°˖✧♡ídσl lífє♡✧˖°

By KitsuNaruto

33.5K 1.5K 1.5K

Idol!AU Naruto's life is pretty normal. Mystery ability...? A homeschooled kid with delicate features. His n... More

prσlσguє. thє chαngє
chαptєr σnє. thє ѕtαrt
chαptєr twσ. wαnnαвє ѕtαr☆αudítíσnѕ pαrt twσ
chαptєr thrєє. títlє ѕσng
chαptєr fσur. prαctícє αnd pчjαmα pαrtíєѕ
chαptєr fívє. pσp/ѕtαrѕ☆
chαptєr ѕíх. hσlídαч
chαptєr ѕєvєn. tєαm вαttlє
chαptєr єíght. thє dσuвt
chαptєr nínє. ѕєcrєt fσund σut
chαptєr tєn. tєαm rєd vѕ tєαm grєєn
chαptєr єlєvєn. tєαm вlαck vѕ tєαm whítє

chαptєr twσ. wαnnαвє ѕtαr☆αudítíσnѕ pαrt σnє

3.4K 157 248
By KitsuNaruto

Time skip to one month later...

Naruto's POV

Today is the airing day of the programme and it's going to be live! I'm sooooooo excited OMG! During the one month training, I did vocal training with Kakashi. He taught me really well, expected as a singer. We did exercises like stretching, yoga and running on treadmills. Also, I did some catwalking practice and dancing practice. Kakashi taught me how to pose nicely and naturally. He praised me for the improvement I made in a month. I also composed a song and published it on Spotify! It's called 𝕴𝖈𝖊 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌! Everytime I walked on the streets, I heard my song being played in the shops and stores. Hehe, I am so happy.♡

Also, although I couldn't spend more time with Gramps, he said he's my No.1 fan. He told me that his son, Asuma would be one of the panels and he met him days ago. Well, Gramps told me he scolded Asuma for ignoring him for a long time and Asuma promised to visit him once every week.

Simce the programme was going to start today, I had to pack my stuff for three months and live with other trainees together in a room in STAR☆Neverland Entertainment. I hope they are nice...

I headed to the backstage and entered a room with my name on it. When I stepped inside, the TV was on and was showing the advertisement. Tsunade also advertised the survival reality programme wαnnαвє ѕtαr☆. The advertisement were perfectly made, hundreds of trainees' faces appeared on the screen, there were several boy's names that I saw.

Uchiha Sasuke.

Hyuuga Neji.

Nara Shikamaru.


I heard these four names and they were really handsome. I think they'll be in the programme. There were also girl's names too.

Haruno Sakura.

Hyuuga Hinata.

Yamanaka Ino.

Hmm...I see. I also heard theirs before. They looked beautiful too.

wαnnαвє ѕtαr☆opened twitter accounts and made the headliners to open one too.

Starting from 25th of September, wαnnαвє ѕtαr☆posted one headliner each day until the airing day.

Wait a second. At the end of the advertisement, 'Secret Trainee' was written in capital letters and my silhouette! Don't tell me this is what Tsunade was talking about! That's why she told me to open a twitter account!

I covered my face in embarrassment.

Tsunade, you should have told me from the start!

Knock knock!

"Who's there?" I asked. The melody was familiar...

"Kakashi. May I come in?"

"Kakashi who- Ah! Come in!"

Kakashi opened the door and saw my nervous expression on my face. He chuckled as he walked towards me.

"Hey hey! I know you're nervous and I saw the ad. Tsunade really wanted you to be part of the advertisement so that's why she made you the secret trainee!"

I tugged his sweater and showed him my puppy eyes.

"Kakashi! What should I do? I'm so nervous! That secret trainee thingy made me even nervous. When is my turn to go to the stage? I wanna leave! Ahhhhhh!"

Kakashi pulled my cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows. He made me stare at him.

"Calm down Naruto. You improved a lot just in a month! Tsunade made you a secret trainee is because she knew you could live up to her expectations. We are impressed! Since you're the secret trainee, you'll be the last one to go to the stage. It's not your turn yet so let's watch it live, okay?"

"Ywesh shir."

Kakashi smiled and sat next to me. Our eyes glued to the screen as the the programme started filming.

The huge studio was packed with people. Two men wearing formal suits walked out from the backstage with a mic in their hands. The audience cheered and clapped when the two men stood in the middle of the stage.

