The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

219K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
No... (part 2)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

Final exam begins pt1

978 27 6
By Plushy_plue

Man my head is killing me!! With all this studying and pressure regarding the final exams. We have been studying our asses off non stop. But honestly, I couldn't be more happier.

We are all outside since its pretty hot; sensei is doing his usual study session blah blah blah.

"At this rate, I expect your grades on finals to shoot right up." He One of his holograms says

"Koro-sensei do you want us to make the top 50 this time too?" Nagisa asked

"No, I was too focused on your total score for midterms. I believe that each student should have a goal better suited to themselves. Which is why I've come up with a perfect target for our assassination classroom!!" Sensei was in the middle of showing me flash cards of for Japanese.

Suddenly he stopped with his little projections and stood in the center of us. He held a anti-sensei gun.

"Now, as Shiro-san said, when I lose a tentacle I also lose speed." he goes and shoots his damn tentacle!!!! Soon demonstrating how that one tentacle being lost can affect his speed.

Sensei was in the middle of demonstrating his little story line with what happens when he loses his tentacles; I on the other hand was just too busy thinking about what's going to happen. The end of the term is just around the corner.... so many things can go horribly wrong.. or it can go right?

Will it end here? Is it bad that I don't want it to end just yet? Will things go back to normal? What if it doesn't and Ill lose them forever... but what if I do? Can I have both life?

My hand subconsciously reached towards my neck; flashbacks of everything that happened to me flashed through my mind in seconds. My heart started tp beat louder. I'm scared.

I was taken from thought when Nagisa tapped me on the shoulder with a worried expression. I gave my best smile to try and reassure him but I don't know if it was for me or him.

"Here's the deal; each student who receives a top score either overall or an individual subject will have the right to destroy one tentacle."

Now this caught my attention. This is what will push everyone to do their absolute best. I wont lose this either


We were all chilling in the classroom, I sat on top of Sugino desk while Kayano, Nagisa and Okuda stood around me.

"One tentacle for each score" Nagisa spoke in disbelief

"Yeah! We can do this!" Okuda spoke with a soft smile, her confidence was just breathtaking!

"Since when are you this fired up Okuda?" Karma was of course slacking off in his seat.

Okuda gave a small smile. "Well since science is my strong suit I might be able to finally help everyone out"

Just then Sugino got a phone call from that dude from the baseball team, so I got up and walked over to Karma.

"You do know if you keep slacking off like this its just going to mean ill kick your ass a lot quicker." I raised my eyebrows as my voce held a slight tease.

I saw his cheeks form into a grin. I gave a small chuckle and focused on what Sugino friend was saying.

"Thanks for looking out for us Shindou." Ohhh that's his name!! "but its all right, right now our goal isn't to get out of class E. But to still to meet the goal we do have we will need to beat class A."

Its nice to see everyone with this determined attitude. My eyes softened as I watched them.

Before I knew it we were heading home. I walked slowly next to Nagisa and Karma as we were heading out.

"First in every subject huh.." I heard someone say, my eyes were focused on the ground so I wasn't really paying attention. I hate that my mind is going crazy!

"{Y/n}! Nagisa Kayano!" We hear our names being called, turning around we saw Sugino running our way.

"Want to study in the main campus library after class tomorrow?"

"Im in!" I raised my hand, he gave me a smile.

"Don't worry I reserved it in advanced." Sugino wanted to reassure everyone since well class E isn't allowed on the campus. But soon enough they all agreed to come along.

-Next day-

I sadly wasn't able to go to class. A few scientist wanted me to come in as a surprise checkup and a progress report regarding the drug. Which sucked major asssss!!!

I was strapped with wires and IV hanging from my arms, they would either give me an electrical shock every few minutes or cause some type of physical harm to my body. And let me tell you that shit ISNT FUN.

Thankfully Karasuma allowed me to be on the phone so I can chat with everyone. I was currently on a call with Izuku. He was explain to me that him and everyone else were on their way to their internships.

"That's great to hear!! Im so happy for you guys! I wish I can be there but unfortunately Im getting ready for final exams."

"N-No need to apologize for that!" Izuku stuttered slightly, I can hear Iida and Uraraka cheering me on in the background.

"Hey Izuku, do me a favor. Can you put Iida on the phone real quick."

I heard shuffling followed by a slightly robotic Iida.

"I wish you luck on your studying {y/n}!" Iida spoke.

"Haha thank you thank you. Say...can I just speak to you seriously for a second."

"Of course you can!"

I took a deep breath, not really sure how to word what I'm about to say. "Listen, I know what happened to your brother. And its terrible and inhumane, but please....don't be too reckless..." I can tell this wasn't the type of conversation he was expecting, his breathing became shallow but he was paying attention.

