BE MY LADY (Lauren Cimorelli)

By ranthunter

3.5K 85 0

As Rylee struggles to cop up from the death of her brother Andrew they had to move away to make a fresh start... More

Take Note
The Move
Death of Andrew F. (Part 1)
Death of Andrew F. (Part 2)
Catch A Cheater
Treat You Better
First Date
Flop 2nd Date
Two Hearts are broken
Try Again
Concert Time!
Same Feelings? I Hope..
Which side?
That wasn't for you
I Told You!
Stop the show
Welcome back
Let me go
Sky Dinner...
Hidden truth is out
Kayden's past
Every bits of my Existence
Promise and Kid
Planned and Blessing
Love is a happy ending or not
Author's note

Truth over Family

69 1 0
By ranthunter

Rylee's Pov

I got back to my room and lay down when I remembered what happened earlier


"I have the same blood type with him..." I looked behind me when I saw Andrew I felt happy but betrayed aswell I looked at him we was walking towards me and I gave him a punch

"I didn't think this would be your welcome hug to your brother but I also do deserve that.." He had grown beard that covered his face and his voice got a bit lower than I remembered

"Can we talk?" He asked I raised my eyebrow

"There is nothing to talked about..." I said and I was about to walk away when he grab my arm and I pull away he looked at me pleading


"What do you want?" I said he was about to say something when the doctor interrupted us

"You guys can talk while his getting blood because the patient needs it..." The doctor said I walked behind him while Lauren hold my hand we arrived at a room I leaned against the wall with my arms crossed

(A/N: Bold is Rylee and Italic is Andrew so you guys wouldn't be confused)

"Rylee, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry? Sorry is understatement Pal! You betrayed me! I thought we were a team no fucking secret between us what happened to the pack we made?!"

"You literally thrown everything away the moment you left me suffering... Do you know what I went through?! I almost died?! Twice because of my nightmares that was made by you!"

"I'm sorry but there is a reason behind it that's why I had to do it... Dad isn't exactly we think he says he is.." I looked at him in disbelief

"Do you expect me to believe you?!"

"No I don't, but hear me out... do you think it's odd that a good cop like Kean Bob would suddenly hunt us like that? And shoot me but didn't shoot you?"

"He tried to kill me in Nashville..."

"But he never did... Look the reason why he shot me because Dad sensed that I knew something and who the fuck would let their kid go out and fetched their sibling in the middle of a threat... Because one thing I know about parenting is that they would be willing to put their life at risk then their own children"

"Look, Let's just say your speaking of the truth but that doesn't change the fact YOU. LIED. TO. US! and you know of all people knows that I hate fucking liars and you left us with a dangerous man!"

"I was hoping you'll find the notebook I left inside the mattress of your bed and it seems like that you haven't seen it.."

"We left the mattress in that old house..."

"Then if the owner is still using the same old mattress then the notebook is still with them... Have you told Dad about Lauren?"

I looked at him confused how did he knew about Lauren and I

"Or Katherine and Lisa?" I shook my head and He in relieve

"Care to tell me?" He looked away and he finished with the blood thingy and sat down probably

"It's better for you guys not to tell him about them..."

"Give me one good reason why?!"

"Because that's the only way you'd keep them safe.."


"Andrew answer the fucking question why?!"

"Because He'll kill them! He'll kill everyone we loved! There you happy?!"

"That's a lie! Dad is the sweetest person I ever known so don't play dirty cards on me.."

"Really?! Then why the hell you never got Chantal at the first place and I remember you told him your feelings for Chantal and what about Gwen?! You told him you guys are dating! What happen after 2 months you had to move away and that cause your break up with Gwen... Isn't that too much of a coincidence?!"

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Mom is still alive! and you met her once when she brought a food for Doctor Williams" I remember that day when I no one was at my room and I decided to go for a walk when I suddenly felt dizzy and a lady came to me and helped me and she said that she was bring lunch for her husband Doctor Willlams when I remembered about the Leukemia

"Tell me, is the leukemia that your step dad told me was a fraud isn't?" He noded his head I was boiling in anger


"So we can get you out of the Dad's house I knew you would ran away and hide because you wouldn't want to let the people you love see you suffer and that's where we would come in.."

"You fucking bastard!" I punch him again and the next thing I knew was River and Alli arrived

End of Flashback

I got up from my bed cause I couldn't sleep check the time it was 7:30 am I went to the lobby and borrowed a car and I drove going back to our old house I took a few deep breath knocked the door and a teenager opened the door

"OH MY GOSH! Max! It's Rylee Flynn from Endless Night!" She shouted

"Yeah right you wouldn't be able to pull a prank-" He stop at the midst of his sentence when he saw me

"Tell me is this a prank?!" The girl said to Max

"Hi... Can I ask a question? Do you still have the old mattress on my old room?" I asked and they noded

"May I know where is it?" I asked

"It's in the basement come we'll show you where it is..." Max said while hiding his excitement I walked inside and nothing has changed

"There it is.." He said I smiled and I gently touch the mattress and I felt a square lump I presumed it was the notebook

"Can I borrow some scissors?" I asked and Max ran up to grab some while I looked around

"Uhmm Rylee?" I looked at the girl who was looking down

"Can I have your autograph?" She hand me all our albums from first ever album we made to the lastest one

"You really are a first and true fan..." I said and she blushed and looked away I took the Sharpy and sign while waiting for Max and we had a little chat while I was signing the albums and books she had I also found out that Max and her are living on their own because their step parents don't want to do anything with them so their parents decided to buy this house and let them live on their own they would once in a while send some money but no communication at all with them and today was Max birthday she thought I read their letter when I never got one and the Endless Night was the only thing that kept them going through life they felt connected to especially to me and my songs

"Here is the scissor you needed... Hey! No fair did you get my albums?" Max said

"Oh shoot I forgot I'm sorry.." I looked at her and clearly forgot it and Max noded understandingly and ran up again to get his room I guess

"Is it okay if I cut this open?" I asked and she noded

"Are you sure?" I added and she looked away

"Yeah... I mean it was used to be yours so why not..." She said I took a deep sigh

"Let's make a deal... I get to cut this you guys gets to spend with the band the whole stay.." I said and she smiled and noded, I cut the mattress and there it was my brother's blue journal hidding waiting to be found put it inside my bag and we left the basement and I sat at the living room waiting for them so I decided to read first few pages

Letter to Rylee
Rylee, be strong whatever you find in this Journal keep it to yourself until I find you again... I'm sorry I kept alot of secrets from you but I had to keep you and the twins safe... I love you Wild kid! Stay safe!

- Andrew

September 05,2011
Rylee! I found out you have a Twin!  I'm gonna find out where he or she is and I'll let you know but for now I think it's best if I kept it from you cause your not good with secrets.. I also found out that Dad is a dirty cop, I'm gonna give Allison a necklace for her birthday and inside the necklace is the evidence that Dad is a dirty cop...

I heard them getting downstairs and I closed the not book and put it on my bag and we all went to the car and drove away we got in the hotel and I saw them grabbing some lunch I saw Lauren but she never said a word and so did I... I went to John and explained to him that it was a fraud that someone hacked into the NY hospital and played in me and he sigh in relief and I saw the two kids having fun atleast for once I made someone genuinely happy I went to Alli

"Is that the one Andrew gave you? In your 2011 birthday?" I asked and she noded

"Can I have it?" and she did I stepped on it and I saw micro-memory card I excused myself Alli and River came with me

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