Town Witch

By Tasergirl

219K 6.6K 4.3K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Wreak Havoc
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Making It Work

3.1K 116 54
By Tasergirl

Elena couldn't help but stare as Bonnie and Zoe laughed together, Zoe showing Bonnie an over the top dress with feathers all over it. As far as how Bonnie was handling taking care of the girl, she was doing a good job of it, like she was born to be a mom.

Elena couldn't help but be jealous. She always wanted a family, now she wasn't sure if she'd ever get it. The man she loved was a vampire and so was the man she was beginning to have unwanted feelings for. She felt like she was screwed.

She supposed she knew at some point the subject would come up. Elena wanted a family of her own and it wasn't like she wanted to be a vampire either. Looking at what Bonnie was getting made her wonder where her life was going now. She hadn't had much time to think about it before with one life threatening thing happening after another but now it was being shoved in her face.

"You okay?" Caroline says coming up behind the brunette. She saw Elena staring at Bonnie and Zoe, a look of longing on her face. It wasn't hard to tell what the doppelgänger had been thinking of. When Rebekah went to grab some strawberry lemonade, Caroline saw her chance to go to Elena.

"Yea I'm fine" Elena tells her, discreetly shaking her head as she turns back to the clothing rack. Caroline just stood in front of her raising an eyebrow. The doppelgänger seeing her friends stubborn face sighed.

"I just- I can't help but be a little jealous" Elena says looking at Bonnie. Caroline could only knit her eyebrows together in confusion. She'd remembered when they were little Elena was a little jealous, kind of arrogant and more than a bit possessive of what she thought was hers but she'd changed a lot since those days. They all have. Besides with everything Bonnie's been through she wasn't sure why Elena would be jealous, Bonnie's had it the worst out of all of them.

"Of what?" Caroline asks gently. Usually it was Bonnie in these situations, playing mediator for the blonde and brunette.

"It's just- Bonnie's forming a family with them, a new family" she says and Caroline begins to understand a bit. "She's practically even got a daughter now, and I'm happy for her, she deserves it but..." she says trailing off and Caroline nods.

"She was ours first" Caroline says and Elena nods softly, looking down.

"You and her, you've always been close but I've been drifting from her for years now. I haven't exactly been the best friend lately what if she doesn't need me anymore" Elena says as she sits on one of the many chairs. Caroline sighs looking at the doppelgänger softly.

"Bonnie will always need us Elena" Caroline says softly as they look at the small witch who was looking at dresses with Zoe. "We've known her since we were babies, we know her better than anyone and we are the ones who will bring her back if she ever looses her way and we've all lost our way once or twice" she says giving Elena a knowing look.

Elena breathes out a soft chuckle and nods softly. Caroline notices the girl still looks deep in though as they watch the 2 witches try on clothes. She raises an eyebrow at the brunette.

"So what else is bothering you?" She asks making Elena look at her in shock. Elena stares at her face for a minute before sighing.

"I'm in love with a vampire, with growing feelings for another vampire" Elena says and Caroline looks at her in confusion before shrugging lightly at her.

"So? Stefan makes you happy and as much as I hate to admit it so does Damon in his own way I mean it's hard but you know you love Stefan" she says faking a shudder as she mentions Damon to make the brunette laugh. She does before letting out a sad breath of air.

"I know, it's just that I won't be able to have the family I always dreamed of" she says softly. After all the family she'd lost, she felt like she needed her own family. It didn't look like that was in the cards for her.

Caroline could only look at the girl, sadness seeping into her own heart. Elena couldn't have kids because she loved the wrong man, Caroline couldn't because of what she was. The blonde was happy as a vampire that much was true, she grew so much because of it and in many ways she was proud of what she'd become, but she couldn't help wanting exactly what Elena was talking about. Her own family. Caroline sighed and took Elena's hand, squeezing it gently.

"There are other options for you, donor, adoption" she tries to console. She's rewarded with a small smile and a nod.

