Billionaire's Toy

By Archsxz

150K 4.4K 1.5K

Would you go against your pride and dignity in exchange of money? "I told you stay away from us. From me, did... More

Chapter | I
Chapter | II
Chapter | IV
Chapter | V
Chapter | VI
Chapter | VII
Chapter | VIII
Chapter | IX
Chapter | X
Chapter | XI
Chapter | XII
Chapter | XIII
Chapter | XIV
Chapter | XV
Chapter | XVI
Chapter | XVII
Chapter | XVIII
Chapter | XIX
Chapter | XX
Chapter | XXI
Chapter | XXII
Chapter | XXIII
Chapter | XXIV
Chapter | XXV

Chapter | III

11K 320 109
By Archsxz

Cleaning, sweeping, mopping. Charles felt exhausted, hanging the potted plants is hard too since he can't reach the ceiling properly. He had to use one of those long legged chairs then stand on the tip of his toes just to reach and tie them securely.

He also removed his shoe so he's on his barefeet right now. He removed his shoes so he can move around without dirtying the floor he just mopped. He's nearly done, he just need to wash the mop and towels he used for the tables.

The sun is starting to set when he got everything done. Yes, he's extremely exhausted but at least he finished quite early.

He sat on one of the chairs and sighed. He rotated his head gently from side to side, flexing the tired muscles in his neck. He had his eyes closed, resting his body from all the work. He could've fallen asleep, he's about to if it weren't for the bell chime swinging as the door opened.

"Oh, we're already closed--" Charles said, forcing his eyes to open.

"Closed, hmm?" Eunice repeated, coming in anyways.

Charles sighed. "I don't have time for this Eunice. I had too much of you today already. Give me a break, please." He said, closing his eyes back. He's not having any of it. He's too tired to even give a damn about her as of the moment.

"You know what i came for, Charles." He heard her footsteps coming closer. The sound of the chair screeching against the spotless tiles attacking his senses. "You won't actually tell him, will you?"

Charles gave her a sigh as an answer.

"Fine, be like that." Eunice rolled her eyes. "Again, i'm sorry. You're right, i should've told you right before Michael happened.."

"It's fine" not.

"Okay, so we're good now, right?" Charles wanted to say no but decided not to talk instead. "Don't tell him, okay?"

"You don't have to be scared of me spilling your secrets if you tell him yourself." Charles sighed, suspicious of the girl's intention for visiting. "You actually went here just to make sure i won't tell him?"


Charles sneaked one eye open at that. Thinking about it, she might he the reason of Michael's absence today and for that, Charles wasn't happy. "Don't mind if i do tell him, then. I have his number too, you know. Telling him not to come here won't do the trick."

Eunice narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't think about that.

"Not so smart, aren't you?" Charles smiled innocently, pulling his phone out of his pocket and swinging it in front of her. "I'm sorry about how i acted earlier,too--"

Eunice snatched his phone and ran outside, grabbing the door handle and preventing it from opening.

"What are you doing--give me my phone back!" Charles yelled, chasing her by the door. He's trying to pull it open but the girl was putting all her weight in.

"Deleting his number, duh." Eunice leaned back, only for Charles to let go of the door. She fell on the ground, dirtying her short skirt with dirt from the sidewalk.

"We see each other at the faculty, Eunice. And i can just save his number back if you deleted it. Please just stop, you're looking really desperate." He walked pass the door, crouching down her level. He's about to retrieve his phone when Eunice slapped his hand away, pushing him with her heels.

"Seriously, just give me my damn phone--" Then suddenly, his phone started ringing.

"Oh, look who's calling." Eunice stood up, wiping the dust and dirt off her skirt. She backed away a bit, waving his phone with his screen on. "Still haven't grown up from being a daddy's boy?"

Tch, Charles scoffed mentally as he stands up, the rough texture of the cold pavement hurting his feet a bit. You're just jealous mine supports me still while yours basically disowned you; he thought but of course, he didn't voice it because he knew it would be going below the belt.

