Town Witch

By Tasergirl

212K 6.5K 4.2K

Bonnie Bennett: Daughter, High school student, best friend, and last but definitely not least Town Witch. Aft... More

The Begining
The Invitation
The Ball
The Unexpected Meeting
Arguments and Broken Furniture
Lines In The Sand
Dreams and Destinations
New Orleans Part 1
New Orleans Part 2
New Orleans Part 3
Best friends
Always And Forever
Catch up
She's Stronger Than Us All
Homecoming Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
She Dreamed Of Paradise
Making Plans
Making It Work
Hanging On
Find Me
Believe Me
Dinner With The King
Draw Your Swords
Maybe More
What To Do
War Zone
Soul Bonds
Never Be Free

Wreak Havoc

4.1K 157 84
By Tasergirl

Bonnie woke up to the sound of light snoring. She blinked softly as her eyes adjusted to the light around her, she definitely wasn't in the bunker anymore.

She felt a soft bed under her and looked up and around the room, it was mostly unfamiliar to her but she was almost positive it was in the Mikaelson mansion. It should have been strange how she was able to tell so quickly.

Looking towards the sound of the snores she smiles softly at Klaus's sleeping figure. He was laid back in a large armchair, his head to the side in a way that didn't look very comfortable.

She had to wonder exactly what happened last night, she remembered him coming and ripping out the girls heart out, then feeling safe right before passing out. She almost felt as if she were dying for a moment. Luckily for her that wasn't the case.

"It's rude to stare" the hybrid mumbles out with a small smirk. He turns slowly, his eyes taking her in. She looks small in his shirt, her hair a bit ruffled from sleep. Even just woken up she was still one of the most, if not the most, beautiful beings he's ever laid his eyes on.

She shakes her head at him, turning slowly as her thoughts went to last night. Sensing her growing anxieties Klaus moves to sit next to her on the large bed.

"They're gone, they won't be able to get to you. Not while I protect you" he says and Bonnie nods at him as she lays back.

"I killed someone last night" she whispers, her voice devoid of emotion. He nods, remembering what Elijah told him last night. She did, with a sword. Had she been in more in the mood for it he would have told her how proud he was of her.

"And you feel bad?" He guesses as he pulls her to his chest but she shakes her head, he can't help but be surprised by her answer.

"No" she says surprising him greatly. He looks at her softly as she turns to face him. "If I could I'd kill her again"

He raises an eyebrow at the girl. Marveling at  how she changed. Not too long ago she never would've wanted to hurt anyone, except maybe himself, now she turned into an avenging angel seemingly over night.

Then again with everything she'd endured it would be a surprise if she didn't. Yet with all of that her eyes still looked soft, near innocent.

"I feel like that makes me a bad person" she whispers and he can't stop the chuckling that escapes his mouth softly. She turns to glare at him. He holds his hands up in surrender.

"I don't mean to laugh love, but if you are bad I don't know what good is" he says causing her eyes to soften exponentially. She sighs at his explanation. Leaning more into him unconsciously. He notices but doesn't say anything, wanting to bask in her presence as long as possible.

"You have a good, soft and gentle heart Bonnie Bennett" he says laying back against the headrest with her. She nods softly not entirely believing him. "Yet you are also a brave warrior, I've known that from the moment I met you and it was proven when you came out of the woods, power surging, more than ready to end my life " he says and she lets out an amused breath at the thought of her trying to kill him.

"Bonnie we are in a war, one that will take from us and make us do things that we will not be proud of" he says and she knows deep in her heart that he's telling the truth. She feels it in her gut and the air around them, a war draws near. She looks at him as he sits up, taking her hand in his gently.

"But make no mistake, you are with us and none of us will let anything happen to you" he says and she smiles nodding at the blonde hybrid. She knew she could trust him on this. She felt in her heart that he would keep her safe. "Always and forever" he promises softly.

Determination runs through her as she looks into his eyes, knowing she could never let anything happen to him. Not him or the rest of the Mikaelson's.

"Then we need to attack" she says strongly and he raises an eyebrow in surprise. He wasn't expecting to hear those words from her. She just nods at him.