"Yea that's true but I'll still grow old" Elena says softly. Caroline suddenly hit with the fact that she'll have to one day know a life without either of her best friends. They'll both die, leaving her behind to walk the earth alone. It was something she'd always known but never really dwelled on, trying to stay alive for the moment was the most important thing.

"You guys okay?" They hear and look up to see Bonnie looking at them, the worry in her eyes more than obvious. Caroline gave her a reassuring smile, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.

"Yea we're fine, just a little nervous about tonight" Caroline says trying to give the small witch a convincing smile. Bonnie opens her mouth to say something but is cut off.

"Don't worry, it should be a piece of cake, besides I'll be there to make sure things run smoothly" Rebekah says walking up to the girls with a self assured smirk.

"Yes because all of our plans go so smoothly" Elena replied sarcastically making Rebekah roll her eyes at her. In all honesty she was a bit worried, especially with Bonnie's vision but she still thought they'd be able to pull it off. It seemed simple enough.

Word on the street was the Winchester brothers were renowned hunters, having destroyed Azazel gave them a reputation but defeating Lilith and going toe to toe with Lucifer made them a revered name amongst the creatures of night. It surprised her that they hadn't thought to come to Mystic Falls sooner.

"It will this time" Caroline says optimism shining through. They had to.
Dean pulled up to the boutique Bonnie and the girls were, getting out with his brother to approach the witch. Sam was worried about Dean and Bonnie but trusted what Castiel said. Bonnie would never let anything happen to his brother. As they entered a teenage girl came up to them, a flirty smile on her lips.

"Hi there can I help you" she asks leaning in close to them. Dean gives her a smirk, ready to say something when Bonnie pops up behind the young girl.

"Dean? Sam? What are you doing here?" She asks putting down the dress she was holding to go over to them. The blonde who approached them looked irritated at the interruption, but stepped aside anyway.

"We came to get you" Dean says lightly though he felt his heart pick up at the sight of her. She raised an eyebrow at him as Sammy looked between them. He decided to simply sit back and watch them today.

"Why?" She asks pursing her lips in confusion. They both thought it was adorable, though in 2 completely different ways.

"We wanted to um, study something with you" Dean says his eyes going to the young girl who had stepped away but still hadn't left yet. Bonnie turns and finally sees her.

"Oh they're with me, I can take them" Bonnie says grabbing Dean by the arm and walking away from the girl. Sam has to bite back a chuckle as the young girl huffs, looking as if she was ready to stomp her foot, but leaves.

"We're gonna go stake out the campus, get a better read of the situation for tonight" Dean says as he looks back to see Sam following them at a slightly slower pace. The tall man was trying to watch them, Dean realized, having to stop himself from scoffing. What did he think he was gonna find?

"Right now?" The small witch asks to which they nod at her. "And you want me to come with you?" She asks to which Sam nods and steps forward slightly.

"Yea we know it's kind of last minute but we figured since your Grams worked there and you've lived here your whole life you might know something" Sam said knowing Dean would put his foot in his mouth. Bonnie nodded at them.

"Yea I can help, but I have to make sure Zoe gets home okay first" she says and they nod at her, Deans eyes softening at the mention of the kid.

"Yea of course" he says as she walks with them to the back. The girls were all trying on different dresses as they walked into the dressing room area, Zoe even trying one on herself even if she wasn't going to the dance. Dean looked at the small girl and felt his face soften. She was just a kid who'd been through hell. He could understand that.

"Bekah" Bonnie starts as she walks to the blonde who just smiles at her gently.

"I'll take care of her" Rebekah tells her softly as she grabs another dress. Bonnie looks at her gratefully before hugging her.

"You're the best" Bonnie tells her to which the blonde shrugs, a self satisfied smirk on her pink lips.

"I know darling" she says giving the brunette a wink. Bonnie rolls her eyes before turning and walking up to Zoe.

"Hey, um I have to go with them to help make a game plan for tonight" Bonnie says to Zoe who's face falls slightly. She recovers quickly though, plastering on a fake smirk and trying to shrug nonchalantly.

