HOPELESS แตˆยทแตแตƒแตโฑโฟแตƒสณโฑ

By lazicore

36K 1.9K 1.3K

hearts soaked in thunderstorms. โœฆ denki kaminari x fem oc โœฆ hate to love trope ๐™– ๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ป๐˜ช๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐™—๐™ฃ๐™๐™–... More

ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ one
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ two
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ three
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ four
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ five
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ six
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ seven
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ eight
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ ten
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ eleven
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ twelve
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ thirteen โฑ
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ thirteen โฑโฑ
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ fourteen
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ bonus
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ fifteen
ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ sixteen

ch. โ”€โ”€โ”€ nine

1.4K 106 80
By lazicore


"I KNOW ASKING YOU to forgive me is not gonna happen, but at least let me make it up to you?" The memory makes her groan.

"Please take my words to heart. You don't have to be best buds with the guy... but at least apologize."

Hajime was currently making her way to the gym for hero training, and for some reason, her mind was playing some sick game. Ever since yesterday, she couldn't help but think about all the things Todoroki had said to her. It was odd for him to defend Kaminari she thought, never once having seen them talk before. Yet, he still defended the guy. It was driving Hajime's mind into a frenzy, and it especially didn't help when her best friend's words decided to make a special cameo in her inner thoughts.

"... Becoming friends with Kaminari huh?" When she stepped into the gym, scanning the space for the irritating fluff of electric yellow, a bored expression made its way to her pale face. Except, she raised a brow when he was nowhere to be seen. It was pretty rare for that to happen since he was always around when Hajime lets him that is.

"Have you guys seen Kaminari anywhere?"

Sero and Mina jump at the sound of her voice, their heads snapping back as they stare back at Hajime with caution. She decided to ask them since they were his friends, but also because she never really interacted with them before so it would be nice to get more acquainted.

"Oh— Hey Hajime," Sero said with a high pitch. "What's up?"

She narrows his eyes on him, scrutinizing his every feature. Hajime couldn't remember if Sero really sounded like a girl or not. "I'm looking for Kaminari. Have you guys seen him?" she asks, Mina, glancing at her side.

"The last time I saw him was before we went in to change," She said, Sero nodding along to her words.

"Me too."

Hajime presses her lips into a thin line. "Sero? Didn't you head into the locker room with him?"

"Oh... Right."

She deadpans to the raven-haired boy's ridiculous comment, not quite sure what to make of Kaminari's friends so far. "Well then—" Hajime smiles awkwardly at the two—"Thanks for the help anyway, I'll try asking someone else."

Before you turned around, Mina reached out to you. "Hajime? When you do see him can you try and cheer him up?"

She tries not to make a face. "Why? Is he sick or something?"

Sero rubs the back of his neck, Mina letting her hand fall from Hajime's shoulder and crosses her arms instead. "No... It's just he's been acting pretty strange the past few days, and this morning he was even more distant."

"He doesn't normally act this way," Sero adds. "We're all kind of worried for him."

Her burgundy eyes shift between the girl and the boy, an understanding smile reaching her face. "Alright, I'll try. But I'm not really good at comforting others," she sheepishly admitted.

Mina automatically grinned in her agreement, wrapping her pink arms around Hajime in thanks. "Awn Hajime, don't say that! I'm pretty sure if you even smiled at him it will make his day!"

"Wait— Why would you say that?" she blurted out, a small blush coating her cheeks. However, before Hajime could press the matter further, Mina ran off with Sero as the class was starting, leaving her to wonder what the hell they were even thinking.

Hajime chuckled to herself in shock, turning around to continue looking for her hopeless partner. "I guess I should've expected that from his friends. But they seem interesting at least."

When the rest of the class split up into their pairs, her aimless walking finally holts to a stop. Across the room sat Kaminari alone on a bench, his head against the wall as he stared up at the ceiling. The scene was painfully sad, a frown adorning Hajime's lips as she took in his sombre demeanour.

As she warily made her way up to him, Hajime couldn't help but feel out of place. Because of Mina's and Sero's requests, she wasn't going to tease him like usual. Hajime wanted to because that was the only way she has ever communicated with him. However, she found herself wanting to help Mina and Sero out.

Even so, Hajime had no idea what to say, and because of that, she stood in front of him like a complete loser. Being nervous with others never happened, so it made her even more stressed that it was for Kaminari out of all people.

What the hell is wrong with me?! I shouldn't be nervous about this idiot!

"Why are you just standing there?" His voice was rough and low, Hajime's eyes widening a fraction of how different he sounded.

She scoffed. "Why are you moping around like a small child?" Kaminari's face paled as he quickly sat up straight, shocked to see that it was her in front of him. "What's with that look on your face? Thought I was someone else?" She quipped, placing a hand on her hip.

