The Thorns Of A Rose (A Fushi...

_Erikawaii_ द्वारा

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Miya and Miaka Yuki, the 'Yuki Twins', together with their childhood best friend Yui Hongo, set off for an un... अधिक

Chapter 1: "The Girls of Legend"
Chapter 2: "Reunited with The Priestess of Suzaku"
Chapter 3: "The Light of The Seven Stars of Suzaku"
Chapter 4: "Missing Love, Missing Heart"
Chapter 5: "Bewildered Heartbeat, Perplexed Emotions"
Chapter 6: "Even If I Die... I'll Protect You All My Life"
Chapter 7: "Going Home and Parting Ways"
Chapter 8: "Brief Parting and The Start of Training"
Chapter 9: "Enemies Unseen, Lady Miya Made A Scene"
Chapter 11: "Separating With The Priestess Of Seiryuu"
Chapter 12: "Only You... What About Me?"
Chapter 13: "For The Sake Of Love, I Shall Protect You"

Chapter 10: "The Yin Yang Looking For Yui"

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_Erikawaii_ द्वारा

'The Lady Miya, twin sister of the priestess of Suzaku, left Mt. Taikyoku and was sent by Taiitsukun to Tamahome's village. Seeing the Lady Miaka and Nuriko following Tamahome stealthily, she joined Tamahome on the way, intending to pull a prank on her twin. There, she met his family and helped care for the children, along with Lady Miaka and Nuriko.

But soon, Miya was confronted by the unknown girl in ceremonial dress, almost losing her life. She was saved by her twin and an acquaintance named Chichiri, who was revealed to be a Suzaku Seven by the symbol which appeared on his knee during combat.

Meanwhile, Lady Miaka began to realize that whoever she called friend, would soon meet with trouble.

"Sorry. I've got to go."

And so, the Lady Miaka set out alone for Kutou, to find her best friend Yui. Unbeknownst to her, she already had her twin sister following along.'


"Hotohori, the young and powerful emperor of Konan, devoted himself everyday to praying for the safety of the priestess of Suzaku and her twin sister."


Hotohori is seen kneeling inside Suzaku's shrine room with closed eyes and clasped hands, praying to invoke Suzaku's presence. After some time, the scent of the incense quickly wafted the air. The light dimmed around Suzaku's statue as it opened its crimson eyes, as if possessed by Suzaku himself. Hotohori, sensing the energy, opened his eyes as well. "My heart is filled with foreboding. I must pray that Miaka and Miya remains safe."

"Suzaku, great god of our proud land, protect us all and watch over the priestess of Suzaku, who is destined to gain your powers and save all of Konan, as well as her twin, to guide and protect her from any harm," Hotohori prayed to Suzaku, as its statue's eyes continued to gleam in the room. "If I were free of my burdens, a commoner like Tamahome and Nuriko, I would never leave your side, Miaka. Like Miya, I would do everything to protect you, even risk my own life," Hotohori uttered, more to himself. "Please Miaka, Miya... be safe."


"She's been gone way too long! Why would Miaka want to run off alone like that?!" Tamahome shouted, banging his fist on the table. "Relax, Miya went after her, remember? Besides, it might be something personal," Nuriko suggested in a calm tone. "Like?" Chichiri prodded him to continue.

"Like, you know, a girl thing," Nuriko said it like it was obvious. "A girl thing?" Chichiri asked but was ignored. Nuriko opened his eyes, remembering something. "Wait! I remember! Before she took off, I heard her saying the name 'Yui'."

"Yui is their friend," Tamahome stated. "We were talking about Kutou's search for the priestess of Seiryuu when she said it. I wonder, did she see a connection?" Chichiri concluded, voicing out their thoughts. "Yui... she was with the twins the first time I ever met her," Tamahome told them, remembering the girl with blonde, cropped hair with bangs, pale skin and light blue eyes. "Wait. If Yui came back to our world..." he widened his eyes in realization. "I know where she went!" He exclaimed, standing up.

"Tamahome?" Nuriko looked at Tamahome who headed to the door. "Nuriko, watch over my family," Tamahome ordered, before leaving in a hurry. "Tamahome! How come we get left behind?" Nuriko muttered, more to himself. "Speak for yourself, you know. See ya!" Chichiri said before disappearing into his kasa, jinxing Nuriko's previous statement. Nuriko looked behind him in confusion, to find Chichiri there no more.


"So, you're looking for the land of Kutou?" The man asked Miaka once more. "Yes," she confirmed. The man pointed at the forest. "Head that way. There's a shortcut through the woods that will get you there in no time."

