Together, Never (Sanders Side...

By CinnamonAngstRoll

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[Complete] CherryWood Highschool. First day of senior year. In an average Wisconsin town, Virgil Sanders just... More

Chapter 1: Start of a new day of misery
Chapter 2: New School, Different Me
Chapter 3: I still don't like him
Chapter 4: Tattoos and Nightmares
Chapter 5: Studying and Suspicions
Chapter 6: Ice cream helps
Chapter 7: Trust
Chapter 8: Panic Slushies
Chapter 9: Bonfire Celebrations
Chapter 10: Ashes, ashes and the hoodie is gone
Chapter 11: Fight for him
Chapter 12: Don't get too close, I'm 'toxic'
Chapter 13: Escape
Chapter 14: Not so dumb
Chapter 15: Uh oh, feelings
Chapter 16: Hair despair and audio repair
Chapter 17: Friends again
Chapter 18: Threats and Love
Chapter 19: Plans
Chapter 20: Just ask him already
Chapter 21: Is my life a musical?
Chapter 22: The Winter Dance
Chapter 23: (snow) storms are approaching
Chapter 24: Hello again, Dr. Picani
Chapter 25: Tis' the season, but it's not all that jolly
Chapter 26: Gifts and Visits
Chapter 27: Hold on, I need to see where tf karma is
Chapter 28: New years
Chapter 29: Heartbreak
Chapter 30: Back with him
Chapter 31: Pep rally
Chapter 32: Prank turned blackmail
Chapter 33: Confused and in a group project
Chapter 34: Freedom
Chapter 35: Reconnect
Chapter 36: Together
Chapter 37: Set in motion
Chapter 38: Isn't it obvious?
Chapter 39: Salti Ice Cream
Chapter 40: Secrets secrets are no fun
Chapter 41: April Fools but its not a prank
Chapter 42: Patton's Birthday
Chapter 43: Take care
Chapter 45: Coffee needed
Chapter 46: Stress and Cartoons
Chapter 47: A birthday surprise
Chapter 48: Performance and Prom
Chapter 49: Finals Stress
Chapter 50: Done with Highschool, off to College!
Sequel is out!

Chapter 44: REVENGE

904 51 171
By CinnamonAngstRoll

TW: Amy does some illegal stuff

*Virgil POV*

Today is Wednesday. Or should I say, 'It is Wednesday, my dudes'? It's been 19 days without Logan. I've gotten a little better, but not much. I lie, telling Patton I've been sleeping. I haven't really. I've been plotting my revenge. Roman told me he and Remus have been sending Amy the glitter letters, but that's not enough. Remus and I don't talk a lot anymore, not after the incident with him and Jan, but we're still on relatively good terms. 

I meet up with Remus after school, quite far away at a McDonalds he hasn't been banned at yet.

"Hey," I say.

"Sup bat," He says, "So what's up with you? You look like a raging dumpster fire,"

"So I'm hot?" I ask, smirking.

"Answer the question," He says.

"Logan's still out, and I want revenge,"

"On who? Please tell me it's Roman. He shaved my mustache last week and-"

"No. Wait, you still have a mustache..."

"Well, I didn't let him shave all of it. I tackled him to the ground before he could,"

"Ah. So no, it's not Roman, it's Amy,"

"Oooh, will you let me hit her with a bus?"

"Of course. We just need to make it look like an accident,"

"So we're not hiding the body?"

"We aren't murdering anyone, Remus. That's a little too illegal and I still want to go to college,"

"Fair enough,"

"So I heard there's gonna be a big college party for the community college downtown next Friday night. Amy loves going to college parties, and she's gotten drunk a few times. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

"Yep. We lead her to a college party and then we hit her with a bus and hide the body-"

"We are not killing her!"

"Well, you can't be certain-"

I sigh.

"Remus, how many times do I have to explain to you that murder is illegal?"

"What does the law have to do with anything?"

"Oh my god. You know what? Just hit her and try not to kill her. If she dies she can't stay around here and suffer,"

"Deal!" He says, "Now are you gonna finish those fries? I ran out,"

"Hell no. These are mine,"

He lets out a dramatic sigh that rivals Roman's. 

"Fiiiiiiiiine," He says,


Thursday afternoon. I managed to ditch Roman and Patton and go straight to Logan before they could stop me.

"Hey, Logan," I say, sitting down and taking his hand.

He doesn't respond, like normal.

"Today's gonna be back to Harry Potter," I say.

