Son of Neptune: A Legend is b...

By Shade324

151K 2K 1.7K

Percy Jackson's mother was believed to be dead, it was the simple truth was that she was no longer in her so... More

Rise of the Sea's Son
Perseus...The Destroyer
Jealous sky
Loves Perspective
A Quest for War
A Whole New World
Son of the Sea and the Sky
A Hydra and Kampe walk into a bar...
Origin of Perseus
AN- Not a chapter, but plz read
I have a little Brother
I claim the right to Cabin 8
Capture the Flag Part 1
Capture the Flag Part 2
A Quest to save the fucking Moon Goddess
You never give me your money
What's new pussy cat
Dr Jackson PHD in Love
A meeting with a gay war god and his love sick ex
Important notice
Another Filler because you guys are fucking naggers

Fighting Destruction with my Great Uncle

6.7K 98 69
By Shade324

An: You know life is very hard sometimes, but I guess that is what makes it so interesting I suppose. You know this generation is going to be called the Corona generation. Imagine that, named after a disease caused by bat eating humans and a can of beer. What a time to be alive.

Percy pov

It was 1 a.m. The son of Neptune was currently wielding duel blades in a Silver chariot pulled by two home made water horses used by a local stream(he had collected the blade of Caesar from the ghost of the Roman legend himself, The Chariot of Menmon was a different story, it was guarded by those fucking metal birds that the Argonauts faced, the difference was HE DIDN'T HAVE A BLOODY WAR SHIP!!! ) fighting of, what seemed like, an endless army of Hell hounds, Telekeins and Empousas.

"Just collect some items he said. Become a Roman Legend he said. Do me a favor he said. I swear I am never going to do Mars a favor again, all this for some Armour of Achilles, Lord Vulcan made the armour then, why can't he make it again. And don't get me started on finding the Scriptures of Marc Anthony, I guaranty that I can make just as good tactics but noooooo send me to my death will you. Not going to lie though, the Spear of Hector is pretty cool."  Seriously what was going through Mars' heads 'I had a dream about the Legion being led by some mythical warrior so I am going to send a 13 YEAR OLD BOY to fight monsters to the death just to find them while I sit back on my godly ass and laugh.' 

Finally Percy was able to kill the last Hell Hound, sometimes it was tough being a demigod, don't let anyone tell you different. Percy got off the chariot and collected the golden spear, well it would be golden after a good clean perhaps in little Tiber, and the shining bronze armour. 

As he was brushing himself of from the gold monster dust, the chariot turned into a silvery light and disappeared, he then felt a pain under his shirt and saw a tattoo on his torso. The sword of Troy turned into a bracelet on his left hand like it always did but so did the Crocea Mors except on his right hand. The spear of Hector turned into a golden ring on his left hand and the golden Armour of Achilles turned into a necklace. So cool.

You would think that Percy would be excited about the armour of Achilles but in all honesty he was more giddy about the spear of Hector. He often told Jason the Hector was his favorite ancient warrior, he was the heir to the Trojan kingdom and the sole reason that the Spartans needed the entire fucking country of Greece to win the war. Many say Achilles was the greatest warrior in Ancient Greece, he would argue that it was Hector. He constantly had this debate with Jason.

Flash back

"I don't know why you study the tactics of the Trojans Percy, they lost, to Greeks of all people"

"I study them Jace because they were amazing. Think about it, the Trojans had everything against them, half of the gods, the entire country of Greece. For Olympus sake the ratio was 1-250 it was obvious from the start that they were going to lose. The fucking fates were against them all ready there was a prophecy predicting their downfall yet they lasted 10 years before they fell."

"Yes but they fell because of 1 man, I know the Trojans are our ancestors but that is just weak"

"They fell because Hector died, and yes although Achilles killed him it took him a decade to do so. Troy fell because of 1 man yes but that 1 man was not Achilles."


"Paris, don't tell my councilor I said this but who would choose the most beautiful girl"

"Well, he wasn't given much of an option, what would you do, if you had three goddesses banging on your door telling you to judge who was the fairest?"

"Simple, I would choose all three, split the apple into a third or throw the blasted thing away, caused more trouble than it was worth anyway."

"That...that...that was actually pretty smart, I am shocked" Jason smirked at his older cousin

"Hey, I can be smart if I want to, now do you see why I study the Trojan tactics?"

"Yes, but why study Hector mostly, I mean he was killed."

"Yes, he was, though in his defense he was facing a near invincible man who's only weakness was his heel." 

"But Paris killed Achilles and Achilles killed Hector so surely Paris is a better warrior than Hector"

Percy thought that his cousin was smarter than that "That might be the dumbest thing you have ever said. Think about it, Hector killed hundreds if not thousands of invaders as well as fighting Achilles one on one numerous of times before the demigod killed him. And think about it, Achilles was the son of Peleus the Argonaut on top of Thetis, on top of being bathed in the river Styx and had armour made by the forging god himself. Without the blessing of the Styx Achilles would have been dead several times over by Hector, a complete mortal who had no blessing what so ever."

