♥Hearts♥KnB♥Kise Ryouta or Ka...

By Puripuriko

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Japan is sealed within a glass dome in order to prevent an apocalypse from breaking out. An organization know... More

♥00♥ The chosen one
♥01♥ Blonde Terrorist
♥02♥ She's my antidote
♥03♥ Flow like water
♥04♥ The strong are the shield for the weak
♥05♥ Phantom
♥06♥ I entrust my soul to you
♥6.5♥ The ones who wants to break the glass, Kiseki no Sedai
♥07♥ One week later...
♥08♥ WINGS vs Kiseki no Sedai
♥09♥ The truth hurts
♥10♥ Romeo and Juliet part 1
♥11♥ Romeo and Juliet part 2
♥12♥ Romeo and Juliet part ways...
♥13.5♥ New comrades
♥14♥ What is this world turning us into?
Day 1 Akashi Seijuurou
Day 2 -Midorima Shintarou-
Day 3 -Murasakibara Atsushi-
Day 4 -Aomine Daiki and Kuroko Tetsuya-
Final day -Kise Ryouta-
♥15♥ There is no going back
♥16♥ Release
♥17♥ We have to survive!
♥18♥ Stay with me
♥19♥ Reincarnation
♥19.5♥ Fall of the Rainbow
♥20♥ Despair
♥21♥ You have to come back!
♥22♥ We'll bring forth the miracle!
♥23♥ The me who called your name ♥Ending♥
♥Ending Note♥
♥Soul Key List♥

♥13♥ Until we die!

764 38 18
By Puripuriko

Alone in Kise's room, Mitsuru wanted to be alone so she can think about what to do next. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, her gun on her lap. She smiled at the weapon because it reminded her of the time when Kasamatsu praised her for her shooting skills. A lot of things she did reminded her of Kasamatsu and it made her wonder why she didn't appreciate all of those moments when she had the chance to. 

Now that her old life with him was gone, she was missing everything about him. 

"I shouldn't have been living like that..." She stood up from the bed and opened the door. 

"You've sorted your resolve?" Akashi was waiting for her the whole time. His arms folded, he's got a very calm composure fitting for a leader. "Kise told me about what you saw in your senpai's eyes. It's just like WINGS to blackmail someone to get what they want." 

"I don't care what WINGS are trying to do to the world, nor do I care about the glass dome. I won't forgive anyone who does such a thing to Yukio-senpai." She looked at Akashi and held her hand out to him to shake, "Akashi, I will fight for Kiseki no Sedai..." 

"I am guessing it won't be that easy if it is you. What are your conditions?" 

"Don't kill my senpais from Kaijou."

"Whether it's fighting for our sake or for your own aims, as long as you swear full allegience to us." Akashi shook her hand, silently agreeing to her conditions. "What are you planning to do?" 

"How good of a hacker is Momoi Satsuki?" Hearing her question, Akashi smirked. 

"You have a plan, my Queen?"


At the same time, Aomine was having so much fun rushing into the enemy's lair, their  scientific discovery headquarters.

"Satsuki's hacks sure are amazing!" Aomine can do whatever he wanted because Momoi made sure to turn their security cameras away so nothing can capture them and she switched off every laser detectors so Aomine can move freely. 

"You can't keep a secret from her. That girl, whatever secret the enemy has, she will find them and give them to us."  Midorima ran behind Aomine as Aomine used his Soul Key to render his enemies down. 

'It's going far too smoothly...' Midorima thought to himself. He then realized something ws wrong so he kicked Aomine forward, making the tanned boy fall forward to the floor. 

"What's the big-" A bullet went through the window without breaking it and hit the wall where Aomine's head was in the way. 

"I knew it..." 


"Aomine, go by yourself." 


"I have unfinished business." 

"Heh, fine. I can handle two hostages all by myself." Aomine said to Midorima, "I will complete the mission without you, is that okay?" 


From a building far away from the science institute, Takao Kazunari smirked when Midorima looked his way. 

"Shin-chan, found you~! I have to return the favor from today!" He reloaded another bullet into his sniper gun and he's ready to take aim again.

Kuroko on the other hand found himself in a situation where he's not quite sure what to say. 

Kuroko's mission was to use his ability to sneak into High school student's rooms and find out what kind of person they were before revealing himself to them to talk about joining them. 

"Um..." Kiyoshi was not afraid of Kuroko at all so it was confusing for Kuroko.

"Help yourself!" From Seirin Military High school, Kiyoshi Teppei put down a tray full of snacks and some tea that he made. 

"Thank you." Kuroko initially expected Kiyoshi to freak out the moment he revealed himself to be a member of the Kiseki no Sedai but Kiyoshi welcomed him with gentleness like that of an older brother. Kuroko was a little happy. "What I said before..." 

"I'll join you." 

"Eh? That easy? You're not going to ask what we are going to do?" What if Kiyoshi was tricking him? What if behind that gentle smile was something sinister? No, Kuroko can't sense evil intention from this guy at all...

"I have my own reasons. I just can't stand WINGS as of now." 

"Did something happen?" 

"Hmm..." Kiyoshi sat on his bed, grabbing his tea and have a little sip of it. "My parents were scientists. When the virus was first discovered, my parents worked on a cure for it. I heard from my grandparents, they were good people, always trying to help others. One day, they were killed by rebellions." 

"By rebellions, do you mean the Glass Breakers?" 

