Forget it || Wendy x Suga ||

By Polish445

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Both Suga and Wendy went through a very toxic breakup because of a huge misunderstanding back in highschool... More

Read please!!
SM's new Girl Group
Sharing a room
Stronger than you think
Club pt.2
Club pt.3
You are friends with BTS's Suga!?
Dating show
Telling the truth
Giving up
A Party
My leg
And We Meet Again
Media's reaction
I'm sorry what?
What the Fuck!?
The Night is Just Getting Started
Losing For Her
The Date
The Movies
Eunji And Her Boyfriend
New Years Eve
Yeri's Embarressment
Birthday Party
Heal Me
Good Night Wan-ah....
From Annoyance to Lip Locking
TV shows and sandwichs
Another Date?
An Embarrassing Hug
Now what?
My Girlfriend
Joy And Her Relationship Advice
Wendy Returns to Canada
Who Knew 'Dad' Was A Doofus
And So We Talked
Girls Crash The Party....?
Break up?
The Fourteen of Majestia
Are We Allowed To Date?
A Stalker?
Lurking In The Shadows
How Could I?
Save Me, Please
I'll Protect You
Forget It
Breakup.... Not!!
Announcement - Wedding Postponed -
The End
Epilogue 2.0
Epilogue 3.0

You Call it Stalking, I Call it Love

512 29 5
By Polish445

Wendy's P.O.V

"Unnie, how long are you going to stay in Canada?" Joy asked as i remembered my sister's words.

"About a week or so." I replied as she pouted. "Thats so long...." She trailed off as i smiled.

"I'll be back sooner than you think." I said finally done packing all my bags.

Well, recently i had called my mom and this was the first time since that whole incident with my so called 'dad'.

So for almost two weeks my mom and sister have been living in her apartment.

Seunghee unnie has a job and mom got one recently as well so she can help pay bills and school fees.

I recently bought the two a home in Canada where they can stay and i'm going on a flight to meet them there today.

Yes, i had been extremely mad about it and like most of my problems i had decided to ignore until it became unbearable.

Now that i was finally thinking clearly about the whole situation. My mom and sister must have been so sad and depressed while i left them in Canada with just a small one person apartment and hardly any money.

I mean i had earned a lot from my job as an idol and so i wanted to help in some sort of way so i bought them a house and will be paying all the bills for it.

I was going to pay for Seunghee unnie's university fees as well but mom declined saying she didn't want to get spoiled and that the house was enough anyways.

So, now we're going over to check out the new house but i'll be meeting my mom and sister at their apartment first.

We'll head to the house together later on.

"Make sure to stay safe." Irene unnie said as i nodded making sure i hug each of the members before i leave

Our manager can't come with me since Red Velvet still has interviews and meetings with our CEO to attend so i'll be alone and honestly i wouldn't want it any other way.

Just me and and my family in Canada all alone and in peace. I've wanted that for a very long time but i've always imagined my dad in the lovely picture as well.

But i guess thats never going to happen now.

Oh well i can dream right?

The flight to Canada wasn't so bad. I met some fans and i was happy that they were chill and nice enough to not cause a rukus about me being on a plane that heads to Canada.

I took a few pictures with them and then i just slept the rest of the way.

Seunghee unnie picked me up from the airport and said that mom was waiting for the both of us back at her apartment.

Honestly i felt like this was good for us three women.

I mean it wasn't like dad was home most the time anyway and he basically disowned me the day i moved to Korea so like i guess this whole thing hasn't made much of a difference.

But no gonna lie, this tore each and every single one of us apart from the inside.

We all knew dad wasn't himself these past few weeks. But him cheating on mom was just another level of disgust and embarrassment.

I can't believe he'd do that to mom. I can't believe he'd just let himself do somethimg like that.

And it hurts me so much everytime i think about it.

I can't even imagine all the pain mom is going through. If Yoongi ever cheated on me, i'm sure i'd just lose all the life in me.

"Mom missed you. So did i." Seunghee unnie said pulling me out of ny trance as i nodded. "You know i didn't actually mean to leave you two in such a position, its just the way i found out and how i felt afterwords just made me so-"

She cut me off "It's fine. I get it. Its painful and just hard to accpet." She said in understanding as i felt relived.

"Also thanks for punching dad in the face. Literally made my day when i found out what you had done." She said smiling as i chuckled. "No problem. Us women gotta protect and defend ourselves you know."

