The Alphas' Treasure

By YOLOwriting101

188K 7.3K 4.7K

Danny's eyes met with the man he has not seen in four years. Yet in all that time he couldn't suppress the de... More

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𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑛𝑒*

𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛

1.3K 86 33
By YOLOwriting101

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐛𝐚𝐰𝐢 x 𝗗𝗮𝗲-𝗝𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗺


Kingston sat in the white mass of a room. His eyes not able to make anything out but the white. He wasn't sure when the room ended and he didn't desire to find out.

He had on white clothes too, and he wondered if this was a way to remove his senses. Because he found himself feeling helpless as he sat quietly.

Found himself becoming upset because he didn't think he deserved this. Yes, he made lots of mistakes, but he didn't know they were still being discussed. He didn't think the Luna was planning this against him.

The more he sat here, he began to have a feeling that he'd hear the cries again. Because he was able to make out the phases this prison had.

First phase was blinding him with white light every time he dozed off when he wasn't supposed to. Second phase was to have his ears be assaulted with the cries of Danny - driving him insane. Third phase was as if it was mocking him, switching roles and making him see what it would feel like if Danny was to find his second-chance Mate. Fourth phase was the worst one.

The room completely morphed into reality and made him feel all of the pain Danny has ever felt. Then it would try to show him all of his faulty choices.

He was pissed because he didn't want to be here. It wasn't fair to him because everything was fine. At least that's what it was being portrayed as. Kingston never assumed anything of it.

Then he goes to the silly mirror and finds out something about his family that he knew nothing about. He thought it was fine, until Isleen had to come and rip off bandaids. Digging into wounds that were practically healed.

Resentment grew towards her, and he stood up from the ground. He began to walk along and it irked him that no matter how far he went, it never ended. It was a never ending room that made him feel like he was losing mind.

Whenever he was certain he was coming to the end, it only grew farther. He stopped walking abruptly as he heard the sounds of footsteps behind him.

Unsure if he was mistaken, he turned around. He saw Danny standing right behind him, only a few paces away. Except he knew it wasn't the real him.

Right when he stepped towards him he saw Danny begin to cry, his arms wrapping around an invisible figure. All he could do was watch in torture once again.

"Mama...please don't hate me...please..." He heard Danny whimper, and tears streamed down his cheeks. Kingston wasn't sure what this was about, but had an inclination on what it could be.

"I could never hate you, you're my son."

That's when Kingston saw Danny's mother fill the invisible figure. Now seeing him cling to his mom for life and all he could do was watch.

"If you found out what's wrong you'd hate me-."

"Never I promise." Danny's mother interrupted, and Kingston saw Danny relax in her arms.

It began to kick in to him that he looked like the Danny from now almost six years ago. From when they had sex...then it kicked in what he was watching.

"I'm pregnant, mama. I did my family wrong, I wrong you all!" Danny cried, Kingston seeing him look at his mother. His eyes continuing to create tears and stream down his face.

Until Kingston flinched, seeing Danny look at him. His eyes narrowing on him as he pointed at him. Kingston knew it was just a simulation, but it felt so real that he began to feel worse.

"You got me pregnant and I couldn't go to you for anything." The simulation told Kingston, and he knew that these words were probably programmed. Except he felt like at the same time...they weren't.

"You could have, I would've accepted you-."

"I could not have. I would've lost my family, everyone I love. There was the possibility of putting our lives in danger if I was to admit Milla was our child... It was either lose everything I know and love, starting a war in my Pack; or go to you, someone I was told to hate and enter a Pack that is programmed to hate me. Which one sounds like a better option?" Danny asked him.

Kingston just looked at the sim, feeling like he was really speaking to Danny. He had to stop himself from suffering.

"I wouldn't...let them treat you horribly-."

"Answer my question!"

"I don't know because I've never been in that situation before! I can't help that Luca was my second-chance Mate and-."

