The Curse Since Birth

Da Folkloric_Night

32K 1.9K 934

" The curse of Oenée. The words of horror. The rhymes of death. This curse with no cure will eat you from th... Altro

Capital Village Rintis
Boys with No Last Name
Great Students
Your Mission Starts Now
In the Enchanted Forest
Halloween Costume Submission! (Author's Note)
Mother Tree
About The Curse
Heyyo! (Author's Note)
Need You
Crystal of Mixture
The First Ingredient
An Invite
The Palace
Garden Under the Moon
Worst Time
Thank You! (Author's Note)
Village Fire
The Caster
No More Waiting
The Spell
Hope Lost
The Golden Spell
Shiny Particles
Hoof Prints In The Snow (FINALE)


559 42 11
Da Folkloric_Night

Fang fidgeted with the sharp end of the paper of a book, obviously beyond bored. He had read that God forsaken book for the third time now, too lazy to read another from the shelf full of books.

There was a knock on the door of his room. Finally taking his eyes off the book, he didn't move from the comfortable armchair Kaizo always sat on when he visited him. " It's open, " came his short reply. The doorknob turned and in came Yaya holding a plate of GOOD cookies.

" Fang, " she sighed. " You didn't move from your spot 20 minutes ago. Ying told you to go take a shower 10 ago. "

Fang hummed in response, flipping the page to the next. " I figured Gopal would beat me to it anyway so I thought to just leave him to it. "

Yaya pouted as she closed the door. " You know you wouldn't let him and you would speed the hell out whenever you heard him running towards the bathroom. You would never back down, Fang. "

She approached him and put the plate of cookies down on the coffee table next to them. She took a gentle seat on the other armchair across from the shadow Mage, enabling her to get a good view of him. " You miss them, don't you? "

At this question, Fang looked away from his book once more to look at her. He sighed, sitting upright on the armchair and put away the book on the coffee table. " It's that obvious, huh? "

Yaya smiled sweetly, sitting politely with her hands on top of each other. Fang took this as an answer, and sighed once more. He ruffled his raven hair. " Ah, I've been such a mess. What's wrong with me? " he complained about himself. He groaned.

" Ever since they left, I've been so odd lately. It's so weird not hearing their voices everyday... "

Yaya nodded. " I agree. It's been a weird experience since we have been together since we were little kids, " she agreed.

Fang groaned into his hand that covered his face. His finger tapped on his forehead as an instinct and habit. " It's just... So weird not hearing Leaf yelling at Solar to go get a shower and not read books all day.. And the twins just cutting each other off and finishing each other's sentences.. Especially inviting Thunder, Cyclone and Quake over almost every night for dinner and a chat.. It just feels so empty without that lively atmosphere... "

Yaya swore Fang stopped breathing for a second. " I miss brother barging into my room without permit too.... " his voice was just a whisper. Yaya kept a soft smile for him. She handed him a cookie, making him remove his hand and stare at it and at her.

" Then I guess we should appreciate their presence even more when they return, " she said through her smile.

Fang was still for a moment, but accepted the cookie and shyly ranted on how good it is. They focused on more cheerful topics starting from there. There were a few one-sided conversations here and there, but it was mostly because the other just wanted to keep quiet and listen while their friend spoke their worries and thoughts.

Then it clicked. " Have you kept the connection of your magic energy tied with Thunder and the others'? " Yaya asked as she munched on a cookie.

Fang shook his head, taking a sip of tea. " The connection between my magic energy and theirs isn't strong enough to be tied together permanently yet. But I can feel Kaizo's. Cause he's my brother and all, but I rarely check on it. "

Yaya shrugged. " Maybe now is a good time to pay attention to it, " she suggested. Fang shrugged to consider her suggestion, he put down his cup of tea and closed his eyes, intertwining his fingers together. Yaya expected a laughable output, maybe a playful scoff or a sarcastic chuckle, but when Fang opened his eyes, she could see nothing but horror and confusion.

" I.... I can't feel him... " came a trembling answer. Yaya's eyes widened.

" What? How can that be possible? Are you sure you tapped into the right magic source? "

" Yes.. Yes, of course I did. It's so obvious, I can never miss it... " Fang looked devastated. His terrified eyes met Yaya's worried ones. " He's not there... "

An eerie silence took over.

" He's.. He's not there, Yaya... I can't feel him at all... "

Yaya pushed out of her seat and slammed open the door. She held onto the wooden railing so tightly. " Ying! Gopal! " she desperately called. Her two friends came as soon as she finished, their faces full of concern.

