The Surgeon. |✔️|

By raezwrites

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Beyoncé Knowles, a prized possession at New York Presbyterian, is one of the best orthopedic surgeons to grac... More



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By raezwrites


Waking up with the hardest wood had to be the most uncomfortable shit ever, especially since my lady couldn't take care of it properly. But I couldn't even be upset if I tried, because nowadays Beyoncé no longer craved my touch nor did she want to be touch by anyone; no matter the circumstances. Thankfully, our pregnancy journey was now in the home stretch with only a month to go. So while I've been maintaining my nerves, everyday was a guessing game of when Beyoncé could go into labor.

Speaking of my queen, I felt around the bed and sat up slightly once I noticed she wasn't in arms reach. I knew she either had to be in the bathroom or downstairs so I didn't stress out too much about her whereabouts. I got out of the bed soon after and handled my duties before throwing on more appropriate attire to wear around the house, then opened the door to walk down the hall to find Beyoncé. Right away, I heard noise coming from the other room, so I turned on my heels and peaked through the door to see B sitting on the floor folding baby clothes. She didn't notice me right away, but I could easily sense her discomfort. Carrying the twins placed such a strain on her body and every part of her had began to swell. At our last appointment, Dr. High diagnosed her condition as preeclampsia and told us to look out for serious warning signs like a severe headache or vision changes that may warrant a medical crisis; she also brought up the possibility to having Beyoncé on bed rest until my boys made their debut.

"You need some help?" I said shortly after. She lifted her head up and smiled at my loving gaze.

"Absolutely! You can put these away for me." She ordered, and I did just that. She then asked for me to help her to her feet and automatically my hands cupped her bump. Since words no longer sufficed to explain her pain, she simply groaned into my chest while I continued to rub all around the baby region.

"I need to get back in bed ... I truly don't know what possessed me to get up at the crack of dawn." She revealed.

"I don't know either. Let me get you situated in bed and bring up some breakfast, too." I offered, surprised that she gave in so easily. Once she was back in bed, I readjusted the abundance of pillows surrounding her and made sure her phone was in reach before dipping out to the kitchen to cook. I didn't want overwhelm Beyoncé with a ton of options so I instead made enough to all three of us to enjoy.

"Morning, Jay." Aaliyah greeted me, fully dressed in comfortable clothing for another day of school. With only 2 months into her junior year, she seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. Her skills didn't go to waste over the summer and she was already dominating the court as co-captain. Aside from that, she was starting to become more of social butterfly and even became closer with a few girls on her team and that one fellow, Sidney. When his name would be bought up in conversation, I usually stayed mute and let the girls do the talking; not because I wasn't uninterested in the conversation, but that I didn't quite know how valid my opinion would be. From the start of things, I've always wondered how my role would change for Aaliyah. I wondered if she would ever allow me inside of her personal circle or even scold her in a way that a father should, but at the end of the day I wasn't ready to step over any unestablished boundaries.

"I made some breakfast if you want to grab a plate?" I suggested.

"That's okay, Sidney grabbed me something from the breakfast spot near school; I'll snatch a bit of this bacon though!" She replied before doing as she said. "I also tried to say goodbye to mom but she's already fast asleep."

"I figured. Just be safe on the road and text me when you get there, aight?"

"Will do!"

We shared a small dab then I made sure she was safely out of the door before locking it behind her. I then finished up the last bit of breakfast and sat it to the side since the only person now eating was myself. I took my time enjoying the delicious sandwich and extra bacon, then cleaned up my mess so that I could head upstairs and get dressed for the day. I kept my outfit simple by wearing black jeans and a black distressed Givenchy pullover with my classic timbs and army-fatigue jacket. When I came out of the closet, Beyoncé was still peaceful.

"Baby, I'm getting ready to leave out.." I mumbled as I leaned across the bed. My voice caused her eyes to open slowly and she released a small yawn before responding.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Run a few errands and going by to see my mom.." I trailed off. She gave me a mean glare before rolling her eyes slightly and readjusting the blankets.