"So far they've been the ones attacking and making their moves, I think it's time to show them we are not the people to mess with" she says determination in her voice and a fire in her eyes. She looked ready to take on the world and he knew he would be right next to her if she decided to burn the whole world at her feet.

"As my little witch commands" he says smirking at her. "Let us wreak havoc"
Bonnie looked at herself in the mirror as she got out of the shower and sighed. She dyed her hair back to its natural dark color, the blonde loosing its appeal after everything she'd been through. It also could've been the dreams she'd been having, but she felt better as a brunette. She put on regular clothes today choosing comfort over all for the day's activities and leaving her hair in light curls.

Grabbing the leather jacket and throwing it on she sighed ruffling up her curls quickly before stepping out of the closet, where Klaus waited for her. He smiles at her appearance, missing how she looked with her natural hair color. She was truly a stunning creature.

"Ready to go love?" He asks and she nods at him once, not sure how she felt about going back to that place. He held out a hand for her and she took it softly, not letting go even after they'd gotten into the car.

As they made it to the entrance of the underground bunker, Niklaus see's 1 guard. Showing Bonnie she just raises an eyebrow at the hybrid but he shrugs.

"It seems as if they have decided to stay" he says and she rolls her eyes. Idiots. Before she can blink Klaus tips the heart out of the mans chest. He motions for her to follow with his head and she walks over to him, letting him help her down the stairs.

As they walk the halls towards the room she was held in. The walls are basically rock, reminding her of the tomb under Fells church, where they should've found Kathrine all those years ago. Bonnie feels a chill go up her spine.

Beginning to feel as if she's being watched she stops to turn around and look behind her. Klaus stops, realizing she's not walking with him anymore and turns looking back at her in confusion.

"Bonnie?" He asks her. She looks at him with her eyebrows furred together, mouth set into a straight line.

"Someone's watching us" she says low enough that only he can hear. His back straightens and he discreetly sniffs the air, he can't smell anyone near but he knows better than to disregard a witch's instinct. He holds out a hand motioning for her to come to him. She does so and he tucks her under his arm as they continue to walk, all of his senses on high alert.

They make their way into the room Bonnie was being held in and she shivers. Someone was here, someone evil. Bonnie turns to the table the man was at before. She sees the herbs are still there, vervain, wolfsbane, Rosemary, agrimony.

"What were they doing?" She asks aloud as she looks through them. Klaus looks around where Bonnie was chained, anger coursing through him. How dare they touch what was his? How dare they chain her like an animal? He'd be sure to kill every last one of them.

"Found it" Bonnie says triumphantly. He turns to look at her and sees her holding up a journal. The small witch looks at him, a glow in her eyes and he nods.

"Time to light this place up" she says and he smiles. He likes this side of her, the side out for blood.

"Would you care to do the honors?" He asks and she smirks, throwing a cup of water against the wall.

"Incendia" she whispers and the flames engulf the wall. He smiles taking her hand as they walk out. They walk swiftly as the fire burns behind them.

Until Bonnie stops feeling a pull from deep within her. Klaus looks at her in confusion as she stops. She looks down a hallway, a door at the end of it.

Go to it

Hearing the voice in the back of her head again she can only knit her eyebrows together in confusion. What the hell. Where the hell was it coming from?

Go! Now! Hurry!

Bonnie takes off running, her feet moving faster than she thought possible. She can hear Klaus call out for her but she makes it to the door ripping it off it's hinges. She takes a moment to look at it in shock before going into the dark room. She feels the pull still, deep within her. Klaus suddenly beside her, looks at her as if she'd lost her mind. She very well could have. She's hearing voices, having visions of Egypt, feeling weird pulls, none of it made sense.

"What on earth are you doing?" He hisses and she turns to him.

"I got something" she says and he looks at her in a mixture of confusion and disbelief. She sighs. "I felt some weird pull telling me to come here"

He nods at her description, believing she would not lead them to their doom, not now at least. He looks at around the darkened room and sees another room towards the back.

