Extra, Extra! (A Newsies fanf...

By PrinceAli15

15.2K 465 338


Santa Fe-------Jack
The Lodge House-------- Esther
Carrying the Banner----- Esther
Harlem with Delancey------Esther
First Time for Everything- Davey
Race and the Tracks--Esther
The Bottom Line
Some little Vaudeville--Jack
My Use for Moonlight----Esther
I Never Planned On You
The World Will Know---Esther/Jack
Drinking in the moment-----Davey
Exclusive Interview----- Jack
Watch What Happens
Seize The Day------Davey
Why God Why----Esther/Oscar
Meeting Again (1)------Snyder
Meeting Again (2)-------- Esther
Santa Fe----- Jack
My Kelly-------Oscar
King of New York----------Race
Watch What Happens Reprise
On The Grounds of Brooklyn-Esther
Brooklyn's Here--- Esther
Something to Believe In--Jack
They Didn't Take Care Of Me--Oscar
Where we started-- Esther
Once and For All--Jack
Pulitzer's Head is Spinning---Esther
Author's Note Please Read
Finale- Jack/Esther
Oh Brother-----Esther
To whom this may concern

The Bottom Line Reprise- Katherine/Jack

366 10 6
By PrinceAli15

Katherine's POV

I am not ready for this at all.

I'm sitting in my father's chair trying not to listen to the conversation going on before me.

"But I've read your editorials, Mr. Pulitzer. How can you express so much sympathy for the trolley workers and yet you have none for the newsies." The mayor is sitting in the chair across from me and my father is standing behind me.

"Because the trolley workers are striking for a fair contract. The newsies are striking against me!" My father slams his fist on the table.

"If I may, the newsies are striking against your prices-" I start but my father glares my way.

"I'd spare you this embarrassment if I could, but the burlesque house is a private property." The mayor says.

"He can't order a raid without legal cause." Bunsen points out.

"Mr. Mayor, would the fact that this rally is being organized by escaped convicts be enough to shut it down?"

I jump up from my seat. "Those convicts have names and they are Jack and Esther. Jack and Esther Kelly. And for your information-"

"KATHERINE." I sit back down. My father has the mayor's attention.

"Two escaped convicts?"

"Fugitives from one of your own institutions. Convicted thieves, at large, reeking mischief on our law abiding community." He holds out a newspaper and hands it to a man in all black.

"Mr. Snyder, which ones are they?" The man studies the paper. He points at a certain boy with a huge smile standing next to Crutchie.

"That one there, this one is Jack Kelly." He points to Kicks. "And we won't have to worry about Esther. I have her at The Refuge right now. So we just need to worry about Jack."

"So we can cut her out of the picture. How do you know the boy?" The mayor asks.

"His is not a pleasant story. He was first sentenced to my Refuge for loitering and vagrancy, but his total disregard for authority has made him a frequent visitor. The girl has the same problem. Called me a bastard yesterday."

Bunsen and Seitz gasped. I tried not to laugh.

"You called him a thief and escaped convict." The mayor said.

"After his release, I caught him myself, red handed, trafficking stolen food and clothing. He was last sentenced to six months, but the willful ruffian escaped." Snyder hands the newspaper back to my father.

"And the girl?" The mayor presses.

"She was caught stealing money and for vagrancy. I wasn't sure at first how to deal with this type of theft. So I said to myself, count the coins in her hand and that's the number of years. She had nine nickels. She stayed there for eight years. Now she has a year and two months for escaping."

I'm absolutely appalled. I've heard the rumors floating around about that place. The mayor, on the other hand, seems on board with the idea.

"So you'd be doing the city a service removing this criminal from our streets." My father says.

"If that's the case, we can take him in quietly and-" My father explodes.

"What good would quietly do to me? I want a public example made of him. If the girl was caught in public, the boy will be also." Hannah rushes into the office.

"Mr. Pulitzer- the boy, Jack Kelly, is here." My heart sinks.

"Here?" My dad asks. A wicked grin creeps onto Snyder's face.

"Just outside. He's asked to see you." Hannah says.

"Ask and ye shall be recieved. Mr. Snyder, if you please. Sit." Snyder steps into the shadows. Hannah opens the door and before I can see anything else, the chair that I'm being seated in is spun around.

Jack's POV

I am escorted into Pulitzer's office by the secretary. Pulitzer stands in front of the chair instead of sitting in it, which confused me. The mayor is here as well.

Something is up.

"Mr. Jack Kelly." Hannah introduced me.

"Afternoon boys..." I say.

