The Darker One// Once Upon A...

By ilikewarmhugs1235

57.3K 1.2K 165

Reese is the twin sister of the feared, Rumpelstiltskin, and they are both the dark ones. They were unstoppab... More

Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15~ part 1
Chapter 15~ part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 17

1K 30 11
By ilikewarmhugs1235

Reese and Rumple sat there for the next few minutes hugging. Rumple had never seen Reese break down this hard, and it broke his heart.

Has Reese slowly got out of his embrace, she stated, "Well, this is a good time to leave Storybrooke! I need to be in a land without magic, right now. I can't stand being here, right now."

Rumple looked down at his watch and gasped, "I told Emma that we will be picking her up in thirty minutes. We have to start going."



Rumple and Reese stood outside of The Charmings apartment, and Rumple knocked on the door.

Before the door opened, Reese leaned into Rumple's ear and asked, "Remind me again why we needed Emma for this?"

"Well, when was the last time you were in New York City?" Rumple questioned. She responded by slapping him in the arm, and at that moment Emma answered the door.

"Ready to go, Miss. Swan?" Rumpelstiltskin asked the savior. Reese heard Emma say that she was almost ready, and relieved Reese. She really wanted to leave Storybrooke. She's been having a bad feeling ever since she had that conversation with 'Greg'.

Like what even happened? How in the world could she interact with him if he wasn't there? How can that even be possible, and who in the world was he talking to?

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Rumple put his hand on her shoulder. Reese turned to face him and he noticed that her face was starting to become pale. The world around her was going black but then became normal. Her breathing was increasing and she felt like someone was on her chest. Reese didn't know this yet but she was having a panic attack.

"Reese?" Rumple questioned as he walked her over to the couch with the Charmings following them. "Are you okay?"

"I-I-I can't breathe." Reese responded very breathy. "I don't know what's happening to me." She looked over and saw the shadow watching her. Reese turned back to the group and she was pale again.

Tears started forming in her eyes as she was trying to decipher what was happening. Has she gone insane? Is anyone else seeing the shadow?

"She's having a panic attack, Mr. Gold." Emma stated to Reese's twin. "I don't think that taking her to New York will be safe."

Reese, whose eyes were now bloodshot, looked over at Emma and said, "I need to leave this town. I can't stay knowing that," She paused to catch her breath, "that thing is still here." She pointed to the corner where the shadow was standing there. She knew that no one would see the shadow, and she fully intended to be called crazy, but she saw her brother looking over there in complete shock.

"You- you see it?" Reese questioned her brother and she watched as he nodded his head, and now she was more confused. She looked up and saw that everyone else was confused, so it was just the twins who saw it. "Could it be-" 

Rumple looked over at her and gave her a look to make her quiet. "Well, if only we can see it then it has to do with blood magic."

"But then it would make sense-" Reese cut herself off by looking at Rumple. "But we haven't seen- well, in centuries. Why now? Why did it have to make me feel insane?"

"Who?" Emma asked. "Who is making you feel insane?"

Reese looked at the savior and shrugged, "We don't know. We're trying to figure that out because whatever that thing," she pointed to shadow- who was just chilling in a corner- and continued, "is here for... It can't be good and it seemed to have wormed its way into my nightmares, so that's fun."

"Why would it do that?" Rumple asked her, she shook her head. He took her hand in his and faced the Charmings. "Finish getting ready and come down."

"Alright." Emma responded and looked at Henry- who was confused. "Come on, kid. Let's finish getting our stuff together."


"How could he do this to you?" Rumple questioned Reese. "He is supposed to protect you. Not make your life a living hell."

"No, he didn't make my life a living hell; Cade did, and you can't seriously believe that he is the only one who was taking a part in this. I still don't know how he even knows what has been going on in my life. He has been gone for CENTURIES, Rumple. How does the great-"

"We're ready." Emma interrupted as he and Henry came down to the car. She realized that Reese and Rumple were in- what seemed like- an argument and continued by saying, "are we interrupting something?"

"No." Reese responded as she got into the car. She slammed the door shut and that scared Emma and Henry.

"Is she okay?" Henry questioned Rumpelstiltskin. He looked over and saw that Reese was sitting in the car using her magic angrily.

Rumple smiled and said, "She's just been having a rough time lately. I think she'll be okay soon. Bae always made her smile when he was younger, so hopefully he is still able to do that."

"But what if he's not able to do that?"

"Yeah, he hasn't seen her in years. How do you even know if she has a connection with him?" Emma questioned.

"I don't know, Miss Swan. I just want to get my son and my twin back. Is that so hard to ask for? I searched and searched for decades for them both, and I was never able to find either of them. Now, I have my twin back but she's having a rough time and she has never been the kind of person to ask for help, but she desperately needs some. If I could give her some moments of happiness with my son- I will."

"Couldn't she try and have a child of her own?"

"That's complicated, dearie. Plus that isn't my story to tell." He looked down at his watch and said, "we better start heading out."