"Hello everyone! This is the first new survival reality programme wαnnαвє ѕtαr☆ of STAR☆Neverland Entertainment. My name is Hagane Kotetsu." Kotetsu said as he glanced at his another partner.

"And I am Kamizuki Izumo. We are the hosts for this programme. It will last for three months and during those three months, the panels will choose the best trainees and form a boy unit and a girl unit! 10 lucky boys and 5 lucky girls will be able to get chosen by them!" Izumo annouced.

Kotetsu nodded at the camera and said," That's right! There are 150 male trainees and 100 female trainees. Tough competition it is! The trainees will be ranked from Grade A to Grade X. And now, let me introduce the panels for this programme!"

The camera turned to the first panel, Kotetsu then spoke. "First, on the very left, she is the one and only STAR☆Neverland Entertainment CEO, Senju Tsunade!"

Tsunade looked straight to the camera and waved. Izumo then continued introducing.

"Next, the Dance God of STAR☆Neverland Entertainment, Sarutobi Asuma!"

Asuma grinned at the camera and nodded.

Heh~ So he is Gramps's son! He's a world wide famous dancer! No wonder he had no time to visit his father....but still Gramps always wished him the best even though he's not there for him.

Kotetsu gestured the camera man and moved to the next panel. "Beside Asuma, the next panel is the Muse of Voice, Yuhi Kurenai!"

Kurenai smiled at the camera and gave finger hearts.

Wow...she's really pretty...Muse is really the word to describe her...

"There are two mentors in this programme but they will appear later on. The Devil Coach, Might Guy will train up all the trainees and The mask killer, Hatake Kakashi will teach the trainees about singing and catwalking." Izumo added.

I turned to Kakashi and said, "You're one of my mentors!? Why didn't you tell meeeeeeee!"

Kakashi ruffled my hair to calm me down. "Maa...I don't want you to get too nervous so I didn't tell you."

I pouted and folded my arms, then turned to focus on the live show.

Kotetsu and Izumo walked to the side of the stage and held out their hands. "Saa! Let's start off from our first trainee! He's one of the headliner of the programme!"

A navy haired boy with a cool looking face walked out from the back stage. His dark blue eyes looked up and scanned the crowd.

Izumo handed him a mic and spoke. "Alright! Introduce yourself!"

The boy took the mic and said, "Uchiha Sasuke. Age 17. As a trainee in STAR☆Neverland Entertainment for 2 years."

The girls in the crowd screamed and yelled loudly with lovey dovey eyes.

"Kyaaa~! Sasuke kun♡~"

Kotetsu chuckled and held up his finger to tell the audience to quiet down.

"Arara~ He already had a lot of fans it seems. Well then, show everyone your performance!"

Sasuke positioned himself with his back showing to the audience and the music started.

He turned around and flashed a smirk to the crowd. He danced with confidence that made the panels wowed. His voice were deep and soothing, even he was moving all the time, he wasn't out of tune.

I immediately got tense, he was really good that I was speechless. He is a tough opponent...

When he finished and bowed, the panels and the crowd applauded.

Tsunade held up her mic and smiled. "Well done, Sasuke. You improved a lot since I last saw you."

"Thank you very much."

Kurenai also held up her mic and said, "Your voice is really good that it gave me chills. If I'm not mistaken, are you the younger brother of Itachi? You two sound almost the same."

Sasuke nodded and replied. "Yes, he is also the one who helped me improve."

Asuma grinned and spoke. "That's why. Your dancing skills are great but I think you still can improve more. I look forward seeing you in the next stage."

"Thank you Asuma sensei."

"Wow! The panels all gave praises to Uchiha Sasuke. What grade will the panels give him?" Izumo spoke out.

The screen on the desk showed three A's. Tsunade, Asuma amd Kurenai all gave an A to Sasuke.

"Grade A! Uchiha Sasuke will now head to the Grade A area and take his seat." Kotetsu annouced as he gestured Sasuke to the Grade A area.

The audience all cheered while the girls yelled his name once more. Sasuke regained his cool face and walked to the Grade A area to sit down.

I turned to Kakashi and asked, "Who is this Itachi guy, Kakashi sensei?"

Kakashi was surprised at my question. "You don't know about Uchiha Itachi!? He is the leader of the boy group called Akatsuki. They are also in our company. You will meet them sooner or later I think."

Uchiha Itachi huh...

The voice of the two hosts interrupted my thoughts and I focused again to the screen.

"And now, the second headliner trainee!" Izumo said as a boy with long silky brown hair, fair skin, featureless white with lavender tinted eyes walked out from the back stage.