"Would it have something to do with that" he asks pointing to the door. She looks in the direction he points and nods. She feels in her gut that whatever is behind that door was meant for them to find. They walk towards it slowly, caution running through both of them. They didn't know what they were expecting when they opened the door, but it wasn't what they had found.
"So you're telling me the big bad hybrid just up and left with Bonnie and nobody knows where the hell they are?!" Dean asks irritation and anger coursing through him. These were supposed to be the strongest and oldest vampires in existence and they couldn't even keep track of one tiny witch. How the hell were they supposed to help save the damn world.

Sam looks to Dean trying to grab his brother and calm him down, they were in the home of beings that were supposed to be their enemies and here he was antagonizing them.

"Hunter boy is right" Damon says standing up and looking at the original family. Dean glares at him for a moment but before he can say anything the brunette next to him nods and stands as well.

"Who knows what Klaus could be doing to Bonnie right now" she says and the blonde, Rebekah, growls.

"You're an even bigger twit than I first thought if you think Nik would do anything to harm Bonnie" she says in defense of her brother. She sees Caroline raise her eyebrows before nodding at her statement and feels relief run through as she and Matt agree. At least some of them are realizing they care for Bonnie.

"So far Klaus has done everything to keep Bonnie safe, more than any of us" Matt says to everyone in the room. The room goes silent and the Salvatore brothers give each other an unreadable look, causing Elena to frown. After the moment with Damon and Bonnie, Elena was feeling more than a bit insecure.

"Well now we're here to help" Castiel says the blonde original looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Who says we need it" she asks and Dean rolls his eyes.

"You already lost her and this isn't exactly the first time" he practically shouts at the vampire, before she can retort both Bonnie and her brother come tumbling through the door. Rebekah notices her hair is back to its natural color but realizes they're carrying someone. Everyone rushes around them, some anxious, some worried and others pissed. Though all of them felt relief that the small witch was okay.

"Where the hell have you been?" Damon asks before looking to the small girl between them. "And who the hell is this?" He asks. The girl looks up, showing her face to them all.

Even bare face, pale and covered in dirt it was obvious the girl was beautiful. She gave the blue eyed vampire a sarcastic smile.

"Someone who's gonna kick your ass if you don't stop yelling" she says her voice still dripping sarcasm, though everyone could tell she was tired.

"Language"Bonnie says as the hybrid and witch help her up the stairs. For some reason she felt protective of the young girl. She looked no older than 14, which wasn't much younger than Bonnie, but she felt an almost maternal instinct when it came to the girl.

"We have a more pressing matter to attend dear" Klaus says sarcastically as they walk the girl to a room. Bonnie leads them to the room next to hers, making Niklaus pause. He didn't like the thought of a stranger so near her. Then again he trusted this stranger more than the Salvatores.

They sit the small girl on the bed, she laid down instantly her bones feeling as if they were melting. She hadn't felt such a soft bed in such a long time, maybe not ever.

"Do you have anyone we should call? Anyone who's looking for you?" Bonnie asks the sleepy girl. She just shakes her head and shrugs softly at her.

"I was an orphan, I ran away from my foster home when they found me" Zoe says simply as she shoves her head deeper into the pillow. Bonnie feels her heart break as she looks at Klaus.

He himself feels a spark in his undead heart at the girls nonchalant confession. She doesn't even realize how she's effecting them. He can't help but wonder how many of those bruises were from the coven that held her hostage and how many were from her regular life.

"We'll be back with some food and water for you" Bonnie says covering the still dirty girl with a soft blanket. The girl can only nod as she already begins to fall asleep, feeling strangely safe as Bonnie pushes her hair from her face softly.

Klaus takes Bonnie's hand leading her out of the room so the girl could rest peacefully. As they close the door they see everyone, minus Esther, Finn, the Winchester's and Castiel, looking at them.

"What is it with you and strays?" Caroline asks after no one says anything for a moment. Bonnie lets out a chuckle and shrugs, not knowing what to say to the blonde. Looking back she sighs. What the hell was her life anymore?

Elijah looks at her in concern, his brown eyes focused on her face. She looked tired and drained. There was a cut above her brow and what looked to be dried blood on her neck. Whatever they had gone through must've been an ordeal. Sighing he gestures towards the stairs.