"It's cool" she says before she's hugged by Bonnie.

"I'll be back home soon, maybe we can eat popcorn and watch movies tomorrow night" Bonnie asks Zoe who's face lights up as it had been before. Caroline squeals happily. Dean had to shake his ear out as the blonde vampire screamed right into it.

"Oohhh girls night yes!" She says clapping her hands together. Bonnie turned to smile affectionately at the blonde before looking towards Rebekah who just shrugged.

"I can have one of the sitting rooms in the mansion ready for us by tomorrow at 9"she says to which Bonnie smiles before looking back at Zoe.

"Sounds good with me" Zoe says trying to play it off. Bonnie smiles and nods at her softly.

"Okay I'll see you guys later then" she says before leaving with the hunters. As Bonnie walked out of the boutique door, Elena looked at the other girls in the room.

"I can't be the only one noticing Dean right?" She asked pointing a thumb over her shoulder at the trio that just left. Caroline looks at her in confusion as Rebekah stops sorting through the clothing rack.

"Come on, it's obvious he likes Bonnie, and that's at the least. Have you seen how he looks at her?" Elena says raising an eyebrow, Caroline just shrugs at her.

"I mean they were married in their past lives, maybe it had something to do with that" Caroline says making Rebekah nod her head. She didn't doubt Bonnie's feelings for either of her brothers were true, she wouldn't have lead either of them on for nothing. Though it did seem Dean and Bonnie had some unfinished business to take care of. Hopefully nothing too dreadful came of it.

"Bonnie Bennett can handle Dean Winchester" Rebekah says simply before they all went back to trying on various clothes, being teenagers.
Bonnie exited the back of the Impala as they finally got to their destination, the only sound on the way over was Black Sabbath. Bonnie had to admit she did not hate his choice in music, he even noticed her bumping along to some of the songs.

"Okay so the entrance to Grams exhibit is over here" Bonnie says as they make their way through packs of students. In all honesty Bonnie couldn't wait to come here next year, it felt good to have something to look forward to, that had to do with a real life.

As the trio got to the exhibit they were pleased to find it open and mostly empty, the only people a group lead by a tour guide with shiny blonde hair and long legs.

"Sheila Bennett was an Occult Studies professor in her time working here but contributed so much more than just her teaching skills, which were impeccable" the guide says and Bonnie recognizes her as one of Grams students her last year alive. She was pretty smart if she remembered correctly, really nice too.

"She was a civil rights activist and a devote feminist, traveling all over the world fighting for the rights of people everywhere" the girls says to which Bonnie smiles softly. This was her first time coming here since the place opened.

"Bonnie?" She hears and turns to see Dean looking at her in worry, she realizes then her eyes started to tear up. Shaking her head she blinks the tears away and smiles.

"Sorry, um the spear head should be over here" she says walking up to the glass encased artifacts that Grams found on her travels. She traveled a lot before finally settling down with her grandfather.

After Abby turned 18 and went off to college they traveled some more, it was only when Bonnie was born that they settled down in Mystic Falls indefinitely.

"Wait this is your Grams, Sheila Bennett?" Sam asks pointing to a picture of her Grams teaching a seminar. Bonnie nods at him, confusion written all over her face at his outburst.

"She was a guest lecturer at Stanford, we had a long talk about the supernatural"he said smiling at Bonnie who could only smile back at the tall man. Seems like her Grams knew everyone.

"Really?" she asked causing him to nod at her, a soft smile on his face. Dean looked on at them in amazement. It seemed everything was coming around full circle here. He walked past the two to get a look at the picture Sam pointed to.

"Yea she told me a lot, even helped me pick out the perfect ring to propose with" he says a far off look on his face. Bonnie frowns, Sam hadn't mentioned anything about a wife or fiancé, not even a girlfriend. Before she can say anything Dean's eyebrows knit together.

"Hey I met her once too" Dean says tapping on the glass once. They both look at him with raised eyebrows.

