Our Sensational Future

By chonisloves

64.8K 1.1K 835

It's been 15 years since Cheryl and Toni have graduated high school and their lives couldn't be better. Two y... More

cast descriptions
a typical day
the trouble with tayleigh
Bonus Chapter- i love you so much evabear
more kids?
the newest editions
meeting the girls
dead mother's daughter
the photo album
what the night brings
the wake
tantrums, tantrums, tantrums
suggestion page
the road trip
i just want this to last forever
the christmas spirit
what christmas means to me
terrible sister?
tayleigh's birthday
"i'm happy i get to be a big brother"
i'm leaving
we do it as a family
wedding bells
the last 3 years
the suprise!
the sorta siblings
"you'll never be alone"
one step closer to home
finally home
catching up- part one
catching up- part 2
the rescue mission
recovery and aftermath
park day
"just simply because i love you"
never want to grow up
gotcha day!
a fun lil game
power outages and would you rather
gender reveal!
we can't change the past
bonding time
would you like to be adopted?
keep the ones you love close
meet our 3 new kids
despite everything
morning routine
new characters? middle names?
disney trip pt.1
disney trip pt.2
i made an insta account for this book!
disney trip pt.3
disney insta posts pt.1
disney insta posts pt.2
we all cry sometimes
waiting room
noah flynn jones
easter disaster
all about avani
"i'm the lucky one"
pre nationals
nationals day one pt. 1
important a/n
nationals day one pt. 2
nationals day two
fights and advice
cheryl's interview
bruno the dog
grace's family tree
the big graduation
forever family
christmas oneshot

adventures in babysitting

446 10 11
By chonisloves

A/n: this is looooong

liam's pov

my moms were crazy to think that inviting everyone over and having the teens babysit the kids was a good idea. all my aunts and uncles dropped off the kids for the night and are going out to dinner and then a club.

i'm currently hiding in my room right now with brandon and dagwood because we don't want to go downstairs. "brandon get your ass down here and help!" gianna screams. "i'm not going." brandon whispers to us.

"me either. it's like jurassic park down there." i say. i wasn't even exaggerating to be honest. our house is huge and even from upstairs we could hear the screaming, crying, and chaos of all the kids downstairs. "i never knew kids should be such animals." dagwood says.

all of a sudden the door opens and angelica is standing there. "all of you get downstairs now or i'm calling mom." she says. "it's not our fault the kids are being too much to handle." brandon says. "just get downstairs and help. don't be brats." ang says. "fine whatever." i roll my eyes and walk out of the room with dagwood and brandon behind me. "it's really not that bad. just play with them." angelica says as we walk down the stairs.

the living room is mainly where everyone is right now. there's a bunch of blankets layed out of the floor so that noah and avani can play and roll around. there's also a ton of barbie doll houses and race car tracks on the rug that cora, vivi, evi, sebi, and aiden are playing with.

grace and layla are watching disney channel while sitting on the blankets with noah and avani. tayleigh, luke, lizzie, juliet, and nicolette are playing minecraft on there ipads on the couch together. and of course all the teens are trying to make sure everything stays calm.

"i'm hungry!" vivi screams. "i guess it's time to make dinner." i say. lea, angelica, ella, and kayla stay with the kids while me, brandon, dagwood, juniper, fred, emily, gianna, amelia, and mason go to the kitchen.

"what's something easy we can make?" emily asks. "i guess we can check the freezer." juniper says and opens it. "dinosaur nuggets and digiorno pizza?" she asks. "perfect." i say. "how do we even make that?" brandon asks. "oh my god are you serious? you just put it in the oven." amelia says.

"is everyone going to eat in here?" fred asks. "yea. there going to make a mess in the living room if they ate in there." gianna says. "do you have a high chair? or two for that matter?" juniper asks. "no. the youngest in our family is 5." i say. "it's fine avani eats on my parents laps all the time. she doesn't need a high chair." fred says. "i can feed noah from my lap but it's gonna be really messy." juniper says.

"that works. i guess we'll just let the pizza and nuggets cook until there ready now." mason says. we all walk back into the living room. "someone play dolls with us!" ev says. "no one wants to play dolls with you evi we're busy." tayleigh says.

"you rude little asshole!" vivi screams. "vivian no!" lea says. "asshole asshole!" vivi says and some of the kids start laughing. "bitch." cora says. "cora stop it." dagwood says and cora frowns. "don't yell at her you shit." vivi says.