I open the book and start reading,

"Chapter 1, the boy who lived,"

Halfway through the book, I pause to get some water. Just as I'm leaving I hear,


*Roman POV*

Patton and I enter the hospital, looking for Virgil when we hear a delighted squeal from down the hall.

The nurse lets us through to Logan's room where we find Virgil, hugging an awake Logan, tears streaming down both of their faces.

I rush over to them, joining their hug along with Patton.

"Logan! Thank god you're ok!" I say.

"I missed you kiddo. Is everything alright with you?" Patton asks.

Virgil clings tighter to Logan. He nods.

"I am quite alright. What day is it today?" He asks.

I have the urge to say 'September 1st, 1989', but I don't.

"I believe it's the 20th," I say.

"Of what month?"


"Are you sure? Last I remember it was the first. Of March," He says.

My heart drops.

"Pat, can you call the doctor in?" I ask.

He nods, rushing out of the room.

I try to tell Logan about everything he's forgotten while Virgil clings to him, probably never letting go. I have never seen him so clingy before.

"So while Patton was out and Virgil and I were hanging out, we called you ad you didn't respond. Amy did. And that's how we found you here," I say.

"I swear I will beat that bitch to a pulp if it's the last thing I do,"

"I'd rather you didn't injure yourself, Virgil," Logan says.

"I'd do it for you,"



"So wait, Amy did this to me?" Logan asks.

I nod.

"We're pretty sure she pushed you off the roof,"

"I think I remember that. It was nighttime, wasn't it?"


"At Patton's house?"


"I think I remember some parts of that,"

Just then the doctor comes in. He does whatever the doctor stuff he needs to do is while I try to get Virgil to let go of Logan. I did it, but it was not easy.

*Logan POV*

I'm a little confused. I review the facts I know. 

Virgil and I are dating. I live with Patton and his family. My sister is in college. I have cut all contact with my parents. I fell off a roof. I have been out for 20 days. Virgil read me books. Amy blames me for this. Amy did this. Amy-

"Lo, you're looking a little pale. Is everything alright?" Virgil asks.

"Yes, I'm ok," I say.

"No. You're not. You never say it that way. You say you are 'adequate' or 'fine', not 'ok'," Virgil says.

"Ok, I just remember Amy coming in a lot. She's planning something bad, and I am concerned for you and everyone else's wellbeing," I say.

Virgil just smirks.

"Don't worry about it. Remus and I have it covered,"

"Ok," I say, fairly concerned for what they are planning.


After I find out I'll be spending the next three days here to make sure I am recovering ok, Virgil briefly leaves, or rather, is forced to go home and take a shower.

Patton brings over my phone and a few books for me to occupy myself with, and I request he also bring my computer so I can do my homework. I have a lot of schoolwork I need to catch up on, which would normally be upsetting, but I enjoy school, so it shouldn't be that bad.

It was pretty bad. I could hardly hold my focus for longer than 10 minutes.

I get a call at around 11 PM from Virgil. I pick up.

"Salutations," I say.

"Logan, it's great to hear your voice again but it's 11 and you need sleep," Patton says.

I hear Virgil shouting from the other side of the room.

"Patton you better not have called him! Let him do what he-"

"No kiddo! He needs his rest!" Patton shouts back.

"I'm flattered you two care so much but I have a lot of work to do, I don't have time for sleep," I say.

"Kiddo, you should know better than anyone that you need rest," Patton says.

"I have all day tomorrow to sleep," I say.

"Or you have all day tomorrow to do your work and sleep right now," Patton suggests.

"No, I'm doing it right now. Goodnight to both of you," I say, hanging up.

I turn my attention back to my schoolwork. Right now I've moved on from reviewing what I learned during the time I forgot, seeing as this was material I still remembered. 

I get a text from Virgil at 2 AM.

If you're reading this, I urge u to go to sleep. Trust me, if you don't tomorrow will not be fun

It's 'you' Virgil

go to bed

I sigh. He's right, I should.


Love you!

I close my computer and notebooks and set them on the table next to me. I take off my glasses and lean on my pillow, but I can't sleep. Too many thoughts are going through my head keeping me awake.

*Virgil POV*

Logan is back in school on Monday and I have never felt more relieved. He's a little overly anxious about all the work he missed, but I assure him if anyone can catch up it's him. Logan still doesn't quite remember everything but certain things triggers memories for him.

"Hey, dweeb!" Someone shouts.

I pull my backpack out of my locker, ignoring him.

"Oooh, ignoring me, are you? Well, I know you're gonna cry to your boyfriend after. Oh wait, you can't. He probably left your ugly ass after realizing how trashy you are,"

I hate this kid. He's been doing this since Logan was injured. Nothing I can really do about it.

