The Day We Met (Alexa Bliss X...

By DeathValleyRider

79.8K 920 769

Scott Wilson's Career had taken him all over the indie scene from ROH to NJPW. After spending 5 years in Japa... More

Character Info
Building the Foundation
Smackdown Live
The Hometown Boy
This Can't be Real!
The light In the Tunnel
The Return Of The Reaper
National Day of Love
Moving Day
The Power Couple
The road to Wrestlemania
Face to Face
Grandest Stage of them All
Meet the Parents
The Next Big Thing
This is a Nightmare
Date Night
I'm Coming For You
Biggest Party of the Summer
The Reaper's Birthday
No Days Off
My world is Crumbling
The Unlikely Hero
The Unbreakable Bond
Welcome to Hollywood
Respect Is Earned
The Bet
War Is The Answer
I Love It When A Plan Comes Together
A War Needs Soldiers
Only The Strong Shall Survive
Til Death Do Us Part
With Arms Wide Open

Elimination Chamber

2.7K 30 31
By DeathValleyRider


Alexis wakes up and turns the alarm off. She looks over to see Scott still fast asleep. she took this opportunity to get ready for today. She went to her bag and grabbed out her clothes before closing the bathroom door and turning on the shower.  Scott woke up to the bathroom door closing and he began to look around the hotel that was a complete mess. he begins cleaning up the room while he started to remember what happened last night. 

Scott hears giggling behind him so he turns around to Alexis standing in the doorway watching him clean. 

Alexis: Good morning. 

Scott:  Good morning baby, look at what we did to this place last night. 

Alexis: *Giggling* Just showing you how much I appreciate everything that you do for me. 

Scott:  Well I never had that much appreciation in one night.  Once I finish up here I will make some breakfast. 

Alexis: Nope, today I am going to make you breakfast. what kind of girlfriend dosn't cook for her man?

Scott:  Are you sure? I don't mind doing it.

Alexis: Yes I'm sure. After yesterday and  you always taking care of me.It's my turn so go take a shower and Ill meet you downstairs in an hour. 

Scott grabs his clothes from his bag and does the Ric Flair strut past Alexis and into the bathroom. She shakes her head while walking out of the room but hears a loud WOOOOO come from the bathroom. She starts to smiles as she heads downstairs to start cooking breakfast. 

After an hour Scott walks downstairs to see his goddess waiting for him with two plates sitting at the bar. Scott walks over and kisses Alexis before sitting down o see a full breakfast  of eggs,  sausage, hash browns and bacon. They begin a little small talk while they are eating. 

Scott: So do they have anything for you tonight? 

Alexis: I want to be ringside for your match but they have me and Nikki in the Chamber for the tag team championships. 

Scott: That's going to be a great opportunity for the two of you. Are you nervous going back into the chamber, you know with your history of concussions? 

Alexis: I'm always nervous going into a match like this. 

Scott: I think you are going to do great. 

After they finish eating Scott cleans up the kitchen while Alexis gets their bags ready for the show tonight. They loaded up the car to head out for the gym. Scott plugs his phone into the aux cable and begins his normal singing and dancing. Alexa decided to video chat with Becky. 

Alexa: Hey Rebecca, you heading over to the gym? 

Becky: Yea me and Colby just left the house. why is the music so loud? 

Alexa: *shows Becky what Scott is doing*   This crazy nut started his own concert soon as we got in the car. 

Scott: *turns the music down slightly*  I have never heard someone complain about getting a private concert. 

Alexa: it's not the singing that is the problem babe. Its you dancing like a baboon. 

Becky: *Laughing* A Baboon. You too are going to be the death of me. 


Alexa: *Looking at Scott wide eyed* Rebecca Please save Me. 

ScottHey, I just met you and this is crazy! But here's my number, so call me, maybe?!

Alexa unplugs the phone from the aux cable and takes Scott's phone. Scott looks at her with a sad look. 

Scott: Why you take my music away. I love that song. 

Alexa: You don't want to talk to your beautiful girlfriend? 

Scott: I want to sing my Carly Rae to my beautiful girlfriend. 

Alexa: I'm good babe

Scott and Alexa pull up to the gym to See Becky and Seth waiting for them. All for walk in hand head to the lockers to get changed. Scott and Seth head to the weights as Becky and Alexa head to the ring for some sparing. 

Seth: So looks like you and Lexi are doing good.

Scott: Oh yea. we really enjoy spending time with each other. 

Seth: That's awesome man. So I am thinking about asking Rebecca the question. 

