Straight to the Punch (Yang X...

By CruderPlace13

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After a successful universe save and an accidental universe hop, C wakes up to see a shattered Moon and he ju... More

Rewrite Announcement
Book 1: Cutting Threads Recap
Chapter 1: Vale
Chapter 2: Beacon
Chapter 3: One of the Drunks
Chapter 4: The Cookie Monster of Remnant
Chapter 5: Caloric Overload
Chapter 6: It's time to D-D-Duel!
Chapter 7: Night On the Town
Chapter 8: Preparing for the Dance
Chapter 9: First Day on the Job
Chapter 10: The Dance
Chapter 11: First Mission
New thing
Chapter 12: Team RWBY vs C
Chapter 13: The Vytal Festival Begins
Chapter 14: A Dusty Old Qrow
Chapter 15: Team COLR Round 2
Chapter 16: Team RWBY vs. FNKI
Chapter 17: First Round of Finals
Chapter 18: The Fall
Chapter 19: The Loss
Chapter 20: Recovery (Lemon)
Chapter 21: Gifts
Chapter 23: Grimm on a Train
Chapter 24: Journey to Argus
Chapter 25: Seeing Red
Chapter 26: Leviathan Stomper
Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch
We now have a Discord server
Extra Chapter: Bloopers

Chapter 22: The Return

251 8 2
By CruderPlace13

POV Change

Narrator POV

After the last ship from Atlas lands in Anima a familiar figure steps out. Said person is seen running full speed while still in his Noon gear. A cowboy hat, boots, blue jeans, a bandana around his face, a button down, and a poncho over that. He dashes from building to building until he feels some commotion.

C: A group is fighting in an Academy that seems like it barely has seen use in...I'd say a year.... That's my group isn't it?

C smiles and dashes to the roof once there he sees Team RWBY minus Blake, what's left of Team JNPR, Arsenic, Qrow, and some kid he doesn't know. They are fighting Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, a lion faunus, Yang's mom, some chick, and an absolute unit of a man. C sees Cinder nock an arrow and aim it at Weiss while she is distracted. He jumps down crashing through the skylight and destroys the arrow before landing in a super hero landing. Everyone looks at him.

Cinder: Well well well, Atlas's number one hitman, Noon.

"Noon": And how do you know who I am?

C responds with a heavy southern drawl.

Cinder: Getting information about someone who kills a very large portion of the crime in a kingdom isn't very hard.

"Noon": Then you know why I'm here.

Cinder: Yes. And you've come to your grave.

Ruby: Am I the only one confused?

Arsenic: Does anyone know him?

Qrow: I don't know the guy.

Weiss: I've never seen him before and I lived in Atlas.

Yang: He seems... familiar.

Cinder: It doesn't matter soon he'll be a pile of ASH!

She sends flames at him, and it completely engulfs him. As she smirks the flames then suddenly circle him before shooting up in a pillar. The flames die down as his outfit is completely destroyed, with the only thing surviving being his underwear and a pair of shorts he had on under his jeans.

Yang & Arsenic: C!?!?

C: In the flesh, or rather what's left of it. Who else could do that much work for Atlas and not ever bite off more than he could chew?

Raven: That does make sense, but you're still not leaving here alive.

C: Sorry, I don't talk to deadbeat parents.

Raven: Vernal. Kill him.

Vernal rushes at C but he simply backhands her away with no effort at all.

C: Oh wow so threatening oh no.

Cinder: You expect to be able to stop us?

C: Yes. I do.

C steps forward and cracks his neck.

C: Who's first?

Mercury rushes C and goes for an axe kick, but C catches it and looks at him out of the corner of his eye.

C: Oh look, it's you.

C slams Mercury into the floor and kicks him so hard he flies through a pillar. Emerald rushes C, but he ducks down and then uppercuts her so hard she hits the ceiling. The big guy swings his huge fist at C, but C catches it.

C: Now you've got some strength mister...?

Big guy: Hazel.

C: Well Hazel. I get the feeling you don't want to be around this here crowd of murderers and whatever the hell Ms Deadbeat is.