He wasn't smiling until a mic was handed to him.

"Good morning. I'm Hyuuga Neji. 18 years old and been a trainee for three years."

"Uwah....his eyes are so cool!" One girl from the audience spoke.

Neji heard that and smiled at the girl. "I had lack of pigment in my eyes and it was in my genes so my eyes were white hinted purple. I can clearly see stuff so no worries."

The girl was charmed by him and blushed. Kotetsu patted Neji's back and spoke.

"Are you ready to show your performance?"

Neji nodded and positioned himself in the middle of the stage.

A soft melody was being played as Neji started dancing along. He expressed himself through his movements and vocals. Everyone was mesmerized by his performance. No one dared to interrupt such a beautiful performance until the end.

I was captivated what he did until the music ended with Neji laying on the ground panting.

The panels' clapping broke the silence as the audience also followed. Neji stood back up and bowed to them.

"Neji, you really amaze me. I really like your performance. Keep up the good work." Tsunade smiled at him with a thumbs up.

"Arigato Tsunade sama."

Asuma nodded at Tsunade, agreeing with what she said. "Tsunade is right. The choreography you just did was really difficult and you pulled it off. Well done."

"But one thing Neji, your voice is still a bit shaky while dancing. I know it's difficult to stabilize but more practice will definitely improve. Overall, I still really love your performance." Kurenai commented.

"Understood. Thank you Asuma sensei, Kurenai sensei." Neji bowed once more and smiled.

Izumo turned to the audience and said, "Hyuuga Neji's performance really amazed everyone! So then, what grade will the panels give him?"

Three A's appeared again. Kotetsu annouced to the audience.

"Three straight A's! Two of the four headliners got Grade A! Will Hyuuga Neji head to the Grade A area with Uchiha Sasuke?"

The audience clapped again and Neji headed to the Grade A area while waving at them. The girls squealed and shouted Neji's name.

"Kakashi sensei...Sasuke and Neji are really REALLY good. I'm starting to lose confidence..." I lowered my head, feeling sad.

Kakashi grabbed my shoulders tightly and looked at me straight to my eyes. "Listen Naruto. It's only the beginning, are you gonna give up just because of them?"

I widened my eyes after he said those words. My dream as an idol and now the opportunity was now in front of me. If I lose my confidence before I start my audition, my idol life will certainly gone. I couldn't just simply let it go!

"You're right, Kakashi sensei. Yes, they're really amazing. But I'm going to be more AMAZING than them!" I beamed at him with confidence.

Kakashi's words made me cheer up. He ruffled my hair and eyesmiled.

"That's my student. I'm the one who scouted you and you're definitely gonna become an Idol!"

We continued watching until there's only three trainees left to audition.

Izumo winked at the camera and said, "There's only three trainees left, two headliners and one secret headliner! The third headliner is coming up next!"

The next trainee was a red haired boy with thick eyeliners and a tattoo on the left side of his forehead.

He was emotionless when he walked out from the backstage. Kotetsu handed him a mic and he introduced himself.

"My name is Gaara, age 17, been a trainee for two years." He said with a tiny smile.

The audience especially the girls uwu.

"Aww...his tiny smile! He is just shy, isn't he?"

"A red raccoon is the best animal to describe him!"

Gaara heard their comments and blushed a little. He then started his audition.

Unexpectedly, Gaara's singing and dancing were better than I thought. He completely changed from shy to confident.

Is this.....

GAP MOE....?♡

The performance he did made me excited. I think we're gonna be best friends.

The three panels clapped with a huge grin on their faces. The audience followed after.

Gaara wiped his sweat off his forehead and bowed to them. Tsunade held up her mic and spoke.

"Gaara, I really don't know what to say but this gap moe is the charm of yours. I like it."

Kurenai let out a giggle and said, "She's right. But still your singing was a bit lack of impact. I'm not saying it's bad but there's definitely room for improvement."

Asuma nodded and smiled at Gaara. "I also agree with Kurenai. Same for your dancing skills too Gaara. I hope you'll improve more for the next stage onwards."

Gaara bowed and gave a smile. "Okay. Thank you Tsunade sama, Asuma sensei and Kurenai sensei."

"Gaara's gap moe has charmed the panels and audience! Which grade is he gonna receive from the panels?" Kotetsu spoke as he glanced over to the panels.

Three A's appeared on the screen as Izumo announced the result.

"Grade A! The third headliner also got one! Gaara please head to the Grade A area with the others."