'I have to cover as much ground as I can before Tamahome, or worse, Mi-nee, comes after me.' Miaka shuddered, thinking about what will be her twin sister's response to her actions. "Thank you sir," she said in gratitude, before heading towards the said directionーto the forest.

"This place is creepy," Miaka murmured, looking around before carrying on her way. Suddenly, someone blocked her path, not too long before she continued. Standing before her was none other than Miya, her twin sister, whom she feared being caught by just earlier. Miaka took a step back upon seeing her twin sister's raised eyebrow and crossed arms.

"Well? Stu. pid. Brat," Miya inquired and took a step forward. Miaka felt scared upon hearing what she said, quickly confessing as Miya took another step forward. "M-Mi-nee... I'm sorry, I just... I just don't want you and the others to get hurt because of me," Miaka mumbled regretfully with her head hung down, taking another step back. "Oh?" Miya spoke with a jaded tone. "Did Chichiri tell you something?"

Miaka sweatdropped. "Yeah... on our way back to Tamahome's house. He saiー"

"Yeah, I know," Miya cut her off. "Miaka, he just meant that you should take your role as the priestess of Suzaku seriously. Not only those near you, but many others are suffering in the hands of the Kutou army as we speak. Stupid brat, do you know why I gave the priestess' role to you? I want you to grow up and see the real world."

Miaka was offended by her twin sister's words. "But I am taking it seriously!"

Miya shook her head. "No you're not," she said with a disapproving tone. "I-I just got here! Besides, I've found Chichiri, didn't I?" Miaka protested. Miya disagreed once more. "No you didn't. He found you."

"Mi-nee, please, just let me go! I-I really need to get to Kutou! Yui... Yui, she..." Miaka trailed off, about to cry. Miya raised an eyebrow upon hearing their best friend's name. "Yui? What about Yui? What happened to her?"

Miaka told her how she didn't find their best friend back at their world, and how she thought of the possibility that Yui might become the priestess of Seiryuu, thus making her their enemy. Miya's eyes widened in surprise as she slowly processed the new information. Then she recalled how she got in the book again. "Miaka... do you know how I got in the book again in the first place?"


"Yui tricked me into coming here!" Miya hissed and told her twin the story. After that, she calmed down. "Though, I think her actions were a little odd that time."

"Then that's more reason to go to Kutou! We have to ask her personally!" Miaka exclaimed, determined. Miya shook her head again. "Nuh-uh. I'm not coming with you. I'm going back to Tamahome's house. However," she fished out two pairs of yin yang pearl earrings in her pocket. "With this, we can communicate with each other telepathically. We can also hear what's going on over each other's line, like a phone. Just press the earring you'll wear to your left ear to call me, because the one you'll wear to your right will become fake, per my... enchantment. I made it like that so others will think that it's just an ordinary pair of earrings."

Miya gave Miaka a pair, as Miaka shook her head and stared at the earrings in amazement. "Mi-nee, how did you make these?"

Miya ignored her twin's question. "No one must know how it functions... no one, not even Yui nor Tamahome," She warned instead, wearing the other pair of earrings. She ruffled her twin's hair, before teleporting. "I'll be going now. Be careful, you stupid brat. Call me as soon as you get there."

"Mi-nee, waiー!" Miaka called out to her twin sister, but she was too late.


Someone suddenly knocked on the door, startling Nuriko and the others. Nuriko didn't expect Tamahome to be back that early. However, when Nuriko reached for the door and opened it, Miya stood before him, instead of Tamahome. Nuriko held a surprised expression. "Oh... Miya, welcome back! Did you find Miaka?"

Miya nodded, and went inside. "Yeah, though I went back here alone so that she can have a talk with Tamahome."

"Tamahome caught up to you?" Nuriko questioned. Miya shook her head and sat on a chair. "No, but I figured he'd go after Miaka."

Nuriko raised an eyebrow. "Well, did you see Chichiri anywhere?"

Miya shook her head again. Nuriko groaned and sat on a chair too, as Miya spoke up. "Miaka wants to go to Kutou to see if our best friend Yui is there. Either way, it's both bad news. If she's there, one of the Seiryuu Seven could've already found her. Konan and Kutou are enemies, who knows what lies they fed her? If she's not there, then where could she be in our world, or in this world?" She concluded, sighing in frustration. Nuriko smiled and pat her back to reassure her. "Don't worry, there's still hopeーI mean, Kutou's still searching for the priestess of Seiryuu, aren't they?"