Hazel: I've got a mission. I'm gonna do it no matter how much I don't want to.

C: Respect.

C then pushes Hazel back and rushes him. He gets some quick strong blows in until a blast of fire knocks him away from his opponent.


C pulls out two revolvers from his holsters and fires at Cinder. She blocks the shots with one hand as C lands against the wall. He pushes his feet off it leaving huge cracks as he goes flying at Cinder, but Hazel grabs his leg and tosses C at the door sending him flying out. He crashes through and sees Blake.

C: Oh....hey Bookworm! We're all inside. I've got an absolutely huge ass to kick! Be right back!

He gets up and dashes into Haven Academy. Once there he drop kicks Hazel into a wall and then grabs the guy while running dragging Hazel across the walls. He then hits him in the stomach and then continues to deliver as many blows as possible, but Hazel doesn't seem to feel the pain he clearly is being damaged. C cocks back his fist and delivers a blow to Hazel that sends the guy flying out through the roof and so far away no one could even see him. A pained cry comes from behind him as he turns and sees Weiss fall to the floor with a flaming spear coming out of her side.

C: no. CINDER!!

He looks over, but she is going down an elevator with Raven and Vernal.


He rushes to the elevator shaft and shoots himself down it after them. They step off the elevator just in time to avoid him crashing into the bottom of it. He looks up with his eyes glowing as he glares at Cinder.

C: I'll kill you. For all you've done, you will die.

Ice then appears at C's feet.

C: Really, again?

He is encased in ice as they all walk to the vault. Vernal walks up to it with Cinder behind her and Raven a little ways back. Vernal outstretches her hand towards the huge vault door. Raven is then frozen solid as Vernal is stabbed in the stomach by Cinder's left arm, a Grimm arm. Cinder walks up to her and slams her to the floor as C shoots out of his ice and shoves his fist through Cinder's back. She looks down and sees his bloody metal hand coming out her chest.

C: I told you, you would die.

He pulls his fist out of her and she falls to her knees. C picks her up by the throat and holds her over the side of the vault. His lips are blue from the ice and he spits in Cinder's face before tossing her down into the vault. The spit freezes and turns Cinder to ice. She falls into the black abyss out of sight. The sound of shattering glass fills the air as C turns and sees Raven break out and run to Vernal. Vernal has gone limp and C doesn't feel her soul anymore.

C: She's dead.

Raven:...yes, she is.

Raven closes Vernal's eyes and walks up to the Vault and touches it. It opens up and Raven goes to enter but she is stopped by an ice wall.

C: You don't get to have that. Sorry Deadbeat.

Raven: Move or be moved.

C: You'll die trying.

She rushes in with a slice, but C stops it with a very familiar weapon in his hands. C smirks at her as he pushes down with the Scissors in his hands.

C: Decapitation mode.

The Scissors expand making them longer. He swings at Raven, but she blocks it. He spins around and keeps slicing yet he isn't able to hit her once.

C: You're fast, I'll give you that!

Raven: Shut up and die!

She slices at C, but his arm makes the attack simply bounce off. C then puts one of the Scissors away as it reverts back to a stick. C then takes out a pistol from his holsters as the other stick transforms into a huge single blade.

C: Execution mode.

He slices downwards making Raven block, but then he shoots her with the pistol making her flinch as he pushes the sword down sending her crashing to the floor and then he swings the sword making her fly into a wall. She catches herself and launches at C making him drop his weapons. They crash into a wall and exchange blows. The sound of metal on metal goes throughout the vault as they fight. Raven makes a huge sword out of ice and clashes with C making the whole building shake. He then backhands the sword making it shatter as he rushes in and decks Raven hard enough to send her crashing into the elevator shaft. She gets up and looks up as stalactites start falling from the ceiling of the vault. Raven jumps up towards them, so C chases her down and they exchange some blows. The blows are enough to make any stalactites they are near to explode. Raven sends C crashing into one, but he grabs it at the edge, flips it over and tosses it at her. Raven barely dodges it and then sends him into another one. They go to clash when it crashes to the vault floor sending them both to the ground. C is then crushed by another one and it shatters all over him. He slowly gets up to his feet as Raven points her sword at his neck. His lips go back to their usual color as the ice he made melts. He then teleports behind Raven and points his own blade at her as she turns around and does the same. They both stand there with their blades at each other's throats.

