The Wimpy Kid Vs The Bully.

By xLadyBirdx

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Ben has never got bullied before in his entire life but as soon as he reaches the 8th grade his life becomes... More

The Wimpy Kid Vs The Bully
Chapter 2 (Two)
Chapter 3 (Three)
Chapter 4 (Four)
Chapter 5 (Five)
Chapter 6 (Six)
Chapter 7 (Seven)
Chapter 9 (Nine)
Chapter 10 (Ten)
Chapter 11 (Eleven)
Chapter 12 (Twelve)
Chapter 13 (Thirteen)
Chapter 14 (Fourteen)
Chapter 15 (Fifthteen)
Chapter 16 (Sixteen)

Chapter 8 (Eight)

256 11 14
By xLadyBirdx

Chapter 8 (Eight)

I tried staying still, well that was all i could do. I didn't want Drake and Garry to past by otherwise i knew my life would of been over. But at least whilst i was in this infected dumpster i had time to think of my plan to get away from Drake and his posse.

I loud screech vibrated through my ear drums. Ahh it was the school bell.

Oh crap, the bell's gone. Well let me just wait for my death to come and meet me. I could hear children cheering, as also today was Friday so we had three days of school since Monday was a bank holiday as well. I just didn't want to stay in the dumpster and get infected by all the different germs and bacteria in it. A random conversation started outside of the dumpster. It was between what i think was a guy with a squeaky high voice, probably the nurse's son and another boy with a lower deep voice.

Squeaky Guy : "Hey you going home?"

Lower Deep Guy : "Nope, im staying in school for a while?"

Squeaky Guy : " Why?"

Lower Deep Guy : " Haven't you heard?"

Squeaky Guy : " Heard what?"

Lower Deep Guy : "Well i heard that some guy called Ben is going to get beaten up by Drake today by the gate's in a few minutes!"

Squeaky Guy : "Oh i heard that guy is a liar as well and also wears pink pants, such a loser!"

Lower Deep Guy : "Haha I know, C'mon let's go!"

What !! So now i was some next gossip of today's news in school or something? If it was all over the school Alice might as well go tell BBC news for crying out loud! they probably deserve to know just like everybody else! I was so upset, thought like just giving up at this moment. Maybe Drake was right i should just go jump of a bridge and die because that would be great. Everybody would be happy. I began to cry, sobbing as my cries were heard by someone passing by.

"Hello.. is someone.. in there?"

"yes. I got thrown into here by a group of children who were once my friend's. I was staying in here because i've been getting bullied by some seniors and i was meant to get beaten up today but i'm afraid."

"ohh, that's bad. Let me give you a hand"

The voice sounded familiar. But only to find it was Mrs Grappe. Oh sh*t. I had just told her what had really happened, i hope she wouldn't suspect a thing from previous days!

"Oh.. Hi Ben. I'm happy that you've finally admitted what has been going on and that you came over to talk to me about it."

"What you talking about? You came over to me! I was perfectly fine in this bin."

"Oh was you?" she said sarcastically.

"noo" i sighed.

"Ohh heaven's sake what happened to your forehead?"

"You only notice it now?" as i raised a brow.

"Well i'm just trying to help out. It looks like mould, I recommended you use 'Graham's fish liver oil' "

"NO! I've been recommended that too many time's! I think I've had enough of it."

"Well let's just help you out of that dump." she smiled.

I don't know what was with teacher's and there smiling at the most worst moment's. She better have wiped it of because i wasn't having no fake sympathy just so she could find out what was really happening in my life which i didn't want her to interfere with, at all !

She helped me out of the dumpster, as i carefully placed my foot on the top of it, nearly slipping due to the slime from last week's gravy.. well i think it was gravy. As she caught me as i jumped into her arms. It was like we were some type of romance couple, except that would sort of be paedophilia since she was an adult probably about 30 years and i was only 13.

"Come to my office and we'll discuss this."


Since we where quiet close to the gates i tried walking beside her, covering myself with her enormous body just in case Drake saw me. Which i thought he didn't until i realised Mrs Grappe had already walked of and i was just standing in a frightful pose.

"There he is Drake!" Shouted Alice.

What! Was Alice was on Drake's side? Why? When? i can't believe she did such thing! Drake and the rest of the crowd watching started running toward's me. Obviously i couldn't just run away because they would chase me until they got me. After he finally got to where i was which wasn't really far. I knew that if I wanted Alice back and all my other friends then I had to take action. No matter if I got beaten up or not but just really sick and tired of this all ! Too many problem's attacking me at once for no unnecessary reason.

"Yes Drake? What do you want?"

"Oh, look's like Wimpy has a little bit of attitude today, and it's time!"

"Time for what? Oh time for your mum to come pick you up? Oh.. I forgot you don't have a mum."

"Don't talk about my mum like that!" He shouted in my face. Spitting on my lip.

"Please, say it don't spray it!". The crowd laughed, even Alice. This gave me an idea, maybe if I kept saying thing's about him then everyone would like me again.

"Look I'm warning you!"

" Oh save it for later and go chew on a mint!"

The crowd started to laugh, someone from the crowd shouted

"Ahh that's so true aswell Ben!"

Drake's face was steaming pink now, you could tell he was getting furious. I guess this is where I had to get ready for any punch coming towards me. Until I just realised that I was very weak at punching! I saw his punch coming straight towards me as he tucked in his bottom lip. Quickly dodging his every move, it felt like I was a character on street fighter being played on xbox, because I certainly don't remember having thew tactics to be able to move swiftly like that.

"Quick Ben! Catch!" Said I voice from the crowd.

Alice through over the fish oil that the nurse gave her earlier. Why did she even still have it? And what did she expect me to use it for?

"What's it for?"

"Use it to hit him on the head!"

I wasn't quite sure about this idea, until he picked me up by the neck again, scratching my back against the hard wall. Making my trouser's reach just above my knees. I seriously need to get new trouser's the ones I'm wearing were just such an embarrassment !

"What you gonna do now.. Wimp!"

I gargled up some phlegm and spat it straight into his pupil. Making him go blind for a millisecond until he wiped it out and spat in my mouth, since it was open due to the fact that I was choking on no air.

Alice nodded at me, I looked at the Graham's fish liver oil from the corner of my left eye. And looked straight at Drake, Which was the right choice?

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