"I rather you stay here but that's okay; just be safe."

"Always. I love you."

"Love you, too.." She mumbled before throwing the blankets over her head. I gently peeled them back and snuck in a kiss before she could curse me out and said goodbye one last time before heading down to the garage and into the car to drive off to my first destination.

As I pulled into the driveway of my mother's house, I said a small prayer for protection from her messy antics. When she found out Beyoncé was pregnant, she threw a whole fit and chastised me for making these moves with someone I barely knew, which was a definite lie. Yeah, B and I haven't been together for years on end, but we understood our love for each other and took nothing that has occurred in our relationship for granted. And to be honest with myself, the conception of my boys couldn't have happened at a better moment in my life! God knew that this pregnancy would cause me to slow down, and understand that every move I made from here on out would effect my sons' lives; I couldn't wait to hold them in my arms and raise them up to be way better than I turned out.

My mom spotted my car from the window and waved her hand to get my attention. After I locked my door behind me, I followed behind her into comforting living room. Once I got her out of Marcy, she settled for a nice spot on the other side of the river in Jersey, which offered her a break from my foolishness in the city. To this day, she still isn't comfortable with what I do for a living and no matter how much judgment she may pass on, this career will probably be never ending.

"How's the weather today?" She asked while we took our seats on the sofa.

"It's chilly, no doubt. I just hope the sun will be out for the baby shower." I replied.

"Right, the shower .. Is everything coming along?"

"It is, very smoothly. Beyoncé isn't really up for it so I don't think it will run long."

"And why is that?" She said with a bit of fire.

I kissed my teeth, "Because she 8 months pregnant with twins, ma. I don't know how much moving or standing you think she can really do right now."

"I guess-"

"Listen, I just want to know if you're coming or not?" I cut her off to get right to business. She gave me a mean glare and slowly crossed her arms over her chest.

"Is that how you ask your mother - the person who will always love you no matter what foolish choices you make - to come to an event for her grandchildren?"

"Cool so now they're you're grandchildren? Great to know."

"Jay, please. I have my reserves about the girl and that's that."

"What reserves though, mamma?! I mean at this point I just feel like you're blocking to cause trouble for no reason! Beyoncé, from day one, has been nothing but respectful toward you despite the constant attitude you throw her way."

"I just wish I knew more!" She rebutted. "You're so in love with a person you haven't known for a whole year yet and already playing house with her daughter?!"

I shook my head at her blatant disrespect and had to take a moment and realize who I was talking to; "I provided that opportunity for you to know more about her yet you bought up dumb ass Stephanie!"

"Because you left that good girl high and dry!! She really loved you Jay, I'm sure way better than Beyoncé ever can! That wasn't enough for you?!"

"Please know that I respect you and will love you with all of my heart, but you need get your head out of your own ass. Stephanie played herself when she cheated on me, then got pregnant and didn't even know if it was by me! And those actions equate love to you?!"

When she had nothing to say, I gladly stood to my feet and checked the time so that I could keep my day moving.

"I rather you keep your distance and not come to the shower; it'll be in the best interest for myself and for the mother of my children to not stress over your behavior."

I kissed her cheek, even though she was still furious with the outcome of our conversation, then left out of the door and back into my car to head down to the bistro. Traffic getting into the city was pretty fast paced and when I made it to the spot, I parked and came through the back entrance. An abundance of workers and interior decorators filled the space, placing items and stocking various shelves all over the restaurant. In the back, my head chef and his recruitment team whipped up a few dishes as practice for our grand opening next week and I was in no way shocked to find Nas's ass munching at the counter.

"Yo Jay!" He said with excitement once he noticed my presence. I laughed at his a goofy appearance but still granted him a dap before taking the stool across from him. "What's good with you, super dad? It's crazy because just before you came I was thinking of gifts to give your nut ass for next weekend."