The screen flashed the contanct name 'Dad'. Charles tried to grab it from her, and he's close to touching it but of course, Eunice isn't gonna give up that east. To annoy Charles even more, she threw it away.

"What the fúck Eunice!" Charles exclaimed, his frustrations suddenly heightening up as his phone hit one of the nearby cars, doing a few small damages on its windshield.

It alerted the man in a black suit, who seemed to be the owner of the vehicle. It took his attention away from his ongoing call. First, he glanced the phone threw at his way, then the damaged windshield.

The man glanced at their way, sending both of them death threats.

"Shit, see what you did?" Charles hissed at Eunice, who just gave him a wide mocking smile.

"I do. Amazing throw, isn't it?" Eunice smirked, raising her hand in front of Charles, wiggling her fingers and mouthing a 'bye'. "Goodluck explaining, babe."

Charles scoffed, turning to the man they disturbed. He's parked in front of the bakery shop Ms Murphy owns. "Uh, sorry for that, sir--"

"Is this yours?" The man asked in a language Charles didn't understand. What he understand is when the man swinged his phone in his long fingers.

"Uh, yes~?" Charles hesitantly nodded, confused. He reached out for his phone but the man raised it higher, above his head. Unfortunately for Charles, the man is a lot taller than him that even if he tiptoe, he wouldn't be able to reach it.

"What~" Charles narrowed his eyes at the man who scanned him up and down with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, can i please have my phone? I'll pay the damages i've caused, promise~"

He's about to reach out again, only for the foreign man to drop his phone to the pavement. With his brightly polished black shoes, he stepped on it hard, causing it to crack and bend.

"H-hey!" Charles gasped, offended. If it's still usable earlier, then there's no way it would still work this time. It doesn't even look like a phone anymore, it looks like a junk piece from a metal scrap.

"--yeah, i'll try to come tomorrow too. Bye for now." A man came out of the bakery along with Ms Murphy. Tall and well dressed as well. "Oh, there he is. Xánder, my mom wanna say hi."

"That's Xànder? Oh! Look at you, you grew a lot since i last saw you!" Ms Murphy giggled. Indeed, the man looks grown now. Gelled back hair and newly shaved face. He looked clean with the professional attire as well.

Ms Murphy gave him a welcoming smile, though Xànder didn't respond to that, he didn't even spare her a glance. That's when they noticed Charles. "Charles? How's the--oh dear, why are you barefoot?"

Charles sighed and greeted the lady with a quiet 'hi' before crouching down, trying to get his broken phone under the man's shoe. "--let go!"

"What's the problem~?" Ms Murphy asked, about to help Charles up but the other guy, who seemed to be his son, preceded on doing so.

"Hey, are you okay?" The other guy asked as he helped him stand. Charles didn't accept the help tho as he is fully capable of standing up himself.

"You jerk, you have to pay for that." Charles hissed, pointing at the object under the man's foot. Though, Xànder didn't budge. He even looks amused.

"Me? That shit aint enough for the damages you've caused on my car." The man, Xànder, scoffed. "You're the one who's suppose to pay."

"Pay? For what?" Ms Murphy asked, trying to get herself involved. Though, none of them acknowledged the presence of the lady.

"You," Xànder glared at the guy who helped Charles. "wasted my precious time making me fúcking wait here. Hurry, this place is making me puke."

Again with the change of language, Charles felt left out. He turned his heels to walk away if not only for the other guy to grab his arm.

"Hey, I apologize for whatever he had done." He said with an apologetic smile and Charles couldn't help but be disgusted. His smile looked so fake. "How much?"

"Excuse me?" Charles scowl, slapping the stranger's hand of his arm harshly.

"The phone, i mean." He cleared, grabbing something from his back pocket. He pulled his pocket out, handing him a few bills. "Is this enough?"


"Milliard! Hurry the fúck up!" A impatient whine was heard from the rolled down window of the expensive car. "Fúck the kid, let's go!"

"No, fuck you! And i'm twenty, not a goddamn kid!" Charles bit back, suddenly tempted to kick the flawless door and do more damage.