"Like Ive mentioned before, I don't know how things are going to turn out. I cant be their to help you even though I want to so badly and to make sure you guys are safe-" I never realized I was about to cry until I heard him let out a small breath.

"Please do not cry miss {y/n} I really appreciate your concern for me. I am aware about my actions and I promise I wont be too reckless.." Iida kept his voice low so the other wont hear.

Just then all I felt was a sudden shock. I winced as I glared at the doctors. "What the fuck man!? You better watch that shit!"

I heard Iida saying to not speak that kind of language since it isn't appropriate for a lady. I laughed and hanged up the phone. Such a reckless group.

-Skip to the library-

Ahhh I just nearly made it to the group. Thankfully they were waiting for me in the front of the building so I wouldn't be left behind. It was Sugino, Kayano, Kanzaki, Okuda, Nagisa, Rio and me!

We were studying peacefully, I was standing next to Nagisa so he can help me with my Japanese until a voice caught our attention.

"Well if it isn't the Class E gang! This library is waisted on the likes of you!"

We all looked up to see 4 boys standing near our table. Me and Rio looked at each other with disgusts.

This is definitely The Big Five...

"Beat it scrubs" One barked out "Those are our seats"

"We reserved these seats and everything!" Sugino stood his ground

"Yeah! And being able to study in this air conditioning is heavenly!" Rio cooed.

"Uhh Rio...That's not why we are hear.." I said nervously to her

"Have you forgotten already. You Class E underachievers cant deny a class with much better grade than you-" This little freak with glasses was trying to intimidate us until Okuda spoke out

"W-We can too!"

"I don't see your names written on these tables" I say while sitting on the edge

I watched as Okuda was fighting with everything she got. It makes me so proud to see her so motivated!

But I guess he didn't like her remarks. "D-Don't talk back to me you cheeky bitch!' He says in her face

I gaped and glared at him! How dare he say that to her!!

"You shouldn't be yapping your mouth corpse face! Like seriously why does your cheeks shrivel in your face so much its disgusting." I spat out

All he did was look at me in shock. I guess he forgot I was there until he fully looked at exactly who was apart of our little study group.

We all of course made a name for ourselves during the last exam.

The chubbier one of the group walked more into view "How about this. which ever of our classes snags the most top rankings over the five key subjects gets to make the losing class to whatever they want."

One with freakishly weird eyebrows walked over to Nagisa

"Whats wrong? Chicken? All Bark and no bite? We're perfectly willing to out our lives on the line."

As soon as he spoke those words we all made eye contact with one another; our eyes had this hidden fire behind them.

My body started to tingle.

Within seconds Nagisa stood up and held his pencil under the boys chin, while Rio and Sugino held up their pencils under the other two neck.

All four were taken by surprise. "You probably shouldn't be so quick to bet your lives" Nagisa spoke out calmly

All four boys took a few shaken steps back, I held my hand out towards the group. My hand was in a shape of a pretend gun while my legs swung from the table; I licked my lips as an evil chuckle escaped my mouth. I glared with a sinister look, my voice soft yet threatening

"Bang.." was all I said.

"Y-You'll regret this!!" Was all they can say as they scurried away out the library.

"Ahhh they are so easy to torment! I love it!" I jumped off the table and turned to everyone, I held a huge smile on my face.

It may seem we aren't taking this seriously but on the contrary, sensei had put in everyone heads of the thought of being able to finally live lively at the top.

'An assassin must aim for the top!' he drilled into our minds. And we will come on top.

Just like that it was test day. Me, Nagisa and Rio were walking down the hall to our test taking room. We so happened to pass by Class D room where two of these jerks were making fun of us. So instead of saying anything Rio just stuck two sharp pencils in one of their noises and yanked it.

I busted out laughing until we reached our classroom, we were early except for this girl who was supposed to be Ritsu replacement.

"Do you have any idea how it feels like to have the principle give you pity-filled 'You've sure got it rough' look during negotiations?" Karasuma spoke from the doorway.

"Tell me about it; makes me want to just smack that look right off his face!" I growled

Karasuma came a little closer to us. "Ritsu has a message for you, and so do I: 'Good luck'" he gave us smile and I can tell it boosted Rio and Nagisa up plenty. I grinned and gave a thumb's up while the two said 'Yes sir' up

The room quickly filled with members of Class E. Tests being handed out. The intensity of this can be felt in the air.

"We are assassins. But right now we're also gladiators. Today the bell signals the start of the battle. Lets do this shit!!"

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