"Man, fuck you. Matter fact, don't buy my kids any damn thing!" I exclaimed in a joking manner, which made us both laugh some more. "But everything is chill. B is ready to go any day now.."

"Damn, you sure you're ready for all that?" He asked before pouring me a glass of D'useé.

"I have to be," I said with a small shoulder shrug. "I like to think that I'll adapt to parenting easily."

"I'll pray for you because that shit looks like alot of work. Plus, you're having a two little homies looking up to you? Talk about pressure.."

My response to his anxiety-driven question caused me to down the shot in one gulp. As it stung my throat, I sat in silence thinking about how I would react when the day finally comes; will I be helpful or chicken out and not do my part?

"Jay I don't mean to scare you, I'm just talking shit. You know you'll be the best dad you can be, bro." He added, then lit two cigars for our pleasure.

"No harm taken .. I think about this shit more than you know."

"So we're keeping the same plan for-?"

"Yeah; no changes unless I've made them. I've been noticing the increase in production but I still want you to take it easy, Nas."

"I am. I'm following every piece of advice you've given me, nor do I not make any moves without consulting you first; which makes me asks,"


"The market is growing. People starting to want heavier shit, no more weed or powders. I'm taking big pharmaceutical business; narcotics and analgesics."

"That's where the business is at, huh?"

"Exactly. And I'm asking for you thoughts of me reaching out to some connects?"

I chewed on the inside of my cheek in thought of the right words to say. Making this move would result in money I can't even imagine, but was I willing to do exactly what I told Beyoncé I was putting to the side?

"Give me a minute to sit on it. As for now, continue on like normal and push what you can. With the bistro in business, I look forward to both going steady and growing from here."

"You got my word, boss."



"Was this is better angle?" I asked Sidney after rising to my feet. He gave me his second flirty smirk of the evening and nodded his head yes.

"All of your angles are better, to be honest."

"I'm aware," I said with a hair flip. "What's your favorite?"

"The one where I get to see your beautiful face." He mumbled. I didn't attempt to hide my blushing cheeks and big smile nor try and push him away as he pulled me close. Ever since we reconnected, our bond was growing everyday, and after my birthday party we began to spend the most amount of time with one another. We would FaceTime, do homework, study, and even play ball at his house. Now currently, Sidney wanted to explore the option of dating and I was excited to say yes to his suggestion; tonight happened to be our second date for the month.

"You ready to get a table?" He asked me soon after.

"Yep, lead the way.." I replied. He took my hand proudly and walked us through the restaurant door.

"Your pop's spot is better than I imagined." Sidney complimented after taking a look around at Jay's new business venture. The bistro had been open for about a week now and from what I've heard has been doing better than he imagined. Even on the day of the opening, he took my mom and I here for a private lunch that led me to fall in love with the food and chill atmosphere right away.

"Is he here now?"

"Not to my knowledge. When I left, he and my mom were out running errands."

"Oh yeaah, you're about to be a big sis in what, a few more weeks?"

"That's the plan!" I said with a smile. "The baby shower is this weekend and I'm so excited, even though my mom could care less at this point."

Sidney made a small laugh, "I can imagine. But it's going to be a nice event."

"You're coming right? I really want you to be there." I confessed.

"Of course I am. Somebody has to beat you in these party games."

"Wow, you know you're going to lose. Your effort is cute though."

"Yeah whatever, we'll see."

Our waiter stepped forward with our meals and we dug in while still making small talk.

"You see Rue came back?" He asked. I took a brief pause from enjoying my pasta and gave him a look of confusion.

"As in free from rehab? But I haven't seen her in school?"

Sidney shrugged his shoulders, "Word on the street is that she's returning in the spring. I also heard that she looks somewhat cured."

"That's a terrible word choice, but I understand. .. Good for her." I said in a whisper.

