The Seed Of Love (Completed)

By Lissasysnop

465K 23.7K 3.1K

Holland Kane grew up in a little town called Paris Tennessee with her Aunt Shelly and her brother Derrick... More

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Ch 1🍏
Ch 2🍏
Ch 3🍏
Ch 4 🍏
Ch 5 🍏
Ch 6 🍏
Ch 7 🍏
Ch 8 🍏
Ch 9 🍏
Ch 10 🍏
Ch 11 🍏
Ch 12 🍏
Ch 14 🍏
Ch 15 🍏
Ch 16 🍏
Ch 17 🍏
Ch 18 🍏
Ch 19 🍏
Ch 20 🍏
Ch 21 🍏
Ch 22 🍏
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Ch 87 🍏
Ch 88 🍏

Ch 13 🍏

6.4K 298 52
By Lissasysnop

When we walk into the kitchen its quiet. "It's about time yall come down here." Chad snorts.

"We were going over the contract before she leaves genius." Worth said.

"Well, I didn't hear any talking just slurping." Chad picks.

Clara clears her throat. "Ok, that's enough now leave them alone. Its none of your business either way."

I smile at her. "Thanks, Clara! I am so going to miss your cooking."

"I will miss you too sweetie. It's nice not being the only woman in the house. Hopefully, you will come back soon." She winks.

"I would love to bring my brother and Sid here sometime. Derrick would love it here." I said.

My phone starts ringing. "Sorry guys excuse me."

I walk into another room and answer my phone. "Hey, Derrick! What's up? Yeah, I'm leaving here in a few hours. Ok, I'll text you when I make it home. Yeah, I've had a blast I even watched a horse give birth last night. Ok, love you too bye.

Worth smiles drinking his coffee. She sounded like an excited little kid but I bet she doesn't tell him about our make-out session. Man, that was fun.

"Sorry, guys my brother the worrywart wanted to know if I had left yet. Worth can I go say bye to Rex and see the colt?" I ask.

"Sure let's go." He takes another sip of his coffee and we head outside.

"Yup he's in love." Chad laughs. "I swear there was no talking just slurping."

"Leave it alone Chad." Emerson scowls at him. "He hasn't been happy for a long time so if they like each other so what? She's awesome and did you see the smile on his face? For once he's happy."

Dustin sips his coffee. "Just sit back and watch it unfold."

I am rubbing Rex and telling him to be a good boy for Worth and I'll see him again soon. Worth walks over with an apple. "Here you try to feed it to him and baby talk," I said.

Wort rolls his eyes. "I don't know if I can baby talk."

"Just try it for me please," I ask.

"Fine! Hey Rex! Do you want an apple? Who's a good boy?" Rex nudges his hand.

"Now give him the apple." I smile.

Worth hands him the apple. "Good boy Rex. Can I scratch your head like Holland does?"

Rex leans his head to the side looking at Worth before allowing him to pet him. "Good boy Rex! That's such a good boy!" He rubs the side of his face.

I smile watching them. "See you can do it when I'm not here."

"Are you sure that you can't stay to help me every day to pet him?" Worth chuckles.

I laugh. "I would love to but who would run my company?"

"I'm not sure about that but if I get on my knees and beg will you stay?" He grins.

I bite my lip. "I would love to Worth but I need to work."

"I have WiFi and computers here." He winks.

"What's stopping you from going with me? I need to go to the lab and work on this skincare. You said you wanted to see that." I said.

"That's true I did say that." He smirks.

"Can't your brothers take care of things for a few days? I'll even let you stay in my penthouse." I said.

"Penthouse? Wow, I didn't know." He said.

"There is a lot you don't know about me Worth." If you want to go you better go pack a bag." I said.

"I need to talk to the boys and see." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, I bet I could persuade them," I smirk.

"Well have a go at it then." He grins.

I take off to the kitchen door. I sit down at the table where Roger, Emerson, Dustin, and Chad are still sitting.

"Hey, guys! Can yall do me a favor? I need Worth to come to New York with me and see the ins and outs of what I'm doing with the apples and how I'm going to make that into skincare. Can yall hold down the ranch till he returns?" I ask.

"I think I can help you with that." Dustin grins.

"I want to go," Chad said.

Emerson kicks him under the table. "No, you don't."

Worth walks in. "What's the verdict?"

"Dustin said he will take care of the ranch." I smile at Worth.

"And we will help too. Worth you never leave the ranch and this will be good for you." Emersons said.

"Go pack a bag then. It's almost time to go." I smile at him.

"Emerson, can you drive us to the airport so Worth won't have to leave his truck?" I ask.

"Yeah of course I will," Emerson said.

"Great thanks! Let me go grab my stuff." I smile.

I walk upstairs and grab all my stuff. I walk down the all and knock on Worth's door. "You ready or need help?" I ask.

"Come on in and make sure I'm bringing the right stuff." He said.

"Nice room you have here," I said looking around. "You can just pack what you normally wear. How many days are you planning on staying?"

"A few if you will let me. This is silly, isn't it? I should just stay here." He said.

"I would really like you to come and see what I am doing with the apples. You can stay as long as you want Worth." I smile at him.

"Ok then let me get a few more things and I'll be ready." He runs into the bathroom and grabs his deodorant and cologne and toothbrush and paste. He dumps it in the bag. "Ok, I'm ready I think." He said.

I laugh... "Worth I do have supplies you know. I do live in the city."

"I'm sorry I'm nervous. I've never been on a plane before." He sighs.

"It will be fine I promise and this jet is so smooth it's like riding a Cadillac," I said.

"Ok I'm ready and if I get scared can you hold my hand?" He asks.

"You bet I will now let's go say bye to everyone." I smile.

Going back into the kitchen everyone is standing around. "You guys ready?" Emerson asks.

"I think we are but Worth here is a little nervous but he will love jet life." I smile.

Clara hugs him. "You will be fine and here are some goodies to take with you."

"Thanks, Clara. Dustin call me or text me if anything comes up. If Daniel comes back I have an invoice in my office of what he is to get." Worth said.

"Ok just go it will all be ok." Dustin pats him on his shoulder. We walk out to Emerson's truck and get in and drive off.

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