Adopted By Demi Lovato

By laryssaosyka

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Demi Lovato is three years clean from self harm, purging and drug use. Lately she has been feeling a little l... More

Adopted By Demi Lovato
Chapter 2: Can I call this home and you mom?
Chapter 3: Adventures before the Mall
Chapter 4: Fun at the mall...until I run
Chapter 5: Safe at home with my baby girl safe and sound
Authors Note- Not an Update, But Please Read
Chapter 6: Katie? Where are you?
Chapter 7- Room Day
Chapter 7 Part 2: Paint Time
Chapter 8: Katie Goes Live (almost)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live On Ellen (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)
Chapter 10- Ellen from Demi's POV
Chapter 11- Naptime and Dinner
Chapter 12- T-Minus One Day Until Surprise
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 1
Chapter 13 - Surprise Day Part 2- The Hints
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 3- The Hints from Demi's and Selena's POVs
Ch. 14~ All Fun and Games until someone gets sick
Ch. 15~ Doctors, Oh Joy.
Authors Note
Ch 16~ On The Mend
Ch17~ Relapsing
Ch18~ Old Habits Die Hard
Ch19~ The Talk
Ch20~ Restarting The Road To My Recovery
Chapter 21~ Telling Aunt Selena
Chapter 22~ Bonfire, Talks and Cuddles
Chapter 23~ Katie's Day With Nick
Chapter 24~ Planning a Birthday Party
Chapter 25~ A Birthday for Katie
Ch 26~ A Day at the Studio
Ch 27~ Letting You In
Ch~ 28 Lazy Day, Date Night and an Emergency
Ch 29~ Surgery, Recovery, Disney Land Fun and Packing
Chapter 30 ~ A Day Out with Family on the World Tour
Chapter 31~ A Surprise for Both Demi and Katie
Chapter 32~ A Mini Set, A Record Contract? Are you Serious?!? Yes Please!!!
Chapter 33- My Family is becoming Complete
Chapter 34~ Daddy Nick
Chapter 35~ And So It Begins
Chapter 36~ Will You?
Chapter 38~ It's My Time To Shine
Chapter 39~ Dirty Rotten Cheater
Not A Chapter~ But do READ and COMMENT
Chapter 40- Acting Happy for the Camera
Chapter 41~ The Baby Name Game
Chapter 42~ Album Release and Promotion
Chapter 43- #tourlifeforlife
Chapter 44~ It's a Family Day
Brighter Days and Lighters
Baby Daddy Knows
Grandma Demi? Grandpa Nick?
Will You?
Welcoming Baby Mendes
The Sound of Baby Steps and Laughter
Clock Don't Stop
Authors Note

Chapter 37~ Sunday Dinner Drama

1.1K 26 8
By laryssaosyka

Katie's POV

This morning I woke up on my own which was surprising because the last few days either my mom or dad had to wake me up, and by the time that they woke me up, it would be around 11 o'clock in the morning. 

As I walked downstairs, I found that I was the only one awake and it was already a little after 7 in the morning. My mom always woke up early so this was also shocking. I soon heard Thor's nails against the hardwood flooring of the house. He greeted me by licking my hand and walking towards his food dish. I immediatly knew that he was hungry so I walked over to his food dish and picked it up in order to fill up his food dish, after it was filled I placed it back on the ground and Thor went on to devor his food. 

I then went to grab some food for myself to eat, while I was doing that I felt two hands come to a rest on both my shoulders.

"Good morning my lovely mother"  I say

"Okay first of all, how did you know it was me? and second of all, this is the first time in the last few days that you've been up this early...why are you up so early?"  Demi questioned

"The answer to your first question is simple, a woman's hands are softer and lighter than that of a mans, I know that nobody stayed last night after the bonfire, I also know that both families aren't supposed to be here until later so that leaves you. Now to asnwer your second question, I simply couldn't sleep so I got out of bed and I came to grab some food"  I said 

"Well why couldn't you sleep baby girl?"  Demi questioned me as I walked towards the couch with my food

"Do I have to talk about it?"  I asked slightly annoyed

All I really want to do is eat my food and then go into the music room to either write or play music, plus I could lock the door from the inside. The last thing I wanted do to was have this discussion. 

"Well you can talk about it now with me or you can talk about it later with both your father and I"  Demi said 

"Is there an opition that doesn't involve me talking about it?"  I questioned getting extremely annoyed

Demi just gave me the look and I knew that I was going to have to talk about it sooner or later, although I still chose never. I quickly ate my food and ignored Demi's attempts to get answers out of me, I could see that she was getting flustered. Once I was finished with my food, I took my bowl into the kitchen and placed it into the sink then quickly went into the music room. Locking the door behind me. 