"Well I used to check up on you sometimes, we were in a diner near your school, we actually talked for a long time" Dean says softly as he remembered her smell of cinnamon and vanilla, the fondness in his voice made Bonnie smile once more.

Grams always did have stories of the people she met one place or another, she shouldn't be so surprised that Grams knew so many people. Though it did make her wonder just how long this was in the making, and how her Grams fit in with everyone.

"Hey guys, check this, I think I found it" Sam says walking up to a heavily guarded case. A velvet rope separated it from the rest of the room and it hung near the top. 2 security cameras pointed at it at different intervals and a security guard sat by door near it.

"Why is it so heavily guarded?" Dean asks. Bonnie makes a face as she looks up at the piece of history.

"I don't think that's what they're worried about" Bonnie says as she takes a step closer, gazing intently into the encasement. "I think that it" she says pointing quickly to a scabbard. The whole thing looked as if it was made of pure gold, with intricate designs on both the blade and case.

"Your Grams found that?" Dean asks as he looks at it in shock, Bonnie can only nod at the hunter.

"Yea and I have a feeling we need to take that too"
As the trio was leaving the school, Bonnie's stomach growled loudly, causing the boys to look at her amused. She shrugged slightly at the boys.

"I'm hungry" she says defensively. Dean chuckles at her softly before shrugging himself, a smirk on his lips.

"I like a girl that can eat" he says as he opens the door for her. Bonnie feels herself blush slightly, but nods and whispers a soft thank you to him. Sam raises an eyebrow at the scene but doesn't say anything as he locks eyes with his brother who simply shrugs, as if he always held doors open for people.

Getting to the grill Bonnie moves to give a quick peck on the cheek to Matt, who was working once again. She wished she could help him more but he was prideful. She told him where she'd be sitting with the Winchester's waiting for the blonde.

As she sat down at a table, the Winchester's sat at either side of her, across from each other. Sam stares at Dean who raised an eyebrow at his little brother. Bonnie has to raise an eyebrow at the both of them. They were acting so weird.

"You guys okay?" She asks before either could answer Sam's phone rang, grabbing his attention.

"Damn, I gotta take this" Sam says rushing out of the grill to pick up his phone. Bonnie raises an eyebrow at Dean who just shakes his head at her before offering a menu. She shakes her head, she knew the thing by heart at this point and takes a sip of the water she grabbed from Matt.

As Bonnie drinks, she sneaks a look at Dean. He is handsome, his green eyes were bright, like something that belonged in a book. There were worry lines on his face here and there but in all honesty she found it attractive, his tanned skin and short hair along with the deep voice, it was easy to see how anyone could fall for him, or someone who looked like him.

His personality also was something she was surprised to find she liked. He was gruff, like someone would be after seeing what they'd seen out on the road hunting monsters. Yet he still had a soft side to him. It showed when he was with his brother, Castiel and even her to an extent.

"Bonnie" she hears letting out a hmm and looks to the hunter she was thinking about. He pointed to the menu.

"Is the pie here good?" He asks and she smiles at him lightly.

"Best in the state" she says proudly, causing him to narrow his eyes at the small witch.

"I'll be the judge of that" he says before putting down the menu, having picked everything he wanted to eat. Bonnie looked at him for a moment before shrugging.

"Dean?" She says his name in question. The hunter looks at her with a raised eyebrow, silently asking 'what' with a small hum. "What did Sam mean by Grams helped him pick out a ring?" She asks making Dean sigh softly. He knew she picked up on that, thankfully she didn't ask Sammy. He knew his little brother still thought of the blonde girl often.

"Sam left us for a couple years, he went to college, got a job and started a new life, away from all of this" he says waving a hand, Bonnie nods at him to let him know she was listening.

"He met this girl, Jess, they were together for a while. They even lived together, he left with me for a weekend to help me find our dad who had gone missing, when we came back she'd already been murdered" he says and Bonnie's eyebrows raise in shock. She knew something had to have happened but she didn't expect that, though with their lives she probably should have.