"It bothers you that she didn't tell you, doesn't it?" Sidney spoke after a moment of silence.

"No." I scoffed, despite feeling hurt by her actions. I knew we weren't talking much but damn, a simple "I'm home" would have done justice.

"Liyah don't let it get to you. She's going to realize how great of a friend you were and regret this decision; you did for her what no one else would." He spoke after taking note of slight change in my mood.

Basking in his loving words, I placed my hand on top of his and thanked him for the appreciation. Being with him as of late was a great feeling and I often found myself wondering what would happen if we took things to the next level. He would be leaving for college and off to explore a new scenery with or without me, so I had to tussle between the thoughts of if pursing something more was even worth it.

When our dinner was done, he paid the tab and made us walk hand n' hand out the establishment. We then took a nice stroll back to the local, city parking garage and safely settled into his car before he drove off back to my place. I let us inside and was happy to be met with silence. I told Sidney to make himself comfortable while I went upstairs to make sure the house was fully clear, and to my surprise no one had made it home yet as it was nearing 10pm.

"Everything good?" He asked me after I came back downstairs.

"Yeah. In the mood to watch a movie?" I offered before grabbing the fire stick remote. Sidney agreed and gave me the freedom to choose whichever movie I pleased; Wonder Woman filled the 65" television soon after and Sidney I got comfortable in each other's arms.

"When do you think you'll parents will be back?" He asked after a period of time.

"Not sure, .. why do you ask? You have to leave soon?"

"Not right away, but I was just wondering." He trailed off. I took my eyes away from the screen and landed them on his slick ass smile. Knowing what was to come next, I adjusted my height and allowed him to capture my lips in a nice, slow kiss. It grew deeper by the minute and soon enough Sidney was hovering my body while I laid back on the couch. With this now being my second kiss, I felt more confident in exploring other aspects of this type of connection and pulled him in by the hoodie of his that I loved.

"If it's cool with you, we should take this upstairs." Sidney mumbled in my ear, which caused my body to shiver beneath him. He eased up soon after and we both got up from the couch and went up to my room, even though I knew this location was off limits with a guy. But there won't be any harm if we don't go far, .. right?

I sat back the farthest on my bed and we resumed our make out session. I didn't mean to gasp when his cool hand touched the portion of my stomach that became exposed, but I could not deny the spark that took place when I felt his touch.

"You good?" He asked in between kisses. I nodded my head yes to avoid the feeling of his lips leaving mine and started to release my guard as his kisses began to descend. "Do you mind?"

"No.." I replied as he lifted my shirt fully. Seeing him bite his lip in satisfaction at the sight of my perky breasts did something to my spirit. I allowed him to release them one by one from my black bra and moaned quietly as he kissed around my nipples. In the same moment, I felt his hand glide down my pants and instantly sobered up whatever funny feeling that I was experiencing.

"Let's not go there," I said right away. Sidney pulled back with no problem and agreed that things were escalating faster than we anticipated, yet it still felt nice to know that our connection never wavered throughout the moment.

Before I could properly place my shirt over my head, my door cracked open and the face of Jay looking back at me almost caused me to shit my pants.

"Aaliyah what the hel-, yo. You, out!" He spoke directly to Sidney. He didn't move to fast for Jay's liking because in a second Jay had him gripped up by his hoodie and out of the room. "Stay here." He demanded of me before disappearing with Sidney down the steps. I moved quickly with redressing and came down stairs anyway, just to find Jay alone by the door. I could feel his glare on my skin like fire and didn't dare to make eye contact with him as he walked closer toward me.

"Jay, I can explain!" I pleaded, but fell short when he experienced no change in his mood at my comment.

"Go ahead, please explain to me why you thought it'd be a bright idea to have Sidney over and in your bed? Do you not realize how much you've disrespected your mom?!" He said in an angry tone that I was unfamiliar with; this was no longer the cool Jay I've grown to love over the few months.