"Yet Paris still killed him" Jason looked smug at his older cousin

"Correction, Apollo killed him all Paris did was stand on a wall trying to look pretty while pulling back an arrow. It was Apollo who actually guided the Arrow into the heel and it was Achilles fault for not bothering to protect his one mortal body part."

"I guess you're right" only for Jason to come back the next day and question him all over again.

Flashback over

He did enjoy arguing with his younger cousin, it was really fun. 

If Percy wasn't so distracted from his thoughts he wouldn't have noticed a giant winged Titan heading towards him and sweeping him of the ground. Just where the demigod was a massive being created a crater the size of a whale and jumped out of it chasing the winged Titan who now had a demigod in his hands. 

"What the Hades, do you know who I am?" The son of Neptune exclaimed

"I can't tell if your being arrogant but yes I know who you are, after all I am your great uncle"

"Nah, I wasn't being arrogant I was just making sure you knew you have the son of Neptune in the sky which is...wait did you just say great uncle?"

"Yes, I did and I know about you fearing your uncles wrath but don't worry, he can't hurt you in the sky with me."

"So, I am guessing you are a Titan"

"Of course only a being this awesome can be a Titan, care to guess which one, I'll give you a hint, I'm not Oceanus" the Titan joked

"Well, you have wings, I would say Helios but he isn't my great uncle, Hyperion?"

"Nah, I'll give you a clue, you have my blood but you won't consider me family probably" Sigh, this means that he is from Artemis's/Diana's side, well probably Poseidon's/Neptune's as well but directly Artemis's/Diana's. Did Percy mention he hates the different names why couldn't they just stay the same, a lot more simpler

"I see...Lelantos"

"Well done, wha ya think"

"I think that Apollo got his personality from you"

"Of course, I raised him, well helped raised him and he helped raised you so your welcome"

"For what?"

"Giving you an awesome mentor anyway as much as I love this family reunion big bad and ugly is catching up"

"Yeah, why is hulk trying to catch you?"

"Actually he is trying to catch you" 

"Why?" It seemed everybody wants to be 'friends' with Percy these days.

"Well, that is Perses, Titan of Destruction and his master is Kronos or Saturn to you, or is it both because you know the whole blood adoption thing..."

Percy decided to cut him of here "Why does Perses want me?"

"Because his master is rising and the Time Lord wants you on his side, preferable to become his host. You see, the Titan King is rising but unlike Titans such as Perses or Krios, he will keep 50% of his essence in Tartarus as an insurance policy. This means that he needs a host to function and your his number 1 target."

"Well its a good thing that we are at an advantage then" Percy replied

"What's that then?"

"He can't kill us but we can kill him"

"You mean he can't kill you, Perses hates my guts and has permission to kill me" Lelantos looked quite worried at the prospect of getting killed by his younger cousin.

"Well I suppose we must kill him first then" Lelantos smirked dropping Percy while using the winds to lower the demigod down before landing right down next to him. And it was in that moment that Percy finally saw the Titan of Destruction.

He was about 15 feet high, towering of Percy's 5'5 and Lelantos's 12'. He had glowing red eyes and veins all over his body, with red braided hair, and 2 massive swords that were both the size of Percy. The Titan of Destruction looked like he had two sets of every muscle, each of them the size of boulders. All Perses had covering him was a silver loin clothe that was probably the size of a 2 man tent. All in all if Mars was on steroids then he would look like a baby Perses, and Percy thought that he was truly fucked.

"Well screw me sideways, he is big" Percy had never seen a being this big before, even Mars and Apollo at their biggest were about 10 feet.

"Yes, yes he is, he is the biggest Titan other than Typhon who had never been measured before, who isn't really considered a Titan, Kronos at full height and power is around 18', and Atlas who stands at 17 feet when he is fully rested."  'Way to keep the optimism' Percy thought.

"Son of Neptune and Artemis, you will come with me to pledge your loyalty to the Titan king" the Mountain of Destruction boomed at him.

"Not so likely shit face, how about you let me kill you so you can tell your master how you failed him personally"

"So cool" Lelantos whispered under his breath

"Lelantos, cousin, how are you my dear traitor" Perses called out

"Fine, just one question... Are we going to fight or what?" He than pulled out a bow out of nothing and started to fire non-stop at the 15 foot giant who just pointed his two swords at them and charged. Percy pulled out Crocea Mors and created a 3 foot circular shield and started running towards his opponent prepared for an impact. 

Perseus jabbed at Perses hip while Lelantos fired several arrows to the Titans face distracting him from making a crucial blow. Perses managed to block Percy's blade while using his other sword to redirect the arrows from his face. Percy used all of his skill to try and land a clean shot against the Titan, who managed to match the skill and power with ease. It was only when Lelantos fired several shots into the knee of Perses, did Percy manage a blow to the Titan which came to the form of slicing his shoulder letting the silver icher of Titans touch the ground.