"enough with the cursing viv or i'm calling mom and dad." fred says. "you are shit. you are shit. you are shittttt." vivi says in a sing song voice. "oh my god." grace mumbles and giggles.

"seriously vivi cut it out or i swear to god i will-" fred starts. "you'll what? hit me?" viv asks sassily. "would you like me to?" fred snaps back. "sure and oh and i'll tell mom that you invited emily over late last night to...you know." viv says and winks. "vivian elizabeth andrews!" fred screams and starts chasing vivi around the whole house. i'm pretty sure vivi thinks it's a joke because she's just laughing the entire time.

"i'm going outside!" i hear vivi scream and then i hear the back door open. all the teen immediately run to the back to help fred. "vivi do not jump in the pool!" lea screams.

she looks at us, giggles, then jumps right into the pool.

"are you serious vivi? get the hell out right now. your literally wearing your clothes." fred says.

"the pools nice and refreshing." viv says. i'm honestly just in shocked she jumped in in the first place. she's in the shallow end and she's a good swimmer but i just can't believe she actually jumped in with her clothes on.

"vivi please get out." gianna says. "i don't want to." viv says and splashes around. "fine then we're leaving you out here." juniper says. "ok bye." vivi says. "ok let's go guys." fred says and we all follow him inside.

"so we're really leaving a 5 year old out there by herself?" emily asks. "yea. she'll come in eventually." lea says. "if you say so." i mumble. "i'll check on the food." mason says and goes into the kitchen.

"where is vivi?" evi runs up to me and asks. "um she's outside." i say. "outside? why?" she asks. "well she jumped in the pool and is refusing to come out. don't worry about it though she'll come inside soon." i say. "oh ok." she says.

"foods ready!" mason shouts and all the kids run into the kitchen. "chicken nugs!" sebi shouts. "pizza!" aiden shouts. "who wants a juice box and who wants water?" brandon asks and all the kids start yelling different things.

"ok just raise your hand if you want water." he says and some raise there hands. he gives them the water and the others juice boxes.

lea has avani on her lap and juniper is feeding noah some baby food that betty left. we all just eat for like 20 minutes until everybody is done.

"can we play with avani and noah?" nicolette asks. "yea just be careful and watch them ok?" lea says. "ok we will. plus noah is my little brother so i know what he likes and stuff." juliet says and takes noah from juniper. tayleigh gets to take avani and all the 10 year olds go into the living room.

"what can we do?" layla asks. "yea we're bored." sebi says. "do you guys want to play hide and seek?" kayla suggests. "yea! i'm on gianna's team. and brandon can't be on our team or else there gonna kiss. yuck!" evi says which makes all of us laugh.

"we're not gonna do teams but you can hide with someone." i say. "liam i'm hiding with you!" aiden says and comes over to me. "ok bud." i say and pick him up. "whose counting?" grace asks.

"do you want me to?" ella asks. "yea." sebi says. "ok i'll count. 1...2....3..." ella says. everyone runs away and starts looking for hiding spots.

"do you know where to hide?" i ask aiden. "yea. we can hide in my closet." he says. "are you sure that's a hood spot?" i ask. "oh yea i'm positive." he says. "i- ok." i say and we go upstairs to his room. i put him down and he runs to open his closet. "this house is big so i don't think she'll find us here." he says and steps into the closet. "ok if you say so." i say and step in. "your not scared of the dark right?" i ask. "no not really." he says. "ok." i say and shut the closet doors.

not even going to lie we were in there for awhile. maybe 25 minutes. eventually grace opened the door though. "ells i found them!" she yells and then looks at us. "did we win?" aiden asks. "no but you weren't the first to be found." grace says and we both step out of the closet.

"whose still left?" i ask and ella walks into the room with layla, ev, gianna, emily, fred, dagwood, juniper, amelia, mason, brandon and cora. "sebi, angelica, lea, and kayla are still left." ella says. "oh i know where angelica, lea, and kayla are." i say. "you do?" brandon asks. "yea. have you guys checked the tennis courts?

(yes thornhill has a tennis court you can look it up it was just never featured on the show)

that's angelica's go to hiding spot because she knows that no one will look outside." i say. "we didn't even think of that." emily says. "let's go." ella says and we go downstairs and out the back door.

i look over at the pool and i can still see that vivi is in the pool. i can't believe she's just sitting in there by herself doing nothing.

anyways we take the pathway to the tennis courts and sure enough all 3 girls were there. "ugh we thought you guys would never find us." angelica says. "we weren't gonna until liam told us this is where you always hide." gianna says. "well did we at least win?" lea asks.