"Perhaps you would like to fill us in while one of the servants brings you some food" he says and Bonnie nods, only realizing she was still holding Klaus hand as she lets go to walk down the stairs. Hell she wasn't sure what to tell them, it was all a blur really.

Klaus's hand is at the small of her back as they all descend the stairs with Caroline on the other side of her. She felt safe between them, with Elijah and Rebekah at her back. She felt protected. Getting to the end of the stairs Bonnie begins to turn to go into one of the sitting rooms, before getting the air knocked out of her.

Her eyes widen as they land on the green eyes of the man she'd been dreaming about. She feels herself falter for a minute before walking up to him.

"What the hell?" She asks her voice raised half shocked, half panicked. Dean himself is shocked to see her once more, but decides to cover it up.

"That's what is like to know myself princess" he says and she narrows her eyes at him in suspicion. They didn't always seem too friendly in her dreams, she knew he'd betrayed her at some point. She feels anger swell up inside her as she looks at him but has no idea why.

"What the hell is happening?" She asks him angrily. She doesn't know what's going on but none of this made sense to her.

Finn walks up to her calmly as the others look on in confusion. Taking her hand, he guides her back and away from the hunter.

"This is Dean Winchester, he's the hunter and he's here to help us" he tells the small girl. She looks at him, something indescribable in her eyes.

"This is one of the people I've been having dreams about" she tells him softly and Dean nods in agreement.

"So you've been having them too?" She hears and turns to see a rather large man with luxurious hair. She nods softly at him before noticing the man in the trench coat slightly behind him. Realizing she was looking at them all with apprehension he raises a hand.

"Sorry I'm Sam Winchester, I'm Dean's brother, this is Castiel" he says and she hears a snort from behind her as the rest of the Scooby gang makes their way into the sitting room.

"Apparently he's an angel" Tyler says in disbelief. Caroline shoots her boyfriend a look, not wanting to get on an angels bad side. Castiel looks at Bonnie warmly.

"It's an honor to meet you" he says softly and Bonnie feels warmth fill her at his voice. It was deep and rich, comforting. She nods at him before turning back to Dean.

"What the hell is going on here?" She asks and Dean shrugs. Bonnie feels Klaus and Elijah stay near her as Finn continues to hold her hand, attempting to keep her calm. "You're trying to tell me this is the hunter the spirits have been telling me to find?"

"We came looking for answers, I don't know anything about any spirits telling you to find me but seeing as how we helped save your ass I can see why you needed our help" He tells her. She raises an eyebrow at the green eyed hunter in response.

"Well we don't have any answers for you and we didn't need any help either, so if you're looking for a thank you don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out" She says her voice haughty. He rolls his eyes at her in response, though he had to admit, he liked the fire she had in her.

"Yea we know you ain't got any answers for us, but you're wrong about not needed our help, who do you think found you? Actually it seems like you need us more than we need you" he says and Bonnie feels herself glare at him.

"Well you're more than welcome to leave if you aren't satisfied with what you found" she says her voice deadpan.

"Oh please do" Damon says from the bar with Ric, who looked as uncomfortable as half of the room felt.

"We're here to help" Castiel says softly as he walks forward. Bonnie raises her eyebrows at the angel in confusion.

"As she stated before, we don't need your help" Klaus says feeling ire creep into him. He didn't like feeling like he needed help and he didn't like these people who came out of nowhere knowing about his witch. He was the original hybrid he was an army on his own. Castiel rolls his eyes at the hybrid in annoyance.

"On the contrary my son" Esther says walking in with a large book. "We will need all the help we can get" she says taking hold of Bonnie's hand.

"I'm glad you're safe my dear" she says and Bonnie smiles at the older woman in thanks. Strange she felted closer to her than her own mother. Shit! She completed forgot about Abby in everything that was happening. Not that her mother had tried to get in contact with her either.

"Thank you" Bonnie says ridding herself from those thoughts, knowing where they lead. Esther smiles at her softly before looking towards the angel, everyone else in the room going stiff at the Originals entrance. Caroline hadn't told anyone but Bonnie that Esther still has powers, but everyone know that Esther Mikaelson was not one to be messed with.

Esther walks up to the angel slowly, her steps calculated as she looks upon him. She'd never met an angel before but she knew he was good. Slowly she takes his hand causing him to freeze, unsure of what to do.

