The Gray Family: Legacies✔️(W...

By angel48183

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The Gray Family has dealt with a lot through different generations throughout the years. They encountered som... More

Starting over
The next day
Girl's night
New partner
Sweet dreams
Guess who?
Apple orchard shenanigans
Hanging out with the brothers
Nixon to the rescue
A new normal
It's a college thing
Expect the unexpected
It's all relative
The Gray Brothers and The Gray Sisters
Back at it again
Ice cream
A blast from the past
Crazy doesn't even cover it
Halloween festival
It's a brother thing
Help from the Gray Brothers
A crazy date
Let's talk about sex
Listen, crazy-ass
Dinner with the Chief aka Dad
You have crazy, then there's Kaylee
The quints face-off
It's beginning to look lot likes Christmas
A Gray style Christmas
Returning to school
Revisiting the past
The day after
All hell breaks loose
Meet the new employee
A romantic Valentine's Day
Brother time
Spring break
Spring break fun
Happy anniversary, Patty and Nate
A letter to the readers


2.3K 129 35
By angel48183


Kaylee came out of surgery but hadn't woken up yet. I went to the hospital to visit her. Her dad stayed with her and looked like he hadn't slept.

"I'm waiting for Kaylee to wake up," the Chief said.

"She'll wake up," I said, sitting down in a chair.

"I promised Kaylee's mom I would protect her. I failed," the Chief whispered.

"No, you didn't," I replied. The Chief looked at me. "Kaylee fought."

"That's David is influence. He taught her to fight," the Chief told me.

We heard sounds coming from Kaylee. "Presley," Kaylee called out to me.

I got up and held her hand. "I'm here," I assured Kaylee. Kaylee gripped my hand as she opened one eye. The other eye swollen shut because of her cheek and bruising.

"I fought," Kaylee told me.

"Yeah, you did," I said, smiling.

The Chief stood up and leaned over the bed.

"Dad," Kaylee mumbled.

"I'm here, sweetheart," the Chief said, stroking her head.

"I fought, Dad, just like David taught me," Kaylee mumbled.

"Yes, you did," the Chief said.

I looked at Kaylee as she looked at me. My girl fought and won.

A few days later, Kaylee was sitting up in bed, sipping a drink through a straw. I walked in with flowers, setting them on the table next to her hospital bed. I looked around the room to see a ton of flowers.

"Secret admirer?" I asked, gesturing at the flowers.

"The crew brought them along with your family and my dad. I feel like I'm in a flower shop," Kaylee murmured.

I chuckled. I leaned over and kissed the top of Kaylee's head. Then I sat down in a chair.

"I had to kick my dad out so he could get some sleep. He looked rough," Kaylee told me.

"He worried about you," I mentioned.

"The situation scared the hell out of me," Kaylee said, sipping her drink.

"You seem casual about it," I mentioned.

Kaylee set her drink down and looked at me. "I'm a tough cookie and want to rip his nuts off," she said, with a look.

"Well, I took care of the dick and beat the hell out of him. My cousins are working on getting statements from the prior victims. My cousin Jaime is working on getting the lawsuit dropped," I told Kaylee.

"Martinez raped Eliza," Kaylee said.

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

"I'm sorry. I know things are a mess now," Kaylee commented.

"It's good to know the truth. Maybe Eliza can rest in peace," I responded.

"The police came to question me about what happened. I gave the police my statement. I don't want this to happen to another woman. Hathaway is also making a statement," Kaylee informed me.

"I'll back you all the way," I said, holding her hand. Kaylee gave me a slight smile.

It was a start.


Brody and I went into City Hall, and a woman stood up. We showed our badges and the warrant. We walked past her and entered the Mayor's office with people in it. The Mayor stood up.

"What is the meaning of this interruption? I'm having a meeting," the Mayor declared.

"You're meeting is over, Mayor Martinez. Turn around," I ordered. The Mayor turned, and I handcuffed him. "Mayor, you're under arrest for conspiracy to cover a crime and obstruction of justice. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, the courts will appoint one to you," I said, leading the Mayor out of his office.

Brody followed me as we walked past people. We came out of City Hall, and I put the Mayor in the back of a squad car, closing the door. I had the officer take him to the station to book him.