Miya wasn't fully convinced, as she got a bad feeling about it. "Yeah, I guess," she mumbled. Nuriko said nothing after that and left her alone to gather her thoughts, as he and the children await Tamahome's arrival.


Miya opened her eyes and felt herself unable to control her own body. She saw a light not too far away from her. Her body instantly took a step forward and started to walk upon seeing the light, heading straight to it. Yet, the light seemed to stretch farther and farther away from her whenever she got close. After awhile, the light disappeared, as the darkness finally surrounded her.

Suddenly, Miya felt a surge of pain spread throughout her. She felt her left arm being torn away from her body. She wanted to scream and move, but she couldn't. The darkness literally consumed her. "Yet... you don't care...?" A raspy voice spoke, close to crying. Before Miya died, she saw a girl in ceremonial dress, crying before her.




Miya gasped, jolting awake, as beads of sweat trickled down her face. She looked beside her to find Nuriko with a concerned look on his face, as the children curiously observed behind him. Miya stood up and rubbed her eyes. 'I've fallen asleep without knowing it!' She thought. Then she suddenly remembered the others present. "W-What happened, Nuriko?" She turned to look at him.

Nuriko recalled his talk with Tamahome to Miya. "You've fallen asleep when Tamahome arrived. I told him that you're already here and you're alright, just sleeping due to exhaustion of looking for Miaka, in vain. After that, he told me that you shouldn't worry and that he'll go after Miaka. He also told me that we must return to the capital and tell his highness what's happened. I woke you up because we must go now, so that we'll arrive early tomorrow at the capital."

'The capital... Eiyou...' Miya thought, smiling as the image of Hotohori flashed her mind. Suddenly, someone tugged at her sleeve. She looked down to see Yuiren. Miya crouched down at her level and spoke softly. "What is it, Yuiren?"

"Are you alright, big sister?" Yuiren asked as she touched Miya's cheek. Miya's eyes softened as she looked at the young girl. "Big sister will be fine, but big sister has to go."

Upon hearing that, Yuiren stayed quiet. Miya silently observed her. Then after some time, she finally spoke. "Then big sister... take care."

Miya grinned and ruffled Yuiren's hair, adoring her cuteness. "I will! You take care too, okay? Be good!"

Yuiren said nothing and just gave her a smile.

Miya and Nuriko hurriedly left after a few more farewells. They headed straight to Eiyou during the night, without any break.


"What? Miaka went to Kutou by herself?!"

Miya instantly told Hotohori what happened, the very moment she and Nuriko stepped in the palace and saw him. Although Hotohori was glad to see Miya again, he couldn't believe what she said even though it came from her, Miaka's own twin. Nuriko's next statement aggravated his worry more. "Your highness, forgive me but it's true. We were with her but she snuck out."

Hotohori furrowed his eyebrows. "Bring me a horse at once!" He ordered. "Highness, may I ask what it is you're planning to do?" His advisor inquired. "I intend to bring her back!" Hotohori answered. "Not an option. We can't have our emperor running off to an enemy nation on his own," his advisor instantly disapproved of his intention.

"But what if something terrible were to happen to Miaka?" Hotohori questioned him of the possibility. "Please sire, give this some thought! Your presence could ignite a war and that won't help the priestess," his advisor reasoned with him and managed to dissuade him from going as Hotohori widened his eyes in realization and gave himself a short time to think about the outcome if he were to go. After that, he finally said, "Point taken. I don't know what I was thinking," and then he went back to sit on his throne.

"Send the fastest scouー" The advisor was about to send a search party when Miya swiftly interrupted him. "Save them for the enemies," she said, shutting him up. Then she turned to look at Hotohori, whose face is showing a distressed expression. Miya hastily buried the jealousy resurfacing against her twin and focused on the main issue instead. She proceeded to speak. "She's safe... at the moment. Don't worry, I know when she'll arrived in Kutou. Twin's... intuition."

No one said a word after that.


"This is the border."


"Go through that gate here in Kutou."

"Oh really? Thanks mister."

Miaka finally arrived in Kutou. She looked at the direction where the man pointed; at the gate. Miaka started to walk when she suddenly remembered what her twin sister said before.

'Call me when you get there.'

Miaka pressed the earring to her left ear casually, as if she's just checking if it's still there. 'Hello, Mi-nee?' She said in her mind.