"Anyway we're here." she said as i looked at Seunghee unnie's apartment. It was so small and i felt so guilty for leaving them here.

I'm such a pathetic daughter i swear to god i would have killed myself already if i were mom.

"Thats weird. Mom said she'd wait outside since she didn't want to sit in the cramped area inside." Seunghee unnie said as i looked at the apartment suspiciously.

Something is wrong.

Looks like Seunghee unnie got the idea too and told me to wait in the car as she checked out the are to make sure we were safe.

Perhaps it's dad...?

"Unnie!" I screamed as i saw her fall onto the ground.

I got out of the car and made may way to her. I'm not sure what had happened but while i was looking around something must have hit her.

Or someone.

I sat down besides her, blood poured and dripped down her head. Something hit her head.

I was so focused on Seunghee that i didn't notice something moving in the shadows.

It's when i heard the crunch of an autumn leave that i was pulled out of my trance.

The area was dead silent. No one was around.

I couldn't run either. I can't leave my family, not again.

So i slowly stood up keeping a look out for something unusual.

Gosh, is this dad's way of getting back at us? Cause it's not funny.

"I-is anyone there..." I stuttered, feeling chills go down my spine as the silence stayed still.

Seunghee unnie was breathing and thankfully alive, but i wasn't sure where mom and thats what bothered me most.

Gosh i should call the police.

I thought as i quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket.

Before i could even enter my passcode, my phone was thrown out of my hands and landed broken on the front porch.

A hand wrapped itself around my waist and i felt something cold touch my neck which i realized was a hard metal knife.

"If you want your family to live, you better keep your hands were i can see them." Whispered a dark voice behind me.

His breath hit my neck as i felt my heart ramming in my chest. I was scared out of my wits and i could hardly think straight.

"Follow me quietly or you'll lose your own life next." He whispered as i felt my breath hitch. Gosh, what is this? I'm hoping its just a prank and that my mom and sister will just pop out of nowhere and say "Gotchu!"

But i guess this is the real shit huh?

He pulled me inside the apartment and locked the door. He kept leading me upstairs to my what im assuming is my sister's bedroom.

The whole area was a mess. Broken glass, Shards of broken wood, the living room didn't even look like a living room, the whole scene made me feel so scared.

What did this psycho do with my mom? Did he hurt her? I hope she's okay.

"Keep moving." The guy said in a firm tone, making me shudder. I did as he said, not daring to risk my life, i have too much to lose.

But if i don't get out of here something worse could happen. I don't mind me getting hurt but if he does something to my mom or my sister i'll never forgive myself.

I opened the bedroom door as per his order and we entered, the knife still resting by my neck, ready to slash at any sign of disobedience.

I looked in the mirror foe the mer second that he let lose of the knife, i saw his face amd gasped.

It's thats guy.

My stalker.

He heard me and already noticed that i had seen his face.

He turned me around harshly and i felt the knife cut through a part of my forearm accidentally.

"I told you to not do anything!" He yelled as i screamed for my dear life.

But instead of my own blood being splattered on the walls i the stalker cough up blood.

I hadn't realized that while screaming my sister has entered the room and hit the back of his head with a wooden chair.

His eyes rolled back, trying to maintain his calm. I looked at my sister horrified.

No, no, no, no, no.

Not here, not now.

He let go of me as he slowly turned towards my sister who dropped the chair, fear evident in her eyes.

He jumped on her, as she screamed.

"Unnie!" I yelled trying to get him off my elder sister.

He punched her in face as she lost coinscience. "Leave her alone!" I yelled as his pushed me off, forcing me to hit the dressing table. Hard.

"You fucking bitches! Just stay still will you!" He yelled grabbing me by my arms and throwing me on the bed harshly.

He jumped on top of me before i could move out of the way. I tried getting out of his grib but he just held on harder making me wince in pain.

It hurt.... so bad.

"You finally belong to me now, my love." He said grinning like a mad man as tears escaped my eyes.

He face was inches away from mine and i felt numbness in my legs. I couldn't move them anymore.

He kissed my neck as i felt hot fresh tears run down my face and onto his cheek.

I couldn't take it anymore

"You're mine." He said as i screamed loudly.

I've finally met him.

My stalker.

Good or eh? I felt like i kinda rushed into this plot of the story but whatever, whats done is done.

Anyway, Don't forget to vote and comment!

Total words: 1701


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