Clueless [h.s]

By peanutgrande

53.3K 2.7K 2.8K

"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places." - Ernest Hemmingway. More

[1] Cigarettes and an Elevator
[2] Stuck
[3] Dare
[4] Now
[5] A Coffee Shop and a Date
[6] Deal
[7] Relax
[8] Tension
[9] Trouble
[10] Touch
[11] Denial
[12] This Is Wrong
[13] Care
[14] Comfort
[15] Emotion
[16] Happiness
[17] Control
[18] Worry
[19] No Control
[20] Iceskating
[21] Christmas Eve
[22] Hoping and Care
[24] Christmas Kisses
[25] Beauty
[26] New Years Eve
[27] Fear
[28] Tantalize
[29] Shock
[30] Passion
[31] Betrayal
[32] Trust
[33] Agony
[34] Numb
[35] Home
[36] You
[37] Love
[38] Strong
[39] Promise
[40] Gentle
[41] Disconnected
[42] Views
[43] Fair
[44] Fix You
[45] Delicate
[46] Electric
not an update - important
[47] Adore
[48] Battles
[49] Distance
[50] Need
[51] Warmth
[52] Broken
[53] Dark
[54] Empty
[55] Memories
[56] Expunge
[57] Cold
[58] Loud
[59] Hope
[60] Remember
[61] Veins
[62] Try
[63] Longing
[64] Me
Clueless - Epilogue
authors note
important opinions

[23] Lights

785 45 41
By peanutgrande

(btw ari is wearing that ^ for this chapter lol enjoy ((: )

For the next two hours we hang up Christmas lights, make cookies, and Ariana even agreed to show me a Christmas sweater she bought a few days ago along with her favorite pair of holiday reindeer antlers- which she obviously kept on- with a pair of high knee socks.

I throw myself back on Ariana's bed, completely exhausted and it is only seven pm. She comes in with a tray of cookies and her phone in her hand, she throws her phone onto the bed and sits beside me. "Get up. The days not over yet, we have yet to see the lights in downtown." She pats on my thigh and I sit up, grabbing a cookie and eating it in one bite.

"I'm exhausted, baby. We should just take another nap." I say through a mouth full of cookies.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Harold. Hasn't you mom ever taught you manners?" She playfully rolls her eyes and takes a bite of the cookie in her hand. "Anyway, we are going to see the lights, Harry. It's going to be fun."

"Sure, because seeing lights on trees and lights wrapped around poles is fantastic." I say, sarcasm evident in my voice.

"Shut up. Now let's go." She hops off the bed and places the cookies aside. I prop myself up on my elbows to watch her dress into jeans, she shakes her hips and wiggles around in the tight jeans before buttoning them and slipping on a pair of converse.

"Converse?" I ask in shock. The only shoes she ever wears are her usual black or white heels.

"I don't want to slip on ice." She says as she gets on her knees, shuffling through her closet to find something.

"What are you looking for?" I ask as I slip on my brown boots.

"Found them." Ariana says as she rises from the floor with a pair of small antlers. She walks over to the mirror and fixes her hair before sliding on the antlers.

"Antlers?" I laugh.

"They go perfectly with my sweater. Now lets go!" She says and slips on her long black coat that is fairly similar to mine.


"Fuck it's cold." I rubbed my hands over my arms but that still did not warm my icy skin.

"I know and this burning coffee isn't helping because I can't even drink it." Ariana shivers as we walk throughout the town, admiring all the lights and Christmas decorations randomly scattered throughout town.

"Good thing it stopped snowing." I swing my arm over Ariana's shoulders and bring her closely to me, letting our bodies warmth warm our icy skin.

"I think I would have gotten hypothermia by now if it weren't for my sweaters." She says, smiling from ear to ear.

"You're so dramatic." I look down at her and smile at the way her nose and cheeks have redden from the biting winter cold. "I don't know how that coffee hasn't turned into ice yet."

"Ha-ha smart ass," She sassily remarks. "Are you hungry?"