"Do you know what I know?" She asks him softly. Understanding colors his face and he nods softly.

"And more" he whispers back causing the vampires in the room to look at each other in confusion. The humans meanwhile look on oblivious. Esther nods at him before turning to Bonnie.

"My dear perhaps you would like to explain how you happened to come across the young lady upstairs" Esther asks causing Bonnie to blush. She nods taking a seat on the couch beside Caroline and Matt.
"Who the hell are you?" The small girl covered in dirt asks the pair. Bonnie and Klaus look at each other for a moment before looking back at the young girl.

"If you think I'm going down without a fight you have another thing coming, you might've taken my powers but I can still kick your ass!" She yells aggressively as she gets into a fighting stance. Klaus raises an eyebrow at her, amusement clear on his face. Bonnie looks at her in barely concealed shock.

"You're a witch?" She asks and the girl stands in confusion.

"You're not here to finally kill me?" She asks and Bonnie shakes her head.

"No we're not with them, I was kidnapped last night" she tells the small girl who nods. The little magic that still flowed through her felt at ease with the slightly older witch. Like they were family.

"Yes now that we've gotten this out of the way perhaps we can, go there is a fire burning not too far from us after all" Klaus says sarcastically as he rolls his eyes. Bonnie sighs but knows he's right.

"Yea come on we can help you out of here" she says going to grab the smaller girls hand. The girl pulls back, defenses up. Bonnie sighs before looking into her eyes.

"I'm Bonnie, I'm not going to hurt you" she says softly causing the girl to look at her. "I promise" The smaller girl nods at her taking her hand softly.

"I'm Zoe" she says softly and Bonnie smiles, the connection she felt to the small girl made even stronger by the skin to skin contact.

"Let's go" Klaus says beginning to get impatient, he takes Bonnie's free hand and drags them out of the door and through the corridors.

As they begin to get closer to the exit Bonnie stops, Zoe stiffening beside her. Bonnie looks at Klaus, panic filling her before she's thrown away from them suddenly. Her back hits the wall causing all of the air in her body to escape her. Bonnie gasps for breath as Klaus yells out her name.

"Look who is back" they hear turning to see Meela and the 2 remaining witches from before.

"You should've left when you had a chance half breed" Prudence growls out at him before he's throwing into a wall as well. Blood pours down his mouth as chants begin around them. Zoe looks on in fear an confusion. She was still a child in many ways, she'd never seen any of this before. All her bravado was a farce.

"Let him go!" Bonnie yells at the witches as they laugh breaking more of the hybrids bones while simultaneously making his blood feel as if it was boiling from the inside out.

"Why should we? He killed our sister" Agatha yells out in anger as she charges at Klaus, a large sword in hand. An evil smirk crosses her features as she stabs his lower belly, causing him to yell out.

"You will pay for this!" He yells out as Bonnie screams, they began their attack on her. She feels her head begin to explode. Pain echoing through her head, chest and stomach. Her skin felt like it was on fire.

"I will kill you all, I'll torture you until you have nothing left" He yells angrily struggling against the invisible force holding him to the wall.

"I will peel the skin from each of your bones and watch as your blood and the blood of everyone you've ever cared for runs through the streets, I will make you beg for mercy before ripping your black hearts from your chest ending your miserable existence"
Meela laughs shaking her head. Going over to Zoe she smiled down at the small witch, her face twisted cruelly.

"Did you think you could escape from us?" She asks grabbing her face roughly. Zoe tries to move away but fails. Prudence stands beside her, her face looking down at the younger witch cruelly.

"You will watch us kill her, you've failed again" she whispers to the small girl. Suddenly Zoe's eyes glow gold causing the older witch to release her in surprise. Zoe stands suddenly, the cries from Bonnie making her need to fight stronger.

"You will not touch her" she says strongly.
"You will all perish" she says, her voice changed. Suddenly Meela is forced away, her back hitting a wall, knocking the air from her lungs. The surprise causes the other witches to stop their chanting momentarily releasing Klaus. A moment is all the hybrid needed.