"Sometimes, this is the reason I like my job," Brody told me.

I looked at Brody. "People need justice and protection. If the victim can't feel safe coming to the police, then what does it matter?" I reasoned.

Brody nodded as we went to the station to do paperwork. We located most of the victims who agreed to cooperate. A few couldn't handle the aftermath and died. It was part of the job I disliked.

My dad raised us to fight for innocent people and do the right thing. He was tough on us but taught us to help people. Some cops will treat their job recklessly and abuse their power. Distinguish the good guys from the bad ones.


I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. The doctor said the swelling would go down in a week, but my cheek would take four to six weeks to heal. I can deal with these injuries, but not if Martinez would have committed sexual assault. I still had to see a therapist due to the trauma.

I sat in bed as Hathaway visited me.

"Hey, girl. It's good to see you awake," Hathaway said, hugging me gently.

"It's better than feeling comatose," I mentioned, making Hathaway laugh. "Thank you," I said, looking at Hathaway.

"For what?" Hathaway asked curiously.

"If you weren't there, I don't know what I would have done. You risked your life for me," I answered.

"That's what we do for each other as a crew. First responders have each other's backs. When you have one bad apple, that is one. It doesn't mean every member is rotten," Hathaway explained.

I looked at Hathaway and nodded while placing my hand in hers and held it. Hathaway wrapped her hand around mine, giving me a reassuring smile.

The night Martinez showed up at the station as we fought, he knocked me out. Hathaway risked her life to help me without hesitation. She saved me that night, and I was forever grateful. If Hathaway needed help, I would help her in a heartbeat.

We talked for a while, then Hathaway left for her appointment with the station's therapist. It is a standard operating procedure after a traumatic event. I flipped through the channels on the TV when someone knocked on my door.

I looked to see Presley at the doorway. He strolled into my room and over to the bed. He kissed me on the forehead, then sat down in a chair.

"How are you feeling?" Presley asked me.

"Like a truck hit me," I joked.

Presley rolled his eyes. "The police arrested the Mayor for covering up what Martinez did. Marshall and Brody persuaded the victims to move forward on their statements," he told me.

"Good because I want justice. I don't want it just for myself, but the women that suffered too," I said.

"Your dad is even working with the Captain to provide information on the complaints," Presley mentioned.

"That doesn't surprise me. My dad can be difficult, but he prefers to be fair," I reasoned.

"This entire situation made me realize that we judge too quickly about people," Presley mentioned.

"It's human nature, which sucks," I said, making Presley chuckle.

"Well, after you leave this pop stand, you're coming home with me," Presley told me.

"Is that your way of taking advantage of me? Because you know that I'm difficult," I reminded Presley.

"You? You took advantage of me. Do I need to remind you of the conversation you had at your dad's house?" Presley questioned with a look.

I gave Presley a look, and a smile curled upon my lips. He returned a smile. Presley was something else, but I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. I think I'll keep him.


The nurse kicked me out of Kaylee's room. It's not like we would get unholy in there. The nurse didn't find my comment funny, but Kaylee found it hilarious. I have an unholy girl.

I went home and saw Pax and Pat hanging out in the living room.

"How's Kaylee?" Pat asked.

"Crazy as ever," I answered, sitting down in a chair. "Kaylee wants to pursue what happened to her, so it doesn't happen to anyone else."

"Good, because that tool needs a spike shoved up his ass. I hope he drops the soap," Pax huffed.

"Damn, tell us how you feel?" Pat asked.

"Guys like him deserved elephants to trample his head. What gives that douche the right to violate those women?" Pax snapped.

Pat tried to figure out where to go with that.

"That's why I want to bring Kaylee here once the hospital releases her," I mentioned as my brothers looked at me with surprise.

"I think that's an excellent idea," Parker said, coming downstairs.

I looked at Parker with surprise. He walked over and shoved Pat over, then sat down on the couch. Pat rolled his eyes.

"I wanted to talk to everyone but didn't know how you would feel about it," I explained.

"We're good with it," Pat said, as Pax nodded.

"So am I, and I know Payton would be too," Parker added.

I looked at my brothers. I know the situation affected them when we showed up at the station. It puts a lot into perspective when you face a horrible situation like that. I felt better knowing that Kaylee would be safe.

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