"Nah, we ate this morning." I laugh but she only looks up at me with concern in her eyes.

"You're not only supposed to eat once a day, Harry. It isn't good for you." She sighs, breaking eye contact with me.

"I know. I am just not hungry right now, baby." I say and she rest her head on my shoulder. "Are you hungry?"

"Nah, I ate way too many cookies earlier." She laughs but it comes off more of a shiver.

"You're cold, aren't you?"

"No shit, Harry." She laughs, her teeth chattering as she speaks.

"You're lucky my mum taught me well." I say while peeling off my coat and placing it over her shoulders. She protest at first but I send her a warning glare and she keeps it on.

"But you're going to be cold." She whines.

"I have gloves and an extra sweater on, Ariana, I think I am good." I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her towards me as we make a stop to stare out at the guarded, decorated trees and lit up animals surrounded by people.

"You're so nice." She says.

"I know." I rest my arms on the icy cold railing and lean all my body weight against the railing and stare out at the beautiful but simple Christmas lights. I have never been the kind of man who loves the holidays but whenever I am with Ariana I love every second of it.

Ariana and I stare out at the lights, focusing on every beautiful detail and smiling at the over excited children pointing at the fake lit up Santa Clause in the center of downtown. "Do you know why I love Christmas so much, Harry?" Ariana breaks the silence.


"Because when I was younger my parents or 'santa'," She uses finger quotes as she speaks. "never got me anything for Christmas and every year I would be so excited to receive a present but I never got one, that was until one year I finally got a present from my brother and I remember I was the happiest child that Christmas and now it just breaks my heart to see that some people do not get anything on Christmas because I know how shitty you feel on Christmas Day." Ariana sighs as she runs her hands over her face. "I know I should hate Christmas but I love it because it reminds me of the happiness I felt that night and I just love to give people anything that can possibly brighten their day." Ariana admits with a slight gleam in her eyes. I take my hand in hers and lace our fingers together before bringing her hand up to my lips and lightly pecking on each of her knuckles.

"Jesus, Ariana." I pull her into an embrace and she wraps her arms around my waist as mine wrap around her back. "You're such a good person."

"No I'm not." She says into my chest.

I lift her chin with my fingers and force her to look into my eyes, "Yes you are." I lean into her but she backs away from me, a small smile played on her lips.

"Kiss me." I beg. I lean back into her again but she turns her head to the side and my lips land on her cheek.

"Didn't I tell you?" She smirks, "You need to earn it, Styles." She laughs as she unwraps her arms from around my body and takes a sip from the coffee in her hands.

I groan in annoyance and wrap my hand around her wrist to drag her around the city to see the lights lined up along the streets and buildings. I smile to myself when she laces our fingers together as we continue to walk down the sidewalk. "Harry?"

"Hmm?" I hum.

"I... I am glad we are spending our holidays together."


"Yes, I mean you aren't that bad of company." She teases.

"Ha-ha. I wonder what Niall is doing right now," I say with a chuckle.

"Well, he said he was going to go shopping for our presents so he is probably at the mall." Ariana says. "How long have you been friends with Niall?"

"Since the first year of college," I smile at the memories of sharing a dorm with him. "We had a dorm together and I swear that asshole would bring girls over every damn night. I remember he kicked me out one night to sleep with girl and I had to spend the night at a hotel, I gave him shit about it for the next few weeks until he finally apologized for kicking me out."

Ariana laughs a bit and squeezes her hand in mine. "So you're telling me Niall was the kind of guy to sleep around with another girl everyday?"

"Every fucking weekend." I say and we both break into fits of laughter.

"Horny bastard." Ariana says as she gasps for air and I literally clutch onto my stomach to contain my laughter. We stop by a lit gingerbread house surrounded by families and sit on a bench nearby. I stare at her in complete fucking awe as she smiles up at the Christmas lights and stares back at me with a blush on her cheeks. She looks so fucking beautiful. With antlers and all, she still looks fucking perfect to me. "Why are you looking at me?" She licks her lips and continues to smile like an idiot.

