Father and Son (Dadmight AU)

By BNHACinnamonRoll

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This is an AU where Inko Midoriya marries Toshinori Yagi or better known as All Might. Izuku Yagi is All Migh... More

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By BNHACinnamonRoll

Shigaraki's POV

    I rolled my eyes and stood up, "I already hate you both. Everything I hate in one delivery. A brat, and a rude ugly guy." Kurogiri folded his hands behind his back like the little bitch butler he is tried to insist with me.  "They came all this way, Tomura Shigaraki. Why don't we hear them out?"

    I grumbled and sat back down, waving my hand. "Speak already, dumbshits." Giran stepped forward from the door and flicked his cigarette into the trash. "This little cute high schooler here, her face and name have been redacted on the media and is the suspect of numerous murders, by blood loss." She nodded and fiddled with her shirtsleeve, squealing out at me...annoyingly.

    "I'm Toga! Himiko Toga! It's super-duper hard to live! I wanna be in a world that's easier to live in! I wanna be like Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy! So pleassseee let me in the League of Villains, Tomura!" I groaned in annoyance and raised an eyebrow, "I don't understand. Is she insane or something?" Giran just shrugged, "She can hold a conversation at least. I'm sure she'll be of use. Next, this guy over here. He hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he holds fast to the Hero Killer's ideology."

    The scarred up man glared at Shigaraki. "I'm uneasy about this. Does this organization really have a just cause?" He questioned, looking back to Giran. "Don't tell me you'll actually let that crazy ass woman in." Shigaraki grunted and retorted, "Hey. You weren't even able to do what that little wench was able to do." Toga looked insulted, "Hey! I'm not a little wench!" Our blue-haired antagonist growled and glared at her with his red eyes. She quieted.

    "Alright, give me your name first. You're an adult, right?" The scarred one stuck his hands into his pockets as he answered, reluctantly, "I currently go by Dabi." Shigaraki pointed at him lightly, "That's not what I asked for, stupid. What's your real name?"

     He rolled his eyes, "I'll tell you when the time is right. Anyways, I will carry out the will of the Hero Killer." Shigaraki leaned over a bit in frustration hidden behind his mask as he rose from his seat again.  "Jeez, everyone's so hung up about Stain, Stain..I don't like it! I don't want these Stain wannabes!" I yelled out, Kurogiri interrupting us all as we attacked each other. Diverting our attacks with portals. I grumbled in frustration and pulled my hands away as my dumbass butler spoke, "Please calm yourself, Tomura Shigaraki. If what you wish is to come to pass, then we must increase the organization's numbers. Strangely enough, we're in the spotlight for now, so now is our chance to increase."

    He stretched his disgustingly shadowy neck over to my ear, whispering, "You shouldn't be rejecting it..you should be receiving it. You must use it, all of it...And all of the ideology that he left behind for you." I shrugged him away and began to walk out. Immediately being questioned, "Where are you going?" I clicked my tongue and retorted, "Shut up." I could hear Giran talking behind my back, I didn't fucking care.

U.A. High School

Third-Person POV

    Back to our main set of characters, Kirishima, Sato, Mina, and Kaminari are pouting and drowned with misery. Of course, it's reasonable, them having failed the Practical part of the Final Exams. Mina was already teary and sniffling out of exaggeration, "Everyone...I-I'm looking forward t-to...hearing the stories about training camp.." Our protagonist, Izuku, tried to calm them in an attempt to assure them, "D-Don't worry! We don't know if there will be a last-minute twist!"

    Sero sighed and patted Izuku's shoulder, "Yagi, don't say it out loud. It'll probably jinx them..." Kaminari exclaimed in despair, "If we failed the Exams then we'll attend Summer School Hell! If you don't believe that then you must be a fool!" Sero, despite his claim, still tried to help calm them. "Hey! My team only won because of Mineta, I slept the whole time. We dunno how they'll score it."

    Kaminari screamed back at him with despair still clinging to him. "If you really feel bad for us, then just like, bring stuff back for us!" Suddenly, the conversation was disrupted by the classroom door slamming open. Aizawa adjusting his glasses, still reluctant to put contacts in as usual. "All of you brats, in your seats." He sulked up to his podium, looking at them all to make sure everyone was in their seat before speaking.

    "Morning. Unfortunately, there are some who did not complete or pass the Final Exam. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods... everyone's going!" Aizawa exclaimed the last part, with his forever creepy grin.

     There was an explosion of joy from the four who failed, Mina crying in happiness. Izuku raised his hand and Aizawa pointed at him, obviously to inquire about this oddity. "Uncle Zawa, how come?" Aizawa's eyebrows furrowed, he still sort of hated the nickname, despite it striking his soft spot. "First of all, I told you to stop that crap. Secondly, none of you in this class failed the written exam. Those who failed the Practical Exam were Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sato, and Sero."

    Sero immediately facepalmed and groaned in self-pity, "Of course! I knew it.." Aizawa continued, watching his pitiful student. "For this time's exam, we on the villain side decided to leave a way for you fools to win, while watching to see how you'd handle the situation you were given. If we hadn't most of you would've been stuck right from the beginning. When we said we were out to crush you. It was only to make you feel cornered."

