The Love That Bonds Us

By onigiri_oya

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Agnarr has been waiting to go to the Enchanted Forest for the past four years. But after the following tragic... More

Chapter 1 : The Enchanted Forest
Chapter 2 : Rescue and Escape
Chapter 3 : Return Of The King
Chapter 4 : Kindness of Arendelle
Chapter 5 : The First Of Many Meetings
Chapter 6 : He's Not Just Royalty
Chapter 7 : Fit For A King
Chapter 8 : The Good And The Bad
Chapter 9 : The Waltz
Chapter 10 : When Sparks Fly
Chapter 11 : What's Free Time To A King
Chapter 12 : Winter Days And Warm Fires
Chapter 13 : The Winter Festival
Chapter 14 : Can You Feel The Love
Chapter 15 : She's On His Mind
Chapter 17 : The Jule Bell
Chapter 18 : Presents Galore
Chapter 19 : Why Are Goodbyes So Hard
Chapter 20 : The Rock Trolls
Chapter 21 : A Cryptic Warning
Chapter 22 : Life Goes On
Chapter 23 : The Perfect Present
Chapter 24 : So This Is Love
Chapter 25 : A Kiss To Remember
Chapter 26 : The Carpenter Dream
Chapter 27 : An Ideal Bride
Chapter 28 : Woodcarver And Queen
Chapter 29 : He Is The King
Chapter 30 : She Works Through It
Chapter 31 : A Riveting Discussion
Chapter 32 : Appearances Are Everything
Chapter 33 : Queen In Training
Chapter 34 : Approval Or Disapproval
Chapter 35 : Strengthened Suspicion
Chapter 36 : The Girl Who Lied
Chapter 37 : Change Is In The Air
Chapter 38 : Giving Up
Chapter 39 : Three Surprise Guests
Chapter 40 : Love And Hate
Chapter 41 : The Angry King
Chapter 42 : The Sacrifice
Chapter 43 : When All Is Lost
Chapter 44 : Her New Adventure
Chapter 45 : An Engagement Party
Chapter 46 : A Coronan Affair
Chapter 47 : Forgiveness
Chapter 48 : The Mystery Solved
Chapter 49 : Happily Ever After

Chapter 16 : A Christmas Surprise

277 4 3
By onigiri_oya


I gave a shiver and wrapped the woolly shawl Halima had made me tighter around my shoulders.

It was so cold now that I could see my breath steam in front of me like mini clouds, my cheeks stung and my toes curled even in the thick socks I wore.

Many people were shuffling around in all sorts of similar, warm attire, with rosy cheeks, frozen breaths and pink noses.

The cobbled street was covered with a thin blanket of snow and frost, but with all the people trampling it, the white had turned to a muddy brown which was not so pleasant to look at. At least the snow that rested on the rooftops remained untouched.

I remembered winter in the Forest fondly, with frost spiralling along the trunks of trees and the fire spirit jumping around playfully, cooling itself down. The wind spirit would blow a little colder everyday, and yet still try to warm me up with a game of hide and seek. The lakes and rivers would freeze over and my friends and I would often go ice-skating, sometimes I'd even bring Embla, and we would enjoy the afternoons fooling around on the ice. Everything from steaming bowls of porridge to the company was perfect in the Forest.

But at least Arendelle had ways of making winter just as beautiful here; they had their own little quirks, like putting small bunches of mistletoe and red and white berries in the doorways and keeping up the Winter Festival decorations along with new, homemade ones.

Halima and I had spent a few happy afternoons in the last week since the Festival making our own decorations. This included red, white and green bunting, our own bunch of mistletoe, and a specially knitted stocking, one each to make a pair, which was a unique tradition to Halima's family.

Walking along to the sweet shop to pick up some sweet treats and chocolate for the winter months, I noticed that a lot of Arendellians had their own traditions; including hanging a straw star from the door, carving an angel out of ice to put on the window sill, or making an intricate pattern in the window out of holly leaves, firtree spindles and berries of different colours.

A smile formed on my lips and I felt warmth creep into my bones at all the wonderful festivities and life that Winter in Arendelle brought. Christmas, I do believe, is the word they use for it.

When I opened the door to the sweet shop, a merry bell chimed over my head. I stamped my feet against the scratchy, straw mat placed at the threshold and pulled off my mittens to reveal red tipped fingers.

Every aroma imaginable greeted me - from chocolate to strawberries to caramel to vanilla to cinnamon to oranges to cookies to fudge and back again.

"Wow, Mr Henriksir," I said in awe, "smells awfully nice today."

"I've been busy." the bushy-bearded man smiled at me, rubbing his hands on his apron as he stepped away from a mixing bowl, "Demand for candy in the Winter months is high."