Rumple opened up his trunk and helped Emma put her and Henry's things in the back. He then closed the trunk and walked over to the driver's seat. Once he got in the car, Reese exhaled.

"Well, you guys took forever to get in the car." Reese responded. "What were you guys even talking about?"

"Nothing, Reese. Can you just hand me Bae's shawl?" Rumple asked his sister. She nodded her head and grabbed the shawl that was in her bag. She wrapped it around his shoulders and smiled.

As they started driving, Emma's son, Henry asked, "So... Where are we going?"

"Logan International Airport." Rumple responded.

"I think he meant after that." Emma responded.

"Let's just take things one step at a time, shall we?"

"You really think that shawl's going to work?"

"Well, if it doesn't, and I revert to my cursed self, we're all going to have some problems. But I think Reese will help you guys back to the Pawnshop, and will try and get my memories back. Right, Rae?" Reese nodded her head, but he could obviously tell that she was worried. He took one hand off of the steering wheel and put it on her hand. "It'll work."

"It better or else I will slap your memories back into your head." Reese laughed. "I can't afford to lose you. Especially since I have also lost Cade as well."

"Didn't Cade abuse you, Reese?" Henry asked. Emma looked at her son in complete

'Awe'. "What? She told me that he abused her."

"Yeah he did, but before that he was such a good man, but I guess he just hid that until I said 'I love you' which sounds really shitty when I say it out loud, but when I fall for someone... I fell for them hard, and leaving Cade just didn't seem like the right thing to do. Plus I have tried to leave him in the past, but he didn't really like that and got very physically violent with me."

Emma saw Henry start to get uncomfortable and tapped Reese on the shoulder and asked, "Can we please stop talking about this? It's starting to upset Henry."

"Well, of course, Emma." Reese responded with an attitude. Rumple looked at Emma in his mirror and saw that she was getting angry at Reese.

"Remember, Miss Swan, Reese has the power to hurt you until we cross that line." Rumple stated.

"Yeah and she has to remember that I have a gun." Emma replied. She was going through her bag to try and find her gun. "Where is my gun?"

"Oh, this thing?" Reese questioned. She had Emma's gun in her hand and the savior was trying to get it, but Reese used her magic to make it disappear.

"Where did it go, Reese?"

"I teleported it back to your apartment. I read in one of Belle's books that you aren't allowed to have a gun with you in an airport; unless you're a cop of course, but I don't think that they'd count you as a cop."

"Can you guys please stop fighting?" Henry asked, clearly starting to get annoyed with the grown ups starting fights.

"Well, of course, Henry. We always have to do what you want, because you are the child in this car." Reese responded.

They pass the 'leaving Storybrooke' sign and a wave of magic passes over Reese and Rumple. There was a brief moment of silence before Emma asked:


"My name is Rumpelstiltskin. And we're gonna find my son." Rumple said.

Reese smiled and replied with, "And I am Reese and I finally have a clear mind after hours of hearing voices, so I am somewhat okay." She turned to face Henry, "Sorry, for my rudeness, Henry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or even make fun of you. You have no idea what it felt like to have all of these thoughts running through your head. It was like I had these powers that I never knew I had, and that made me scared, and I took it out on anyone that let me, and that included you Henry."

"What about me?" Emma questioned.

"Oh, I fully intended on being rude to you. I was just apologizing to Henry because he is a child." Reese smiled. Rumple looked over at her for a quick second, and she sighed, "I'm sorry Emma for being a bitch. I will try my very hardest to not express my annoyance and hatred for you."

Emma slapped Reese in the back of her head, and that made Reese turn around and glare at Emma.

Rumple put his hand on Reese's shoulder and asked her, "Can you please not start a fight, Rae? Please try and be the bigger person."

"Just because I'm A LOT older doesn't mean I have to be the bigger person." Reese stated in a childish tone. She watched as Rumple sighed in annoyance and that made her start laughing.

"Why is she laughing?" Henry asked, scared because he has never seen Reese like this.

"I don't know, kid." Emma responded. She put her hand on Reese's shoulder to ask if she was okay, but Reese saw Emma's hand and took it off of her shoulder.

"I will tell you why I laughed, but please don't put your hand on my shoulder." Reese felt like Emma was going to say something, but Reese put her hand up, "just because Rumple did it.. Doesn't mean you get to." She paused, "the reason why I started laughing was because I forgot what it was like to have someone on your side. Even if the person on my side is you, Emma, I will still be thankful. I just haven't been happy in so long."

"Were you happy when you were with Captain Hook?" Henry questioned. Emma looked at her son confusingly, so he continued talking, "You seriously didn't see the way he got when he realized that Reese was in trouble? I'm pretty sure that he's into you, Reese."

"I think that he's more into killing Rumple than being with me." Reese responded. "I'm guessing since we're in the part of the world that doesn't have magic... That means that I'm no longer connected to him, which is great!"


Reese, Emma, Henry and Rumple have arrived at the airport. They pick up their boarding passes from the desk, and then enter the line for security.

