Fighting with fire

By kelliegirl98

6.2K 108 52

Meet Violet Torez a 5ft 3 spitfire who's trying to get to the top of the snack down women's roster but there... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14

chapter 11

385 3 11
By kelliegirl98

Please enjoy!

Sonya and I sit out by her pool basking in the sun. We've been up since about 10am and laying in the sun for about an hour. I sit up and look over at her. "Wanna go get dinner?" I ask. She removes her sunglasses and sits up "yeah sure, fancy? Or chill?" She asks. "Mmm chill, we can do fancy tomorrow" I answer. She nods and we head back in to change. Thankfully I thought ahead and packed for the week and for on the road.

We hop into her car, sonya wearing her ripped Jean's and black top and I'm wearing my leather pants, tank top and oversized fluffy sweater. "We should get pride flags and do the photoshoot after dinner" I suggest. She nods glancing over at me "yeah sure, when do you wanna post the pictures?" She asks. I shrug slightly "mmm tomorrow, I'll come up with a caption that'll explain it all without saying we've kissed or went on dates" I reply. "Or that we're basically together" she adds.

I smile lightly and look at her happily. "Are we together?" I ask. She glances over at me, "well we can go on a few dates and see how it goes there isn't really a rush, right?" She holds my hand. I nod and smile biting the inside of my lip "yeah of course, when the time comes for us to be girlfriends it'll be great" I whisper back. She nods and smiles pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant.

The two of us walk inside holding hands, we get a few stares from around the restraunt as we enter. Ignoring them we get seated and given menus. We found a healthy cuban place on Yelp while on the drive here. I haven't had cuban in so so long I'm so excited. I grew up eating a mix of cuban and regular american foods and it's been so long since I've had cuban food.

Sonya looks at me from across the table and smiles then looks back down at the menu. I look through the menu for a few minutes before finding what I wanted to eat. Our waiter comes by with a note pad "what can I get you ladies?" He asks looking between us. Sonya nods at me "I'll get the mojo chicken, rice and beans with a strawberry lemonade" I order and look back at sonya. She smiles "can I get the mojo pork, rice and beans, and a regular lemonade please" she orders and then grabs my hand from across the table.

He nods and writes down our orders "okay, I'll be back with your drinks and some breadsticks" he let's us know before walking away. "So I believe we're headed to europe next week" I start. She nods "yeah we are, the UK is first theres gonna be alot of cities there" she adds. I nod "how long is that tour usually?" I ask. She thinks for a second before answering "mmm about a 3 weeks with a few days off to do tourist stuff" she holds my hand gently. I smile excitedly "I'm looking forward to it" I whisper.

She smiles squeezing my hand "me too" she whispers back. I smile biting the inside of my lip. The waiter comes by and drops the bread and our drinks off. "Thank you" I thank him. "You're welcome" he replies before walking away. We sit and talk eating the bread before our food comes. We start talking about our goals we want to achieve as a couple later on. I think it's important for us to set goals as a couple and as individuals. It helps us understand what we both want out of it. For me its marriage and a family, I can't see myself with anyone else but her and we aren't even officially together yet. All I can see when I look at her is my future and I'm so looking forward to it.

I would love to see tiny versions of the both of us running around a house, i stop overthinking and focus back on our conversation and eating the delicious Cuban food. "So we'll go and get some pride flags after, wanna invite liv? She can take pics of the both of us, they'll be just for us" she asks. I nod "yeah sure why not, she's great at taking pictures" I smile taking a sip of my lemonade. She nods agreeing "she is, has your sister in law texted you or called?" She asks. I nod "yeah, she texted earlier letting me know they're getting on the plane so I'm sure they're home already" I answer taking a bite of chicken. We finish up our food and she insists on paying, "I can pay please Sonya" I pout giving her puppy dog eyes. She laughs "fine but I'll pay tomorrow" she smiles and kisses the top of my head.

Once were in the car she calls liv using the bluetooth "hey Sonya what's up!" She answers excitedly. Sonya laughs lightly "hey liv, wanna come over? Violet and I wanna do a photoshoot with pride flags" she asks her. She gasps excitedly "yes of course! Be there in like 45 minutes" she answers. I smile "thank you liv! We'll see you in a bit" I thank her. "Of course vi, love you girlies" she says. "Love you liv!" We both reply before hanging up. Sonya pulls into a local pride shop and we walk in, an average height girl with Gage's and a lip ring greet us both. "Is there anything specific you're looking for?" He asks. "Do you have the big pride flags still?" Sonya asks. He nods "yes we've got the big ones and the small ones you can wave around, we've got the rainbow, bi, pan, ace and trans" he answers. We both nod and find our flags, I grab a small bi flag and a small rainbow one and the big bi flag.