Gaara was happy but he didn't show it on his face, he walked over to the Grade A area with a faint blush across his cheeks.

Kotetsu held his mic tightly as he spoke with enthusiasm.

"Two more trainees left! Please welcome the fourth and last headliner!"

A spiky haired boy tied up in a high pony tail with dark eyes lazily walked out from the back stage. His aura was like screaming 'I'm lazy and shit. All things are troublesome to me so fuck off.'.

눈‸눈. Yep like that.

Ha. This guy's interesting.

He was handed a mic and started speaking.

"Nara Shikamaru. Age 17. Been in STAR☆Neverland Entertainment for a year. I simply joined this audition because I'm lazy to train more and just wanna debut."

The audience were amused by his words and chuckled.

Izumo let out a good laugh and said, "Confident, aren't you? Well then, it's show time!"

I saw Shikamaru mumbled 'Troublesome' before the music started. It was a cool hype song as Shikamaru started his performance. Although he said he was lazy but his dance moves were on point and swaggy. His rapping was insanely good too.

The audience and the panels were captivated by his performance with oohs and ahhs. Shikamaru ended his performance with a confident smirk.

Once again, the panels and audience clapped and Shikamaru bowed to them.

"Shikamaru, you chose a good song that suits you a lot. Good job." Tsunade said with a smile .

"Thank you for the compliment Tsunade sama."

Asuma looked at him and grinned. "Did you learn dancing on your own, Shikamaru? Your dancing style is really nice."

"Yea I learnt dancing on my own. Well to put it simple, I figured out the steps myself while just based on the melody of the song?" Shikamaru replied while scratching his head.

Asuma was shocked to hear that. This boy....

Kurenai patted Asuma's shoulder and giggled. "Whoa there, you just made Asuma surprised. But really, the timbre of your voice matches with the song really well. The rapping is on fire if I must say."

Shikamaru bowed to them and said, "Thank you, Asuma sensei, Kurenai sensei."

"Nara Shikamaru's performance was lit! What grade will he receive from the panels?" Kotetsu said as he turned to the panels.

Three A's again appeared on the screen.

"Three A's! Nara Shikamaru receives Grade A from the three panels! Please head to the Grade A area!"

Shikamaru sighed and walked slowly to the Grade A area.

My heart was thumping really loud, it's my turn now.

"Do your best out there, Naruto. I will be rooting for you." Kakashi patted my shoulders firmly.

"Hai, Kakashi sensei!"

Kakashi made me wear a kitsune mask with my hood covering my hair. He brought me to the backstage and we waited for the hosts to announce.

Izumo and Kotetsu looked at each other and announced.

"Our last male trainee is next! A secret headliner to be exact! Let's welcome him!"

Kakashi made a light push to my back and spoke softly.

"Go now. I'll be watching you from here. Don't forget our training."

I nodded and walked out the back stage. All eyes were on me as I stood in the middle of the stage. They were whispering stuff like, 'Wow, mysterious trainee....' 'I'm sure he's really handsome.' 'I wanna see his face!'.

The melodies that came from them had a curious tone. Some excited and some interested.

Izumo and Kotetsu walked over to me and made me turn around.

"His face will be revealed in three, two, one!"

Izumo uncovered my hood, revealing my blonde curls and Kotetsu uncovered my mask. They had a shocked look on their faces.

I slowly turned around and beamed at them.

"Hello everyone. I'm Naruto. Age 16 and been a STAR☆Neverland Entertainment trainee for a month."

Everyone except Tsunade were speechless. Tsunade was grinning from ear to ear and a sweet melody coming from here. I think she's really happy to see me.

The girls in the audience squealed and talked among themselves.

"Oh. My. God. He's soooooo cute!"

"He looks like a foreigner. Blonde curls and blue sapphire eyes!"

"More importantly, he got whiskers on his cheeks!"

Tsunade picked up her mic and said, "Naruto, show me how much you improved in a month."

(Sorry it's BTS again, BUT I'll use other group's songs instead of BTS! Stay tuned!)