Suddenly he's on his feet, ripping heads off of the witches who don't flee in fear. He looks back at Bonnie seeing she's okay and standing back in her feet he continues to decapitate the witches that dared attack them.

Finally able to catch her breath Bonnie stands her face contorted in anger. Her eyes glow as her dark hair whips around, her power surging around her, knocking the witches around her down. Throwing some of them into the close approaching fire, uncaring of their screams of pain. She felt nothing, no remorse or regret for having killed the kidnappers and abusers.

Walking towards the unconscious Meela she's stopped by the white haired Prudence who snarls at her.

"Back up princess" Prudence growls at the Bennett. "Agatha get Meela out of here" she yells to her dark haired sister who helps the unconscious witch up, disappearing in black smoke. Bonnie looks at the witch before her in anger.

"Do you realize who you've just crossed?" She asks angrily, her voice deeper. Prudence, though fearing for her life stands strong against the witch.

"You do not scare me" she says bravely before waving her arm, trying to make the Bennett fly away. Bonnie just smirks at her effort, glowing eyes staring down at her. Prudence tries not to gasp as she realizes the witches eyes are a mixture of green and gold. So it begins, she thinks as Bonnie raises a hand. Prudence drops to her knees a searing pain in her head.

"I should" Bonnie says breaking the girls arm. Prudence lets out a yell as her arm twists, next is her wrist. Her hand snaps back at an unnatural angle causing her to let out another scream. The pain excruciating. She feels a fire within her blood causing the red liquid to drip from her nose.

"I am stronger than any of you could have imagined" Bonnie tells her holding a hand out beside her. Through her pain Prudence see's a long sword appearing from thin air.

Before Prudence can even attempt to move Bonnie swings the sword, cutting her head from her body. Blood sprays from the body hitting her face, causing her to awaken from her daze.

As Bonnie looks down at the headless body she gasps. She can't help but look down at her hands, noticing the sword. What the hell was she turning into?

"Bonnie!" She hears. Turning she see's Klaus leaning over an unconscious Zoe. He rips his wrist with his teeth shoving it against her mouth forcing the metallic liquid down her throat. She groans a bit as she awakens.

"Zoe?" Bonnie whispers looking down at the younger witch. Zoe looks up trying to smile at her.

"You did good little one" Klaus tells the young witch, feeling an unexpected and unexplainable connection towards her as well. She smiles up at the hybrid feeling pride fill her through the pain and tiredness. Bonnie touches her cheek and smiles.

"Come on we'll take you home" she says and Zoe smiles at her as they help her up, carrying the small girl home.
As Agatha carried the barely conscious Meela into her dark bedroom she couldn't help the tears that shed down her face. She was alone in the world now.

That Bennett bitch killed Prudence and the filthy half breed killed Dorcas. Strong Prudence and her sweet Dorcas, her sisters were dead. The only piece of her sister lay in Zack, Dorcas older brother, but he didn't seem to care as much as Agatha did, having just met the girl not even 2 years ago. She was all alone once more.

Setting the older woman down she sighs and looks up. Finally noticing the dark figure sitting on an armchair in the corner.

"Master" she says lowering herself to her knees. The man lifts a hand, indicating for her to stand up. She does so slowly.

"You lost the girl?" He asks, his voice low and rich. Agatha closes her hand, forming a fist as shame fills her. She never failed and now this witch made a fool of her more than once.

"Yes my lord but I will get her back" she says with a strong conviction. He chuckles at her, low and dangerous. The sound causing a chill to go up her spine.

"You have already failed me why should I give you a chance to do so again?" He asks and she looks down.

"Because I now have more hate for the witch" she says remembering her sisters. He chuckles softly and nods.

"Yes but you need more than just hate and anger. You need strategy and finesse with a special touch" he says holding up a hand. "You have 1 chance to redeem yourself and get the girl back, and get more blood from Bonnie Bennett but you will not do it alone" he says causing Agatha to look up in confusion. He shakes his head.

"You have failed me too many times for me to trust you with this, Malachai will join you" he says just as the homicidal maniac walks into the room.

Agatha narrows her eyes at the sorry excuse of a witch. He was a siphoning witch, a freak of nature. Her master liked the psychotic nature of the man and gave him a vampires blood before turned him into a vampire witch hybrid, a heretic, he's been at her masters side ever since.