"Sammy didn't take it too well, she had been murdered by the same demon who killed our mom" he says making Bonnie sigh sadly putting a hand over his. A demon not only killed their mom but the girl Sam wanted to marry, their life was definitely rough.

"I'm sorry" she says honestly. He looked at her and nods softly.

"It was a long time ago" he says trying to shrug it off. Bonnie shakes her head at him, knowing what he was doing. She squeezed his hand lightly before letting out a breath.

"That doesn't really matter when it comes to matters of the heart" she says softly. He chuckles softly as he looks at her.

"Your Grams told me that" he says softly and she smiles at him slightly, shrugging a shoulder.

"Well she did raise me" she says her voice dropping a bit. Dean looks at her, eyes gentle as he does.

"So what happened to your mom and dad" he asks and she sighs a minute softly.

"Well my mom left when I was little, Dad works out of town a lot so it's seldom he's ever in town" she says to him lightly, trying not to show how it actually effects her. He could understand that better than anyone really. No mom and an absent father, he practically wrote the book. It was different for her though, her mom left willingly, his didn't.

"I'm sorry" he says his voice gruff and yet seemed so gentle to her. She smiles slightly at him and nods, figuring he could understand her better than anyone when it came to things like this.

"I'm okay now" she says softly and he gives her a knowing look. She chuckles softly at him before taking a sip of her water.

"You know" Dean starts making her look up at him. "We're not that different, you and me" he says and she smiles at him softly. No they weren't.
Maria Griffith left the bar she works at on weekends. The bar was a hotspot for all the low lives in the city. Mercenaries, thugs, drug lords, everyone was a shitbag. Not that she could say much she wasn't exactly a good person either. She used to be a hired mercenary, granted she only killed if they were horrible people but she still ended their lives. She was good at her job too.

As the woman made her way to her apartment she closed the door and dropped her bag. Taking off her shirt she makes her way to her bedroom before pausing. Swiftly she takes out her gun and points it at the unknown mans head.

"Hello Maria" Castiel says making her narrow her eyes.

"You should knock Castiel" she says lowering her weapon.

Castiel knits his eyebrows together but knocks on the wall beside him twice. Maria chuckles at the angel before turning away, knowing he didn't mean it in a sarcastic way.

"What do you want Cass" she says clicking the safety on and throwing her gun onto the bed. He nods at her softly.

"We're in need of your expertise" he says softly and she shakes her head at him.

"I'm not in the business anymore Castiel you know that, besides why would an angel need a merc?" She says turning to him to which he shakes his head at her.

"Not that expertise" he says as she knits her eyebrows at her.

"My magic?" She asks making him nod. It was true Maria was a witch, but being a servant of Nature and killing didn't exactly go hand in hand. Ever since she started doing mercenary work the spirits had forsaken her, taking most of her magic along with them. She was still a powerful witch but nowhere near as powerful as she once had been. She knew it was buried there somewhere but she didn't have it in her to make her magic stronger. She just felt she didn't deserve it.

"We need you to look through a young girls memory" he says and she shakes her head as she sits, not bothering to put on a shirt before the angel.

"Why?" She asks making him sigh.

"She was kidnapped and held by people who want to bring about the next apocalypse" Castiel says making the witch nod at his explanation.

"She doesn't remember anything? I'll need something to go on" she says softly knowing if they're trying to end the world she has to try at least. Castiel smiles at her softly.

"She remembers bits and pieces but she was drugged for most of it" he explains making her nod at him.

"Alright let me pack a bag" she says grabbing her duffel bag and he nods, smiling at the woman slightly. He always held a certain fondness for the humans who were broken, yet still had good in them. She was definitely one.
Leaving the Grill to look for Sam, who hadn't returned, Bonnie turns to Dean.

"Does he do this often?"she asks to which the green eyed man shrugs lightly.

"Well the last time he did this it was kind of the start of the apocalypse" he says making Bonnie snap her head towards him. He shrugs at her once more.