Euphoria (Jungkook)

You're the sun that rose again in my life
너는 내 삶에 다시 뜬 햇빛
neoneun nae salme dashi tteun haetbit

A reincarnation of my childhood dreams
어린 시절 내 꿈들의 재림
eorin shijeol nae kkumdeure jaerim

I don't know what these emotions are
모르겠어 이 감정이 뭔지
moreugesseo i gamjeongi mwoji

Am I still dreaming?
혹시 여기도 꿈속인 건지
hokshi yeogido kkumsogin geonji

There's a green oasis in a desert
꿈은 사막의 푸른 신기루
kkumeun samage pureun shingiru

A priori deep inside of me
내 안 깊은 곳의 a priori
nae an gipeun gose a priori

I'm so happy, I can't breathe
숨이 막힐 듯이 행복해져
sumi makhil deushi haengbokhaejyeo

My surroundings are getting more and more transparent
주변이 점점 더 투명해져
jubyeoni jeomjeom deo tumyeonghaejyeo

I hear the ocean from far away
저기 멀리서 바다가 들려
jeogi meolliseo badaga deullyeo

Across the dream, past the woods
꿈을 건너서 수풀 너머로
kkumeul geonneoseo supul neomeoro

I'm going to the place that's getting clearer
선명해지는 그 곳으로 가
seonmyeonghaejineun geu goseuro ga

Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria


Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria


Close the door now
When I'm with you I'm in utopia

Were you wandering around
너도 나처럼
neodo nacheoreom

Looking for an erased dream too?
지워진 꿈을 찾아 헤맸을까
jiwojin kkumeul chaja hemaesseulkka

It's different from the typical definition of destiny
운명 같은 흔한 말관 달라
unmyeong gateun heunhan malgwan dalla

Your pained eyes are looking at the same place as me
아픈 너의 눈빛이 나와 같은 곳을 보는 걸
apeun neoye nunbichi nawa gateun goseul boneun geol

Won't you please stay in dreams

I hear the ocean from far away
저기 멀리서 바다가 들려
jeogi meolliseo badaga deullyeo

Across the dream, past the woods
꿈을 건너서 수풀 너머로
kkumeul geonneoseo supul neomeoro

I'm going to the place that's getting clearer
선명해지는 그 곳으로 가
seonmyeonghaejineun geu goseuro ga

Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria


Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria

Even if the sandy ocean floor splits into two
모래 바닥이 갈라진대도
morae badagi gallajindaedo

Even if someone shakes up this world
그 누가 이 세곌 흔들어도
geu nuga i segyel heundeureodo

Never let go of my hand
잡은 손 절대 놓지 말아줘
jabeun son jeoldae noji marajwo

Please don't wake up from this dream
제발 꿈에서 깨어나지 마
jebal kkumeseo kkaeeonaji ma

I hear the ocean from far away
저기 멀리서 바다가 들려
jeogi meolliseo badaga deullyeo

Across the dream, past the woods
꿈을 건너서 수풀 너머로
kkumeul geonneoseo supul neomeoro

(Please don't wake up from this dream)
(제발 꿈에서 깨어나지 마)
(jebal kkumeseo kkaeeonaji ma)

I'm going to the place that's getting clearer
선명해지는 그 곳으로 가
seonmyeonghaejineun geu goseuro ga

Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria


Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria


Close the door now
When I'm with you I'm in utopia


The choreography I practiced for a month, the improvement I made during that one month, I will show them.

The sweet melody filled the stage as I started singing. I kept a smile as I sang, the moves that I learnt by heart. It was a lot of fun performing in front of everyone.

This feeling....I longed for!

The music came to an end and I bowed with right arm in front and left hand on the back.

Everyone clapped as I saw them were in awe. Their melodies were mingled together as one. They all enjoyed my performance since I could tell from hearing their melodies. Their emotions were positive. It was the best melody I have heard in my life.

Tsunade felt proud as she spoke from her mic. "You really really improved a lot, Naruto! I'm glad Kakashi scouted you. He also taught you well."

Everyone gasped.

Asuma turned to Tsunade and said, "Kakashi is the one who scout him? That's rare..."

He then turned to me and smiled.

"Your dancing skills are great Naruto. Self taught?"

I nodded and replied, "Yes Asuma sensei. I taught myself how to dance when I was 7."

"That's what I thought. I would like to see more of your dancing. I look forward to your stage onwards." Asuma said as he placed his arms on the table.

"Thank you Asuma sensei!"

Kurenai stared at me like she was thinking about something.

"Naruto, your voice....I felt like I have heard it somewhere..."

Uh oh. Of course....I never told anyone about KitsuNe. Because the voice of KitsuNe is me!

"But the way you sang Euphoria, those falsettos, you didn't sang off key even though you danced. You hit those high registers successfully. It's really hard to maintain and I'm impressed." She nodded at me with a smile.

I clenched my mic and bowed at her. "Thank you Kurenai sensei!"

