Another Universe (Rick x Read...

By __AlexLone___

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Book 1 Transported to the biggest idol in your life, you then instantly made the biggest decision to live thi... More

Chapter 1 : Moving in
Chapter 2 : Shopping Spree
Chapter 3 : Shopping Spree (Part 2)
Chapter 4 : Shopping Spree (Part 3)
Chapter 5 : Just Another Fun Night
Chapter : 6 'Till Sunrise
Chapter 7 : World of Dreams
Chapter 8 : Idiots Everywhere
Chapter 9 : Phones and Drinks
Chapter 10 : Mutual Feeling
Chapter 11 : Unforgotten
Chapter 12 : Happy Pills
Chapter 13 : Bad Romance
Chapter 14 : Adventures Await
Chapter 15 : Ready?
Chapter 16 : Who's Queen Now
Chapter 17 : Live to Love
Chapter 18 : Lazy Weekends
Chapter 19 : Sweet Memories
Chapter 20 : Regain Composure
Chapter 21 : Projects
Chapter 22 : Cat Like
Chapter 23 : Untitled
Chapter 24 : Stage Fright
Chapter 25 : Differences
Chapter 26 : Regret
Chapter 28 : Back home
Chapter 29 : Agitated
Chapter 30 : Entertain
Chapter 31 : A birthday Party
Chapter 32 : Not All Stories Have Happy Endings
Thank You
Book Two

Chapter 27 : Aquaintances

380 18 2
By __AlexLone___

Shit me and Morty must've fallen asleep after discussing the plan.

Rick's POV

"Dad, dad wake up. Breakfast is ready." Beth woke me up. Wait. I stood up and frantically tried to look for Morty. Shit shit shit shit shit. I saw Morty propped up on the side of my desk still asleep.

"Morty wa*urrrp*wake tha fuck up!" I screamed at Morty while shaking his shoulders as hard as I could waking him up instantly.

"S-shit Rick!" He panicked and stood up." W-why the heck a-are we s-still at the g-garage let's go. " Morty then drags me to the ship but was stopped my Beth who blocked the way.

"Where are you two going exactly?" Beth questioned her arms folded and her face was a bit irritated. Morty stopped and lets go of my hand. He looked at his mom and started to sweat, getting anxious he tried to make up an excuse.
"A-a-arent I a-already l-late?" He said stuttering even more. Beth glared at his son being a lot more irritated.

"It's a Sunday Morty." Beth said obviously suspecting something now. I rolled my eyes and pull Morty back so now I'm facing Beth. She looked up at me brow raised and waiting for a response. All I did was pull the note out to Beth's face and let her read it. She glance at me her brow still raise.

"So what's wrong with that?" Beth asked pushing my hand down. I pulled my hand up again the note still directed to her face.

"S-she hasn't co*urrpp*come back yet a-and try looking at, at the bolded letters." She looked at the note again and her eyes widened immediately.

" You, you mean Y/N was taken to the council?!" Beth exclaimed with worry, I nod as response. She paces around holding her head. After a minute she stops and face towards me and Morty.

"Breakfast NOW!" She scream and pointed towards the door which made me and Morty jump and followed Beth.

We sat at the dining area and ate the food as quick as possible. When we were done Beth was also done.

"Ok so we're saving Y/N from the council." Beth said making Jerry and Summer choke on their food.
"What?!" They said in unison.
"Ok ho*urrp*hold up, you g-guys are are not coming with the two. TWO of us." I said pointing at Beth who's face was kinda annoyed. Beth slammed her hands on the table and glared at me.

"I'm coming." Beth said her voice stern, she walked away to their room and we heard stuff dropping from upstairs. Me and Morty looked at each other puzzled until Beth came back down wearing this black jumpsuit of some sort.

"Let's go!" She said heading towards the garage door now, me and Morty jumped from our seats and headed towards the garage as well.

"Sweetie yo-" before I could finish Beth interrupted me. "No dad! She my friend as well. She became family. I am not letting anyone hurt her!" Beth said turning towards me her face full of worry. I sigh and pushed a button on the wall, typed my passcode and the wall opened up again.

"Take your pi*urrpp"pick  sweetie." I said smiling and gesturing for her to take a weapon. She nods and walked towards the guns pick up a laser gun and a combat knife.

"Let's go get Y/N" she said facing me, I nod putting on my serious face and opening a portal to the Cidatel.

"Here we come baby."


Where's Rick? It's been a day, I doubt he needed a long time just to get ready. He's a smart man he wouldn't have to wait for a day before he has to save me. Maybe he didn't get the letter? Maybe.