"Stop trying to explain yourself! Stop trying to be right all the time! Put yourself in my shoes for once in your life! Answer my question!" Danny shouted over Kingston's voice.

Kingston ran his hands over his face, trying to calm down. His heart beating faster because he kept trying to tell himself he would've done different. Yet if he really was in Danny's shoes...would he have done the same thing?

"I...I would've done what you've done, but five years? You stayed away from me for five years! Explain that to me, why would you do that to me? Stay away for so long...?" I plead for him to answer that question, and I saw him sigh.

"I was afraid. He was afraid, Dae-Jung was afraid."

My eyes widen because I didn't want him to be afraid. I'm saddened that he was afraid to begin with. Am I that frightening?

When we first met I didn't do anything for him to be afraid of me. All we did was have sex and I wanted to be Mates with him - tell everyone what we were.

That we could end this feud and be together. I didn't run from him - he ran from me. Instead of rejecting me he let me suffer for all those years. The one that should've been afraid was me! Afraid on if I was to tell the truth about what we were and he would try to kill me!

I found myself becoming angry, shaking my head.

"I shouldn't be the only one punished. Where's the common sense in all of this?!" I snap, and that's when the person I was looking at was no longer Danny. Found myself staring at Isleen - only infuriating me even more.

"The difference between you and Danny is that he didn't bond with someone else. That is forbidden! Once you did such a thing you broke a law, if you were to have had sex with Luca - like you were tempted to do - we would have rejected you both being Mates from there! You are my grandson centuries later! I would've never thought you'd stoop that low." Isleen scolded him, and Kingston rolled his eyes at her.

"We were over that. I know I did wrong, and I apologized! You are doing too much! You're my relative, yet you do this to me? How long have I been in here anyway! I feel like it's been a year!" Kingston snapped at her, and she just grinned at him.

In reality it has only been a day, but the best part was that Kingston felt otherwise.

"I'm not telling you that-."

"How are you even able to do this?! You aren't the Luna, you can't just imprison me like this. Isn't this inhumane?" Kingston asked in annoyance.

"No, no one is hurting you." Isleen shrugged, and Kingston looked at her as if she really said that.

"Danny and I have moved on from this. You were wrong to rehash old memories. You were wrong to do all of that! is Danny?" He asked her, and she saw that he genuinely wanted to know.

Except she wasn't allowed to tell him. Even though Danny was doing just fine, but was finally coming to his senses about what has happened.

"I can't tell you that. If I did, that would ruin this whole process." She snickered, causing Kingston to sneer at her.

"For being my grandmother from centuries're sure pulling some bitch moves." He growled at her, only to find himself be slapped across the face.

Already knowing it was her, he didn't even bother looking back at her.

"You cannot talk to people like that, especially your relatives, elders, and your Mate. Hopefully while your in here some more you'll learn about respect-."

"I do have respect! Though when people play me for a fool and treat me like this, they lose my respect! You're supposed to be my grandmother of the centuries...not my prison guard. This is messed up." Kingston sneered, collapsing to the ground as he crossed his legs.

Just sitting on the ground, he didn't even bother speaking with her anymore. He just wanted to deal with the rest of the time he was in here. Because he heard it feels like five years for him, but in real life it's only a week...

If that's correct, that means he's been in here for not that long. Though it pissed him off that he was being put in this predicament.

"Just accept that what you did was wrong." Isleen says to him, and Kingston rolled his eyes.

"I don't know if you're missing a big piece of history, but I already accepted and admitted I'm wrong. I know I was wrong! We both admitted we were wrong to each other. If you want to punish me for my past mistakes, go ahead; but I've already admitted what I've done. I'm not going to let you insult me and bring me down for my mistakes - when it's already been dealt with!" Kingston yelled at her, folding his arms to his chest tightly.

All he wanted to do was see his kids. He was more stronger than they were thinking. Now that he heard Isleen's words he wasn't planning on being brought down by this supposed punishment.