"Why not?"

"Because it's creepy." She says and I scoot closer to her.

"Oh really?" I bite on my lip as I inch my face closer to hers and luckily, she doesn't move back. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. "Would you be freaked out by the fact that there happens to be a mistletoe right above us?"

Her eyes widen and she tilts her head up to view the mistletoe but before she can see that there really isn't, I attach my lips to hers and she is caught off guard at first but quickly catches on by wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me closer to her. My hands remain on her hips as our lips slowly move to create the most beautiful burning sensation throughout my body.

"Real smooth, Styles." She says in between kisses. Seconds later I pull away and we sit in a comforting silence, both of us too afraid to say anything that might ruin what we possibly have. She rest her head on my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her waist to keep her warm even though I am freezing fucking cold.

"We should go now, my car is much warmer." I say and Ariana smiles as she slides my coat off her shoulders and places it in my hands.

"I'm sorry if you have a cold by tomorrow." She says as I slide my arms through the sleeves of the coat. My skin immediately warms from the thick coat and I swing my arm around her shoulders again as we walk back to my car in silence.

"Are you sure you're not hungry? We can get pizzas on our way back home- I mean my apartment." I say as we wait for my car to heat up.

"Pizza sounds good." Ariana says as she buckles up.


"Holy shit I love this song!!" Ariana twist the knob and cranks up the volume higher to the radio. The familiar song rings through my ears and I think it is the song, "Photograph" by a great artist; Ed Sheeran.

I look beside me and Ariana stares out the window with a wide smile as she sings along to the catchy song and once I rest my hand on her thigh, she places her hand on top of mine and signals me to sing along with her. I laugh and blast the music higher throughout the tight space of the car and sing along with her. We both laugh and sing along to almost every song that comes on the radio the rest of the way home. I don't think I have ever been this happy in my whole life.

"Come on!" I shout as I rush into the lobby and I frantically click the elevator doors to open. I watch behind me as Ari pushes the stair ways doors open she rushes and within seconds I cannot see her as she rushes up the stairs.

Ariana and I had a bet of whoever gets to my apartment last will have to pay the winner one hundred dollars before this year ends. Finally, the elevator doors slide open and I rush inside and click my floor. I back up and press my back against the wall, my breathing uneven as I flutter my eyes shut. I hear a small noise beside me and I shoot my eyes open to meet a woman with two kids holding her hands and they all stare at me as if I am a maniac.

"Hey." I nod towards them and the woman gives me a small smile.

"What's wrong?" The little boy with green eyes asks me when I frantically tap my foot against the floor.

"Nothing, just having a little competition with a friend." I breathlessly laugh.

"Are you losing?" He asks, his eyes wide and his voice soft. He is actually quite adorable.

I crouch down across from him and his mother pulls him back a bit when I meet his height. "Lets hope not, bud." I say and the doors slide open. "I guess this is my stop, bye!!" I rush out of the elevator and run to my apartment. I feel a big weight lift off my shoulders when Ariana is not here yet. Fantastic.

I let my breathing return back to normal and within seconds I see Ariana rush beside me. "Fuck!" Ariana curses, completely out of breath.

"I won." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"That's not fair, I had the pizza box." She says holding the pizza box between us.

"That's no excuse, Ari." I laugh and all of a sudden I am pushed back against my door. The pizza box is abounded beside our feet as Ariana fist my shirt in her small hands.

My breathing hitches as she brings her lips to neck and harshly attacks the skin there, a moan deeply rumbling deep within my chest as she sucks on the skin of my exposed collarbone. She slowly kisses the length of my neck before she crashes her lips onto mine, my mouth immediately prying open. Her tongue slips into my mouth and she brings her thigh to my side. I hold her thigh up with my hand and place my free hand on her hip as she takes control. A light moan escapes her lips as I bite down on her bottom lip and tug it between blunt teeth.

"What the fuck am I watching?" Niall's voice breaks us both up in seconds and a our faces are both splashed with pink in embarrassment.