"We've has a weird last couple years" he says simply to which she just nods, eyebrows raised. Looking around she sees Sam leaning against the wall at the backside of the grill. He looks deep in conversation with someone on the phone. She motions to the giant man as Dean looks her way.

"Found him" she says simply and he nods. Through the window Bonnie sees Matt holding up their stuff in takeout containers. She smiles and walks back inside, telling Dean she'll be back in a moment.

Matt smiles at her softly as she approaches the counter, making her raise an eyebrow at the blonde bartender.

"What?" She asks suspiciously, he just chuckles at the small with.

"Nothing I'm just wondering how your other suitors are handling your reincarnations husband following you around like a lost puppy" Matt says playfully making Bonnie's jaw drop in shock. She closes it quickly before shaking her head at him.

"He does not follow me around like a lost puppy" she says grabbing a fry and popping it into her mouth, she was starving. Matt looks at her dubiously.

"Sure Bon" he says causing her to roll her eyes. He raises an eyebrow but shakes his head instead of continuing. It was just like Bonnie not to realize when she had a guys attention. She had no idea how desirable she really was.

As someone who looked at her as a little sister it was kind of a blessing, she got her heart broken way less than Caroline or Elena did but still he couldn't see how she didn't notice. Changing the subject he leans on the counter.

"So?" He prompts making her tilt her head at him.

"So?" She asks back making him roll his eyes and head simultaneously.

"So, how is Klaus taking this? Any sudden urges to massacre the whole town?" He asks making her roll her eyes at him.

"No, Klaus understands we need their help" she says. In all honesty she was proud of the hybrid, at this point she expected limbs to be ripped off. "He's actually been really amazing with everything"

"And Elijah?" Matt asks trying to mask his surprise at Klaus being on his best behavior not wanting to jinx anything. Bonnie shrugs lightly at her childhood friend.

"Things have been so crazy I've barely seen, or even talked to Elijah" she says softly making Matt look at her warmly.

"You have no idea how to handle this do you?" He asks her making the girl pout at him slightly. The sight makes him chuckle, he missed seeing her be playful. He missed seeing her so full of life.

"Well Bonnie I've known you my whole life, I know you'll make the right decision" he says softly and she smiles at him, kissing his cheek quickly.

"Thanks Matty" she says before walking out. He smiles at her as she walks towards the Winchester's car. His friend was changing, he could only hope she was becoming happier. He spent the last few years unable to do anything for his friends, he'll be damned if he let Bonnie down though.

Bonnie looks at Dean as he pretends to play the drums in the air, leaning into the Impala she raises a brow.

"Having fun?" She asks to which he hops out of the window and onto the roof of the car, singing to 'eye if the tiger'.

"Its the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight" he sings gesturing from his eyes to Bonnie. Bonnie's eyes widen as he continues to sing.

"Dean, no stop" she says holding a hand up but he just continues singing. She can't help the laugh that bubbles out of her at the sight of him. He stands on the window as he belts out the chorus, making Bonnie worry for him, what if he fell?

"You're crazy" she says chuckling as she hands him the bag of food, he grabs it and sits on the hood of the Impala before gesturing for her to do the same. He takes out their food as she climbs up, smiling as she struggles.

"Yea well you're tiny" he says making her glare at him.

"Or maybe you're just a giant" she retorts making him roll his eyes at her.

"No Sammy is a giant, I'm average height and you are as tiny as a fairy" he says making her roll her eyes before she looks at him.

"Are fairies real?" She asks and he nods at her as he takes a bite of his sandwich.

"Yes and they're real dicks too" he says making her laugh before taking a bite of her own burger.

"You guys are so weird" she says as Sam comes up to them. Dean throws him his burger as the giant man leans against the side of the car, taking a big bite.

"Good news?" Bonnie asks making Sam nod into his food.

"Yea actually, Castiel said Maria Griffith agreed to come" he says making Bonnie smile. She nods happily as she takes another bite of her food.