"Hi there A" he says his smile just a touch too wide. She can't help but grimace, he was a sick freak with mommy and daddy issues. "Let's go witch hunting" he says widening his eyes.

For all that Agatha loved chaos and vengeance, doing this with Kai left a bad feeling in her mouth, something was bound to go wrong but if it was her masters wish, she would abide by it. Turning back to her master she bows low at the waist.

"As you command" she says and the shadowed man nods.

"Now go, I will see to Meela" he says dismissing the 2 before him. They nod and smartly leave quickly. The man stands walking towards the window, mind going a million miles an hour. Though all thoughts land on Bonnie Bennett.

She doesn't know who she is and yet she is still as strong willed as she once was. She was still as powerful and her beauty was still great. Looking down at the world he sighs.

How the fates have played against them, against him. His power flairs out causing the armchair and lamp to fly into the wall waking Meela with a startled yell. This time he would win, he would get what he wanted and kill Bonnie Bennett in the process. Meela quickly stumbles into a low bow realizing her master was before her.

"My liege" she says breathless. He just turns to her.

"It is time to bring them together" he says softly and she looks up nodding at him.

"As you wish" she says and he turns back to the window. No he would not lose, not again.
"And that's what happened" Bonnie says as she finishes telling the groups the story of how they came across Zoe. They all have mixed faces. Some feeling proud, others confused but all of them worry for the witch before them.

Caroline and Rebekah share a look, knowing killing people will soon take its toll on Bonnie. It doesn't matter that they tried to kill her first, the strong willed witch has strong moral principles. She never wanted to kill anyone and now she's killed more people in the last few days then she ever thought she would. Esther nods at the witches explanation.

"So she was being held hostage by those people?" Elena asks causing Klaus to roll his eyes at the doppelgänger. That's what they just explained, he wants to snap at her. Instead Bonnie takes hold of his hand squeezing it softly.

"Yes and now Zoe is under my protection, she doesn't have anyone so she'll be coming home with me" Bonnie says causing the people around her to balk. Klaus, already sensing her decision from the moment they met Zoe, squeezes her hand. Bonnie looks up at him gratefully.

"Do you really think this is a good idea Bon?" Caroline asks, looking at Bonnie in concern. Elena nods next to her.

"Yea I mean she's not that much younger than us and we're only graduating this year how will you take care of her?" Elena asks and even Rebekah nods in agreement at the doppelgängers assessment. Even she had to admit she was right.

"Besides you don't know what they did to her in there for all you know little ZoZo could be banana balls, she didn't exactly seem all there" Damon says from the bar beside Alaric who raises an eyebrow but nods in agreement. She could be dangerous.

"Zoe is not dangerous" Bonnie says vehemently. Dean looks at her and sighs.

"Look obviously Bonnie has her heart set on this" he says trying to stick up for the small girl.

"You stay out of this hunter, you don't get a vote" Damon says his voice low. Dean glares at the vampire.

"Enough" Elijah says looking between the hunter and vampire angrily. Kol can't help but be amused by the whole thing, knowing that in the end Bonnie would get her way. "None of you 'get a vote' this is Bonnie's decision" he says

Rebekah looks at him and they share a knowing look. Rebekah knew what Bonnie was planning the minute she saw her carrying the girl in and judging by their look so did Alaric and the angel, Castiel.

"Bonnie are you sure about this?" Elijah asks her and she nods, completely sure.

"Yes" she says strongly and Klaus nods beside her.

"She won't be alone in it brother" he says knowing that being with her on this, he'd have an advantage against Elijah. Elijah realizes it as well if the look on his face is anything to go by. Bonnie sighs as she looks down.

"Look she has nothing and no one, I can understand being alone. I'm going to help her with or without you all" Bonnie says strongly. Smiling Esther steps forward.

"You will be good for her" the original witch tells her with a smile. Bonnie can't help the relief that fills her. "And Niklaus is right, you will not do it alone"

Bonnie smiles at her gratefully a smile on her face as Esther stands in front of her.

"Thank you" Bonnie says and Esther smiles before looking towards the rest of the room.