"You say anything about this and you're dead." Ariana points to Niall and he breaks into fits of laughter.

"Next time, fuck inside the apartment. Not outside, its quite risky." Niall laughs as I pick up the pizza box and we walk into my apartment.

I throw the pizza box onto the coffee table and Niall passes around the beers but I decline it, sticking with the pizza. We all sit around the coffee table and within seconds the pizza is demolished.

"Weren't you coming tomorrow?" Ariana asks Niall through a mouth full of pizza.

"Yea, but I got bored and decided to spend the night."

"Great." Ariana says and takes a sip of a water bottle.

"Why? You don't want me here?" Niall asks with concern full in his blue eyes.

"Of course I do, you just interrupted something Harry and I plan on finishing later on." Ariana sends me a quick wink and I feel my stomach tighten.

"Like what exactly?" I barge in, sending Ari a smirk.

"Oh trust me, babe, you don't want to know." She says and I laugh, knowing she is only saying this because Niall is here.

"Alright!! I don't want to hear what you guys do while I am not here!" Niall covers his ears with his hands and we both laugh.

"Niall, it was great having you here but I am afraid it has come to the time when Ariana and I go to bed. Feel free to watch television, eat, drink, or whatever the hell you want while we sleep." I say as I rise from the couch and take Ariana's hand in mine to take her to my bedroom.

I arrange the couch pillows a bit and tell Ariana to get Niall some blankets and pillows from my room and she happily obliges. I throw the empty pizza box in the trashcan along with empty beer bottles. "You really like her don't you?" Niall whispers as he slips off his shoes and dresses into his pajamas.

"Why?" I keep my voice low and hope Ariana cannot hear us.

"You can tell. You've been acting different ever since you've been seeing her, Harry. I don't know what it is but she makes you a lot happier than you realize and I would not do anything to fuck it up because I can tell she likes you just as much as you like her." Niall says as quiet as possible and seconds later Ariana walks into the living room with a blanket and two pillows in her arms. She throws them onto the couch and exchanges weird glances between Niall and I.

"Did I miss anything?" She asks.

"No, lets go to bed now, babe." I say as I wrap my arm around her waist and bring her closer to me. I give Niall a smile and he nicely returns it before we walk into my bedroom and I shut the door behind me.

"Are you guys okay?" Ariana asks as she slips off her jeans and her shoes at once.

"Yes, baby." I kiss her forehead before wiggling out of my jeans and slipping on my usual sweatpants.

"You guys were acting weird." She giggles as she slips off her antler headband and throws herself onto my bed.

Seconds later I join her and cover our bodies with the thick blankets to keep us warm. She tangles our legs together and I wrap my arms around her small body like I always do. "There's nothing wrong, we were just talking."

"About what?" She says into the darkness.

"It doesn't matter. Go to bed, babe, tomorrow is Christmas." I press a long kiss on her forehead one last time before hugging her closely to my chest.

"Okay..." She whispers, her lips press against the thin fabric on my chest before she flutters her eyes closed.

"It's been one hell of a Christmas Eve." I say when I notice she is still awake.

"I know, it was such a long ass day." She laughs to herself.

I chuckle and squeeze my eyes shut. She wraps her arm around my waist and I feel my heart skip a beat. A few minutes later I fall asleep hoping that one day, this woman laying beside me will forever be mine.


this chapter was so long and cute

Ariana and harry were so cute I am so in love with them together oh my gosh

woop woop i updated my last chapter a day earlier than I was supposed to and I am updating this chapter so four days earlier than I usually do im on a roll!! well the only reason why I am doing this is because I really want to update on Christmas which I will be updating the Christmas chapter on Christmas Day!!

okay so this will be my last update until Christmas so I hope you all have a great Christmas Eve and I hope you get everything you ever wanted this Christmas and I hope you eat a lot of food and even if you do not celebrate Christmas I hope you have an amazing week 💘

I love you all so much thank you for everything and please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter because that would be super cool and it would mean the world to me xx

Happy holidays, all the love 🎄🎅

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