I grinned and walked into the shop with a bounce in my step, before stopping and leaning forwards to study the display of fudge near the counter.

"Ah, fudge's always a favourite this time o' year." Mr Henriksir observed, coming over to me, "Try a piece."

I lifted my cold-stained hand and took a small cube of salted-caramel fudge from the sample tray.

"Mm." I nodded in agreement as the taste exploded in my mouth, "This is really good! How much?"

He tapped the small card propped up beside the display.

"I'd like some if I may."

He smiled, his mustache twitching as he did so, and he put some pieces in a red and white striped bag, before twisting the corners and holding it out for me.

"Oh, sorry Mr Henriksir. I was actually hoping to -"

"Oh of course, of course." he waved a hand and chuckled good-naturedly, "How could I be so silly. Go crazy my dear, I live for the look of pure joy in a child's eyes when they see sweets! Why do you think I make 'em?" his eyes twinkled and for just a moment, he looked younger than he was.

I grinned gratefully and looked around the shop, collecting an assortment of chocolate bars, fudge, caramel, chocolate covered strawberries, rock candy, and all kinds of sweet treats - well, as many as I could afford anyway. Halima had given me a small pouch of money to spend, but I didn't intend to use it all now on chocolate. I meant to buy her something for the special day, Christmas, too.

I'd been told that's what people here do to celebrate the holidays; of course I'd never heard of Christmas before, coming from a Forest, so that was news to me!

"Thank you very much, Mr Henriksir." I smiled warmly as I took the paperbag full of treats from the counter and slid across the money.

"It's been a pleasure Iduna. Say hello to Halima for me and good day to you!"

"Good day to you too!" and I waved to him as I left the shop.

Why did people in Arendelle have to be so kind? It made me feel conflicted about what had happened that fateful day several months ago. Of course I still wanted to go home, but there were moments when I didn't mind if I really did have to stay here forever.

I walked back to Halima's house with a fresh spring in my step, the bag of candy clutched against my chest as if it were a priceless treasure that needed protecting at all costs. Some people I recognised would wave to me or wish me "Happy Holidays" and I'd return the kind gestures, feeling very much loved in the Kingdom I felt very out of place in.

But just as I turned a corner onto our street, I heard a peculiar scratching kind of sound coming from somewhere nearby me. I paused midstride and scanned the street with a knitted brow.

The sound came again, only this time along with a strange panting.

My eyes came to rest on a small, cardboard box; it was covered with frost and looked as stiff as wood. Still, I crouched beside it, set my bag of sweets down on the icy flagstones, and tried to pry open to top flaps. They seemed to be frozen shut and I was about to give up when they suddenly loosened and opened, causing me to stumble backwards into a pile of snow that had been brushed back off the street.

I lifted my head out of the snowy mound and stared at the small box, sitting a little way away from me. Canting my head in curiosity, I got to my feet, brushed myself down and stepped back over to the box.

After folding back the flaps, I peered inside and came face to face with this fluffy, tiny ball of fur. It was staring at me with these simply stunning, pale blue eyes, framed with dark brown fur speckled with white, cream and apricot. The little pink nose twitched adorably as it sniffed my face and it's floppy, soft ears looked too big for it's body.

The creature mirrored me and canted it's head to the side, giving an interested whine.

A smile broke my face and I reached into the box to pull the small thing out, cooing, "Oh aren't you the most gorgeous little thing I've ever seen! Yes you are! Oh yes you are!"

It rested it's delicate little head on my shoulder and I gave a delighted gasp, stroking it's back with a mittened-hand. I had no idea what this creature was, but I loved it.

It didn't seem to have a home, except for that crude cardboard box, so I decided I'd take it back to Halima's.

Tucking my hands under it's forelimbs and holding it not quite at arms length, I said, "You want to come home with me? We've got a nice warm fire going whenever we are home and you look simply freezing, poor thing."

It gave a bark and I giggled, "I'll take that as a yes ... um. Oh what should I call you?" I glanced about and saw a cricket hopping behind the box into the warmth of the grass patch behind it. I grinned.

"Cricket. That's what I'll call you. Do you like it?"

To my immense joy, the cute thing licked my face excitedly and wagged it's tail so hard I thought it would fly off. I laughed and struggled to keep my balance as I returned to my feet; what with the creature wriggling and squirming to lick my face and the paperbag also clutched in my arms.

Fortunately, Cricket did soon stop it's wiggling around and instead decided to nestle against me as I continued homeward with an elated smile that didn't cease for one moment.