"Where the hell is he gonna put her?" Dean asks making Bonnie frown. She hadn't thought of that. Obviously they couldn't all stay in that one hotel room, besides they didn't know how long they were gonna stay.

"I have an idea" she says softly.
As Bonnie steps out of the Impala and into her Grams house the Winchester's follow her. Castiel called Sam and told him they were on their way back with the witch that was supposed to help them.

Bonnie offered to use Grams house since Grams left it to her before she died. It was under her dads name until her 18th birthday in 3 weeks.

"You're sure it's okay that we stay here?" Sam asks as they walk inside. Bonnie rolls her eyes at him affectionately.

"Yes Sam I'm sure" she says as she takes a deep breath. The house still smells like Grams, cinnamon and vanilla.

"Thanks Bonnie" Dean says as they bring in their duffle bags. It makes the small witch a bit sad to think their whole lives fit in there. Shaking her head from the thoughts she motions for them to follow her.

"Come on, I'll show you guys to your rooms" Bonnie says softly as she walks up the stairs, the boys following closely behind her. Opening the door to the guest room Grams kept just in case she motions to Sam.

"You can have this one Sammy" she says. The tall man makes a face at her, but smiles softly. As he begins to set down his stuff she motions for Dean to follow her.

There was only one more guest room other than the one she put Sam in, that would go to the new girl that was coming with Cass. Dean she trusted with something far more personal.

"You can stay here" she says as they walk in. The room is littered with school books and trophy's while posters of bands hung on the walls.

She blushed a bit as he looked at a photo of her, Caroline and Elena in their cheerleading uniforms. They had just won state championships and it was only their first year as cheerleaders. They thought life could only get better from there.

"Was this your room?" He asks and she nods slightly. The elder Winchester makes a face at her before shaking his head. "I can sleep downstairs" he says making Bonnie shake her head at him.

"No you won't, you'll stay in this room because there is only one more room the other girl can stay in and I trust you a hell of a lot more than I trust someone I don't even know" she tells him putting a hand on his chest to stop him from leaving. He looks at her softly for a second before nodding.

"Alright" he says setting his bag down by the door. "I won't touch anything" he tells her making her smile at him lightly.

"I know Dean, I trust you"
Getting back Bonnie realized it was only about 4 hours till showtime. The small witch got out of her car and went into the Mikaelson mansion, where Finn greeted her at the door. The girl smiled at him softly.

"Hi Finn" she says her voice low as she looks at him. He smiles at her in greeting.

"Hello Bonnie, I assume you will be looking for Rebekah?" He asks knowing the girls decided to get dressed together. She smiles at him and nods.

"Yea is she in her room?" She asks the original who nods in affirmation. She smiles brightly at him, squeezing his hand as she passes by the man. "Thanks Finn" she says not noticing the way his eyes follow her up the stairs.

Getting to Rebekah's room she's surprised to see Rebekah, Zoe, Caroline and Elena all in there. Zoe sat in an armchair eating barbecue chips watching the girls get ready. Elena sat in front of the vanity with Rebekah behind her, curling her hair slightly at the ends, while Caroline was putting on her shoes. Looking up the blonde smiles at her.

"Hey Bon" she calls smiling making the brunette smile back at her. She felt happy to be back with the girls. Soon enough Caroline grabbed her, complaining that she barely had enough time to get the small witch ready before the party. Even though she was sure something would go wrong tonight, she felt happy to be there with her best friends.
Getting out of Rebekah's car Bonnie smiled at her, though she couldn't help the feeling in her gut. Tonight would go wrong. She wasn't sure how but she knew it would.

"Relax Bonnie, everything will be fine" the blonde tells her, seeing her anxiety written all over her face. Honestly it was a wonder the girl ever kept any secrets from anyone, everything showed on her face.

"I just feel....something" she whispers before shaking her head. Rebekah nods, feeling something in the air as well.