" What is it, Yaya? " asked Ying.

" Yeah, did Fang criticize your cookies again? " teased Gopal.

She closed her eyes to concentrate. She tried to find the magic sources of Thunder and his brothers, maybe even Kaizo's. She found none. Tears started to dropped from her eyes. " Why can't I feel them?! " she cried. " Please tell me I'm mistaken! "

Ying and Gopal came in confused, but came out stunned at the end. They prayed that she didn't mean what they thought she meant. Ying opened her eyes, eyes horrified at her own result. " Wh- No, there's no way.. " Gopal's eyes met hers, they were both speechless and alarmed.

Just by their movements, Yaya already knew. Her tears increased. " No- "


A loud bang in the middle of the living room startled everyone. Their eyes were suddenly attacked and overwhelmed by a bright shine of red light where the crash was heard. When their eyes eventually adjusted, they realized it was just a flaming red glow, unlike a fire.

" What magic is this? " Gopal asked, feeling a strong yet uneasy vibe from the light. No one answered, but he expected no answer.

Fang, though struggled to stare right at the light, took a closer and better look at it. All the signs were there. It didn't take him long to realize it. His heart dropped with overwhelming panic.

" WE NEED TO GO NOW!! " he immediately yelled, running up the stairs to reach his room. His friends watched him with alarm.

" Wh... What? Why? " Yaya asked, worry laced all over her voice.

-A day before the departure to Latorai-

" And you're here because.....? "

" Oh, hello, Fang. "

Fang leaned his shoulder against the wall, crossing his arms as he smiled at his friend.

" You're supposed to be in bed, Quake. Resting. Not out in the open in the middle of the night like this. "

Quake could just give him a smile. How could Fang say no to that sweet smile? It never failed to make him smile.

Instead of dragging him back in, Fang walked towards and joined him on the balcony, sitting on the comfortable chairs set there. Quake let out a breathy laugh. " What an eventful week we have. We never had a good breather to take it all in, " he smiled. Fang smiled with him.

" It must be a hard week for you then, " Fang said, earning a nod from Quake.

" It's difficult. But nothing we can't handle, " came his positive response, the smile never leaving.

Fang's attention was suddenly taken by the shiny yellow gem in his Quake's hand. His fingers were caressing it very fondly. " What's that? " he asked.

Quake looked at him then at the gem. " Oh, this? This is a gem of Growth. I found it whilst my search. It helps plants to grow like a fertilizer would, it can also be food for some animals too. " Quake suddenly smiled at a thought.

" I gave Thunder a stone this size that day. He went to check on me before he left for the academy, " he recalled, smiling at the memory.

" Oh? What magic does that gem have? " Fang asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Quake observed the yellow gem in his hands, thinking about Thunder's red one. " It has the power to call for help. To reach out to someone when you are at your lowest low, when all your hope is lost. Whether it be that you're in trouble, or just feeling down, if you're stripped of all hope, it will send itself to get help for you. That's why it's red. "

Quake's words moved Fang in a way. For once, he came to appreciate the magnificent uses of the gems and perks of being an Earth Mage. He heard Quake chuckle.

" He wears it around his neck as a necklace ever since that day. According to Cyclone, he never seems to take it off. Not even when he's showering. "

Fang softly chuckled. " I bet he's going to wear it till the day he dies. And that'll probably be years and years from now. "

Quake noticed his positive message, and smiled at his consideration. Fang slightly blushed at the attention. He quickly stood up. " You-You should get to bed! You're supposed to leave early tomorrow and I don't wanna be blamed for keeping you up late! "

Quake laughed at his friend. He stood up as well, holding the gem of Growth close to his chest. " Alright, you big baby. I won't tell Leaf and Solar that you snuck out tonight as an exchange then! "

" Who said anything about an exchange?! Gah, just get to bed already! "

" Hahahaha! "


" It's a call for help! " Fang shouted.

Yaya, Ying and Gopal didn't need any further explanation. Ying and Gopal bolted for the stairs while Yaya sprinted into her room.

They must hurry. Fang snatched a satchel and poured all the healing and strength crystals in it. " Take as much battle crystals as you can carry! Hurry! "

Fang ran down the stairs and caught the bright red light in a jar. For now, he didn't need it to show the way. In what felt like a second, they were running out of the house like people on Black Friday. They didn't even bother to lock the gates and doors. They made a beeline to the academy.

" TARUNG! " they didn't care if they were interrupting someone when they barge into his office. To them, it was the least of their concerns right now. They weren't even dazed when Tarung intensely glared at them.