'Miaka? You've arrived in Kutou?' Miya's voice rang in her mind. Miaka was startled at first, but she instantly calmed down so she wouldn't raise suspicion. 'Yes! I'm finally here, Mi-nee! I don't even know if Yui is in Kutou, but I've come this far and I'm not going to turn back.'

'No one knows, Miaka. So get moving if you ever wanna know.' Miya urged her, as she was getting impatient. 'Okay, okay, Mi-nee... here goes nothing!' Miaka said. She walked near the gate and saw two guards stationed there. "Good morning to you!" Miaka greeted casually as she passed by. Miya sighed at her twin's stupidity. The guard quickly halted her from going forward. "Hey! We can't let you in without a passport?"

"Do I need a passport?"

"Of course you do!" The guard said it like it was obvious. Well, it is obvious, but not to a girl from another world!

Fortunately for her, the other guard noticed her attire. "Strange outfit she's wearing," he muttered to him. The previous guard widened his eyes, now noticing what his companion said. "You're right."

"The commander mentioned something about a girl from another world with strange clothes."

"Could she be the legendary priestess of Seiryuu?"

'They're still looking for the priestess. That means they haven't found Yui. Quick, Miaka! Go with the flow. This is now the only way you can get in without getting harmed nor raising suspicion!' Miya told her and Miaka acted quickly upon hearing what she said. However, the guards still doubted Miaka, and even asked her for proof. She tried to trick them but got bonked on the head instead. Then, Chichiri decided to intervene by using his powers to immobilize the guards.

'Now's my chance!' Miaka skipped through happily, when two men on a horse suddenly passed by and got Miaka's attention. What caught her eye though, was the man in lead. The man is wearing a dragon-themed helmet and his face is covered, showing only his piercing blue eyes. Miaka couldn't help but stare longer. 'What blue eyes! Who is this guy?'

'Blue eyes? In this world...? Must be a foreigner,' Miya told her, brushing it off. "G-General!" The first guard who confronted Miaka called out to him. "General...?" Miaka mumbled, looking back at the two guards. "Sir... we're frozen like this," the second guard spoke with difficulty.

"By a simple spell? How pathetic," the man insulted them before freeing them from Chichiri's spell. Meanwhile, Chichiri who's observing silently was truly impressed. 'Whoa! Not too bad, you know,' he thought.

"Now tell me who the girl is," the man interrogated them. The guard quickly answered him. "Sir! She's claiming to be the priestess of Seiryuu, my lord."

"The priestess of Seiryuu?" The man shifted his gaze from the guard to Miaka. "That's what she said, sir," the guard confirmed. "Then at last our prayers have been answered. We found you at last," the man stated to Miaka. Then he ordered the man behind him. "You! Ride to the capital and inform his highness, tell him we are approaching with the priestess of Seiryuu on escort."

Miaka was about to stop him when Miya spoke up. 'Miaka... I have a bad feeling about this man, but I think you should just follow him. Besides, Tamahome may caught up to you sooner or later.' Right after she said that, Tamahome showed up out of nowhere and made a fuss about going in.

Miaka was reluctant about coming with the man before, as her twin sister said that she had a bad feeling about him. However, she doesn't want Tamahome to get hurt because of her, and so she quickly changed her mind and agreed to go with the man to the Kutou palace.

On the other hand, Miya had a different intention. Feeling the man's intimidating aura radiating even from the other side of the earring, she wanted to confirm through Miaka if this man is the one who made her suffer before, albeit unknowingly.


'Miaka, you've really done it this time,' Miaka reprimanded herself as she walked nearer to the emperor in the throne room, with the general walking beside her. "Well... what an honor it is to meet the priestess of Seiryuu, from The Universe of The Four Gods," the emperor of Kutou spoke, staring down at Miaka with a blue scroll in his hands. Miaka observed the emperor and gave out a sound of disgust in her thoughts. 'He may be an emperor but he's completely different from Hotohori.'

'Welcome to the real world where the dramas lied to us,' Miya told her and sighed.

"Nakago, do you believe she is the priestess of Seiryuu?" The emperor inquired the general named Nakago about his opinion on the possibility. Nakago removed his dragon-themed helmet and his handsome face was finally revealed, making Miaka blink and stare at him in surprise. "I think it is quite possible," he stated.

'...Nakago? His name is... Nakago?' Miya mumbled quietly. 'Yes, Mi-nee! And he's a beautiful blond super hunk!' Miaka told her as she continued to ogle at him.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Miya was surprised as well; though it's different from Miaka's kind of surprised. Miya couldn't believe that her speculation was right. So, the reason why she couldn't obtain his powers easily was because he's a general, a man who leads an army, a man who's supposed to use his powers to train, day and night! Rain or shine!