"Follow me, we must prepare but before that you all must know what we are up against" Esther says nodding to Castiel. "We have much to do" she says to the room as a whole. Alaric looks at her in confusion.

"What exactly are we preparing for?" He asks and Esther gives him a calculating look.

"War" she says simply gesturing for them to follow her. They do as told following her into a large library. Dean's eyes never straying too far from Bonnie, which doesn't go unnoticed.

"Please sit" Esther tells them gesturing around the room.

Bonnie takes a seat near the window seat, Klaus standing next to her like a guard. Rebekah sits next to her, with Elijah next to her and Kol beside him. Elena sits in the armchair at the far corner while Damon stands beside her and Alaric next to him. Stefan takes the other armchair while Caroline and Tyler take a seat at the couch with Matt.

Dean, Sam and Castiel stand towards the back, Finn standing beside them. Esther walks towards the large table standing beside it to look at the group before her.

"There have been many questions about what has been happening to Bonnie"she starts gaining everyone's attention. "Her dreams pointed us in the right direction, it all started in ancient Egypt in the time of the gods"she says throwing some type of sand on it before throwing a lit match on it.

Suddenly the fire is moving, shifting and turning into something completely different before they see a picture, like a movie in the fire. Caroline and Elena gasp while Bonnie's eyes widen. Klaus looks at Bonnie who leans in closer.

"The gods were experiencing unrest, Osiris had just been killed and dismembered by Set and war had broken out among them" the fire shows an ancient battle, blood flowing and blades swung everywhere.

"Ra came down and forced the gods into submission, they all were forced to serve him in one way or another and Ra became king of the gods, with Horus as his right hand man" Bonnie's eyes met Dean's who paused at the look.

He felt pure anger coming from the small girl and he couldn't help but be surprised by it. Granted in his dreams they had their problems but she loved him. He had to shake his head to remind himself this was not the same girl he dreamt about just like he was not the same.

Everyone else can only look on in fascination at the display, with only Klaus, Elijah and Sam noticing Bonnie and Dean's behavior.

"Horus killed the god Set, who murdered his father and went on to rule over the mortals in his lands, unfortunately his wife had a problem with him being Ra's second in command" she explains and Bonnie looks up at her. She had called herself Horus's wife in her dreams. "She was Hathor, the goddess of many names"
Esther says and Klaus nods at her.

"She was the goddess of motherhood, fertility, love, music and dance who was turned into the goddess Sekhmet during times of war" he says aloud remembering his fascination with the deity. Esther nods at her son with a small smile. Bonnie can only look on in a mix of fascination and confusion. What did this mean for her?

"Hathor more than most has reason to hate Ra, he was cruel with her, he abused her, raped her and took away everything she ever loved and held dear" she says and Bonnie feels a tightness in the pit of her stomach.

"She was a prisoner of war, his prisoner to do with as he pleased" Esther says sadly as the pictures in the fire changed to a golden throne room with 2 women fighting in masks.

"I have a question" Damon says raising a hand, Esther lets out a sigh but nods for him to continue.

"Why in the hell would Horus let his wife suffer through that?" He asks and everyone in the room nods, wondering the same thing. Esther nods as well understanding why they would be confused.

"Ra was the king of the gods, unless done expertly any rebellion against him would lead to certain death and it is unknown just how much Horus knew of his wife's struggles" she says and the rest nod, though still not fully understanding it.

"What does this have to do with us?" Alaric asks. As a history teacher he already knew about this, hell he was gonna have one of his classes do a paper on it. Esther looks to Bonnie, a soft sad look in her eyes and before she says anything Bonnie knows.

"Bonnie is the reincarnation of Hathor"

Oh shiiittt Bonnie's a fucking goddess alright lmao
I'm sure a lot of you guessed it by now but you know the big reveal is always exciting
Next chapter we learn more about Bonnie's goddess past
More Dean and Bonnie scenes
Bonnie dealing with what she learns and a lot more it's gonna get crazy I'm so excited
Also if you read Released I'm having a little bit of writers block I'm not giving up on it at all but I don't want to half ass a chapter you know
Anyways love you guys be kind be safe❤️

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