Roomie - Lisrene

By MaknaeMisfit

176K 5.8K 598

You really think you're something huh Manoban ? ©MaknaeMisfit More

Book 2


4.6K 162 14
By MaknaeMisfit

Irene ran around the event venue in a panic.

Where the hell was Lisa?

When she came back Lisa was gone and no one could tell her where she was.

"Joohyun you need to go sit down it's starting." Irene's mother ushered her daughter to a nearby table to sit down but she wouldn't.

"Just a minute eomma I need to find Lisa." Irene ran off searching every where. First she went to the bathroom but Lisa wasn't there she then went on to search the multiple hallways in the building and ended up running into Seulgi.

"Joohyunieee, come on let's go find a table." Seulgi smiled as she wrapped her arm around Irene and tried to walk to other direction but Irene stopped her.

"Have you seen Lisa?" She said. Her face covered in worry.

"She went home, she said something about wanting to practice for a competition." Seulgi lied hoping that Irene would just believe it and go with her.

"No....she would have told me. We came all the way here she wouldn't just leave me like that." Sadness filled Irene as she leaned against the wall, putting her head in her hands. 

"Well you did bully her all last year so maybe she just wanted to get you back." What Seulgi said just made Irene feel worse. She didn't even bully Lisa anymore and Lisa knew that so why would she leave.

"Come on just forget about her." Seulgi pleaded as she rolled her eyes, she didn't get the big hype about Lisa.

"You can go on without me I'll be there soon." Irene managed to smile as she looked at her friend who smiled back then left.

Once Seulgi left Irene continued to walk down the long hallway but stopped when she heard something. She listened closely and heard someone crying. Irene followed the sound of the crying and saw what seemed to be a girl who was sitting on the ground in a blue dress crying.

"Lisa?" Irene said slowly approaching the crying figure.

Lisa looked up and saw Irene which only made her cry more.

"Lis? What happened? Why are you crying?" Irene sat down to Lisa's level and put her arm around the girl to hopefully stop her crying.

"Why do you pretend you like me when you don't." Lisa cried out as she looked at Irene with tears streaming down her face.

"I promise I'm not trending I literally love you Manoban." Irene smiled and wiped the tears from Lisa's face and hugged her tighter."

"Seulgi said that you were only trying to play me and that this was all a joke and that you really like some guy named Junmyeon."

Irene froze.

She hadn't seen Junmyeon for some time. Junmyeon was her ex boyfriend aka the only boy she had ever loved. They had a great relationship up until Junmyeon left to become a trainee for some company that had scouted him.

"I don't like Junmyeon, we broke up years ago and I couldn't care less about him. I love you and only you Lalisa." Irene kissed Lisa gently on her lips a couple of times, trying to show as much affection to her as possible trying to show her how much she loved her.

"I mean it love." 

The two girls sat in the hallway giggling and kissing and talking quietly totally forgetting that they were supposed to be downstairs at the event.

In the middle of another makeout/cuddle session between the two they heard loud footsteps coming down the hallway. Irene stood up from the floor and looked out and saw someone she didn't expect to see.


Irene's ex boyfriend smiled and walked closer toward her and enveloped her into a warm hug.

"Ah Joohyun I've been looking for you everywhere." He hugged her tighter unaware of Lisa who was angrily glaring at him jealous of the closeness they had. Irene pulled away from the hug and laughed nervously.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be training?" Irene nervously asked hoping that he'd answer her than just go away.

"Well yeah but we finished evaluations and gave us a small break and your mother really wanted me to come so that we could reconnect." Junmyeon smiled not even acknowledging Lisa who stood in the background.

"As much as I'd like that I was about to go back to my dorm, my girlfriend isn't feeling so well, right Lisa." Irene turned and pulled Lisa by hand her and started to walk past Junmyeon.

Junmyeon sighed loudly.

"When are you going to stop playing around?" Junmyeon asked watching Irene turn around in confusion.


"I said when are you going to stop playing around." Junmyeon said again. Irene clenched her jaw and tightened her grip on Lisa as the anger built up in her.

"Irene let's just go." Lisa hugged her from behind and tried to coax her into leaving.

"I'm not playing around. This my girlfriend and I love her and if you don't agree with it then fuck off." Irene said firmly glaring at her ex.

"She's not your girlfriend, you're straight Joohyun." Junmyeon smirked as he saw how angry Irene was getting.

"You listen-" Irene started but was cut off by Junmyeon.

"No you listen. You are not into girls. The only reason you date girls is because whenever you date a guy he reminds you of me. I'm telling you that I'm here not so stop this fake charade." Junmyeon leaned in closer to the two. Irene let go of Lisa's hand and began to charge at Junmyeon but was stopped by Lisa."

"Unnie he's not worth it...." Lisa pulled her back and pleaded with teary eyes.


Lisa had just called her unnie.

"You're right." Irene gave one last look at Junmyeon before walking off with Lisa. This time no one was going to stop them from leaving. The two headed downstairs and Irene ignored the calls of her mother and friends as she and Lisa left the venue and headed straight into the car.

"I swear once I graduate I'm getting as far away from here as possible." Irene drove straight out of the parking lot but due to how angry she was at the moment she was a bit of a reckless driver. She then stopped once they were by a small beach. Irene wanted to clear her head and just relax for a moment. Lisa went with her and the two took off their shoes and sat down on the sand.

"After we graduate we can move to Thailand and live near the beach." Lisa laid her head on Irene's shoulder and snuggled with her.

"I'd like that Lalisa."


"I tried to stop her but she left." Junmyeon finished explaining the situation to Seulgi who just groaned in annoyance.

"God what are you even good for." She shoved Junmyeon away and began going to her car.

"You know what you're doing is wrong right?" Junmyeon yelled at Seulgi as she walked away in anger.

Seulgi knew and at this point she didn't care. She was sick of all her friends just leaving her and going off to date people. First it was Amber but then that was a good thing because she became friends with Irene. Then Soyeon started dating Soojin and stopped hanging with her then Chungha started dating Jiho and even switched schools to stay with him. Joy and Wendy started dating each recently and started hanging out together alone leaving Seulgi the odd one out. Seulgi cherished Irene most out of all of her friends and she wasn't going to let go. 

Tons of Lisrene/Hyunlis fluff in the next chapter

Smut or no smut

probably no smut but I wanna see how this story goes.

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