"Well it's not only us, we have Derek, Erica and Boyd patrolling and even the Winchester's as backup, not to mention an angel in our back pocket" Rebekah says trying to lift the girls spirits.

In all honesty she hadn't seen or heard from Castiel since her the dinner. He seemed to have an odd fascination with her, she had one with him as well. It wasn't everyday you met an angel.

"I hope you're right" Bonnie says softly as they meet up with the Elena and Caroline at the door.

"Alright, we distract the humans. Bonnie will get the Winchester's inside to get the bloody necklace because she can actually stand them while Klaus pack patrols the area to make sure we're clear to make a break for it" Rebekah says and the girls nod as they walk inside.

Walking down the stairs all the girls look around. The dance was for anyone who was heartbroken. Bonnie gave a smile to the 3 college students that greeted them.

"Hey you guys made it" they hear and turn to see the Duke, Jesse and Brody. A part of Bonnie feels bad for using them like this but she was sure they'd get over it fast enough. They were college boys after all.




"Yea and we hope you don't mind we brought a friend along" Caroline says with her usual bubbly smile, as she gestures to Rebekah. Jesse smiles at them and shakes his head.

"Well depends, you ever got your heart broke Rebekah" Jesse asks making Rebekah smirk at Bonnie, before turning to him.

"More times than you can count" she says and he smiles at her.

"Then welcome to the Bitter Ball, we're all heartbroken here" he says making them laugh. Shaking his head, Brody motions to them.

"You all look great by the way" he says before his eyes land on Bonnie making her smile at him softly.

"Thank you, we always try to dress to impress" Caroline says fluttering her eyes at Duke. The plan tonight was to flirt and cause a distraction, so far Caroline was doing a great job.

"Well you did more than that you ladies are gorgeous" Duke says rubbing the back of his neck shyly. Looking at themselves the ladies had to admit they felt good all dressed up as they were. Mystic Falls had no shortage of parties and balls an such but any reason to dress up made them happy.

"Well would you like to take us to get some drinks then?" Rebekah asks batting her eyes at Jesse. Bonnie and Elena shared a small smirk as the college student stumbled over himself to show them to the drinks.

After handing out jungle juice to everyone Caroline dragged Duke out onto the dance floor and Rebekah did the same with Jesse, though neither boy complained. Bonnie and Elena exchanged a glance before Elena flipped her hair and looked at Brody.

"Hey um, could you show me where the bathroom is?" She asked softly looking up at him with her big doe eyes. Brody smiled at her and nodded, before leading the doppelgänger away with a promise that he'd find Bonnie soon.

Seeing that Rebekah and Caroline were already providing a good distraction by dancing together, Bonnie moved around trying to find an entryway. It wasn't long before she noticed a hallway no one was going into. As she went towards it she bumped into someone.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry" she says putting her hand out to steady the man.

"Oh no, it was my fault really" he tells her. Bonnie shakes her head at him softly.

"I should probably get going" she says throwing her thumb over her shoulder. Before she makes it far he calls out to her.

"I'm Kai" he says making her turn to him, her straightened hair flowing over her shoulders as she does.

"Bonnie" she says smiling at him before looking over her shoulder. She wasn't sure if it was because it was her first time stealing something or what but she felt anxiety fill her stomach. It felt like it was in knots.

"Maybe you could save me a dance" he says putting a hand on her forearm. She smiled at him, trying to make it seem natural as she nodded.

It wasn't that he wasn't handsome, if she didn't have so much going on she would've loved to spend some time talking to him, but she did. Not only that, some of what she had going on was multiple suitors, as Matt called it, that she had no idea what to do with.

"Yea of course, I'll find you later" she says softly before walking off. He watched her go with a smirk on his lips.

"Not if I find you first princess" he says to the air before walking off.

Yay another chapter up☺️ Kai is in the mix gonna shake shit up soon the next chapter is going to spell some trouble because as you know all Mystic Falls parties = trouble lol
I'm gonna post another chapter to the chosen and released soon within the next few days
As always be kind and be safe❤️

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