Until I Met Him [Finished]

By _jasewrites

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She was broken & stopped believing that a real love exists.. He came in her life & totally changed it... ~~~~... More

Chapter 1: Aurora Adams
Chapter 2: Austin Walker
Chapter 3: Getting to know each other
Chapter 4: Confessions
Chapter 5: Becoming Official
Chapter 6: i love you ♡
Chapter 7: Misunderstanding
Chapter 8: Suprises
Chapter 10:Austin's birthday
Chapter 11: Seeing the future together
Chapter 12: Alone at home pt.1
Chapter 13: Alone at home pt.2
Chapter 14: Alone with him pt.3
Chapter 15: Lunch with our families
Chapter 16: Best Suprise Ever
Chapter 17: London
Chapter 18: Spending time with my idol
Chapter 19: Paris
Chapter 20: Made for each other
Chapter 21: Prom proposal ♡
Chapter 22: Heartbreak
Chapter 23: Break up
Chapter 24: Plans
Chapter 25: Text messages
Chapter 26: Getting to know the truth
Chapter 27: Making a decision
Chapter 28: Bringing some old habits back
Chapter 29: Prom Preparations
Chapter 30: Finally Safe
Chapter 31: Prom
Chapter 32: Disneyland
Chapter 33: New house
Chapter 34: Facetiming with Sara
Chapter 35: What if he asks you to marry him?
Chapter 36: Only Mine
Chapter 37: Texas
Chapter 38: Leo
Chapter 39: Pizza Night
Chapter 40: Engaged!!!
Chapter 41: A pregnancy test
Chapter 42: Pregnant?
Chapter 43: Wedding plans
Chapter 44: Wedding preparations
Chapter 45: The Wedding
Epilogue ♡
~A Spin-off?~
~New Book~

Chapter 9: Cooking together

21 2 0
By _jasewrites

Aurora's POV

Yesterday was an amazing day to all of us. The girls told me everything that happened yesterday. I'm so glad that they are finally together with the loved ones.

Today after classes i went to the mall to buy something for Austin.

I wanted to buy him a watch. Once when we were in the mall together, he liked one watch so much,but he said that it's expensive and he didn't buy it.

I bought it for him. Since i had the gift,i went to Victoria Secrets store. I bought new panties and bras. I wanted everything to be special for my boyfriend birthday.

I left the stuff i bought home and went to Austin's house. He was alone so he called me to come.

I rang on the bell and he opened the door.

"Hi love." I said.
"Hi baby." He said.
"Come in." I nodded.

We went on the attic.

"Ready for your birthday?" I asked. His birthday was in 2 days.
"Mhm." He smirked.
"Wanna know something?" I said.
"Sure." He said.
"I'm a virgin." I said shyly.
"Oh, wow. You didn't have sex with your ex?" He asked.
"Nope. I just wasn't sure about that." I said.
"How many times you've had sex with girls?" I asked randomly.
"I had sex only with my previous girlfriend. 2 years ago. Only once." He said.
"Well,that's alright baby." I caressed his cheek.
"I'll ask you a random question." I said.
"Go on." He said.
"Umm,how big are you down there..?" I asked shyly.
"Check by yourself." He smirked. I blushed and nodded.

He layed on the bed and i made my way down there.
"Shit..." i said. He chuckled.
"It won't frkn get inside of me." I said.
"No worries love,it will." He winked.

I touched his manhood and he moaned.

"Don't play with fire little girl." He said.
"What if i want to?" I said.
"Um,love,what about a little exploring?" He said.
"I've never done that before but why not." I said.

He took off my shirt and uncollapsed my bra.

"You're so beautiful." I blushed.

He took one of my breasts and put it in his mouth.


I moaned.

He then went downer. He thrilled kisses on my stomach until i felt him kissing my down lips. This felt so good.

He slid his tongue inside me.

"You taste delicious." He smirked.

When he made me wet down there,he slid his finger inside of me. This made me moan even louder.

He was going faster and harder. At first,it hurt but then,the pain was replaced with pleasure.

After a while,i started giving him pleasure. He guided me how to. He was moaning.

When we were done we went to take a shower. We both were sticky. Phooee.

"This became my favorite thing now." I said.
"Wait until we do it completely." He smirked. I blushed.

"Okay,let's cook something." I said.
"I'm starving." He smirked.
"Remove that smirk you idiot. Let's go to the kitchen." I said.

"Let's make pasta." I suggested.
"Sure." He said.

Cooking with him was so fun. He's a good cook to be honest.

We served the table and sat down.
I took the first bite and moaned. It was so good.

"Do you like it?" I asked.
"Yesssss." He said. "We must make more often." He said.
"I agree!" I said.

"Honeyy,i'm home!" Mrs. Walker said.
"Welcome Mrs. Walker. We made some pasta. Come sit with us." I said.
"Sure." She said. "And,don't need to call me Mrs. Walker, call me Rose or Mom,as you like to." She said and smiled.
"Sure." I said.

"Ahhh,the best pasta i've even ate. You did it together?" She asked.
"Yes!" Me and Austin said in unison then we chuckled.
"Awwwh,you guys are so cute." Rose said.
"Thank you." I said and smiled.
"So you're wearing the ring. It looks so nice on your finger." She said.
"Yes,i really like it." I said. They both smiled.
"I'm glad for that." He said and kissed my cheek.

"Mom,we'll go out." Austin said.
"Okay, stay safe!" She said.
"Byee Mom" i said. Her face shined. She was so happy cuz i called her "mom".

"It was so nice of you calling my mom,Mom." Austin smiled.
"Honestly, my heart said it. I love your mom. She's a great person."i said.
"Yeah,she is." He said.

We were out for the rest of the day,then went to my house for dinner.

"Hi family!" I said.
"Welcome guys. How are you?" Mom asked.
"We are good." I said.
"My little bunny, come here." Marty came and hugged me so tight,then he hugged Austin.
"The dinner is served. Come in the kitchen." Mom said.
"Hi dad,how are you?" I asked.
"Hi sweetheart, i'm fine,what about you?" He asked.
"Me too dad." Austin came and greeted my dad.
"Good evening Damon,it's so nice to see you again." He said.
"Hello son. Same goes to you." Dad said.
"Dinner's ready." Mom said.

"So Austin,you gave a promise ring to my daughter." Dad said.
"Yes sir." He said.
"I'm so happy for you both. I wish you happiness and endless love. My daughter grew up so fast." He sadly said.
"Daddy, don't show that sad expression. I love you so much. I will always be your little princess. "i came by him and hugged him.
"That's right." He said.

We ate dinner and played with Marty.

"So Austin, you love my sister." Marty said.
"Yes i do." He said.
"Don't hurt her,if you do i'll kill you instead of my dad!" He said.
"Deal sir." I chuckled. I love them so much.

"Love,i have to go home. I mustn't leave my mom alone, you know." He said.
"Yeah sure. I'll take you to the door." I said.

"Bye everyone, it was so nice to spend time with you." They greeted him back and we went outside the house.

"I love you so much Austin." I caressed his cheek."
"I love you more Aurora." He said.

We kissed and hugged then said goodbye's.

I love him so much.♡

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you liked it. Don't forget to vote! I love you♡

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