I didn't bother to wipe my tears, "I didn't mean for things to get like this, it just happened! We were down here watching a movie and-"

"I don't need all the details. Just know what you did was definitely unacceptable, Aaliyah. You wouldn't do this if either of us were here, would you?!"

"Of course not.." I said through my sniffles.

"So why doesn't this morale take place when your mother trusts you to be here alone and to respect her house?"

No words could properly answer his question, so I stayed mute and feared what was going to happen next.

"I don't even know where to go from here Aaliyah, nor am I in the position to offer a punishment. Your mom thankfully went right to bed before I caught you, so it'd best for you to keep this peace for one more night and tell her everything in the morning."

I wiped the last of my tears and nodded my head to agree with his statement, before walking up to the bedroom with my head bowed from embarrassment.

As the morning rolled around, I was the first awake since I could barely keep my eyes shut all night in fear that my mom was going to kill me after I told her the truth. I knew I shouldn't of said yes to taking things upstairs, but I was also curious to see what would happen in that situation. I know that I'm not fully educated on the activity of sex and would be making the worst decision of my life to do so right now, but those feelings from last night were so different.

It didn't compare to the butterflies I once felt with Rue and it didn't feel like that uncertainly weird first kiss. It instead felt natural, as if my body was drawn to his aura and pleasing scent. If I tried to go with the flow with him last night, things would definitely have ended in an intense situation.

Exiting my thoughts, I opened my room door and cursed to myself when I heard their voices downstairs. I took my time walking down the staircase and remained silent as I watched them both converse about the details regarding baby shower this evening. As I got closer, my mom must of sense my presence for she turned her head in my direction and smiled once she saw my face.

"Good morning, hunny!" She greeted. Seeing her up and out of the bed was exciting and I honestly could not wait until she delivered so that I could get my best friend back.

"Morning." I replied to both her and Jay with a soft smile.

"Jay made breakfast again and added waffles; greatest food ever." She exclaimed before shoving a fork full of the fluffiest waffle in her mouth.

"Looks yummy, but .. can I talk to you first?" I asked before looking away from her stare.

"What's going on? Do you want to do this in private?"

"N-no." I stumbled. Before responding, I let out a breath to calm my nerves. "Last night after me and a Sidney went out, we came back to the house."

"Which you told me.."

"Right. But, things started to escalate and I, ... I took him upstairs to my room and continued make out."

"Until?" She answered in the calmest voice I'd ever heard, which placed more fear into my heart.

"Until Jay came to check in on me."

"Because I told him to. Thinking you'd be fast sleep in bed since you left the television on down here." She clarified, "Yet instead you had a boy in my house, up my steps, and into your bedroom?! Please tell me I'm hearing stuff.."

"It's the truth. To the both of you, I'm so sorry about what I did. Mom, I didn't mean to disrespect you." I pleaded for forgiveness but she continued to stare at me with a stoic expression that made it difficult to read her mood. This reaction was definitely unusual for her, and it only made me more depressed about my foolish actions.

"I refuse to have you stress me the hell out today or any day until these kids come, Aaliyah." She finally replied. You knew better and still chose to make a dumb decision. I have no sympathy for your and will only offer the advice to be prepared for the consequences you bought upon yourself."

"Mom it will never, ever happen again I swear!"

"Oh I know it won't, because best believe you will not be seeing Sidney any time soon. Matter of fact, give me your car keys which will be given back when I feel like it. I should pull your ass out of basketball too.." She mumbled the last part.

As much as I wanted to snap back and get defiant, I did as I was told and watched my mom place the keys in her bra.

"I'm going back to sleep, don't interrupt me." She announced to both Jay and myself before carefully making her way back to her bedroom.


