TFP Asks And Dares (Requests...

By Fan_FictionGirl1

39.7K 1.1K 2.7K

!!REQUESTS ARE CLOSED UNTIL FURHTER NOTICE!! Just what the title says! It's a TFP Asks and Dares book! Both t... More

Characters and Rules
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An Ask For All of YOU!!
A Very Special Day
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Announcement! (Not related to the Dares or Asks)
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186 8 4
By Fan_FictionGirl1

This dare is from PrimeStudio

Do you think you could bring back Elite-1 just for a day for Optimus without the bots and cons knowing? Please? 


Author: *takes a deep breath* Okay, so.. bringing those back from the dead is really past my limits.. 

Author: BUT

Author: I feel you girl, I feel bad for OP, too. I'm sure he really misses his conjux. 

Author: *beams* SO! I will allow her to sort of.. visit her spirit. For a short time. I'm sure Elita would be happy to wander from the Allspark to see him for a short amount of time. 

Author: And with that, I had better go get OP!! *runs off*

OP: *is in the control room reading a datapad*

Author: *zips into the room* Hey, Optimus, you mind coming with me for a moment?

OP: *looks away from his datapad and smiles kindly* Of course not. Where would you like to go?

Author: *beams* Just to the back. I want to show you something!

OP: *nods and follows*

Author: *takes him to the back* Okay, so.. there was this dare. I can't fulfill it all the way, but I can do a short bit. *clasps hands together*

OP: *kneels down* What was the dare?

Author: *smiles softly* You'll see. *magical sparkles*

*Wisp of air suddenly surrounds them for a moment*

Elita One: *ghost form slowly appears*

OP: *deadpans*

Author: *giggles and heads out* I'll leave you guys too it.

*le time skip*

(A/N: Sorry that I am not writing their interaction. I actually do not know enough about Elita to write it heh heh..)

OP: *finally returns*

Author: *grins and gets up from the couch* How was it?

OP: *gives a full smile* It was wonderful. *picks Author up and nuzzles her* Thank you very much for this.

Author: *chuckles and hugs him* You're welcome. And thank PrimeStudio 

OP: *looks to camera* Thank you, whoever you are.

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