"Well, I'll let you continue on." Isleen hissed at him, and Kingston watched as she faded away. He became slightly annoyed by such a thing, but didn't bother being too upset.

Because he knew if he let this get to him it would only set back the relationship he had with Danny. They were still Mates...he needed to be strong for him. Hopefully Danny was doing the same.


Danny held Aeneas as he stared up at the mirror on the ceiling. The last time he saw Kingston was when he went through there. His eyes narrowed slightly because he didn't understand how it worked.

Though he felt bad about the whole situation. It truly didn't kick in what was happening to Kingston until Danny was calm again. He realized what happened and he was annoyed by such a thing.

Now he was annoyed with Isleen and felt manipulated for sure. He was manipulated and she used his past against him. Reminding him of something he thought he forgave and forgot about. He was moving have himself be reminded...

"Dae-Jung! I was looking for you!"

Danny looked over his shoulder as he saw Isleen walking towards him. A bright smile on her face, she clasped her hands together.

"Why were you looking for me?" He asked, trying to hide his irritation.

"Because, we aren't done with your fitting for your suit. So that we can try that whole Head Alpha coronation again-."

"That won't be necessary. I'm not doing it until Kingston is out of this mirror." Danny interrupted for the first time, and Isleen folded her arms. "I don't appreciate what you did two days ago. Getting me all riled up so that I wouldn't be in my right mind to stop you from putting Kingston in there."

"It was necessary. The Luna suggested it. I work with her, and this was the best choice - or you would've lost him indefinitely. You don't realize how many rules he broke-."

"I know that, but he's my Mate. I forgave him...we were moving on. Then you do this? If you are going to punish anyone, punish not just him - but me. I've done things wrong too." He snapped, and he felt Aeneas begin to cry in his arms.

He already knew Aeneas got like this whenever he was around Isleen. Milla was having a dress fitting and Danny didn't want her to think anything of what happened to her father.

It wasn't hard to distract her since she loved everything about this place. Except he knew she was smarter than that and was probably pretending to be distracted...for his sake.

"You may have done things wrong morally, but we all make mistakes-."

"If that's the case, then let Kingston free. You are contradicting yourself. Saying everyone makes mistakes, but still punishing him because he made mistakes." Danny interrupted her again, and Isleen tried her best to not be annoyed by such a thing.

"The difference between you and my grandson is that you didn't break any laws. There is laws that come with being Mates - and he broke many of them. You however, did not. That's the problem here, don't you see?" She asked him hurriedly, becoming upset that Danny didn't see the big issue.

Though she made eye contact with Aeneas, and flinched at the image that filled her head. When she looked back at Danny he had his eyebrow raised.

"Keep Aeneas away from that mirror." She warned him, and Danny shook his head.

"I'm not doing that. I see everything that you said, and I'd understand if I hadn't forgiven him - but I have. Of course it'll hurt when bandaids are ripped off and I'm reminded of the past; but it's fine now. It was fine...if Kingston comes out...different - I blame you." Danny sneered at her with distaste.

He turned away from her now, not knowing that he upset her more than he intended. Because she was only trying to help and this wasn't the reaction she expected whatsoever.

"I'm only trying to help."

"I didn't ask for help." Danny growled, and Isleen sneered at his words. Not knowing this whole situation didn't sit well with her because she's dealt with such a thing before. Her son committing acts like Kingston and has seen what it can do to the other.

She didn't understand why Danny was like this.

But the image Aeneas showed her still didn't sit well with her. She needed to make sure he didn't stay around the mirror for too long. Because if he did...she knew he'd somehow get Kingston out.

If he did that then he was stronger than her...and that didn't sit well with her. How much more powerful was he really?


What a mess. 🙄

But, it'll be over soon enough. 🤧

Do you think Isleen is doing too much? 🤭

I do, but she thinks she's helping. 🤷🏽‍♀️

So...we'll see. 🤦🏽‍♀️

What'd you think of everything? 🤔

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~ YOLO❤️

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