Kaminari face heats up. "S-Sorry, I really didn't mean to sound so rude."

His expression only changed for a second before returning back to its frown, Kaminari now looking down at his shoes. Hajime wasn't at all amused with his mood, it was extremely annoying and draining. But, she had to keep her word.

Making Kaminari "cheer up" was way more complicated than she intended it to be. For one, Kaminari and her never had a heart-to-heart before, especially about one's feelings. She was sure that Kaminari would have no problem talking to her about it, but every time it was about her, Hajime shut it down and ran away. It was a bad habit of hers, however, even with his friends in mind, Hajime had to admit that not having Kaminari around was uncomfortable.

"Okay, I need to know what's up with you right now or I'm going to lose it," she sneers, Kaminari catching her gaze. Hajime's eyes were glaring at him dangerously, which only confused him. He really didn't know what he did this time.

"Eh?" Was the only thing to come out of his mouth, her brows furrowing in irritation.

Completely finished with his mopey attitude, Hajime stalk towards him and grabs him by his gym uniform's collar, making him stagger towards her. When she did this, everyone watched with wide eyes. It was a sight to behold really, Mayami Hajime, the class' sweet girl looked like she was about to punch Kaminari in the face. Not only that but the absolute terror on Kaminari's face that followed!

"You know, for someone who boasts about looking out for his classmates, you seem to be doing a terrible job at doing that," Hajime scolded, Kaminari gulping as he peeked over her shoulder. Taking a deep breath, she lets out a heavy sigh, her fingers relaxing around his jacket. "Stop worrying your friends and get ahold of yourself. It's not the same when you're like this."

The boy quickly straightens his posture, his attention glued to Hajime's form at this moment. Kaminari was surprised by her small outburst, especially since it was about him not acting the way he normally does. But he couldn't stop himself, he felt extremely guilty for what he did to her yesterday, and for other reasons, he didn't want to admit as of now.

"I'm sorry, it's just—" he bites his lips, taking a step towards her as his eyes burned with determination— "It's all my fault! You got hurt because of me yesterday and I'm really sorry Hajime!"

His face scrunched up in remorse, and his mouth formed a straight line. He was a hundred percent serious, and he didn't really pay attention to the amount of attention he was drawing his way. All he wanted was to make up for what he did. Not because of the coffee thing, but for hurting her so severely. "I should've been more careful around you..."

Hajime was impressed, she didn't think Kaminari had it in him to be this direct. But of course, he always seemed to be quick to blame himself for things he had nothing to do with.

During his whole confrontation, she remained stoic, not a wrinkle or frown appearing on her face when Kaminari got closer. At this point, she didn't even care about her stupid facade. Hajime was going to make sure she put him in his place once and for all, and she didn't care what people would think of her afterwards. Kaminari needed her right now, even if he didn't know it.

"No, you shouldn't have been careful, that was the whole point of the exercise," Hajime started. "If anything, I was in the wrong. So stop blaming yourself for my mistakes."

Kaminari stares at her baffled, his eyes widening at your words. "But still—" he takes another step towards her, a brow arching in response— "You got hurt."

"But it wasn't your fault!— You know what? Let's just do it again so I can just show you!" Hajime shouted, grabbing Kaminari's hand as she dragged him to an open space. She swiftly spins him around momentarily, pointing her finger at him, "And after this, you're going to talk to Mina and Sero, alright?"

"O-Okay." She gives him a nod, resuming her walk with Kaminari as he blushed at Hajime's hand in his.

"I still don't understand how this can be your fault," he mumbled to himself, a conflicted look flashing across his face. Kaminari looks down at his forearm where she held him, his eyes focused on how she squeezed his hand just a little bit. Is she... comforting me? He thought, a warm feeling appearing in his chest as he looks at the side of her face.

After stopping and quickly looking around to see if it was enough space, Hajime drops Kaminari's hand and faces him. "Okay, I want you to hit me again with your quirk like yesterday. Can you do that?"

He almost chokes on his saliva. "What!? But did you not—"

"Kaminari." It was such a strange sensation to hear her say his name that he shut his mouth right away. Kaminari also realizes how there were multiple people looking her way, subtly eavesdropping on the conversation while trying to do their own assignment. But then he also noticed Hajime, and how normal she was acting around him... in front of everyone.

"I could handle myself alright? I was just... scared yesterday and screwed myself over. I can promise you that I won't hurt myself this time."

He quickly looked back at her, a small pout on his lips. "But how can you be so sure? Plus, I'm still a bit paranoid if I'll go overboard..."

She laughs at his cute expression, Kaminari blushing at your reaction. "Please, I can take you head-on. But trust me," Hajime asserted, "Isn't that what friends do? Trust each other?"