Not even when I opened the door to our house and Cricket leaped out of my arms only to bound headfirst into the wooden table of the hallway.

I shut the door, banged my feet against the mat at the threshold, hung up my winter clothes and set the bag of treats down on the table, before scooping Cricket into my arms and carrying it into the living room, where I sat down with it on my lap.

It dug it's surprisingly sharp claws into my legs as it tried to get comfortable, before finally settling.

My hand began stroking it's incredibly soft fur, and that, with the creature's peaceful breathing, was enough to make me doze off myself.

I woke, goodness knows how long later, with a sore neck from my awkward position in the chair.

Outside the window, I saw that it was getting dark and I decided I'd better get the fire going for when Halima got home. Gently pushing Cricket off my legs, I knelt by the fireplace and used the same technique I'd seen Halima use every evening - strike some flint against some steel and direct the flame towards a pile of dry wood and coal.

All the while, Cricket watched me with a curious sparkle in it's eyes. That is, until the flint and steel succeeded in making a spark - it growled at that and tried to paw it away.

"Don't worry Cricket." I told it soothingly, "It's just a fire. It'll keep you warm!" but I did hurry in finishing the fire so as not to scare the little thing anymore.

As it turned out, Cricket was a very playful creature, and I ended up rummaging through some of the drawers in search of something for it to play with. To my delight and surprise, I found a piece of rope and began playing a game of tug-and-war with it.

It was very strong and I had to pull really heard to keep a hold of the rope, but it's tail wagged uncontrollably and I took that to be a good thing.

I became so engaged in the game that I didn't even hear the door opening and the scuffing of boots on a mat.

It wasn't until Halima actually entered the living room that I realised she was home.

"Hello Iduna, how's your day bee - why on earth is there a dog in my living room!"

"Oh so that's what you are Cricket!" I grinned, cradling it's head in my hands fondly.

"Iduna. Why is there a dog?" she repeated sternly.

I looked at her hopefully, "Happy Holidays!"

Her expression didn't alter.

"I went to Henriksir Sweets to buy some treats for the winter, like you said I could, and I was going to use the rest of the money to buy a present for you. But I wasn't sure what to get you yet, so I decided I'd give it some more thought at home. But when I turned onto the street I heard this little one and realised it didn't have a home, so I brought it here!"

"I admire your heart Iduna, I really do, but I'm not sure if we can keep him."

"He's a boy?"


"I'm sorry Halima, but he was living in a cardboard box! I couldn't leave him in the cold. It's a wonder he's not already frozen to death."

Halima softened her expression and sat down on the carpet beside me. Cricket ran over to her and began jumping excitedly, trying to lick her face.

I hid my laugh behind my hand, "He's awfully affectionate."

"Isn't he just." Halima agreed. I could tell she was trying to stay stern, but her hint of a smile was giving her away.

I decided to push my luck, "Adorable, isn't he."

"I know what you're doing Iduna."

"Oh can't we keep him? Please Halima! I'll look after him, I'll do everything!" I pleaded, widening my eyes imploringly and clasping my hands together.

Halima frowned sceptically as she played with Cricket, that fond look in her eye - he was growing on her. "You do realise that will require walking him, even in snow, hail, rain and beating sun, and feeding him and cleaning up after him; it's a lot of work looking after a dog."

I sat up straighter and prouder, "I can do it. I can do anything I put my mind to. Weakness of a Northuldran." I winked.

Halima considered my words for a long time. I could practically see the cogs working in her mind, debating whether she should agree or disagree. At last she said, "Well ... first things first, I think we should ask around to see if anyone is missing the poor thing. If not," she seemed to be in great pain to say the next words, "I suppose you can keep him -"

"Oh really Halima? You mean it!" I threw my arms around her, almost knocking her over, "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will NOT let you down!"

She chuckled and wrapped her arms around me too, "It's not official yet, don't forget."

I grinned and scrambled to my feet, "Then what are we waiting for?" I offered my hand.

I was so excited I could burst. I supposed I was a little too eager, but I'd never had a pet before. Except maybe the fire spirit, who always came searching for me when they could, and the reindeer my father had owned when I was little. Her name had been Clove and she'd helped us move around easily and efficiently when we shifted campsites. I'd been quite fond of her, but I'd never really seen her all that much, plus it was incredibly difficult for a reindeer to curl up and sleep in your lap.

Halima eyed my hand warily and continued to stroke the small head that rested on her knee, "I've just gotten home Iduna, and it's getting late. I need to make a start on dinner and get something for this little guy." her smile took the sting out of her words.

I slapped a hand to my forehead, "Of course! Sorry. I guess I'm just a little too excited."

"I can understand that." and she smiled warmly.

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