 Perses roared in pain, he then tried a wild swing at Percy who managed to jump back to avoid the blow, though he lost balanced. Perses then went on the advanced and attacked Percy in a flurry of advances, nearly killing the demigod several times and if not only for the advance training the demigod had then he would have dies several times over. However he was not left unharmed and now had a massive cut covering his left eye and lost his ice shield that he managed to make from the moisture of the air, now half blind Percy realised he was fucked and took several steps back only to be thrown aside by Perses as if he was nothing, making the son of Neptune slowly lose conscious. The Titan of Destruction steadily prowled his way over to his fellow Titan in hope kill him as well.

Lelantos continued to fire at Perses hoping to land a killing shot while looking sideways at Percy who was starting to awake and was muttering something while looking at the sky.

Perses just smirked as he saw Lelantos start to worry, he knew that the Titan of the Hunt and the Winds couldn't match him in close combat and couldn't afford to leave the demigod in the hands of Perses. The demigod in question seemed to be out of commission, the only way he could regain consciousness was if he had any water, sadly their was no streams or rivers and they were in the desert so no ocean near by and it never rained. 

Well it was suppose to never rain, however someone forgot to tell the sky that as drops of water fell from Heaven above and until it was full out pouring. Percy managed to get up and walk towards Perses, until that walk turned into a jog and that jog turned into a sprint. Meanwhile Lelantos started to fire arrows with a new vigor each one hitting its target at full force and each time Perses made a new face to express his pain. Percy was hacking at the Titan with new speeds, said Titan now had several new body wholes, each of them had silver liquid pouring out of them. The final blow happened when Lelantos fired two arrows into Perses thigh making the Titan to fall on his knees, Percy then sliced his head of but not before whispering "Tell Saturn hes a bitch"

Lelantos walked towards Percy and put an arm around him.

"Nothing like bonding with your nephew by killing a Titan lords blood thirsty servants"   

"So I take it you don't like Grandpa Time?" Percy asked his cousin once removed, he is so not going to call him great uncle.

"Yeah, he gave us Titans a bad rep, and although I don't like Zeus, or Jupiter"

"Lets stick with Greek names, it seems easier for you"

"Cool, although I don't like Zeus, I love Leto's children by him, Apollo is basically mini me"

"Yeah I am getting deja vu"

The Titan just ignored him "And although I didn't like what Artemis did to you, she is still my Niece. You should have seen her when she came to visit us last, she was boasting to her mother about how you killed the Minotaur, 2 of the three gorgons and the Chimera. You know she is so proud of you and does really love you"

"Yeah, well she has a funny way of showing it. You know I understand why she thought I was lying, I really do. But I thought that she would find out and the first thing she would do is apologize and hold me to I forgive her, to never quit on me no matter how hard I try to reject her, you know like a mother would."

"Its because she cares about what you think about her, you know sometimes I stay with the hunt, you know to give them tips"

"I bet they appreciate that" Percy said in a sarcastic voice

"Yeah they love it, but when I do visit her you are basically all she talks about to me. Its actually because of her that I am hear, following you on your quest, making sure you are ok. Well I got to go, but hopefully next time we see it each other it would be a bit more pleasant and hopefully you'd meet Leto"

"Yeah, do think if I called her Grandma I'd get a few browny points"

"She'd love that, and speaking of Leto she has a gift for, I have it on me... I think"

"Well you could always give it to me later"

"No, she'd kill me if I lost it, ah here it is"

Lelantos threw a book at Percy, titled 'Roman Tactics' with the symbol of the house of Anthony on it.

"Is this"


"And she"


"You sure"

"Yes, anyway I have to go, do you want me to drop you of at the sea"

"Yeah, that'll be great...Uncle"

"You... you just made my day" the Titan faked cried and once again Percy was shocked about how much the Titan reminded him of Apollo. For the second time in the past 2 hours, he was lifted up into the air.

Screaming for his life the entire time.

An: So Percy has completed his first quest, I think that this was the longest chapter yet so I hope you enjoy. Also like I have said earlier, I have decided that Percy is going to have a Harem, well he will have Multiple lovers however they will not be his slave, though that doesn't mean that there won't be smut, I just feel that he is currently too young and also he has no lovers (though that will change in the next chapter or two). I have also decided that there is going to be multiple series in the Son of Neptune franchise, at least 4 all with at least 2 books. The first being the Titan and Giant war with only two books, the second one with a crossover and focuses on the aftermath of the Giant war, staring one Samuel Kane as the main protagonist though Percy will be a main character in it. This series will have three books. I will leave the third and fourth one a surprise (meaning I have ideas but are not 100 percent sure that they would work). 

I know that many of you may be thinking that I made Percy to OP. However as I established before, Percy is powerful due to his training, the fact that he is a son of Neptune one of the more powerful gods and he was adopted by Artemis meaning he has enhanced reflexes and is more powerful at night. A few may argue that he still wouldn't be able to defeat a Titan, hence Lelantos. He doesn't really have many writings about him but there are a few and they all note him down as a brother to Leto. I introduced him to, one allow Percy the aid to defeat Perses, and two, see another insight to how Artemis views Percy as a son. Also this is done to highlight the start of the second Titan war but also show that not all Titans are bad, I mean the only Titans that were good in cannon were Iapetus (who had to have his memory wiped clean) and Rhea. Also don't worry Perses will have a one on one with Percy eventually, but that is way way way down the line.


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