed her eyes at the both of them, feeling a very light pang of jealousy from being left alone.

"Actually, i don't know a thing too." Richard admitted, facing Charles with a questioning look. "Have you packed your things yet?"

"Hey, hold on. Pack? Why?" Jean asked, confused. Yet, her husband didn't dare to speak a word since he felt like he wasn't in the place to say something. And even if he want to, he probably still can't since he don't know much besides the last conversation he had with Charles on the phone.

"Oh, um...About that..." Charles stumbled upon words. "Sorry for worrying you two. I promise, i'm fine. And about that, dad... I think it's better for me to stay here..? I mean, i don't want to bother you guys--"

"No, you'll never be a bother! So, should we helped you pack or you already had it all figured out?" Jean jumped in with a very wide beam, not even trying to hide a single ounce of her excitement. Come to think of it, she's never been fond with the idea of her son living this far away from them. Even how old he gets, he's always gonna be her little boy. "I told you, you should've gone to that university near our town. You wouldn't need to stay on this crappy apartment and the school grounds and faculty there is better, too. I mean, we just drove pass that university you're going to and it's really disappointing. Why torture yourself with bad decisions?"

"...but i'm doing fine, aren't I?"

"Really? Doesn't seem like it." Jean clicked her tongue. "And even if you're doing 'fine', you're gonna face troubles sooner or later. Just look at yourself. You look bad."

"Okay, chill. Let the kid have a break. Didn't we talked about this before we left?" Richard defended Charles, though slightly scared of the threatening frown plastered on his wife's beatiful face.

"...Fine, I'll finish this semester then i'll transfer there...if that's what you want. Not now, though.." Charles admitted, which didn't please the woman. "Sorry for freaking you out, dad. I just really needed someone to talk to."

"It's fine. Remember, we'll always be here for you." Richard smiled sweetly, squeezing Charles' shoulders. " want to talk about it?"

"" Charles sneakingly peeked at his mother, who's been staring at him disapprovingly the whole time. "Sorry--"

"I missed my favorite series for this, hun. C'mon, make it at least worthy." Jean frowned. "You've been very distant lately. What are you keeping from us?"

"Honey, calm down. We don't need to be all caught up. Let him breathe." Richard sighed. He's sure somethings bugging Charles' head. Not only the call but; he wouldn't admit but Charles does looks restless and drained. "She haven't eaten anything since yesterday evening. You know how she is when her stomach is empty."

"Yeah that's probably it." She pressed her lips onto a thin line and plastering it with a sarcastic smile, also rolling her eyes at her husband before turning around to search. "Do you have any food here?"

"Uh, i think...Just check the cabinets...or the fridge." Charles said, unsure. Though, he's pretty sure he had nothing besides what Jordan brought in.

While she's on it, Richard took the opportunity to speak up. "Hey, you sure you're alright? You seem pretty tense.."

"I'm fine.." He muttered, staring at her mother rummaging through his stashes.

"You know, she's just worried. Don't take what she's saying to heart. We can talk somewhere else, without her, if you prefer?"

"Can we? I'm just worried how she'll react..."

"Hmm, must be that big of an issue if you're scared she'll know.." Richard mindlessly muttered before pulling Charles' wrist. "Hon, we're gonna buy breakfast. We'll be back soon. Want anything specific?"

"It's not really that big...I just overreacted on the phone..." Charles mumbled low to himself.

"Nothing. Just get me some coffee. Two sugar, hmm?" She informed, waving her hand dismissively. "Don't take too long, okay?"

Richard nodded and walked towards the closed door. Both of them walked out, planning to get down to the first floor and chit chat only to come across Jordan.

"Okay, i know i said juice but they got none down there so i got coffees. Please don't sue me if it doesn't fit your taste. I don't know how you like it." He was handling four coffee cups, two at each hand hanging in a thin cardboard. "Also, there's this girl on the café down the street--Ah, goodmorning sir~" He bowed his head a little, carefully grasping on the coffee straps. "--and she be flirting with the barista so hard that the orders piled u--"

Charles gratefully took the coffe cups, leaving one for Jordan himself. "Thank you, i'll pay you later."

"No need! Oh, and yo' 'boyfriend' is there again. Seem like the other guy is searchin' for ya' too. He might come up here--"

"Did i heard you right? Boyfriend?" He has a skeptical look, confused about the words he heard and thinking he might need to check his hearing. "Is this what you want to tell me?"

"No, dad please don't misunderstand--"

"Oh, Mr Monroe!" A very loud greeting joined the conversation. From Jordan's behind, was Milliard walking up to them waving with a folder in hand. "Can I have a word with you?"

"And who are you?" Richard questioned.

Charles was startled; which question should i answer first? Jordan saw his struggle yet he had no intention to be involve so instead of helping his friend get out of the situation, he kept his head low and walked away back to his apartment.

"Ah, i'm Mil--"

"Dad, can you wait back at my room? I'll handle this." He handed the coffee straps to his father, motioning him to go. Yet, the former Mr Monroe was hesitant.