"nope. sebi is the last one left." i say. "what? i thought he was hiding with you guys." kayla says. "no it was just me and liam." aiden says. all of a sudden sebi comes running outside screaming.

"did i win? did i win? did i win?" he keeps asking. "yea you won buddy! good job!" dagwood says and gives him a high five. "alright guys it's already dark out so we should probably go inside." juniper says. we all walk towards the back door to go inside.

"vivi were all going inside now you should come too." lea says. "nope! i'm good." viv says. "ok whatever." fred says and shuts the back door once everyone is in.

"what time is it right now?" i ask. "um it's 8:30." mason says after looking at his phone clock. "ugh avani and noah were supposed to be down at 8." juniper says. we all go into the living room and all the 10 year olds are still playing with the babies.

"hey guys the babies have got to go to bed now." dagwood says and picks up noah. "aw they were fun to play with." lizzie says. "thanks for watching them." lea says and takes avani. "no problem. we had a good time." luke says.

"wait lemme give noah a goodnight kiss." sebi says. dagwood kneels down so sebi can reach and he gives his little brother a kiss on the forehead.

"fred can you put some milk in her bottle?" lea asks. "yup." fred says. "i'll make noah's bottle." june says. "ang, ella, and kayla stay down here and watch the kids. the rest of us older ones come upstairs." i say.

earlier before all our parents left uncle archie and jughead set up two pac n plays in my moms' master bedroom for avani and noah to sleep in tonight. "can you pass me ava's bag?" lea asks and i grab the bag that was sitting on the floor next to her pac n play. we got them both dressed into pajamas and eventually fred and juniper both came upstairs with the bottles.

"baba." avani says and makes grabby hands at fred. "aw." gianna says. avani is really good at holding the bottle herself but noah still needed help because he is younger. "does anyone want to stay in here and wait for them to finish there bottles?" dagwood asks. "me and june can stay." amelia offers. "ok thanks girls." fred says.

"what's avani's favorite show? i'll turn it on for her." amelia asks. "mickey mouse." lea says. "ok." june says and sits on the bed while holding noah and his bottle. amelia gets onto the bed next to avani and turns on the tv. "once there done we'll put them to bed." juniper says. "ok have fun." brandon says and the rest of us walk out.

"should we tell all the kids to put on pajamas?" mason asks. "yea that's a good idea." i say. we walk downstairs and into the living room. "alright everyone it's time to put on pajamas." emily says. "can we watch a movie?" cora asks. "after you get your pajamas on." dagwood says and they all run upstairs.

"should we get ours on too?" angelica asks. "yea." brandon says. "wait i'm gonna go get viv. does anyone wanna come?" lea asks. "i'll come." i say and she nods.

we go to the back door and go outside. she's laying on a pool float sleeping. "oh my god is she serious." lea whispers and i just laugh. we walk closer to the pool and you can see she's clearly shivering. "poor thing." i whisper and lea nods.

"vivi wake up." lea says. viv opens her eyes slowly to look at us. "you have to come inside now. it's not a joke anymore." lea says. "ok." she finally agrees. she rolls off her float and swims towards the steps. "i'm c-cold." she says.

"can you get a towel liam?" lea asks. i go inside and quickly look for a towel in the laundry room. once i find one i run back outside and hand it to vivi.

"t-thanks." she says and lea helps wrap it around her. "i don't know why you had to be so stubborn. you literally missed dinner." lea says. "sorry." viv says. "it's fine vivi. just please never do it again." i say. "i won't." she says and lea picks her up while she's wrapped in her towel.

"i want mommy." vivi says. "you always do." lea says. "what is that supposed to mean?" she asks. "never mind. i'm gonna need you to change into your pajamas and then i'll brush and braid your hair ok?" lea says. "ok." viv says. once we get inside lea puts her down and she goes upstairs to change.

me and lea both follow her upstairs and i go into my room to change into my pajamas. i just quickly put on a t-shirt and then sweatpants. "we need help!" i hear grace scream and i walk out of my room to see everyone crowding around the bathroom.

layla is throwing up.

"oh my god lay are you ok?" kayla asks and sits next to her sister. layla starts crying and i feel really bad for her. "i'll take care of everything. everyone can just go downstairs and start the movie." gianna says. "ok." i say and lead everyone downstairs.