I sighed, "Where are you?" I whisper to myself. I was taken yesterday when I was crying in my room. I was so vulnerable that I didn't bother to look at the person who came from the portal just that I knew I had to at least give out a clue for who might come looking for me. When a Rick walked through it he probably saw me crying and just injected something in my neck and I just passed out. When I came to I was here in the Cidatel in a fucking cage like I'm some animal that needed to be detained. Every hour that passed my hope to be rescued by Rick and Morty was slowly fading away.

That bastard. Making me cry all of a sudden with just..UGH! Fuck this! I need a plan to get out of here.

I looked around to see if there was any guard Ricks patrolling near, when I didn't see any I started to fiddle with the lock. Lucky enough when they searched me they didn't suspect the watch, I looked around again making sure no one was watching. I opened the watch and took a freeze pill cracked it on the lock making it freeze up. I then took my flame gun and shot the lock making it exploded into pieces. Alright now that would've drawn attention I gotta get out of here.  I quickly opened the door and sprinted away. The place was fucking huge and confusing I had to stay on my toes and looked at every corner before running again.

I was getting tired of running that I had my head hanging down and bumped into someone.

"Ahg fuck!" I said losing my balance and almost falling back when the person grabbed my arm. I look up to see a Rick, though he looked..dumber?
He had this bowl cut, buck teeth and derpy looking eyes.

"S-sorry about that." The Rick said lifting me up to my feet. I tug my hand away and pointed the flame gun at him.

"H-hey I'm not w-with the guards I-I promise." He said backing away with hands lifted in surrender.

"Then why are you here?" I asked still pointing the my gun at him.

"My m-Morty got hurt a-and I n-needed to steal something from t-the council." He explained dropping his hand and looking down, probably hiding the sad look on his face. I sighed and dropped my arm as well, walking towards him I grabbed his shoulder making him look up at me.

"What, what kind of hurt?" I asked lowly showing sympathy to the Rick. He sniffled.

"He broke his arm a-and leg the other Rick's doesn't care, and just said to l-let him rest. Though that only made him have a fever a-and I need to grab some sort of serum to heal his broken limbs." The Rick explained a tear escaping his eyes. It made me feel...sad.

"I'll help you find this serum but I need you to do me a favor is that okay?" I said dragging him away from the hall and into another avoiding the other Rick's running around. The Rick nods at me and wipes his face.

"Alright, after I help your Morty all I need is for you to help me get out of this place." I said after looking over another corner.

"Ok." He said as soon as we stop by a door that read 'Chem Lab'

"Here. I don't know if the serum will be here but we should check. Quickly inside." I said pushing the door open.
The Rick nods and enters before me I checked once again to see if any guards were around, none.

"What type of serum are we looking for exactly?" I asked him opening a drawer full of test tubes.

"It's pink and i-in a syringe." He said doing the same on the opposite side.

After a few minutes of rummaging in the drawers I found a syringe filled with some pink liquid. I picked it up and turned towards the Rick.

"Is this it?" I asked and he turned around, once he saw the object his face lit up and ran towards me engulfing me into a hug. I was startled but hugged back.

"Thank you so much...uh."
"Y/N." I smiled at him and gave him the serum.
"Thank you Y/N." He said taking the object and placing it in his lab coat. He grabbed my arm and headed out the door.

"Let's get you out of here." He said and opened a portal in front of us. When we walked through we were in a hospital room and was met with a Morty with bandages around his arm and both of his legs. I walked towards him and ruffled his hair.

"I'm Y/N I met your Rick a while ago, he'll fix you up and you'll be back to normal just hold on for a bit okay?" I said and hugged him letting the Rick inject the serum on other arm. Morty flinched a bit but relaxed after the syringe was pulled out.

"Whoa, I-i can feel m-my arm a-and legs! T-thanks Rick and Y-Y/N." He said turning to me with a smile, I smiled back. I looked up at the Rick and saw him gesturing for me to follow him. I waved at Morty and followed Rick outside his room.

"Where are you from and why are you here?" Rick asked his tone was of a worried one.
"I'm from Dimension C-137. I think the council wanted to clone me for whatever reason and just kidnapped me, took me away from my Rick." I said hugging myself for comfort, feeling my throat tightening as I held back my tears. Rick grabbed my shoulder and gave me an assuring smile.

"You can stay with us until your Rick comes and finds you. Morty would love the extra company and so will I." He said and opened the door back to Morty's room, I smiled and nod entering the room.

I guess I can wait for him a bit longer.

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