Scott: Dude! that's the best news I heard all day. You two are perfect for each other. She is going to flip out. When do you plan on doing it? 

Seth: I don't know man. TBH I haven't thought about it. I was going to wait til it felt right. 

Scott: You don't want to stress yourself out over it. She will love it no matter what. 

Becky: I will love what? 

Scott: *looking at Seth* I was telling Seth that you guys should ride with me and lexi. 

Seth: yea it would totally save us the money from rentals. 

Becky: No I would love to not do that. 

Alexa:  I could use another person to keep me sane. 

Becky: Oh no. you signed up for all that when you two started dating. 

Scott walks over and attempts to hug Alexa but she keeps him at arms length. Scott crosses his arms in confusion. 

Alexa: You are all sweaty and gross. why don't you get in the shower before we head out?

Scott: *Walking off and in a mocking voice* You were not complaining about all the sweat I built up last night.


~At the Arena~ 

Scott and Alexa have already changed into their gear as Scott's match will be the opening match and Alexa's is the third match. Scott heads off to his meeting with Triple H while Alexa is heading to catering when she hears a familiar voice. 

Stephan: Alexa! 

Alexa: *hugging him* Hey Stephan. You ready for tonight? 

Stephan: Yea. Where is Scott? 

Alexa: He is in a meeting right now but he will be so happy to see you.  

Stephan: this is going to be so much fun. I been practicing the throat cut for our entrance. 

As Stephan was showing Alexa the cut throat taunt Scott walked up behind him  knelt down behind him. 

Scott: Looks like your ready to help me decide Miz's fate 

Stephan: Scott! 

Scott: We got to go get ready. our match is first. 

Scott high fives Stephan as the three of them head to gorilla. while In Gorilla Alexa just watched Scott while he was interacting with Stephan and it just filled her heart with joy. Come out to play blares through the arena as the Crowd boos Miz and Maryse the whole way to the ring. The It couple start to banter with the crowd. 

Ring announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the United States Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, being accompanied to the ring by Maryse, from Hollywood California, The MIZ!

Scott: You ready buddy. *Helping Stephan with his championship* Let me get your belt on for you. 

Stephan: YEA!!!

Spiteful plays as Alexa walks out on stage to a standing ovation from the crowd. She does her hand taunt and smirks as Sin with a Grin starts playing. Scott and Stephan run out onto the stage (both wearing US Championships around their waists) and does the cut throat taunt on opposite sides of the stage before swapping sides. the two of them stop at the ramp with Alexa. Scott talks into the camera and everyone can hear him dedicate the match to his mother and Stephan's dad.Then all three walk down to the ring while giving everyone high fives. Scott walks around the ring stalking The Miz before climbing in the ring. 

Ring Announcer: Next being accompanied to the Ring by the Goddess Alexa Bliss and Stephan, He is the United States Champion, From Indianapolis Indiana, Scott the Reaper Wilson. 

Scott hands his championship to the ref as she rings the bell. The two circle the ring before Miz charges Scott but is taken down by a standing dropkick. Miz rolls out of the ring for a moment before grabbing Scott' s leg and smashing it against the ring post. As Scott was laying there in pain, The Miz began taunting Stephan. 

~The end of the Match~

Both men were climbing to their feet and began to trade punches with Scott getting the upper hand. Scott got Miz in the corner and began to slam his shoulder into Miz's Gut. Miz finally fights out of the corner and connects with the Skull Crushing Finale and went to for the pin. Scott just got his shoulder up before the count of three.

 A frustrated Miz got in the refs face and was arguing with him. When Miz turned around to Scott charging with a spear. He moves out of the way and Scott speared the Ref. The Miz was able to connect another Skull Crushing Finale and pins Scott but with the ref is out there was no count. Miz gets up again and tries to wake up the Referee. Stephan slides Scott his Us championship and the two smile at each other. 

Scott stood up and sees the ref starting to get up. He looks at the title and throws it to The Miz before falling to the ground. The ref sees Miz with the title and Scott on the ground. He takes the title and disqualifies Miz even though he tried to plead with the ref. Stephan and Alexa climbed into the ring and celebrated the victory with Scott. 

The three of them began to hear the crowd cheer "Thank you Mom! Thank You Mom!" Alexa sees Scott shed a tear as he waved to the fans before heading to the back. Once they got backstage Scott picked up Alexa and spins her around while she giggles. He puts her down before sharing a kiss. 

Stephan went back to his mother with help from security. Scott and Alexa are right outside of gorilla So Alexa could stretch and get ready for her match when Nikki walked over and began to stretch with Alexa.

Scott: Are you ready Nikki? 