I felt relieved. I hope I could get Grade A...

"Naruto just pulled off a perfect performance! Is he going to receive Grade A....?" Izumo spoke.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw the panels all gave me A's. I covered my mouth and couldn't stop smiling.

"Grade A! The secret headliner Naruto also got Grade A! He will also be in the Grade A area!" Kotetsu said as he showed me the Grade A area.

"There will be a thirty minute commercial break. The next half will be the girls turn to audition!"

The audience yelled my name and waved at me. I turned to them and gave finger hearts to them and a big heart with my arms.

I took a seat and sat down next to Shikamaru. There were only 12 Grade A trainees including me. I felt the trainees' eyes were staring at me with curiosity.

Even their melodies were the same...

"Hey blondie."

I turned to the voice of Shikamaru. He was staring at me like he wanted to say something. I blinked a few times and tilted my head to the side.


He then held out his hand to me.

"Nice to meet you Naruto. I really like your performance just now."

I smiled at him and shook his hand. His melody was very different than others, it was slow but yet soothing. Maybe because of his lazy demeanor?

"Hehe~ Me too, Shikamaru! I also like your performance too. The way you rap and dance. It's really amazing, I'm not joking!"

Shikamaru chuckled and said, "You're exaggerating, troublesome blondie."

I puffed up my cheeks and folded my arms. "Everything is troublesome to you, right? I saw you mumble 'Troublesome' before you performed."

Shikamaru wanted to pull my cheeks but a voice then interrupted.

"Shikamaru, mind introducing the new friend of yours?"

I turned to see Neji who was next to Shikamaru looking at us. Sasuke and Gaara were also beside him.

Shikamaru sighed and said, "What a drag. So this is Neji. Then Gaara and the last one Sasuke."

"Really Shikamaru? Is that how you introduce us?" Sasuke rolled his eyes and hned.

"Sasuke is right. Is that how you treat us even though we trained together?" Gaara added.

I watched them bickering and laughed.

"You guys are interesting. Nice to meet you Neji, Sasuke, Gaara. You three's performance were also really awesome!"

The three of them also had a unique melody of their own. Neji's gentle and calming, Gaara's pleasant and sweet, Sasuke's mighty and fierce.

Since it's break time, they moved the chairs and we sat in a circle. Neji then spoke.

"I have been wondering about one thing, Naruto. The whisker marks on your cheeks, are those birthmarks?"

I touched my cheeks and nodded at him. "Mm hmm! Wanna touch them?"

I leaned closer and let him touch my face. The other three were also curious and touched the whisker marks.

"Whoa. So it's really a birthmark." Neji exclaimed.

"Are you really Japanese, Naruto? You don't look like one. Are your parents foreigners?" Gaara asked.

"I....I don't know where my parents are. They left me on the doorstep of Asuma's house. His father took care of me until now." I spoke sadly.

The four of them were silent for awhile, they thought they brought up something that triggered sad memories of mine.

Gaara patted my back softly and apologized with a frown. His melody also changed 180 degrees.

"Sorry Naruto. I shouldn't have brought this up. I'm sorry if I made you upset."

I shook my head and gave a smile. "Oh no, it's okay Gaara. I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

Sasuke folded his arms, he took a deep breathe and asked, "Naruto, I heard from Tsunade sama that you were scouted by Kakashi. Is that true?"

"Yup. I met him in a supermarket where I accidentally bumped onto him."

Shikamaru yawned and stretched his limbs and said, "That's rare. That Kakashi almost never scouts others."

I raised an eyebrow and poked his cheeks. "Really Shikamaru? You're tired already? We still have three months in this programme."

"I'm always tired okay? The four of us have been staying up all night trying to figure out who is the secret headliner." Shikamaru said as he casually laid his head on my shoulder.

I blushed a bit and stuttered. "W-What? You guys don't know? I thought Tsunade sama told you about me?"

Gaara shook his head and had a confused look on his face.

"Of course not. If we knew about it, then there's no point making you the secret headliner."

Oh....that make sense....

Sasuke smirked as he poked my forehead with his two fingers.

"Heh. Seems you're denser than I thought."

"Hey! Take that back Sasuke! At least I'm not dumb!" I protested.

The four of them snickered as I folded my arms with a pout.

But then, in my heart, I'm glad I made friends with them.

To be continued...
Damn. I wrote too much lol. But I had fun writing this part! Anyways I hope you like it and stay tuned for the next part! The next part will be the girls audition and rooming! ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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