"How big are these ones?" I ask him. "3ft by 5 ft, they can wrap around you" he answers. I smile "that's my goal" I reply. Sonya smiles snaking her arm around my waist "we're doing a photo shoot with them" she tells him. He nods "how long have you two been together?" He asks. "Oh uh a couple weeks" Sonya answers before I could say we aren't official. He nods "well you look great together" he comments. Sonya pulls out cash before I'm able to pay. She smirks to herself as we walk out "you've gotta stop, I like paying for my own things" I pout. She smiles and pulls me close "I want to spoil you vi, just let me" she whispers looking down into my eyes. I pout "fine" I whisper. She pecks my lips and we get back into the car.


I change into jean shorts, curl my hair and fix my makeup before liv gets to sonya's. Walking out of her bathroom she sneaks up behind me and pulls me close wrapping her arms around me from behind "you look beautiful" she whispers. I blush lightly "mm thank you" I whisper back. I melt into her and smile to myself "liv should be hear any second" she whispers. I pout and turn around in her arms "we've got time to kiss" I wiggle my eyebrows making her laugh. She kisses my forehead and guides me to the wall.

In the midst of making out the doorbell goes off, we both let out sighs and Sonya runs down the stairs to answer the door. I follow behind her and liv walks in, she pulls the both of us into a group hug "my girlies" she whispers. I laugh gently "let's get to doing the photoshoot yeah?" I jump excitedly. They both nod and we go outside near Sonya's pool, she stands beside liv as I pose holding the flag up behind me looking up at the sky. "Oooh yes now wrap it around you and look over your shoulder" liv directs. I laugh and do as she says, I've been very photogenic since starting my wrestling career it's gotten my confidence up.

"Looking good babe" Sonya comments making my face heat up. I smile biting the inside of my lip and looking at Sonya before looking back at liv, "ok look down at the ground by my feet" she says. I nod and look down by her feet "okay Sonya join her" she tells her. Sonya nods and we stand side by side with our flags wrapped around us "okay just look into each others eyes" she instructs. We're already looking into each others eyes, we both smile brightly. "Okay face each other with the flags on your backs" she instructs. I nod and we face each other completely "get closer" she adds. Sonya chuckles moving closer to me. She looks down at me and smiles "you're cute" she whispers.

Liv takes a few pictures with the pose "okay rest your foreheads together" she instructs. Sonya rests her forehead against mine and smiles, I giggle lightly and look into her honey coloured eyes. "Mmmm ok now kiss" she tells us. We both look at her and she smirks "just do it" she has her hand on her hip. The three of us laugh before Sonya lays her lips against mine. Kissing her is like coming up from air after drowning for years. I close my eyes and take it all in, after almost a home minute of our lips embracing liv clears her throat. Sonya smirks after pulling away, she rests her hand on the side of my face and rubs my cheek with her thumb. "Ooh that's a good one keep it there" liv says. My heart beat quickens and heat crawls up my neck. "Are there any poses you wanna do alone Sonya?" She asks her. We separate and Sonya poses alone for a few pictures.

She's using my phone to take these so I'll gladly use one of Sonya alone as my wallpaper. She's making me happier than I've been in awhile and that's really saying something. After we're done we sit and look through the pictures and decide which ones we're going to keep. They're all pretty good looking so it's a bit difficult to choose. I choose what I'm posting tomorrow, none with Sonya quite yet so it'll just be me alone with my flag. "Can you send me mine and the ones with us?" Sonya asks. I nod and send them to her via Instagram Dm's. The three of us sit round and talk for a bit before liv heads home for the night.

After changing into pjs and doing my nighttime skin routine Sonya and I lay in her bed cuddled up and watching a movie on her laptop. I have my head on her shoulder as we watch and I yawn silently "are you tired?" She asks. I nod slowly and cover my mouth as I yawn, she kisses the top of my head and closes her laptop "ok let's go to sleep" she whispers. I nod making sure my phones plugged in before laying my head on her chest and closing my eyes for the night.


Sonya's alarm clock starts going off and I slowly open my eyes, she's turning it off and she looks right at me. Her hair a bit messy and her voice hoarse. "Morning beautiful" she whispers. I smile brightly "morning" I whisper sitting up a bit. She pecks my lips and leans back looking at me. "Are you going to post the pictures?" She asks. I nod grabbing my phone "so there's about 3ish weeks until pride month, are there any other cities prides you wanna go to?" I ask her typing out my caption. She nods "well Tampa of course, Orlando, New York and LA, they're all different days throughout the month so I'm sure we'll have the time to go" she answers. I nod excited to go "I'm looking forward to it" I smile.