Nikki: I don't know what to expect when we get in that chamber. I keep hearing the stories of what the chamber does. 

Alexa: The chamber is Intimidating but once you get in the ring all the nerves will settle down.   

As the match in the ring finished the rest of the competitors start showing up to gorilla to get ready for the match. Scott kissed Alexa and headed to the locker to take a shower to watch Alexa's match. He was able to finish his shower after all the entrances were finished and the match was out to start.  The match is starting off with the tag champoions against bliss and cross. 

Scott: Oh they have to go through the whole match.  You got this baby bring that gold home with us. 

~In the Ring~ 

The bell rang as the two teams started throwing hay makers against each other. Nikki had Sonya Deville in the Corner as Mandy had just suplexed Alexa over the ropes down to the chamber floor. Then Mandy and Sonya started to double team Nikki in the middle of the ring. After a moment Alexa was able to fight the two off and get Nikki back to her feet. Nikki was able to get the upper hand on Sonya as Nikki threw Mandy into the chamber walls. Alexa was able to connect with insult to Injury  before climbing the top ropes for Twisted Bliss. After she connect with the move she goes for a pin and is able to get the three count. 

Ring Announcer: Fire and Desire Have been eliminated!

Cole: We are guaranteed new Champions. 

Graves: I can't believe that Sonya just lost the titles. Mandy is not going to be happy after she realizes that they were the first eliminated. 

~End of the match~

 The Iconics were eliminated when Sasha locked in the banks statement on Billy Kay. Alexa and Nikki Are fighting with Nia Jax and Tamina. The riot squad went after Sasha and Bayley but were eliminated after A Bayley to belly. Sasha and Bayley Help Alexa and Nikki eliminate Nia Jax after all of them connected with their finishers and Nia tapping to the Banks Statement. The final two teams began to circle each other before they started to throw more  punches at each other. Alexa and Nikki get the upper hand and  throw both Sasha and Bayley out of the ring to crash on the Chamber floor. When Alexa Climbed out for an attack Bayley Connected with the Bayley to Belly and Alexa's head against the Chamber floor hard. Alexa immediately puts her hands to her head as Nikki gets rolled up by Sasha for the win. 

As Bayley and Sasha are celebrating their victory Scott sees the refs and Nikki checking on Alexa before he see Nikki put her arms up in the X sign showing an injury. Scott bolts out of the Locker room and down to the ring where he slides in to check on Alexa. Scott leans his head next to hers.

Scott: Alexis how are you feeling? 

 Alexa: *Tearing up* My head is killing me. 

Scott Picked up Alexa and she wrapped her arms and legs around Scott as he carried her to the back while the fans were applauding. He carried her straight to the trainers room and held her hand the whole time she was getting evaluated. After about of hour of test, the doctors were able to clear Alexa with no concussion. She was told to take it easy before they were released. As they walked out Bayley was waiting for them. 

Bayley: I am so sorry Alexa. I botched that so much. 

Alexa: It's ok. They told me that I am going to be fine, just got to take it easy this week. 

Bayley: That's good to hear. I was so worried. 

~Back at the Hotel~ 

Alexa just finished with her shower and laid face down on the bed from being exhausted. Scott turned off the TV before he walked up behind Alexa as she looked over her shoulder at him. He didn't say a word and gave Alexa a body message. 

Alexa: This is what I needed so bad. I hate getting in the Chamber. 

Scott: Why don't you tell them? 

Alexa: You know they don't listen plus its only once a year... I'm Sorry for scaring you out there. 

Scott: *Turns Alexa over to message her arm* Baby don't be sorry., It was a accident, I was just worried about you. I don't want to see you get hurt and with your history I don't want to see you lose your career. I know how much it means to you to be out there. 

Alexa: I am ok baby. You don't have to worry. 

Scott: *Kisses her* I am always going to love you. 

Alexa: Let's head to bed. I'm so exhausted and can't wait til we head back to our home tomorrow. 

Scott: *Smiling* Your wish is my command my Goddess. 

Scott rolled into the bed next to Alexa and pulled her into him as she buried her head into his chest. 

Scott: I am going to see if some of the guys can come and meet us in Indy help us get your stuff unpacked in the house. It is going to be delivered Tuesday.  

Alexa: Yea that will be a good Idea. I'll check with the girls too. We can have a pool party afterwards. 

Scott: *Lifts Alexa's head and shares a Passionate kiss* I love you Alexis Kaufman.

Alexa: I love you too Scott Wilson. 

Scott: Good Night. 

Alexa: *puts her head back on his chest* Good night Love. 

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