"what movie does eveyone want to watch?" mason asks. "beauty and the beast!" evi says. "avengers!" sebi says. i turn on the tv and scroll through netflix. "how about finding dory?" i ask. "i'm good with that." tayleigh says. "any objections?" emily asks. no one answers. "ok finding dory it is." i say and press play.

after about 5 minutes juniper and amelia come down the stairs. "the littlest are down." juniper says and finds a seat on the couch. "was it any trouble?" fred asks. "none at all. they are adorable." amelia says.

after another 5 minutes gianna comes downstairs holding layla who is still crying a little bit. "i'm just going to get her some water and then she wants to go to bed." gia says. "in my room right?" grace asks. "yea she has an air matress in there." gia says.

"ok then i want to go too." gracie says and stands up. "alright then. night grace." i say and she gives me a hug. "night liam." she says. "goodnight everyone. love you." grace says. "night gracie we love you." kayla says. once gianna gets layla's water grace follows them upstairs.

after a few minutes gianna comes back down and sits on brandon's lap. we all go back to watching the movie. after almost 2 hours the movie is over and both sebi and aiden fell asleep.

"i'll put aiden to bed." brandon says and carefully picks him up off the couch. "i got sebi." dagwood says and does the same. they bring both boys upstairs.

"ev, cora, and viv you three have to go to bed too." juniper says. "ok." they all say. juniper, amelia, gianna, and emily take them upstairs while the rest of us just chill out on the couch and talk. we all hear crying from upstairs and immediately go to find out what's wrong. it was coming from evi's room.

"i need it!" ev says and i walk into her room confused. "you need what?" i ask. "emmet. i can't find him." she cries. "who is emmet and why is it so important?" emily whispers to me.

"it's her stuffed elephant that she loves a lot because one day she accidentally sprayed my moms' perfume all over it so now it smells like them and she refuses to sleep without it." i whisper back.

"ev are you sure you lost it?" brandon asks. "well it's not here." she says. "it's probably downstairs or something can you just please go to bed and we'll look for it in the morning?" brandon asks. "i can't! you know i can't!" ev says and starts crying uncontrollably.

"everything is going to be ok evi." vivi says sweetly. "yea your ok. we love you." cora adds. "come on ev your just tired. i promise we'll help you find emmet in the morning." juniper says.

"you don't get it! and you never will get it! i need mommy and mama to fall asleep because there the only people in the whole wide world who make me feel safe so when i don't have them i need emmet. i need emmet!" ev says.

ok i've known forever that evi had a huge attachment to our moms but to actually hear her admit that and say it to everyone was actually really emotional. she made me want to cry.

"wait i think emmets in cora's room." ella says. "really?" ev asks. "yea weren't you playing in there earlier?" ella asks. "uh huh." ev says. "so he's probably in there." ang says. evi runs full speed to cora's room to go look for it.

in the mean time we make sure both vivi and cora are ready for bed i'm there air mattresses since they all wanted to sleep together tonight. "i'm sorry for being terrible today." viv says. "you weren't terrible you just weren't the best. that's alright though. we still love you." gianna says. "i love you too." viv says and smiles. "and me too. your the best babysitters ever." cora says. "we're actually really bad babysitters but i appreciate that." i laugh.

"i found him." evi says and walks back into her room with emmet close to her chest. "are you ok now?" i ask. "yea i'm all better." she says and gets into bed. "alright goodnight girls." juniper says and shuts the light off. they all say goodnight and we walk out.

we go downstairs and all the 10 year old are still on the couch. "ok you guys don't have to go to bed but you can all hang out it tayleigh's room to play minecraft. we won't make you go to bed yet." brandon says. "ok. byeee." juliet says and they all run upstairs.

all of us teens fall into the couches and sigh. "ok i think we can all be in agreement of one thing." i say. "what?" kayla asks. "we are NEVER doing this again." i say and laugh.

A/n: do u think vivi went a little overboard on her stubbornness? lmao



i'm ready summer <3
@angelica.blossom.topaz- me too. and ur gorgeous
@ella.claire.blossomtopaz- your too pretty
@lea.andrews- goddess
@gia.kelgarty- stunning
@liam_bt- that ice cream looks SO good


layla getting some guitar lessons from uncle archie
@archie.andrews- my star student
@ronnie.lodge- this is so cute
@cherylbombshell- the cutest duo ever
@tiny.topaz- aww i want to hear her play
@kevin.the.gay- she's actually really good at it lol

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