    He continued, still, "The Training Camp is for you all to get stronger. Those who failed the exam need it the most." Adjusting his glasses, he grinned devilishly again, "It was a rational falsehood." Iida quite literally vibrated as he clenched his fists, "I was tricked again! As expected of U.A... "

    Our blue-haired friend jumped from his seat with a hand in the air, "However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!" Aizawa nodded, "I'll consider that." Ochako sticking her head out from behind him, "Kind of a wet blanket, Iida.." Their teacher shrugged and nodded, agreeing with Ochako's statement. He went on, "But Failure is Failure. We have prepared extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it's going to be even tougher than the lessons you'd get if you stayed here." That one sentence destroyed the confidence of the five who failed.

Later this afternoon

    Izuku stood with Iida and Kaminari. Reading over their pamphlets for the training camp they were to attend. Iida mumbling just loud enough for them to hear, "A week of training camp, huh?" Izuku nodded, "We'll probably have to bring a good amount of stuff then, won't we?" Kaminari nodded, "I don't even have bathing trunks or anything. I'm gonna have to buy a BUNCH of stuff!"

    Hagakure spoke up with an idea of hers, "Oh, then since we're all off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class 1-A go out shopping together?!" She exclaimed the last part with an invisible smile. Kaminari nodded, "Yeah! That'd be like the first time we all hung out together or something right?!" Ochako nodded in agreement with the class dunce, Kirishima pointing at Katsuki who was trying to escape. "You come to, Bakubro!" 

    Katsuki shook his head, "Nu-uh. I don't do those damn gatherings, so irritating." Izuku scratched his head a little and chuckled, "That has...some truth to it." Kirishima begged him, "Oh c'mon man! Pleeeaaasseee..?" Katsuki's cheeks tinted pink a little when Kirishima began to beg in front of him. Our resident ash-blonde frantic to stop this, "Okay! Okay! God damn, I'll go."

    Whilst Kirishima fist-pumped the air in victory, Izuku approached the half n' half one. "Hey! Wanna come too, Todoroki?," Izuku grinned as he showed off his enthusiasm.  Todoroki politely declined this request, "I have the things I need. I also visit my Mother on my free days, Yagi."

Next Day, Kiyashi Ward

    Mina squealed out in excitement as their class walked through the entrance. "And here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced, Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!"

    Izuku looked around, stammering, and mumbling to himself about the things he was seeing. "They don't just try to cover the various body types due to Quirks by numbers, but they actually have designs that fit a wide range of ages, from Teens to Seniors, so..." Izuku was interrupted by Tokoyami pulling on his shoulder, "Yagi, stop that. You're scaring the children."

    Only a few minutes into their shopping, the class was noticed by the civilians around them. One guy pointing at them, "Oi! Aren't those UA Students?!" Others took notice and commented, "First Years! I saw em on TV, so cool!" Ochako sweatdropped as she backed up a bit towards Izuku, "O-Oh... there are still people who remember that?" Katsuki groaned in annoyance, "Those guys seriously piss me off.." The class began to debate about how to split up, what they were going to buy, where they should buy it, etc.

    Kirishima grouped them up and announced, "Hey guys! Why don't we split up in small groups around the store of two and we can go buy our stuff and meet back here!" Mina nodded and cheered, raising her hand. "I super duper agree!" Iida chopped his arm, "Let's meet up back here at 3 pm!!" Everyone nodded and sped off, just leaving the couple. Ochako and Izuku, alone together.

    Izuku was bug-eyed, "I-...Everyone's really fast.." Ochako nodded in agreement, his head turning to face her. "H-Hey, what're you gonna get, Ochako..? I wanted to get myself some heavier wrist weights." She blankly responded, "I was going to get some more bug spray." Emotions returned to her and she realized they were all alone together, "S-So...we're alone together, huh..?"

    Izuku blushed, nodding in agreement. "Y-Yeah..didn't think this would occur. We should probably get going if we wanna reach Iida's timestamp." She nodded and they began to walk off. Headed throughout the store, getting her bug spray first. Because Izuku's a gentleman. Later on, Ochako tugged his shirt-sleeve, "H-Hey. I gotta use the bathroom if that's okay with you.." Izuku nodded, holding his backpack straps. "Sure! I'll wait over there by the fountain." He smiled and pointed to it. She thanked him and ran off, Izuku walking over to the fountain.

    Right before he could sit down, someone wrapped their arm around his shoulder and neck. "Eyyy..you're that guy who decided to break his bones at the Sports Festival, right?" Izuku, being a socially awkward person, replied shakily. "Y-Yeah..." The man's grip tightened, "Wow, UA's amazing!" Izuku was a little embarrassed in his mind, 'Gosh..so many people watched and remembered.' 

    "Hey, weren't you also the guy who took out the Hero Killer?" Izuku chuckled nervously, "Y-Yeah...you sure do know a lot.." The man uttered something that absolutely freaked Izuku out, "Man, I can't believe it. I didn't think I'd see you again in a place like this! It makes me feel like there's something drawing me to you..something like fate..or destiny.." The man's hand went around Izuku's throat. Four fingers only.

    Izuku was sweating now. The atmosphere was so tense it could be cut with a knife. Especially after the hooded figure uttered, "But well, from your perspective, I guess we haven't met since the...Attack on UA, huh?" Our protagonist's heart sank as the perpetrator revealed his face from underneath the hood. "Why don't we have some tea, Izuku Yagi?" Izuku screamed in his mind as he identified the man.


(A/N: Wooo, been a while since the last chapter. Sorry. The Finale of Part II next time!)

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