"On the contrary, I love my boyfriend and you need to stop acting like a self-absorbed jerk who only picks on people to give themselves a false sense of importance," Logan says, walking up from behind me.

The guy scoffs but backs down. Logan is a good several inches taller than him. I'm pretty sure he's gotten a little taller. I'm still short.

"Thanks, Lo," I say.

"Not a problem. I feel like this has happened before with different effects," He says.

"Yeah. You didn't witness it, though," I say.

"But are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah. Not a big deal,"


*Amy POV*

April 28th. A Rockview graduate kid invited me to a college party downtown. I forgot his name but I don't really care. I loom through my closet, trying to find the best outfit possible. I want to look older than 18 because this is a college party. No guy will notice me if I look like a kid.

"Are you really going out looking like that?" Mom asks.

"Yep," I say.

"Honey, your makeup is atrocious. That lipstick is two shades too dark, and your blush doesn't match your outfit. Change it," She says.

Not a word about my outfit. Just my makeup. Funny.


"So where exactly is this place?" I ask.

"One of the dorms. Don't worry, there's hardly anyone underage there, we probably won't get busted. But just so we're clear I did not bring you here. And you go to Rockview,"

"Of course. What was your name again?" I ask.

"Remus. Now get out. The dorm is the third one on the right. Number 97,"


I walk into the dorm to music blasting, people chatting, and the lights dimmed. There's the faint smell of alcohol in the air. A hot guy walks up to me.

"Hey, cutie. I'm Aaron. You?"

"Are gonna have to find out my name. You don't look too bad yourself,"

"Heh. Yeah, thanks. So uh- what school did you graduate from?" He asks.

"Rockview," I lie.

"Nice. Me too. So do you want to go somewhere quiet? The music here is giving me a headache,"

"Maybe sometime soon. I only just arrived. But I can tell you're a really nice guy," I say.

His face goes red. I love messing with these types of boys.


As the night progresses, I get a little drunk. I don't care, I'm having fun and flirting with guys. Just a normal party night.

At around 2 AM, people start to leave. Mom said to be home by 2:30 or I was in serious trouble, which usually meant being banned from any next party. And as far as I can tell, that's gonna be the Prom, which I don't want to miss.

"Well boys, it's been a great night. Call me later!" I say, blowing a kiss to the three guys around me.

I gave them a fake number. And a fake name. They have no way of finding me.

As I'm crossing the street, I forget to look both ways. I hear a car horn and then I blackout.

*Remus POV*

I've been waiting for hours, crossing the same street several times, getting 7 refills on my slushie from 7/11, when finally, she leaves the party. I have some college friends who had told me about it and I let them know she was coming and was underage. When I see her stumble out, extremely drunk, I knew this was the time. 

Virgil was asleep in the back of my car and I shouted at him to wake him up.

"Huh? Whaddya want?" He mumbles.

"She's out," I say.

He scrambles to sit up and get in the passenger's seat. Amy doesn't look as she's crossing the street, conveniently during a green light. I speed up, honking my horn.

*Virgil POV*

This was a complex plan. Remus and I drive off, while all the people around, in on the plan, look the other way. They're there to make sure no one turns us in. One of them will take care of Amy and make sure she's not dead. The others will report her for underage drinking. I hope that, coupled with the fact she failed the group project, will get her in trouble with her parents.

I groan internally when I remember that she got a make-up for the project. Oh well, she still will probably get in trouble.

I feel a small sense of pride as we drive away. I know that's probably wrong, but she had it coming. Remus just looks happy he got to hit someone with his car. I haven't let him be this violent in years. I'm pretty sure he would kill someone if he was left unsupervised. Which is why I never wanted him alone with Roman. Both of them would attack each other without hesitation.

Since I'm still 17, turning 18 in May, I spent the night at Remus's so I didn't have to sneak back home.

"That was fun. Who's next?" He asks as we walk in.

"Hopefully no one. She had it coming, but once she gets back to school I think another few of those glitter letters would be great," I say.

"Ooh! Ooh! Back in September J and I covered the principal's office with fake bloody legs. I still have some leftover. Can we use those?"

"YES!" I say, "She gets way too freaked out by blood. Perfect!"

Well, there you guys go. An extra-long chapter with a lot of karma. I really have nothing else to do today, so it's also a double update today! Now, my friends, it is time to raid the 7/11 for those slurpees! Any thoughts, feedback, or theories in the comments are welcome and I hope you have a splendid day/night you magnificent peep!

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