"And which Jack Kelly is this? The charismatic union organizer, or the petty thief and escaped convict?" Pulitzer asks.

"Which one gives us more in common?" I say.

"Impudence is in bad taste when crawling for mercy." He says.

"Crawlin'? That's a laugh. I just dropped by with an invite. Seems a few hundred of your employees are rallying to discuss recent arrangements. I thought it was only fair to state your case straight to the fellas. So what do you say, Joe? Should I save you a spot upon the bill?"

Pulitzer scoffs. "You are as shameless and disrespectful a creature as I was told. Do you know what I was doing when I was your age, boy? I was fighting in a war."

"Yeah? How'd that turn out for you?" I say.

"It taught me a lesson that shaped my life. You don't win a war on the battlefield. It's the headline that crowns the victor."

"I'll keep that in mind when New York wakes up to the front page photos of our rally." I am very surprised by how calm I'm staying.

"Rally til the cows come home. Not a paper in town will publish a word. And if it's not in the papers, it never happened."

"You may run this city, but there are some of us who can't be bullied. Even some reporters........" I am cut off by Pulitzer.

"Such as that young woman who made you yesterday's news? Talented girl. And beautiful as well, don't you think?"

I froze. How does he know about Kat?

"I'll tell her you said no." I say.

"No need. She can hear for herself. Can't you darling?" No one answers.

"Why are you talking to yourself?" I ask.

He turns the chair around to reveal Kat. She looks guilty and pale.

"I trust you know my daughter, Katherine."

I just stand there in shock. No wonder she hesitated to tell me her last name.

"Yes. My daughter. You are probably asking, why the nom de plume and why doesn't she work for me? Good questions. I offered Katherine a life of wealth and leisure. Instead she chose to pursue a career. And she was showing real promise, until this recent lapse. But you're done with all of that now, aren't you now?"

"Jack, I-" Katherine tries to speak but is cut off.

"Don't trouble the boy with your problems, dearest. Mr. Kelly has a plateful of his own. Wouldn't you say so, Mr. Snyder?"

Oh hell no.

The man is standing right on front of me. I run for the door but I'm blocked by the Delanceys. I charge towards him, but am held back.

"You know, I could tell your sister you said hello." I'm struggling even harder. He brings up Esther right now, I'll bring him to his grave.

"You monster! What did you do with her?!"

He just laughs. "Just taught her a few lessons she should have been aware of long ago."

"You hurt her again, I'll soak you into next year!"

Pulitzer speaks next.

"Ow! Does anyone feel a noose tightening? But allow me to offer a different scenario. You attend the ralley and speak against this hopeless strike and I'll see your criminal record expunged and your pockets filled with enough cash to carry you, in a first class train compartment from New York to New Mexico and beyond." He turns to Katherine. "You did say he wanted to travel west, didn't you?"

"What about Esther?"

"She will be released from the Refuge and coming with you to Santa Fe."

"There ain't a person in here who don't know you stink." I say, still working against the Delanceys' grip.

"And if they know me, they know I don't care. Mark me words, boy. Defy me and I will have you and every single one of your friends joining Esther in the Refuge. And I know you're Mr. Tough Guy but it's not right to condemn that little crippled boy or her to those conditions."

At the mention of Esther and Crutchie, I'm struggling with all my strength.

"And what about your pal, Davey and his baby brother, ripped from their loving family and tossed to the rats? Will they ever be able to thank you enough?"

(Play the song up top)

I am roughly shoved into the cellar, memories of the Refuge's basement coming back to me. All that occupies the room beside me is an old printing press.

"We've been directions to handle you as we see fit, so behave." Morris informs me.

"But just in case, I been polishing my favorite brass knuckles." Oscar says.

Morris pulls the cover off the press and tosses it to me. "You can sleep right here on this old printing press."

He slaps the hard surface. "Now that there is firm." He and Oscar exit and I hear the door lock behind me.

I shiver and pull the tarp around my shoulders. This place looks almost exactly like the basement just without the belts and other things.

I can't let those memories come back.

I have to stay strong.

I have a descion to make.

If I don't take the deal, I still will have the trust in the other newsies. But we all end up in the Refuge along with Esther and Crutchie. At least we'll be there together. I can be there to tell them that it's okay.

I hope they are okay.

If I do take the money, the strike will end. I will have more than enough money for two train tickets out west. Esther will be released and we can run away. Together. We won't have to live in fear of the Refuge or Snyder anymore.

I can't let her stay there any longer.

I have to take the deal.

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