Kaminari couldn't help but lose his composure, a stupid smile gracing his face. "Wait— Did you really just say we're friends!"

"Geez, it's not that big of a deal—"

Kaminari comes close to her face, Hajime's eyes going wide as stars danced around his eyes. "Of course it is Hajime! Let me remind you that you hated me the first time we met, now, here you are calling me your friend!"

She only watched him get all giddy because of her remark, however, his proximity and adoring smile made her face burn, a sweet coat of red dusting her cheeks. Since when was Kaminari so adorable!? She squeaked internally.

Kaminari being the clueless boy he was continued to stare into her eyes passionately... that is until he realized how red Hajime was becoming. Once he took note of how he was literally hovering over her with his face inches away from hers, he quickly stumbled backwards with his own rosy cheeks to match. "'I'm really sorry, I didn't even notice—" he tilts his head to the side— "But why are you blushing so much?"

Her chest tightness and jaw feathered, a faint light coming from Hajime's hands as she grinds her teeth together. Without any warning, she pushes back Kaminari a couple of feet with a wall of energy. "Stop talking and hit me already, or else, I'll take back everything I just said!" She threatens, Kaminari quickly getting into a stance.

He took a deep breath before using his quirk, trusting Hajime and her advice.

Similar to yesterday, a string of electricity shot out from him and towards her direction. Whenever something new came her way, it always stung at first, especially if it was something powerful. But Hajime always got used to it fast so this time her reaction time was less painful to endure. She tries to focus on the energy that seemed to be dancing over her skin, her forehead creasing as she concentrated.

In a span of a minute, Hajime was now faced with the same situation as yesterday. Except for this time, she let Kaminari's electricity flow in between her fingers. Like a baseball, she compressed the remaining energy into a small orb, the light almost blinding. With a short shout, Hajime flung it straight at her partner as a wicked smirk graced her painted lips. She definitely missed using her quirk without any restraint... but maybe she should've taken more consideration about Kaminari being.

When Hajime looked back at him, she saw him surprisingly still upright, but something was not the same. On reflex, Hajime ran up to him to see if he was alright, yet the results were astounding.

He was untouched, not a single scratch on him. It never ended like this for her whenever she used her quirk, either someone got hurt or even worse, sent to the nurses. But here he was. This idiot was in complete and perfect condition.

"But how!?" She shrieked, Kaminari watching her with the same bewildering features. "You should be on the floor right now in agony."

"Excuse me—What?" Kaminari panicked. "Why?!"

In the midst of their shared confusion, Midoriya, Mina, Sero and Todoroki come running toward the two of them. "Wow, Hajime! I never would've thought you would have such a wonderful quirk!" Midoriya gushed, a hum leaving her mouth in response.

"What exactly is your quirk?"

She turns around and faces Todoroki, everyone else's ear perking up for the information. "It's called Potential," Hajime said. "I can transfer energy that's stored in objects or substances with the touch of my skin." But then she snaps her attention back to Kaminari, her brows knitted together. "But can someone explain to me why Kaminari's unfazed by my attack? This never happened before..."

As she stared at the blonde, her classmates watched her in shock. Just how strong are you Hajime!?

Mina places a finger on her chin. "Maybe it's because Kaminari's quirk is kind of similar to yours? Except he can recharge off electricity instead?"

Everyone now shifts their gaze to Kaminari, a clueless expression on his face as he shifted uncomfortably under Hajime's stare. However as he remains oblivious to the important information, everyone else seems to have now noticed why the two of them were now paired together.

"Holy crap, you guys are like stupid strong together. Hajime's like Kaminari's battery pack!" Sero exclaims.

Hajime's eyes widened in complete ecstasy, her lips pulled into a wide grin. She jumps towards Kaminari and grabs his face in between her hands, an astonished yet elated expression on her face. "This is amazing Kaminari! Now I can practice using my quirk without hurting anyone!"

His heart skipped a beat when Hajime touched his skin, an immediate blush painting his cheeks when she smiled so gracefully. Even if he wasn't completely sure about what she meant, all he understood at this moment was that she smiled at him— Hajime smiled at him for real.

Maybe it was because she finally forgave him, or maybe it was because she finally acted like herself. But Hajime was worried about him, and she let go of her questionable facade just to cheer him up. Maybe Hajime comes off as cold and definitely intimidating (even if nobody looked at her that way except him) but her kindness made Kaminari's heart pound questionably.

He still wasn't sure what to make of his mixed feelings towards the girl, not sure if his endeavours were the same as when he started. However, as he watched Hajime laugh along with everyone else, all he knew at this moment was how breathtaking she looked in his eyes.

> 10

## thanks for reading !!

do super-long chapters like this bother you?? because this was
almost 3000 words long!!

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