The rude man was heard to grumble something incoherent yet Charles had no intentions to continue the conversation with him.

"So.." The guy muttered awkwardly, waiting for confirmation. Charles looked down and stared at the five one hundred dollar bills. Yet;

"Why are you giving him shít? He's the one suppose to pay!" Xànder's patience isn't that long and for him, making him wait for ten minutes is too much already.

"Oh?" Charles scoffed, pushing the guy aside and walking towards the man who kept complaining. Without hesitation, he slapped him with the money he was given. "Go choke on your fucking money, bítch."

Xànder released a sharp exhale upon the impact, glaring daggers at the kid who slapped him with cheap bills. "You're going to regret that."

Yet Charles isn't willing to be part of his bullshit. He turned his heels to walk back to the closed café, ignoring the curses being thrown his way.

"Bastard." Charles grumbled as he open the door of the empty café, in search for his shoes. "Who does he think he is?"

At the back, he picked his shoes and brought them to the front door. He wore them quickly, shooting each foot without even bothering to tie his shoe laces. He just slipped them in.

"--i'll skin that brat alive~!" He heard from a distance upon exiting the store. He made sure to lock everything up before walking across the road, not giving any attention to the man who's threatening to make his life insufferable.

Over a damn crack on his windshield? Charles scoffed as he enters his unit building. Of course, he knew repairs could be pricy but he didn't exactly know the price since he don't own a car. Nevertheless, that doesn't excuse the man's behavior. It's always the rich ones who has a loose screw.

Charles was mentally ranting how this day is the worst he'd ever experience while taking the flight of stairs. He came out crying, he came back pissed.

"Uhm, excuse me?" A guy is standing in the hallway caught his attention. He chose to ignore him and continued walking to his apartment yet he came to him. "Have you seen any keys? I think i lost mine around here--"

"Next time, try not to run onto people so you don't knock things over." Annoyed, he spat. He pushed his door open, the doorknob on the other side hitting the wall and creating a loud clang.

Quickly, he grabbed the keys he found in the stairs. "There. If you're in a hurry, at least try to look on your way."

He extended his arm to him, dangling the dildo keychain. "Thanks, man. And sorry...i guess." The guy muttered awkwardly, not sure why Charles is being bitter. He didn't even noticed that it's Charles that he bumped onto this morning.

Charles just rolled his eyes in return.

"Uh, i'm Jordan by the way. I'm on number 032." The guy introduced himself, extendimg his arm for a formal handshake. Yet; Charles didn't take it.

"I don't remember asking." Charles said, stepping in his apartment and closing the door on Jordan's face. Yes, he's being rude but the events that occured today seemed to messed his mood up.

With a tired sigh, he slumped on the bed. Today had been really exhausting and sleeping would really be good.

Yet, that person knocking on his door is preventing him from doing so. He tried to ignore it since he's not in the mood to face anyone but it didn't stop.

"What?" He hissed as he opened the door fully, facing Jordan who's about to knock once again.

"Uh, sorry for disturbing you dude but one of the keys here is missing. I'm just wondering if you somehow discarded any or maybe d--"

"I didn't. Now, get out of my damn face." Charles was about to slam the door, shutting it on Jordan's face once again. Though, the guy's extended foot prevented the door from closing. "What do you want? I already gave you your keys!"

"Well, its the key to my apartment that's missing..." Jordan shyly stated. "Can you help me find it? The clerk on the front desk won't do shít. The guard is useless too.."

"That's your problem. Don't get me involved."


"No." Charles closed the door, this time successfully closing it. Now, he can finally rest without any interruptions.

Few Hours Later;

Charles' sleep was interrupted by his stomach begging to be filled. Yes, he didn't eat anything for dinner but he assumed that what he ate for lunch is enough to keep him full for the whole night.

With an annoyed groan, he stood up to find something to consume. Unfortunately, he have nothing on his cabinets and fridge.

It'll go away; Charles chanted, referring to his hunger, as he was feeling too lazy to get out and buy something to eat. Besides, it's already past twelve. He doubts that the stores nearby is still open.