C: Do it. I guarantee you I'll live.

Raven: If I do it I'm going to make sure to cut your head off.

C: Would that be the first time you've committed to something?

Raven: What would you know about what I've done?!

C: I know you're two of the few things I hate. A murderer and a parent who abandons their child. As far as I'm concerned, I don't need to know much else. You aren't leaving here with that relic.

Suddenly someone falls through the elevator shaft. Said someone is Yang.

Yang: Stop it both of you!

C: Yang.

Raven: Daughter.

C: She started it.

Raven: What are you a child?!

C: What would you know about children?

Yang: Enough!

The duo put their blades down and take a single step back from each other as Yang walks up.

Raven: I warned you Yang. I gave you every opportunity to walk away from Qrow and Oz. So you can believe me when I say this wasn't personal.

C: And you attacking me wasn't personal? Or was it because I'm dating your daughter?

Raven glares at him as C smirks with a raised eyebrow.

Yang: You opened the vault.

Raven: Thanks to the chaos you and your friends caused upstairs. I knew you could handle it, you're my daughter after all. But I will admit him showing up was unexpected.

Yang: Qrow and Oz told me how the maiden powers are transferred. The girl you found. She would've had to have trusted you if you were in her final thoughts, cared about you a lot.

Raven: I'm sure they told you plenty, and you just sat and obeyed.

Yang: No, I'm starting to ask questions, like you said. So tell me, what happened to the last spring maiden? Did she die in battle? Was it sickness?

Raven: What does it matter to you?

C: That says more than any answer honestly could.

Raven: Keep testing me boy. I will kill you.

C: Just like the spring maiden?

Raven doesn't respond and instead looks back towards her daughter.

Yang: How could you?

Raven: She was scared when we found her! Weak. No matter how much training I put her through, she never learned!

C: And who are you to decide who in this world is weak?! Who are you to end the life of someone who simply wasn't made to be a warrior?!

Raven: She wasn't cut out for this world! And with her powers, she would have been hunted her entire life!



Yang: Wasn't personal.


C: You've got a damn funny way of showing it!

Yang: Which is it, Mom? Are you merciful or are you a survivor? Did you let me walk into that trap because you knew I could handle it, or because it meant you could get what you wanted?!

Raven: It's not that simple.

C: No. It really is.

Raven: You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through, the choices I've had to make!

Yang: You're right. I don't know you. I only know the Raven Dad told me about. She was troubled, and complicated, but she fought for what she believed in, whether it was her team or her tribe! Did you kill her too?

Raven has a genuine look of shock on her face. She looks away before she recomposes herself and looks back.

Raven: I've stared death in the face over and over again! And every time I've spat in that face and survived because I'm strong enough to do what others won't!

Yang: Oh, shut up! You don't know the first thing about strength! You turn your back on people, you run away when things get too hard, you put other's in harms way instead of yourself! You might be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong.

Raven: Who do you think you are, lecturing me?! Standing there, shaking like a scared little girl!

Yang: Yeah I'm scared. But I'm still standing here! I'm not like you, I won't run. Which is why you're going to give me the relic.


Yang: BECAUSE YOU'RE AFRAID OF SALEM! And if you thought having maiden powers out a target on your back, imagine what she'll do when she finds out you have a relic. She'll come after you with everything she has. Or she can come after me. And I'll be standing there. Waiting for her.

Yang slowly walks up to her mom.

Raven: You don't want to do this, Yang.

Yang: Nope, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

Yang walks past her mother bumping her out of the way. Tears fall from Raven's face as Yang stops in front of the vault door.

Raven: I. I'm sorry.

Yang doesn't turn around.

Yang: Yeah. Me too.

