Jaguar's Crow ( KageHina)

By CaitlinHoward2

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In an AU where at the age of 11 every child is partnered with a life time companion reflecting on their perso... More

The Jaguar
The Crow
Feline Meets Fledgling
Communication is Key
A Team's Bewilderment
Twilight Memory
Confusion, Fear and Horror
Tantalizing Emotions
Want To or Duty To?
Answers in Order
Instability of Mind
Beginning of a Fantasy
A Fresh First
Crazy With Love
Hickey Tattle Tales
Temporary Satisfaction
King's New Queen
A Perfect Start
Disturbance and Concern
Mother's Input
A Strange Practice
But Why?
A/N 2.0
Second Conflict
A Useless Decoy?
The Unspoken Vow
A Bond Beyond Any Other
A Bond Beyond Any Other - P.2
Playful Pairing
Morning Cuddles
Unpredicted Happiness
Battle of Instincts
Predetor's Prey
One Last Hope
Sickening Torture
A/N 3.0
Breaking Point
Revived Despair
The Final Ruling
The Final Ruling - Part 2
A/N 4
Back to Normal - End
Part Two?
New Book

Please Not Him

3.8K 168 49
By CaitlinHoward2

Kageyama's POV
"What the hell was that Kageyama?!" Tanaka yelled. But I couldn't answer him. Because... I didn't know what happened myself. It was so sudden. One minute we were practicing and then the next all hell had broken lose between us. I stayed sat on the floor with a blank expression, staring at the gym's exit where Hinata had suddenly rushed out of. D-did we seriously just... fight? Like full on fist fight?... I tried shaking my head thinking that it was impossible. But it wasn't. I still remained sat there, with only Tanaka standing above me, frantically waving a hand in front of my face. I didn't respond. I was still trying to wrap my head around what just happened, his words still repeating in my head. I didn't even react when I heard Tanaka yell at Suga and Daichi who walked into the gym.

Third person POV
When Suga and Daichi saw Hinata suddenly rush past them in the school grounds, the sound of strangled cries reaching their ears they knew something was wrong.
So they walked to the gym where Tanaka has rushed to in order to stop whatever was causing the ruckus, stepping in to see a blank faced Kageyama on the ground and a worried and frantic Tanaka standing next to him.
"Yo Suga, Daichi - I think Hinata broke Kageyama. He isn't responding at all." Tanaka spoke up when he saw the two third years walk into the gym.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Suga asked concerned as he jogged over to stand beside the second year along with Daichi.
"When I came rushing in the two idiots were literally fighting! It was intense man- I had to punch them in the faces to break them apart."
Daichi glared at Tanaka when he said he'd punched the first years but his attention quickly turned to Kageyama who still remained motionless on the floor.

"It just have been serious. We just saw Hinata rush past us out the gate and it sounded like he was crying." Sugawara informed, his concern growing after hearing about the fight from Tanaka.

Daichi carefully walked over and kneeled down in front of Kageyama, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, slightly startling the first year.

"Kageyama... care to explain what happened and we'll see what we can do to help." Daichi's voice was soft as he spoke to the setter.

"I- I don't really know what happened..." the three other Karasuno members in the room gasped as their eyes widened.
They had never heard Kageyama sound so vulnerable until now. His voice was weak and barely a whisper as he looked at Daichi with a distant expression.
"O-one minute I was tossing sets to him... that he kept missing and getting angry at... t-then a full blown argument broke out b-before we.. attacked each other..." Kageyama explained as well as he could finally looking up at the other two males that stood next to him and Daichi.

"You two are such knuckleheads man." Suga suddenly stated as he folded his arms across his chest. "Perfect for each other in my opinion. But I think you should apologise to Hinata. Whatever you did or said made him really upset..." Suga explained.

"He ran past us crying. He didn't even go to the club room for his bag." Daichi added.

Kageyama's POV
Guilt instantly slammed into me at Daichi's and Sugawara's explanation. I did it again. I broke my promise again. I promised him a week ago, I wouldn't let anyone, not even me, hurt him again. And yet... I'd broken that. I'd hurt the one person who stuck around. The one person who was always there. The one person that forgave me for my mistakes. I'd hurt with with something so simple. I couldn't help the tears that found their way to my eyes. I didn't care anymore. I'd just lost the most important person in the world to me. The tears flowed out my eyes and fell down my cheeks. I didn't care if I was being judged by the others in the room. My self frustration and guilt was finally overflowing. I buried my face in my hands, physically bawling now on the floor. My chest ached as I continued to cry, one of my hands unconsciously moving to clutch my shirt at the pain. I'd finally cracked. And it was my fault. I drove him away. I'd driven away my only sanctuary.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders, my head being pulled into someone's chest. I flinched but I didn't pull away. I just sobbed into whoever it was that was trying to console me. I could only imagine how awkward it was for the other three in the room. I'd never cried in front of them. They probably thought it was something I was incapable of doing over another person. But that didn't stop Suga - who I guess was hugging me - from having a stab in the dark.

"Kageyama listen. I know you feel pathetic right now and you may not like what I'm about to say but.... Hinata needs you. He can't be out there all alone. Especially not at this time of day. Not after what you told me about his father."

Then it struck me. I pulled away from Suga and looked at him with wide worried eyes.
"We have to find him now!"
"W-whoa easy. Why so worried!" Dachi spoke up as I bolted to my feet along with the other setter.
"Hinata is in trouble. H-he kept saying all last week whenever we were walking to and from school that he kept feeling like someone was watching him. His father is on the loose and his Black Mamba could quite easily paralyse him if he's not paying attention."

I noticed Tanaka and Daichi raise their eyebrows confused but Suga had a look of shock plastered on his face, his eyes shaking.

And then almost as if to confirm my suspicions, a loud squawk echoed around the gym. My worried self instantly looked at the door, seeing Itazura frantically flapping her wings as she sped towards the four of us, squawking loudly as she swooped down at pecked at my hand.

"Oh no... Hinata!"

"Wait what? Hold on! Is that Itazura?! The legendary crow?!" Tanaka yelled but I didn't answer him. Instead I whistled sharply as I bolted for the door, noticing Shinryaku immediately running beside me as soon as she was released.

I had to find Hinata. He was in trouble. Questions could wait.

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