I tried my best to block out the commotion from downstairs as it signaled that guest were already starting to arrive for my shower this evening. In no way was I prepared to be seen by a crowd of people, most likely due to the fact that my pregnancy was starting to wear me down. The constant aches were growing in intensity and every day a new part of my body was starting to swell. I had no desire to exert the energy to get things done and whenever I tried, I would grow sleepy and not wake up for hours. I was thankful that I only had one more month left of this hibernation.

As I took a sip of my water, Jay was coming through the bedroom door.

"You need anything before getting ready?" He asked me in a soft tone of voice, probably because he thought I was still upset from this morning's discovery. Aaliyah really tried me with bringing that boy to her room last night, but I still hadn't come up with a solid punishment to offer. A part of me understood her impulse decision since I did the same thing around her age, but then again I knew she wasn't sexually smart enough to make that decision on her own. I would kill that boy with no problem if he in any way influenced Aaliyah to do something she wasn't comfortable doing.

"No, I think I'm okay. I just have no motivation to get up."

"Well I can kick everybody out and we can just open the gifts together?" He offered. We shared a laugh before he leaned down for a kiss. One led into many more until I pulled away and mouthed that I loved him.

"I just ask that at any moment you start to feel seriously uncomfortable to let me know. I have no problem shutting everything down."

"I know baby, trust me." .. "Is Aaliyah still in her room?"

"Yeah, she hasn't come out since the morning. I think she feels pretty upset about everything-"

"And I'm not?!" I snapped.

"Beyoncé, I mean in terms of her really regretting her decision. I told her the first thing she should do when she woke up was tell you the truth."

"She listened to you?" I mumbled in shock that Aaliyah was actually starting to take Jay's role seriously.

"I'm surprised as well. You know I've already told you how I felt about this role situation in the first place. I don't want to step on anyone's toes, B."

"You're not, Jay .. you're showcasing that caring spirit. From the day I told you about her you've already started to formulate where you'd land in her life. You've done things for her Idris wouldn't lift a finger to do, and I couldn't be more blessed that you've excepted her so freely. So, when it comes to punishments and things of that nature, I have no problem with you taking charge; all I'm seeing is just how great of dad you'll be."

"Thank you, my love. That means a lot coming from you; I just want to make sure I'm doing my part." He replied before we engaged in another kiss. If only I didn't have this huge bump in my way ..

Jay made sure I was fine one last time before he went back downstairs. I decided go ahead and get myself together, and made sure I had everything within close reach so that I didn't have to get up and travel far.

"You almost ready?" I heard Blake excitedly say behind me.

"No, but I have no choice but to show up, right?" I replied with a sarcastic smile.

"Of course you do! Beyoncé you look gorgeous, your make up is amazing and that dress is everything." 

I turned back to my mirror and glanced at my outfit once more before readjusting my crown. Our theme for the shower was very upscale and accents of red, black, and gold decorated the downstairs area. With Blake behind me, we came down together and everyone gasped once they spotted me.

"Ooo you look so precious!" My mom cooed as she broke through the crowd of family and friends. I wasn't surprised to see a glass of champagne in her hand but still managed to give her nice hug before she gave her grandchildren a proper greeting.

"Are you hungry? The food is ready." She asked while grabbing my hand and leading the way.

"No right now, Ma. Let me do my rounds with Jay and I'll get back to you."

As if he heard me say his name, Jay came behind me and gently kissed my cheek. "You look fucking amazing, baby." The sound of his voice alone turned me on right away and I made sure to give him a loving kiss before we fell apart.

"Damn, my head is hurting worse than I thought." I complained to him. I rubbed my temples vigorously and struggled to regain focus since my vision was still blurry.

"You think it's the headpiece? Here, let me take it off."

"No leave it, I'll take it off after pictures."

"If you say so, ma. Let's go say our hellos before you get too tired."

Hand and hand, we did just that and felt an immense amount of love & support from all of our guests. I nibbled on hors'devours along the way till it was time for the caterers to serve dinner.

