Go Live Your Way Season 3 *SL...

By hellodarkness456

14K 167 44


The Secret
Telling Zoe
The Flowers
Lupe Problems
Let The Games Begin
Christmas Markets
Uninvited Guests
Juanma Wants To Talk
A Talk With Mercedes
Costumes And Practice
Go And Big News
Taking Her Home
Drama and Fights
Let's Sue!!!
Green Dresses and Apologies
Drama and More Drama
Clarification and A Secret Revealed
Costume Trouble and Drama
A/N Please Read!

Go Practice

499 6 2
By hellodarkness456

                                  I woke up to the alarm clock. Today was a very sad and happy day. It was Christmas but, I also had to go back to Saint Mary. I didn't want to get up. I dug my head into my pillow thinking of things that made me happy.


    We all had gone to our dorm rooms after we arrived back. I admit I had a lot of fun. I was very bummed to be back. Zoe was getting ready for bed in the bathroom. Alvaro had already come to kiss me goodnight I loved him so much. Being home I realized how much I miss my mom. After she died, I felt a part of me disappear so I wanted to go to Saint Mary to keep my mind off of it. But being back home made me realize that I missed her so very much. I held back my tears.


 Tomorrow, we had Go for our first class and I was excited about doing the group dance for Olivia. When Zoe came out of the shower she layed on her bed. 

"You okay?" she asked.

 "Yeah, just remembering my mom," I say getting into bed. 

"I'm sure she was great Mia," Zoe said turning the lights off. 

"She was incredible," I whispered. I slowly fell asleep to the thoughts of my mom. 


     I woke up to Zoe taking a shower. I decided to brush my hair while I wait for her.

 When she came out she said, "Oh Mia, your awake! How did you sleep?" she asked.

 "Well, I dreamed about my mom and Alvaro," I say. She smirked. I giggle and head into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I'm done, I put my clothes on and wait for Zoe to finish curling her hair so we can pick Simon up for breakfast. She finally was done so we both left and went into the boy's dorm. Simon came out in style. 

"How do you like," he said posing. Zoe and I laughed.

 "Perfecto!" Zoe said. We laughed more and made our way into the cafe. We found a table and ate our breakfast. Everyone from the party joined us at our table without me asking them. Lupe sat with Juanma during breakfast. I'm glad that they weren't alone. We talked about the party last night and Christmas. After breakfast, we all walked to go together. We felt unstoppable. Lupe and Juanma finally arrived.

 "Ok everyone, anyone has a suggestion for the group dance," Olivia said. 

"I-" Lupe was cut off. 

"We do." everyone from the party said. 

(AA    aaa  a a an I'm sorry I'm rereading again this is cringy)

Zoe played the song and danced and sang to it. Lupe and Juanma joined in as well. We forgot that Olivia was even there. We let the music controls us. We were great. 

"Perfect! That is the song!" Olivia said copying the chip on the computer. We jumped up and down while Juanma and Lupe talked about something in the corner. 

"Ok perfect! Now does anyone have any ideas for the duet song the solo song and the male group song?" Olivia said marking something on a checklist. 

"I have an idea for the duet," Lupe said.

 "Ok, let's see it!" Olivia said grabbing the chip from Lupe and putting it on the radio. Lupe motioned for me to come over. She wanted me! What!? The song came on and I knew it. We both danced to it on vacation. I honestly had a lot of fun singing it with her. 

"That was so good guys. Ok, this is the song for the duet, and for the solo, the song will be the one from last year. And the male group will be the same as well. So the solo goes to Mia and the duet Lupe and Mia." she said while checking lots of things on her checklist.

 "Now who would like to design the costumes," Olivia asked. 

"I can do it. I have a couple of ideas in mind." Zoe said.

 "Ok perfect, work on them tonight and show me some sketches and bring a sample of the outfit tomorrow," she said. Zoe nodded.

 "Ok, I liked the dance moves you did for the group dance. I just want to clean them up a little bit." She said. She stood in front of us and we copied her moves.  We did it over and over again so we could memorize it. She made us move to different spots in the dance and we did a cool part where we lifted Lupe up.

 "Great job guys! Go is over for today but, remember to practice the steps in your room today. I need you to remember them. And tomorrow we will work more on the costumes, the group dance, and the duet." she said. We all went to our dance bags off take a swig of water while some people used a towel to wipe the sweat off their faces. Lupe left immediately right after she took a gulp of water.  We didn't know where she was going she just left in a hurry. Olivia had let us out early so we had ten minutes until our next class. Zoe and I had English after this. She came up to me. 

"Hey Mia, want to walk to English together," Zoe asked. 

"Yeah, I just need to get my books from my locker," I say. I leave the Go room and head over to my locker. I unlocked it and shuffled threw trying to find my books. 

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