Miya felt stupid and furious. She want payback. 'That's it. I'm going to Kutou. Miaka, watch that man closely.' She ordered her twin while forming a plan. Miaka agreed hesitantly. 'Did Mi-nee just fell in love at first hear?!' She thought, forgetting that her twin sister can clearly hear her.

'What 'fell in love at first hear'?! Miaka, don't forget that I can hear your thoughts!' Miya reminded her twin. 'And there's no way I'm gonna fall in love with him!' She added. Miaka disagreed with her. 'Whatever, Mi-nee! Just wait until you see him! I'm warning you! This guy's a piece of the sun!'

Miya rolled her eyes as she left the palace unnoticed. 'I think you're the one falling in love here.'

"When I found her she was having trouble at the gate, so I brought her here myself," Nakago recalled their encounter. "I see. Well done, Nakago. Now our kingdom has nothing to fear from Konan's priestess of Suzaku. The youngster who rules Konan will soon kneel down in defeat, before the Kutou throne!" The emperor cockily declared. "Hold it right there, grandpa!" Miaka stopped him, unable to restrain herself from hearing him degrade Hotohori any longer.


"Don't tell me you're going to underestimate the emperor of Konan just because he's youngー!"

Miya called out to her twin. 'Miaka.'

"ーyou don't know a thing about Hotohori!" Miaka rambled.

'Miaka! You're giving away secrets!' Miya exclaimed loud and clear in Miaka's mind, startling her. Too late, because the emperor of Kutou already heard her what she said. "Hotohori...?" He asked in confusion.

"Ah..." Miaka was loss for words. 'Act stupid,' Miya suggested. Seeing that there's no other way, Miaka did what her twin sister said. "H...Ho..Hotohori~ Hotohori~" she sang and danced like a crazy person, but was swiftly interrupted by Nakago. "Your highness, I brought someone else for you to meet, I'm sure you'll find her interesting."

Nakago gestured at one of the guards, as he stepped aside to give way to someone. The person slowly moved forward as Miaka looked at their direction. She widened her eyes upon seeing who it was.

'Yui...' She thought, still in a state of shock and disbelief as she looked at their friend. Yui stared at her the same way. "Miaka...?" She uttered. "Yui... is it really you?" Miaka couldn't believe her eyes. She walked forward for a bit and then suddenly ran to hug her. "You're alright...!" She exclaimed in relief and happiness, forgetting about Suzaku's scroll that fell when she started to run.

"Oh! I can't believe it!" Miaka hugged Yui as the latter widened her eyes in shock. A slight thud was heard as Suzaku's scroll fell down. However, no one seemed to notice it other than Nakago, who furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing the fallen thing.

"Miaka... how can you be here? You went back to our world," Yui said while crying tears of joy. "I came back to look for you! I made it home thanks to you, but when you weren't there I knew what must have happened, and there's no way I'm gonna leave my best friend alone in this place! God I missed you!" Miaka stated as she cried too. "You came back just for me?" Yui questioned her.

Miaka detached from their embrace. "We're best friends, aren't we?" She smiled at her. "Yes we are! The best friends ever! Thank you, Miaka!" Yui declared gratefully, hugging her again.

Meanwhile, the emperor decided to break the moment. "Which one of them is the priestess of Seiryuu?"

Nakago had now picked up the scroll and started to open it. He quickly read the context of the scroll the moment he opened it. The emperor waited for his answer. Nakago's brows furrowed once more as he finally realized Miaka's identity. "Highness, she was carrying Suzaku's Universe of The Four Gods."

"What?!" The emperor bellowed in anger.

'Miaka! Your scroll!' Miya reminded her twin.


"The handsome general opened the scroll, and began to read from it."


Nakago glared at Miaka. Meanwhile, the latter looked back at him upon hearing her twin sister's warning.

'Mi-nee! What do I do?!' Miaka panicked.

'Run! Don't worry, I'll try to get there as fast as I can!' Miya told her, as she slowly recharged her energy to use her teleportation. 'Miaka, do your best to hide from him! That man, Nakago... he's... he's a beast!'

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Picture above: Pearly Yin Yang Earrings

(A/N: Sorry guys, I'll be inactive for like, 2-3 days 'cause I'm getting a new phone and I need to fix this and that. Don't worry guys, it's not totally decided yet (the days) and I'll start writing as soon as I get that phone. :v)

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