" What is the meaning of this?! " At first he was annoyed, but the terrified looks of his students gave him an uneasy feeling. He stared at the red light in the jar. He knew what it meant.

He moved at a speed none of them could ever match. His demanding voice banged its way into their clogged ears.

" What? What's wrong, Sir! "


The teens followed Tarung on his way out of the academy, he himself carrying a bag full of resources. " Get ready for a teleportation spell, kids. We're teleporting straight to Latorai. "

" Yes, Sir! "

The moment they stepped out of the academy doors, they formed a circle and concentrated their magic energy to the teleportation spell. When they snapped open their magic covered eyes, they were sent straight to the grounds of Latorai in just a blink.

They didn't take any time to observe the surroundings, and they just bolted towards the palace. " Let us through! We must hurry! "

The guards at the gates crossed spears, preventing entry for Tarung and the teens. " Apologies, Sir. We may not entertain those who were expected by the King and Queen. "

Tarung fumed. " You can't do this! My sons are in danger! I'm their father! "

When the guards declined his command, he threatened to act irrationally, only to be stopped by Fang, who stepped in front of him, facing the guards. " Please, let us through. We are family of Kaizo, Thunder and his brothers. We... Think that they're in danger. "

Having Tarung by their side was a great help when they were gained access into the palace. Fang wondered for a moment how much of a good impact Kaizo, Thunder and his brothers were to gain such strong trust from the guards, but he didn't dwell on it for long at all.

Tarung looked around the halls, trying to recall where was where. He led them to what he was certain was the dining hall. He slammed open the door, to see a group of people standing there. His eyes met with the King.

" Tarung? My friend, what are you doing here? " he asked, walking towards him.

Tarung huffed. " Aiden, where are my sons? Please take us to them! " he sped, not taking a single breath. He clutched onto Aiden's sleeves, badly crumpling the delicate fabric. Aiden kept his eyes on him, confused.

" My friend, what are you talking about? "

" Aiden! My sons! Where are Thunder, Cyclone and their brothers? " Tarung urged, clenching his fists, shaking the poor King a bit. King Aiden's eyes widened, his wife went running to his side, eyes just as wide.

" You know Thunder and his brothers? Why are you looking for them? " Queen Lilian chimes in, her voice sounding worried. The people behind them started to walk to their side to listen to the situation. Fang looked at the worried Queen.

" We don't know all, but we believe that they are in grave danger. We must know where they are, " he spoke on behalf of Tarung. Everyone's was in astonishment and gasped at the news.

" They're... In danger? " Archer stammered, butting in next to King Aiden, who was lost for words. Fang and his friends nodded, unfortunately. Archer gulped. " How do you know? "

" We are mages. We can connect our magic energy with other mages who are close to us. Their magic energies are one of the strongest we've ever known, but now... We can't feel a thing.... We can save them though, but we must always act fast before they completely disappear. "

" That's why we must know where they are, " Yaya said.

" But... But they've gone out of Latorai 30 minutes ago. We can't possibly know their whereabouts now! " Queen Lilian trembled, tears threatening to fall down at any second. Tarung huffed, clearly stressed out. Fang let out a breath, he took out the red light contained jar.

" Then we have no choice but to use this. We must act fast though, we don't have much time, " he told the others, who agreed and nodded.

Archer raised his hand, a determined look on his face. " We'll go with you! I want to serve my seniors well and protect them! "

" We'll come as well! They've helped so much, we should return the favor! "

" Yeah! "

Tarung, Fang and the team sighed in sweet relief. They all wondered how much of a good impact those guys had on them, but it didn't matter. They had a team with them, and they were going to be save their friends together. Queen Lilian put a hand on Tarung's broad shoulder.

" I will send my best guards to accompany you. We will be here waiting for your return, " she nodded to him. Tarung felt her grip tighten. When he looked up at her, she had a determined yet reassuring smile on her face. " Bring them home safe, old friend. "

Tarung nodded, promising her with all of his might. She let her hand loose and watched the group of people rush out of the door, leaving her and her husband behind.

" We must keep up with it. We cannot lose track of it no matter the cost, " ordered Fang, earning shouts and nods of affirmation from behind. He loosened the lid and the red light came zooming out of the jar. Fang turned to Yaya. " Make sure you don't lose sight of it, Yaya! "

Yaya nodded and flew up to the sky. " Follow me! " she yelled, motioning with her hand. She flew ahead, with her expanded group right behind her.

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