Werewolf Error(ReMake) |Ended...

By Mokimu99

74.7K 2.9K 906

The balance of the multiverse was beginning to fall thanks to ink. Now error is forced to destroy a original... More

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Authors notes
Chapter 6
Authers Notes
Chater 7
Auther news
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Auther news
News update
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Not a chapter just a question
Chapter 14
A idea???
Chapter 15
Shot out time :3
Mini Hiatus
The end is only a new beginning
Not important =3=💦
Final warning
Mini idea
My a new dawn began~
Fairwell old friend
Final notice

Chapter 11

2.2K 119 29
By Mokimu99

Back at nightmares castle..........
Error sat upstairs in his room alone, he locked the door not letting anyone in. The other sat down stairs in the main living room silently. "Error bro did not take the wack news to good my homies..." fresh sat against a wall adjusting his yolo glass. "Can we blame him fresh! He already has it hard enough being wanted gone for a job he hates doing! Now on top of that he has to deal with all this!!!" Geno was passing about frustrated and worried. "Well yelling won't help love. Plz just relax for a sec.." reaper floated behind geno trying to calm them down. Others were just silent or keep to them self's not knowing how to react to everything. Nightmare sighed getting up from his chair going upstairs, he sighed softly as he could already feel the over flowing waves of negativity. Usually he would soak up the energy but it just felt heavy around him he hated that error was feeling like this it made his soul ack. Nightmare took a breath as he softly knocked on the door "Error it's just me...I know that you wanna be alone but can we talk?" Nightmare waited patiently outside for a few minutes. He was going to walk away before a small click was heard from the door. Nightmare opens the door a small bit stepping inside as he shut the door, he looked around confused before his eye landed on a small huddle in the corner of the room. Nightmare retracted his tentacles back into himself as he sat down beside the silent error. Error was curled up into a tight ball hiding his face in his knees. The two sat quietly for hour in silence one not knowing what to say the other lost in his thoughts. "ItS fUnnY hUh?" nightmare glanced over at error "nO maTTer WhaT hApPens InK AlwAys GeTs tO BE tHe gOod gUy..." tears where steaming down errors face as he gave a broken laugh "I GUeSS iLl alWaYs bE The MoNsTeR!!!", Error broke down curling himself into a tight ball. Nightmare didn't know what to say and he could do was hold error rubbing his back trying to calm him down. "You couldn't be..."

Unknown place.........
Fate sat in her chair as she pulled the strings to the world she owned laughing devilishly. "Hahaha~, my precious child seems to be having so much fun with that pathetic glitch! It's almost too fun messing with errors life. Fate continue with there work just as her sibling fate and karma came in. "Hello fate..." karma gave a dark cold glare to his younger sister, fate stopped as she turned around looking at the both of them. What do you want destiny and karma? Can't you see I'm busy looking after my multiverse and it's aus. Destiny huffed as she grabbed fates hands pulling them away from the orb that held error and his multiverses. "This isn't yours anymore fate." Fate scolded as she pulled her hands away standing up and rage, "You have no right to interfere with my work destiny! It's my multiverses and my favorite child who runs it!! You can just take it just because that stupid glitch stepped into your powers!!!" Fate shoved destiny away from her as she went back to the orb before karma grabbed her. "Actually we can~. Karmas a bitch for you today fate" karma smirked as fate went pale in there face "No no no no...." fate took a step back. "Yes sister me and karma are taking your multiverses away from you, we where giving approval from the higher ups." Destiny looked at fate with a small smile she hoped for the day to come to finally reach her chosen child and today was that day. "Fate for crimes of abuse of your multiverses and ill care for your creation the higher console her by take your powers and hold on the multiverses and to be give and over seen by me and destiny." Karma took the orb breaking away fates strings to the world giving a all to know grin to his sister, "Have fun dealing with the higher ups fate" Karma and destiny then left with the orb leaving a enraged and screaming fate behind. As the continued to check on there worlds karma handed the orb to destiny finally giving a genuine smile "You did it destiny hope you can still fix this time boom fate made.." destiny nodded as she gently held the the orb closely as she gave a soft smile "Your safe now my chosen child I won't let those who wrong you hurt you ever again."

Back in the multiverses........
The world it self shifted as the strings of fate broke off letting the hand of destiny finally touch over the worlds. Only two could truly feel the shift for n powers. But only one of them will benefit from the new goddess of there multiverses.

Bam! New chapter after months of waiting. Stay tune for the next ones, thanks for waiting and hope you enjoy the book.

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