Get Lost, Hood

Par nastyhufflepuff

2K 73 8

When Greaser, Bucky, meets Soc, Natasha, things get interesting in this small early 1960s town. A Drive-In c... Plus

The Drive-In
The Look
The Apology
The Threat
Rally the Troops
Driving Home
Letting Old Wounds Heal

Blacking Out

159 7 0
Par nastyhufflepuff

When the old lot was about a block away, they saw the first headlights appeared. The Socs were waiting for them. Of course they were. Socs were always early, Greasers were always late. A stereotype, but it was usually true.

It was very difficult to see what was behind the bright headlights, but Bucky made out three Soc cars in the parking lot. Bucky could make out the faint outlines of Tony, Rhodey, Vis, and T'challa. Thor was sitting in one of the cars rather than standing with his friends. He looked very uncomfortable and he clearly was not on board with his friends' cocky shouting as the Greasers pulled in. He looked how Bucky felt.

The Greasers parked their cars on the other side of the lot. Slowly, they began to get out of their cars and walk towards the center of the lot. The Socs followed suit and soon they were a few feet apart from each other. Tony kicked off the banter. "Hey, Barnes. Nice of you to show up. For a minute there, we were worried that you were going to stand us up. But no. I see the crew is all here. Mostly," he remarked, clearly referring to the absence of Loki. He looked back at Thor who's expression remained irritated. "Oh, well that's alright. We still have ourselves a fine sibling rivalry."

"Kiss off, Stark," Bucky heard Thor mutter. Tony just chuckled and continued on. "It's nice of you to join us, Hela," he said somewhat sarcastically. Hela scoffed. "I really should be the one thanking you. I can fight my little brothers any day, but a change of pace like this where I get to kick your ass along with Thor's? A treat like that doesn't come often." Bucky glared at Hela, but she only smirked some more. Tony then continued his semi-monologue. "Of course siblings are far from the only rivalry we have tonight," he said as he looked over to Wanda.

Wanda glared at him, but then turned to face Vis. It was only then that Bucky realized that she was wearing his letterman's jacket again. "Hey, Vis," she said in a mocking tone. Bucky had never known much about their relationship since most of it had been in secret, but he did know that in the time Wanda had been dating Vis, she'd been happy. That was one of the only things that had tipped her friends off to her relationship. Maybe that was why she was so mean these days. Bucky believed she had truly loved Vis and with his mixed feelings of Natasha, he was beginning to sympathize with her.

"Hello, Wanda," Vis said softly. The two of them just stared at each other for a moment. A silence fell over the groups and no one wanted to speak or make the next move. Having all of the rivalries pointed out and laid out in front of them may not have had the effect Tony was going for. Bucky took that as his que to make the point he'd been trying to all night. "Anthony, look at us. Is this really going to solve anything? I don't want to hurt you-"

"You already did," Tony said matter of factly. He then stepped even closer to Bucky. "You. Took. Everything from me," he spit. Rhodey then pulled him back a bit, knowing that if he didn't he might be the one to start the fight. No one wanted to be the one to start the fight. They would be the one held accountable for all the casualties that were sure to come. Bucky sighed. "Stark, I didn't mean to take anything from anyone. I wasn't driving. And they're called accidents for a reason. My family didn't do anything wrong."

That's when the punch flew. Bucky's ears rang with the force of Tony's fist. He stumbled backwards to the oohs and awws of his friends. Steve ran over to Bucky and helped him steady himself. Steve then looked back to Tony with a stare of contempt. Steve then charged at Tony. "Steve, no," Bucky shouted at Steve, but he was too late. When Steve charged he was intercepted by Rhodey who caught him with a punch. That was when the fighting became widespread.

Wanda and Clint charged forward and began fighting Vis and Hela went straight for Thor. Bucky was still a little discombobulated as he watched his friends fight. He didn't know where to look or what to do. He didn't have much time to think though, as Tony soon charged at him. Bucky put his hands over his face just before Tony's fist hit them. Bucky drew back and threw another punch, hitting Tony in the jaw. He stumbled backward, and looked a bit surprised, but that seemed to only fuel his anger. He continued to throw punches. One after another. Bucky blocking each one then throwing his own, which Tony would block. He knew he was getting tired when Tony's fist collided with the side of his head. He felt like a bell that had just been rung and fell to the ground.

Tony took this chance and pinned him to the ground. Bucky's face pressed into the asphalt ground. He began to let out a low scream. "I DIDN'T KILL YOUR PARENTS," he shouted. Tony just screamed back and took out a knife from his pocket. Bucky's eyes flashed with terror and he knew he needed to get out of this situation as fast as possible. He kicked his foot into Tony's side knocking his hand loose from Bucky's face. Bucky slid forward and up to his feet. Before Tony could regain his balance, Bucky put him into the same position he had been in moments before. On the ground with Bucky's hand on his head. Tony grunted and Bucky swiped the knife from his struggling hand. He saw fear in Tony's eyes as Bucky raised the knife above his head in preparation to strike.

Before he could do anything, the rumble of an engine drew everyone's attention to the front of the lot. A car raced towards them and then, with a squealing of its wheels, stopped abruptly. The sound of the car doors banging rang through the fighting ground. Bucky then saw Natasha running out of the headlights. "BUCKY, NO," she screamed as she saw Bucky with the knife over Tony. As he looked at Natasha's terrified face, Bucky's focus faltered and he lowered the knife.

Tony took advantage of this situation and slipped from Bucky's grasp. The last thing he remembered was a blow to the head and the feeling of warm blood trickling down his face. Then, there was only darkness. 

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