"Have you ever been outside of Storybrooke before, Mr. Gold?" Henry questioned. He looked over to Reese and said, "I already know that you haven't been out, so-"

Reese bent down and started to tinkle Henry until her brother started to talk:

"No, I have never been out of Storybrooke."

"Are you nervous?"


"Are you worried about meeting your son?"

"No, Henry, I'm fine."

"How about we talk about all this later, kid? We're next." Emma responded. Henry looked back at Reese and she laughed. Reese, Henry and Emma begin taking off their shoes to put in the boxes.

"It must be really hard not to use magic – being like everyone else." Henry stated to the twins.

"You've got to put your shoes in." Emma said to Rumple. Reese was just following what Henry was doing, because well he looked like he knew what to do .

"How terribly uncivilized." Rumple responded. He looked at Reese and she just shrugged. She didn't want to make a scene, like her brother. Rumple finally takes off his shoes and Henry goes through the metal detector.
Rumple starts heading towards the metal detector but the TSA Agent stopped him to say:

"Uh, scarf and the cane go in the basket."


"Scarf and cane go in the basket."

"I can't."

Reese puts her hands on his shoulders and says, "You have too."

The man behind them interrupts, "It ain't rocket science, buddy. Have you ever been on a plane before?"

"Have you ever been impaled upon a cane before?" Rumple asked but at the same time Reese said: "Have you ever been choked with a scarf before?"

"My... Father's a little nervous. We're headed to a family reunion. Sorry." Emma responded, embarrassed by the scene he was making.

"Father?" Rumple asked.

"Just put your shawl in the bin. I'll help you get through."

"If I let this go, I could forget who I am."

"I'm not going to let that happen." Emma stated which he replied with a nod. Reese was behind them and she was nervous for her brother. He takes the shawl off and puts it in the box with his cane. When he does, his hearing becomes distorted and he stumbles. He goes through the metal detector in almost a trace-like state, until Emma has a chance to grab his shawl out of the box on the other side of security. She puts it around his neck and his hearing and mind go back to normal. Then Reese goes through and joins the rest of them once she puts her shoes back on.

"Well, that was fun." Reese stated sarcastically. She looked at Emma and Henry and sort of wished that she was able to have a kid, but with the stuff that Cade did, she didn't know if she'd be able to.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Rumple stated. Reese responded with a head nod and walked over and sat with Emma and Henry.


Reese, Emma, Henry, and Mr. Gold have boarded the plane and are waiting for takeoff. Reese and Rumple were sitting together and Emma and Henry were sitting in the row next to them.

"You good, kid?" Emma asked her son.

"You kidding? A trip with you, first plane ride, and we're going on a quest like in the book. The only thing that could make this day better? Is more frosting."

Reese smiled at the kid's response but her smile faded when she realized that Rumple had a bandaged hand.

"We'll find Bae, Rumple." Reese stated. She put her hand over Rumple's hand and smiled at him.
Emma looked over and saw that Reese was comforting Rumple and smiled. She never knew that Reese could be so kind. I guess she did know that because at one point Reese was like that with her, but of course she ruined it. Her and Reese could have been great friends if she didn't fuck that up.

The take off announcement begins: "Welcome, folks, to Ajira Airlines regional flight fifty-three, with non-stop service to New York City. Our flight time tonight is forty-two minutes. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

The plane engines start, and Rumple stares ahead blankly. He made sure to squeeze Reese's hand once they took off, which made Reese feel needed. She put her head on his shoulder, and tried to close her eyes with the pain shooting up in her hand because of Rumple.


They finally arrived at New York and Rumple was finally able to breathe once they were out of the air. Reese was strangely very calm during the whole flight, but maybe that was because she's been in the air before. Not in an airplane... She's been thrown in the air by Cade. She didn't know how that related to flying in an airplane, but she didn't care.

"Are you alright?" Reese questioned Rumple and he just nodded his head.

"Thank you for helping me through this, Rae." He smiled.

"What kind of name is Reese?" The man who sat behind them asked Reese. She looked back at him and smiled.

"Well, what's your name?"


"Huh, well at least my parents tried to be original with my name. Your name is just a generic white male name." She stated as she walked out of her seat with Rumple right behind her.

"You had to say that?" Rumple questioned as they reached where Emma and Henry were standing.

"He made fun of my name so I made fun of his." Reese responded. "Plus the name 'Will' just sounds like something you would name a white guy."

"Okay... Let's get our luggage and leave because I don't want Reese to start a fight in the airport." Emma responded.

"I'll only start a fight when someone is making fun of me or someone I care about, so I'm not sorry if I need to stand up for myself, or your son. If someone makes fun of Henry or Rumple... You bet your ass I will fight that person, and I guess I will do it for you too."

"You're a piece of work, Reese."

"Why, thank you." Reese smiled. 


AN: HEY! I'm so sorry that I have been so bad about uploading for this story recently. I am trying to start to posting for it more. I was trying to upload some chapters for my other story: The Wrong Descendant. SO I am going to try and upload more chapters once I finish them soon! 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

Question: Does anyone like the collages/ edits that I make for this story? 

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