After typing it I show Sonya, she smiles and I hit post. For the next few hours I ignore my phone going off and we spend the day doing random things around her house. She wanted to do some simple chores before going out for dinner. We move her coffee table back in place before plopping back onto her couch. We both let out sighs and I grab my phone, it's completely blown up, Instagram, Twitter, and text messages from other wrestlers. I go through the comments on Instagram and like the supportive comments and roll my eyes at the biphobic and homophobic comments. "You're trending on Twitter" she shows me her feed. My eyes widen and I switch to Twitter, reading a majority of the tweets.

A win for the lesbians and bi girls

I laugh liking it "that ones funny" I show her. She laughs and kisses the side of my head, I smile proud of myself for letting my story get out there. "Thank you" I whisper. She looks at me "for what?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows. I smile grabbing her hands "for helping me through this and for being patient with me" I answer. She smiles squeezing my hands "of course, I like you and I'll do anything for you" she replies. I blush lightly and squeeze her hands, "you're amazing" I whisper. She smiles back and before we're able to kiss her phone starts ringing, she sighs before answering.

The person on the other line starts talking before she answers "just going for dinner why?" She asks looking confused. "I'm not sure if she'd be comfortable with that, I can ask" she replies before moving her phone a bit. "I'm still filming for total divas, is it okay if they film our dinner? They might want to interview you I'm not sure" she asks. I smile and nod "yeah of course, we're both in the public eye and it won't be airing until like November right?" I ask. She nods "yeah a lot can change, I'll be filming on and off until the beginning of September" she responds. She goes back to the conversation before hanging up. "Who was it?" I ask. "The producers" she answers sitting back. I nod and go back to reading comments and tweets. A lot of them are positive, there's not very many negative comments or tweets.

That back yard looks very familiar, I've got a feeling she's with Sonya

I shake my head "fans are very observant" I laugh showing her the tweet. She nods "yeah they are" she agrees. After an hour or so the filming crew shows up and we change for our date. She decides to wear black dress pants, a black dress shirt and a black blazer. I've decided to wear my long black dress that has a high neckline and a slit for my leg to peek out, my small platform heels and my leather jacket and of course my small purse. I walk out of her guest room and into the living room, she's standing there with the cameras aimed at the both of us. Her jaw drops and she pulls me in for a hug, "you look insanely beautiful" she whispers. I blush lightly and kiss her cheek "you look so good" I whisper back.

After we're seated in a private area of the restaurant we look through the menu for what we want to eat. She chose a fancy Italian place.  I love Italian, she already knows me so well it's truly amazing. "Do you know when the season after this one will start filming?" I ask her. She nods "uh yeah, November or December and it'll air in like may or April" she answers. I nod and we talk about random things, getting to know her has been so amazing and it's opened my eyes up a lot. We get lost in talking our food is there before we know it, I've had a glass or so of wine and she's driving so she's drinking 7up. I'm ignoring the cameras and getting lost in conversation and eating this yummy chicken parm, "so before this lovely dinner is over I want to make a toast" Sonya holds up her glass. I raise my eyebrows and hold my glass of wine "to violet, the most amazing and beautiful girl I've ever had the pleasure of meeting" she says making me blush.

I grab her hand and smile brightly "thank you, I'm so so glad I met you" I reply. She smiles and kisses the back of my hand "ok, so this is about our second or third date, we've talked and talked for a few weeks and I feel secure with where this is going so violet will you please be my girlfriend?" She asks. I smile biting my lip and nodding "of course I'll be your girlfriend" I whisper back. She stands up and grabs my face kissing me deeply. Like I said before it feels like coming up for air after drowning for years. We go back to eating and talking, she holds my hand and as the conversation goes on we laugh and we smile back and forth.

We finish our food and the waitress comes and grabs the plates "miss. Deville would you like the music to start playing?" She asks Sonya and she nods quickly. I look over at her with raised eyebrows "music for what?" I ask. She smirks to herself and stands up, she holds her hand out to me and I stand up. Before we sat down to eat we both took our jackets off, she pulls me close as the music starts and we sway together. Dancing as one. I lay my head in the crook of her neck  with my hands resting on her shoulders. We dance to a few different songs before sitting back down for dessert. She ordered us a brownie with ice cream on top, we sit silently eating this yummy brownie admiring each other's faces.

Since I paid for yesterday's dinner she pays for tonight's, the film crew separates from us and let's her know when she's gotta film the sit down portion of the episode. It shouldn't be long but it'll be after the European tour. After a few hours of being back at her house we're laying in her bed, both of us wearing oversized shirts with our hair up in a bun. Our bodies are in tangled as we're pecking each others lips every few minutes. So far being her girlfriend is amazing I wouldn't change it for the world. I catch her yawning and I turn her laptop off "heyyy" she pouts. I giggle "we should sleep babe" I whisper. She nods and we cuddle up falling asleep as our first night being a couple comes to an end.


It took me awhile to write this chapter and I'm sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoyed

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