He's trying to ignore yet his stomach is feeling too warm. His parents once said that if you ever feel hungry but didn't satisfy your hunger, your organs will start to digest itselves. Tho he no longer believes in that, it left a permanent fright of getting too hungry.

So with a deep sigh, he grabbed a coat and grabbed some bills. He planned on putting some shoes on but tying the messy laces we're a pain. Instead, he chose to wear his fluff slippers.

He opened the door and stepped out, carefully closing it back so he don't disturb anyone. He's also checking left and right, like how a child would whenever they're sneaking out.

Though, at the end of the hallway, he noticed something. In front of door Thirty-two, was a guy crouched down to the floor, sleeping.

"Uhm, hello?" Charles whispered, crouching down to the guy's level. He recognized him to be Jordan, the guy who bugged him earlier. He seemed to be deep asleep.

Why was he sleeping...out? Charles wondered even though he already know the answer. Even though it isn't his fault, it made him guilty for not helping him earlier.

"Hey, wake up dude." He whispered, gently shaking Jordan. Thankfully, he isn't that hard to wake since he perked up on the first shake.

"W-what?" He asked, slightly disoriented. He rubbed his eyes, yawning before looking up to Charles. "Oh, you."

"You haven't found your key yet?" Charles asked, concerned. "I'm sorry for lashing out on you earlier. Rough day."

"Nah, i understand bro." He bowed his head down again, laying them on his bended knees. He shifted a little closer to his door, trying to find a more comfortable position on the floor.

Charles noticed it and somehow, made him even more guilty. "Hey can stay over mine for tonight...? It's quite chilly out here and it's not comfortable to sleep on the floor.."

"Thanks but i'm fine, dude." Jordan didn't bother to lift his head up this time. The guy is exhausted as well. He's been searching for this key for seven hours now.

"..No, i insist..." Charles shyly muttered, quite embarrassed about the fact he's letting someone he barely knew in.

"Bro, you don't have to."

"I...i kinda feel bad for yelling at you earlier..." Charles whispered to himself but Jordan caught it. "Okay...fine. If you really don't want to.."

Charles stood up to leave and do what he actually went outside for; food. Though;

"Wait--hey!" Jordan called, his voice echoing the empty hallways. Charles stopped and turned to that, giving Jordan a questioning stare. "What's your unit number?"

"Me? Uhm...026..?"

"Okay, then." He got up and stretched, his shirt lifting up a little and showing a few defined structure. Charles avoided to stare and instead, turned to leave again. Maybe i'll just drown my hunger in school works.

He noticed Jordan following behind, which made him question the man. Why is he following me? He refused..

Charles opened the door, stepping in with his fluffy slippers. He turned to close the door yet Jordan's presence surprised him.

"Hmm.." Jordan hummed, entering without Charles permission. He scanned the whole place, finding it quite cramped yet organized. There's some few things scattered her kittye in there but his is a lot more messier than Charles'.

"Hey...why are you~?"

"The offer is still up, yeah?" Jordan smiled, sitting on Charles' unmade bed. "What's your name?"

He stared at the guy for a moment. It's the first time he let someone stay over. Not even Eunice so he's a bit skeptical. There's a part of him that regret offering but most of it is eaten by guilt. Just tonight, then i'll help him find his damn keys so i don't feel this damn guilt.

Where does his key gone to tho? Charles thought. Maybe on the stairs? Though, he didn't see any spare keys on the ground when he picked them. Maybe i lost them here? Maybe--

"Hey? You okay?" Jordan pulled him out of his thoughts, waving a hand in front of him.

Jordan looked tired just like him. He's making an effort trying to talk to Charles yet Charles himself don't know how to carry a conversation. The guy have very tight curls that is not longer than 5 mm. He looked good with it, it complimented his beautiful dark skin.

"I think you need sleep more than i do." Jordan let out a humorous laugh, tapping the space beside him. "So...are you gonna tell me you' name or no?"

Oh, yeah, my name; "Sorry for that. I'm Charles."

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