"Was he the tenant? Are you having troubles financially? You can always come to us."

"I know, i'll keep that in mind...but this isn't about money." Charles sighed, facing Milliard who's patiently waiting with a bright façade. "I'll be back in no time."

Charles harshly tugged on Milliard's suit, waiting no answer from his father. He dragged him on the stairs empty of people.

"How many fucking times do i have to repeat that i don't want anything to do with that fucker, huh?" He hissed, although Milliard remained unfazed. "I rejected you several times already!"

"But you haven't even seen a page of the contract, hmm?" He lent Charles the folder he's holding. "Why don't you take a look then decide?"

"You know my answer will remain no, so why bother wasting time on this long shit?" Without any hesitation, he pushed the files to Milliard's chest hard. "Why don't you just stop? You're just wasting your time~"

"I'm not the most patient man, Mr Monroe. But if you really don't want to see the contract..."

Charles wasn't sure, but he know something is off with the smile carved on his face. His smiles we're usually warm and inviting despite being fake. Though, this;

"How about this; let's forget about the contract...but hear me out, hmm?"


"Where is Charles?"

"Ah, he just wen't to pick something up." Richard dropped the coffee cups to the table, handing his wife one. Though he hated the idea of leaving his son on that poshed looking man, he also can't deny that Charles is a grown man. "Umm, honey.."

"Yeah?" She asked, taking a sip of the offered coffee. "Pfft, ew. Why is this so bitter?"

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to add the sugar, here." He passed her two packets just like she what she said earlier, sitting across the small table. "Um, i'm just any chance, do you think our son is...?"

Not really know how to put his thoughts into words, he just flicked his hand and flailing it a little.

"..what..?" She copied his hand gesture, confused. She stared at it for a short second, before grasping the message. "What do you" She did the hand gesture again. "That?"

"That." He nodded.

"What do you mean? He's not...wait, is he actually?" She asked, pouring the sugar packets to her coffee.

"Well, i'm not really sure remember the boy here before? The one that opened the door." To think of it, they don't really know who he is until now. "He mentioned that someone is looking for him. His boyfriend, to be specific."

"Boyfriend? We're literally just talking about that annoying girl a few days ago.."

"I don't know, too. I mean, i'm sure i heard boyfriend but i could be wrong. If he is indeed gay, or whatever he considers himself as, that would explain why he haven't shown any interest in anyone other than Eunice...but if that's the case, then why is he.."

"Maybe he's trying to suppress it? I mean, i never really liked that Eunice so not gonna lie, i'm a little delighted."

"That's awful, Jean. You shouldn't talk about people like that." Almost twenty minutes, yet still no Charles showing up. Richard is starting to feel uneasy. "Let's just not assume stuff. He should be back any moment now."

"You started it." Peacefully sipping from her cup, Jean is completely unfazed with the assumption thinking; so what? "Oh, there he is!"

"...sorry i took quite much time, i bought stuff..."

"No problem, we're actually in the middle of an interesting talk." She smiled overly sweet, as if she hadn't been thinking irrational earlier. She watched him pull out a few products, including a box of pasta and cheese. "So...when are we gonna meet this boyfriend of yours?"

"...what?" Charles expected this but despite coming in prepared, he can't help but be tensed and aggravated.

"Oh, come on. You don't have to be all worked up! Men are trash but gays are wonderful! Oh, and~ no offense Richie~ but most of the gays i've met are so fine~"

"Noo~" Richard whined, banging his head to the table softly. "Are you talking about those actors in the film you're watching? They're not even gay, it's just acting."

"Still! If you saw one of their kissing scenes you would've flipped. That's how hot it is!" She defended, raising a determined fist. "And you. You're not getting out of this one easily. We'll not leave unless we meet your mystery guy."

"Shh, don't pressure him." He said in a scolding manner, before clearing his throat and facing Charles. "Don't listen to this crazed woman. You're free to introduce him to us whenever you feel like it. No worries."

"...okay..?" That's not what he expected. Though, he's thankful since it'll make it easier to accomplish his tasks without them interfering. "So you're okay with it..?"

"Of course!" Jean chirped cheerily. "I'm so proud, and you found yourself a boyfriend! I'm glad i have someone to share my dreams and fantasies now. Your dad is so boring, he won't even watch that series with me!"

"Because it's too cheesy. And i'm simply just not into bi love films." Richard had this look on his face, Charles could've laughed at it if the topic wasn't this serious. "I'm fine with you, too. I just wish you didn't hide it from us. You could've told us sooner."

"Uhuh, we'll be fine with it either way." Jean shrugged, "So about this boyfriend of yours, do you have a picture? I'm curious, i wanna see."

"...ah, most of it we're saved on my old i don't think i can show you anything.." He explained slowly. Jean might've bought it, but Richard sensed this uncertainty in his voice. "Don't worry, you'll meet him soon."

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