"Where's Aaliyah?" I asked my mom who was sitting beside me at the table.

"Still chatting with her cousins. She told me what happened yesterday.." My mom added, which was no surprise to me. "Taking her car, Beyoncé? Really?"

"Momma please don't start. She had a boy in her room doing God know's what. She's thankful I didn't do worse!" I exclaimed.

"I know, I know. She only told me they were kissing though!"

"Which is still unacceptable in my house. I understand she's starting to exhibit these sexual desires, but I'm not ready for her to do all of that; not unless we have a proper conversation about everything."

"Then stop stalling the conversation! The last thing I want my grandbaby doing is being defiant because you don't care to enlighten her as a woman."

All I could do was sigh, "Okay, mama. After the twins though.."

She agreed with my plan then both looked up to see Aaliyah approaching the table. She looked super cute in her black jumpsuit and black platform block heels, while she straightened her long hair that she kept tucked behind her ears.

"Hey mom," She greeted before placing a kiss on my cheek and taking the seat bedside her grandmother. Jay joined us soon after and we all engaged in conversation until the dinner portion came to an end. At this moment in time, my crown was finally off and Jay and I took our seats in front of the themed backdrop to open our gifts.

So many different and interesting baby items filled the floor space and Blake stuck to her promise on making sure every item on the registry was purchased, no matter the price. Looking at everything made reality sink in that I was going to be a mother for the second time to two beautiful boys. If you'd ask me eight months ago if this was a possibility, I would have laughed in your face and made such comment disappear into thin air, cause never did I imagine myself at this point; happy and content that my manifestations were coming true to finally have a perfect family.

Just as Jay predicted, we ended up cutting the shower short because I was officially exhausted. The only guest who stayed over were my mother, Richard, and Blake with her family. I changed into something more comfortable before joining Jay and Aaliyah on the couch, then laid my head on my man's chest while he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Did you have the perfect day?" He asked me in private.

"I really did, thank you so much for making this day happen." I replied before we shared a kiss.

"It was my pleasure. I'm growing antsy now just waiting for them."

"Me too, do you still agree with the names that we picked?" I wondered. Jay gave me a wide smile in return, which made me even more excited to meet them.

"Is your head still bothering you?"

"It hasn't stopped. Even when I went upstairs to change, I could barely see straight because it hurts so bad." I complained. Jay released a sigh and told me to stay put before coming back with an ice pack.

For a while the feeling of ice kept me calm, but as the evening progressed, so did the pain that now radiated throughout my body. No matter how hard I tried to focus, I could barely keep my eyes open nor bear the ringing in my ears.

"Blake!" I called out, since Jay had went upstairs for a moment. Immediately she came to my side and crotched down to examine me.

"You look like death, tell me what's going on?"

"I-..I can't. This pain Blake .. I feel like my blood pressure is through the roof!" I managed to say to my tears.

"Aw shit.." Blake mumbled. She directed Aaliyah to go grab me another cold towel, then placed it on my forehead in effort to cool my body temperature. "Fingers tingling?" She added.


"We need to get her to the hospital now." Blake announced as she rose to her feet. Right away, Aaliyah came to my side to keep me calm while Jay and my mother scurried around the house to grab the baby bag and all other necessities. I tried my hardest to hold on and knew that things would get better eventually.

"Uhh, Jay!! Aunt Blake!!! Somebody call 911!!!" I faintly heard Aaliyah say beside me while everything around me became pitch black.


Another heavy chapter! Will everything work out according to plan?

Jay finally spoke to Gloria; should he have done more? Should he allow her to see the twins?

Aaliyah and Sidney! 😍
Do you think Aaliyah is acting gullible?
Was Jay's reaction appropriate?
How about Beyoncé's?

Do you agree that every aspect of Beyoncé's life is now coming full circle?

Lastly, let us pray for a successful delivery! 🙏🏿🙂

Please vote + comment!!
- Rae 💜

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