Go Live Your Way Season 3 *SL...

By hellodarkness456

13.3K 167 44


The Secret
Telling Zoe
The Flowers
Lupe Problems
Let The Games Begin
Uninvited Guests
Juanma Wants To Talk
Go Practice
A Talk With Mercedes
Costumes And Practice
Go And Big News
Taking Her Home
Drama and Fights
Let's Sue!!!
Green Dresses and Apologies
Drama and More Drama
Clarification and A Secret Revealed
Costume Trouble and Drama
A/N Please Read!

Christmas Markets

562 8 0
By hellodarkness456

              I woke up to Zoe looking at some photos in my room. Alvaro was still asleep right beside me. 

"Zoe what are you doing?" I ask. She jumps.

 "I came to wake you up but I see Alvaro's here!" she says smirking. I roll my eyes. 

"What did you do last night?" she asked putting a photo of me and my mom down. 

"We just watched a movie and ended up falling asleep." I say. We both giggle. Then Alvaro wakes up. 

"Oh goodness, I fell asleep here! I got to go!" he said kissing my cheek and waving at Zoe. Then he left. Zoe giggled. I threw a pillow at her playfully and we both laughed our crazy hearts out. 

"So can we wake everyone up now." Zoe finally asked. 

"Sure, let me just brush my teeth real quickly." I say. I went into my bathroom and scrubbed my teeth. When I came out Zoe looked at a picture of Simon, me and her. She hugged me.

 "Thanks for putting a picture of us in your room." she said.

 "No problem! Hey, where is Simon?" I ask her. 

"I tried to tell him where I was going but, he said he wanted to sleep." he said. I nodded my head. 

"Let's go and wake everyone up." I say. We walk over to all the boys room and wake them up. Then we go to the girls room including Sophie and Fede and wake all of them up. We all go downstairs and sit on the couch while waiting for breakfast. 

"I love your pajamas Mia! They are really vintage." Augustina says. 

"I was going to say that their look amazing." Tobias said. Martin laughs. 

"What, they look good!" Tobias said. I smiled and said 


 "Oh my gosh we should watch a Christmas movie since it is Christmas Eve!" Martina said. 

"You are right!" I say.

 "Where is the remote?" I say searching the living room. 

"Found it." said Fede. 

"And where was it?" Simon asked. He turned shy. 

"It was in my hand!" he said. We all burst out laughing to the answer. He tosses the remote to me and I hit the green power button. I turn to the Hallmark channel. It was quiet. I loved watching everyone react and stare intently at the screen. I think that everyone was having a fun time. Then Ramiro came down the stairs. 

"Good morning!" he said to everyone. We all waved at him still staring at the TV. He went into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. 

"Anyone hungry?" he asked. Sophie jumped off the couch and over to Ramiro. She went on the floor and made a begging position.

 "I'm so hungry. I need breakfast!" she yelled. We all laughed. 

"Sure. I'll make some right now." he says laughing a little. 

"Sophie! Get over here friend." August said. Sophie then ran back to her spot. Once the movie was over I turned the TV off.

 "How about we get ready for the day?" Alvaro said. 

"Yeah, I need a shower." Martin said sniffing his pits. We giggled and all made our way upstairs and back into our rooms. When I got to my room I wanted to call Isabel to wish her happy holidays. I sat at the desk and dial her number on my phone. She picked up immediately. 

"Hi Auntie! Happy Christmas Eve!" I say.

 "Oh, happy Christmas Eve to you as well pumpkin! I wish I could give you a big hug. I might even come visit you at school in a couple days. Where are you at?" she said. 

"I'm at my house!" I giggle.

 "Your house?" she said.

 "After the DNA test that Ramiro did he realized that if I went on a break from school I would have no where to go. So he made the guest bedroom into my room. It has pictures of me and him and Mom and you. I also put pictures of my friends in here.(Including Alvaro) He also let me throw my own Christmas party. My friends are over here now. We are getting ready to eat breakfast and probably go to a local Christmas market." I spill. She smiles big and bright. 

"Oh Mia, I miss you so much sweetheart. Please call me more often. I love hearing from you!" she said. 

"Of course Auntie! Well I have to get ready for the day now bye!" I say. 

"Bye! Kisses!" she says. I hang up and pick out a Christmas dress for today. It was so cute. I was going to be a reindeer for today. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and put the dress on. Then I found some reindeer antlers. I stuck them on my head. Then I got some makeup and made a red nose. I smile. When I came out my room Zoe, Sophie, August and Martina were there. 

"Oh my gosh your outfit is so cute Mia!" Martina said.

 "Do you have four spare ones?" Zoe asked. I nodded I got the outfit out my drawer and tossed it to the girls. Then I noticed that Sophie and Augustina were looking at pictures. 

"Why are you guys staring at pictures." I ask.

 "Well, Lupe always described your mom as rude and obnoxious but in these pictures. She seems like the best mom anyone could ever have." August says. 

"Yeah, she died when I was six. She was the best. I could count her on anything." I say. August and Sophie sit down next to me and comfort me. I hadn't noticed that Martina and Zoe were in the bathroom changing. They plopped out. 

"Ta Da!" they both exclaimed. We giggled. They looked ridiculous but cute at the same time.

 "We need to change now." Sophie said. August and Sophie ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind them. 

 "You guys look so good." I say. They touched their antlers and it made a ding noise. We giggled. Then August and Sophie came out dressed the same as all of us. They kept on touching their antlers so we did the same. We must have caused a lot of noise because their was knock on the door. I went to open it. It was Ramiro. 

"I just wanted to say that breakfast was ready. Oh my! We have some reindeers here." he said. We all giggled. we went downstairs with him and over to the table. The boys were already eating and talking. Once they saw us they chuckled a little.

 "You all looks ridiculous." Nico said.

 "I think they look cute." Alvaro says winking at me. We go and sit. I sit next to Alvaro who kisses my cheek. I smile at him. I start to eat. We start talking about school, Go, grades and Christmas. Once we were done we sat on the couch and talked some more. We loved enjoying each others company. Then Ramiro came in.

 "You guys ready to go. I got the car all set." he said. We all stood up and went to the car. We sat down in our seats. Ramiro got in and started to drive.

 "Hey guys, does anyone have an idea for the group dance." I ask. Zoe smirked at everyone and put a chip into a radio causing 3,2,1 GO! to play. We all got up and danced. This was for sure the group performance. Once we got to the markets we shopped and shopped and shopped until we noticed that the boys hands were full. We all stopped for a break at a big fountain. 

"How about I take a photo?" Ramiro said.

 "Yeah!" everyone encored. Ramiro took it. And gave us each a copy. We got back in the van and danced again.

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