Raven then leans over towards C and whispers.

Raven: Watch over her, please.

C nods and with that she leaves. The only thing left is a small black plume. Yang watches the feather slowly fall to the floor as C walks up to her. They then turn and walk into the vault which leads to an endless expanse of sand, but in front of the door are three circles made of dirt. The final one has a rock on it with a lamp floating above it. They walk up to it and Yang takes it. She then falls to her knees and let's her emotions take over. C gets down beside her and wraps his arms around her as she sobs.

C: It's okay I'm here. Let it out.

She cries into his shoulder as he comforts her. After a few minutes she looks up at him and smiles.

Yang: I'm so happy to see you.

C smiles back and wipes the tears from her eyes.

C: Looks like I can wipe your tears now, but that doesn't mean I want to see you cry Sunshine.

Yang smiles even more and throws herself at him. They share a quick passionate kiss before getting back up and heading out the vault and onto the elevator.

C: Going up.

Once there everyone looks on as Yang holds up the relic and C has an arm wrapped around her.

Ruby: Yang.

Arsenic: C.

Emerald falls to her knees and drops her weapons as Mercury starts backing up.

Mercury: Emerald, get up, we need to go.

C: Actually. You aren't leaving. This is where you die.

C teleports in front of Mercury fires two quick shots from a pistol to Mercury's knees. He collapses and looks up in fear.

C: This is for Penny.

He fires a shot right between his eyes killing Mercury immediately. He then grabs Emerald by the throat and lifts her up.

C: I'm going to give you a chance to live. Lucky you. Tell me, where can I find Taurus? And hurry up, I'm feeling impatient.

Emerald: Why not ask Cinder?

C: Well she is a little too dead to tell me.

Emerald: She was the only one who knew.


Emerald: Don't you feel pretty stupid.

C: Almost as stupid as telling me you can't do the one thing I was going to keep you alive for? Yeah pretty stupid.

With that C snaps her neck with no effort. He then grabs Mercury in his left hand and activates Cinder's semblance.

C: Incinerate.

Their bodies immediately burn to ash as he lets them go.

Ruby: just-

C: Killed them? Yes. Yes I did. They killed without any remorse at all. And anyone who threatens my friends will get no sympathy from me.

Qrow:...What happened in the vault?

C: Cinder killed Vernal, I killed Cinder, I fought Raven after she opened the vault. Turns out she is the spring maiden and then she left after Yang came down. She's gone.

Qrow: Well we're all glad you're both still here.

Ren: But we might need to get you some clothes.

C looks down and sees his lack of attire.

C: You know I'm so used to fighting half naked I didn't even realize.

Yang: Now that sounds like an interesting story.

C: It's way to long to tell here. In fact if it were a book it would probably need over twenty chapters just to do it justice.

Ruby then falls to her knees. With Arsenic and Weiss doing the same to check up on her.

Weiss: Are you okay?

Ruby: I feel like I should be asking you guys.

Blake walks up as C and Yang sit down beside Ruby.

Ruby: So Blake, what're you doing here?

Blake: I. I was going to ask you five the same thing.

Ruby: That's a looong story.

C: I'll second that.

Blake: Well I'm not going anywhere.

Ruby: That's all that matters. That we're all here together. Right?

They look at C who simply looks at Blake.

Blake: I'm sorry about your a-

C: It's good to know you're safe, Blake.

He holds out an open arm for her. Blake is stunned for a second, but she quickly hugs him as Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Arsenic all join in. They all sit like that for a while.

Ohma POV

I get off the bike and look around the town I was in. I look over at a TV as a news report kicks on.

Anchorman: The attack on Haven Academy has been stopped by Faunus and some students from Beacon Academy. Said students did not wish to speak with us, but we did capture this small conversation.

Reporter: Sir sir! How did it go? Was anyone killed?!

C: Get the hell out of our way. We're tired we've earned a good night's sleep goddamnit!

Ohma: Haven huh? Looks like I have a destination.

I hop back on Tempus and crank it to life before going full blast down the road.

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