The Glass Breakers were a rebellion group that came out some time after the virus was announced. They were a group of people who defied WINGS's idea of having the whole country sealed within a glass dome with the virus. They're a group who didn't believe in the virus and wished to contact the outside world at all costs. 

"Yep. My parents were killed by a member from the Glass Breakers. Of course, I don't believe that at all." 

"Why not?" Kuroko asked, curious of Kiyoshi's story. 

"If we assume the virus is real, it should mean the last person you would want to kill are the scientists. After all, everyone plays a different role in a society. You wouldn't kill off humanity's last hope, right?" 

"I see where you are going with this." 

"They told me that the rebel shot himself afterwards. Who is going to believe that? I don't." 


"Kuroko, was it? I have some friends in the same position as I am. How about I take you to meet them sometimes?" 

"Yes. The Kiseki no Sedai is short on numbers so we need as much members." 

"I'll take it that you guys are ready to cause a riot." 

"Yes." Kuroko was quick and confident with his answers. 

"Kuroko, what is my benefit if I join." 

"If you join us, you will be our secret members. We want you to support us within the shadows. As of now, WINGS only branded myself, five of my friends, and our hacker as criminals." 

"I see." 

"Kiyoshi-senpai, if you join us and you get caught, you will be forced to make horrible choices or die. Are you willing to side with us despite that?" 

"What are the benefits? You've told me the downside first because you don't want me to die, right?" Kiyoshi asked with a smile on his face. 

"Freedom." The greatest benefit of fighting against WINGS was freedom. Freedom to go anywhere you want, and live a life with your own choice. 

Kiyoshi smiled at Kuroko's words.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Kiyoshi asked.


"What are you fighting for?" 

"For the return of an important friend." Kuroko was determined about bringing Kagami back. Just like how Mitsuru wanted to take Kasamatsu from WINGS, Kuroko wanted to bring Kagami back from WINGS.

Back with Aomine, he was very clean. He was not hurt at all and he managed to execute the kidnapping with success. He tapped his communitcator on his ear and connected to Midorima. 

"Oi, what's happening on your side?" 

On Midorima's side, Takao was on the floor, exhausted from the fight before. Takao laid there and listened to Midorima telling Aomine that he had easily won and he will return since he had completed his own mission. 

Takao silently cried as he took in his defeat. He wanted to beat Midorima! He wanted to beat Midorima so much! Will he die? He doesn't want to die yet. It's so unfair, he had just found a very interesting opponent and he needed to die? 

'I wanted to give him a roaring pass...' Takao realized Midorima had finished the call and walked over to him. "Are you going to kill me?" 

"I am not that cruel. Since I have beaten you, it makes sense that you want to live and take revenge, right? Staying with WINGS isn't going to waste your skills. If you come with us, you will be a different person for sure." 


"Takao, stand up." Midorima started to walk away.

"Shin-chan..." Takao doesn't understand; does that mean Midorima wanted him to join the Kiseki no Sedai? Would he really dessert the powerful military group just to become a terrorist?

"What? You can't get up? I knew you were weak..." Midorima held a hand out for Takao, his eyes closed, "Stand up, Takao."

Tears flowing, Takao took Midorima's hand. 


The next day, Kasamatsu made his way to the cafeteria to eat breakfast with everyone. Today's training will be harsh so he will eat a hearty meal like everyone else. A lot of the higher ranked soldiers looked at him and other individuals with high expectations so he had to live up to them. 

"Captain!" Hayakawa was happy to see him. 

"Morning." Moriyama greeted. It was a little awkward for him to talk to Kasamatsu like in the past but he tried not to show it. "Hey there are so many hot girls, huh?" 

"Shut up, Moriyama..." Kasamatsu sat with them and ate his meal, "Don't ruin my food with your girl talk." 

"Are you even straight?" 

Kasamatsu was the most badly hurt out of them but he didn't believe his pain was worth crying over. He can think of someone who was hurt even more than he was...

"The news..." Kobori pointed at the plasma sized TV up on the wall. The former Kaijou students looked at the TV screen. 

"Mitsuru..." Kasamatsu watched Mitsuru adjust the camera stand and stand further away so she can speak. 

"This is Kiseki no Sedai's Queen speaking, my name is Chairo Mitsuru and I am speaking out knowing I can be branded as a traitor. From this moment on, I will lead the Kiseki no Sedai to freedom! Whoever is leading WINGS, I declare war! Until you have killed every one last of us, we will continue to rise and fight back!" 

Kise and Akashi watched Mitsuru behind the camera stand and they were impressed with her. 

"Kise, what do you think?" 

"I think Mitsucchi is really strong." 

"From now on, there will be many hardhships for her but I think she is prepared for it." 

"The moment she lost Kasamatsu-senpai, she knew what the world has gotten into." Kise watched Mitsuru hold up Akashi's blade that she had pulled out earlier. She was looking like a heroine. She may be a reluctant heroine, but she's fine as she was. 

"Follow me, to the freedom you wish to see. Fight with us and fight for what is right! No matter what, we will fight for what is right! If WINGS burn us, we will pull them into the fire! If WINGS drown us, we will make them drown with us! If WINGS cut us, we will cut them back! Until we die, we will live and fight!" Mitsuru then threw her sword away and pointed at the camera with her gun, "Kasamatsu Yukio...if I were to die in the war, I'll make sure you die with me!" 

Mitsuru shot the camera, seizing the connection...

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