I just didn't want to be around anyone right now. I had a bad feeling about later and I wasn't sure as to how to talk about it. I sat by the panio and ran my fingers across the keys, I played the notes to my song 'See Your Beauty' , it was my favorite song that I have written to date. I like the song with both the guitar and panio together, they both fit the song perfectly and I loved the way the panio fit the song. 

After playing on the panio for sometime, I grabbed the guitar from the stand by the panio and started to strum some chords. Playing the insturments almost always put me in a writing mood. 

I stood up and with the guitar walked to the mini desk that we had in the room that had an originizer with three slots. Demi, Nick and I each had a notepad in our respective slots. I took my notepad from my slot and started to write. 

You're one of those boys that my mama warned me about
Told me to stay away from you
Cause you're no good for me
Told me that you were going nowhere but down 

My mama told to stay away from you
But she doesn't know

That you are nothing like the boys she warned me about
Cause she don't know that you like act like a bad boy
But all you are is my midnight lover

She said you were going anywhere but up
Said I would be a fool for loving you and your bad boy 'tude

Now my friends
They're confused as to why I've fallen for you
But they don't see through your act the way I do (I do)

You're one of those boys
That my mama warned me about
Telling me about you and your bad boy crew
Saying you aren't any good for me 

But I know there's more to you
Then this act you've got goin' on
You go around acting like you own the place
With you're friends, your that bad boy wanna be
But when it's just me and you 
You become my midnight lover

I set my pencil down and looked the lyrics over while struming my guitar, once I come up with a beat I like, I write the chords down on the side of the paper then put the notepad back into my slot. Leaving it for later to decide whether or not if I would keep the song. I stand up and walk the guitar back to its stand before checking the time on my phone. I see that it was now 11:30 in the morning, holy shit where did the time go? 

I exited the music room and went into my bedroom, quickly changing into a decent outfit for later today before I climb out on the section of the roof that my room sits on. If Demi found out that I did this, I would surely be dead so I seriously hope that she doesn't walk into my room at the moment or walk outside and down the drive way. As I stayed on the roof, I felt the time tick by, it was getting closer to the point where everyone would start to arrive. I still didn't want to do this today, in fact I never wanted to do this. 

I saw the gate open and a car drove up the driveway, the gate then closed behind it, I simpoly stared at the car until the person inside emerged into the outside world. It was my Aunt Selena. Her and I made eye contact as she walked to the front door and I prayed to god that she wouldn't tell my mom that I was up on the roof, but i knew my mom would find out eventually since Selena would go inside say a rather quick hello and then come up here. I gave it two minutes until Selena arrived at my window sill and began to pester me with questions, I also gave it four minutes until Demi was in my room also pestering me with questions. 

The time starts now. 

Demi's POV

I woke up and found that I was the only one in bed. I heard noise coming from downstairs and felt myself quivera bit. 

I walked down stairs to the kitchen after hearing the noise only to find Thor eatting his breakfast and Katie standing by the kitchen island making herself a bowl of cereal. I decided to sneak behind her and try to scare her by putting my hands on her shoulders. But I didn't expect the slight attatude that I got.

"Good morning my lovely mother"  Katie said

"Okay first of all, how did you know it was me? and second of all, this is the first time in the last few days that you've been up this early...why are you up so early?"  I questioned

"The answer to your first question is simple, a woman's hands are softer and lighter than that of a mans, I know that nobody stayed last night after the bonfire, I also know that both families aren't supposed to be here until later so that leaves you. Now to asnwer your second question, I simply couldn't sleep so I got out of bed and I came to grab some food"  Katie said

"Well why couldn't you sleep baby girl?"  I questioned Katie as she walked towards the couch with her food

"Do I have to talk about it?"  Katie asked slightly annoyed

"Well you can talk about it now with me or you can talk about it later with both your father and I"  I said 

"Is there an opition that doesn't involve me talking about it?"  Katie questioned, I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was becoming annoyed

Katie ignored every question I asked her about why she couldn't sleep. She quickly finished her food then put the plate in the kitchen sink and then went upstairs. Probably into the music room.

What crawled into her wheaties this morning because she was giving off so much attatuide. I just hope to god that it wasn't anything to do with my being pregnant or about her past. I know I should give her time but something wasn't letting me, maybe it was my motherly instinct or it could be a part from my past telling me to be careful. 

I stared of into space but was soon brought back to earth when Nick kissed my cheek. I peered up at him and saw that he was all sweaty. I knew that he had just gotten back from the gym. I looked at the cable box and saw that it was already a quarter past 11. 

Where did the time go?

I stood from the couch and walked to Nick to hug him, once we seperated I realized how sweaty and stinky he was. 

"Nick you really need to take a shower baby, you are sweaty and gross"  I said 

"Can I get a kiss at least?"  Nick questioned

I gave him a peck on the cheek and then he went upstairs, probably to take a shower like I had requested he did. I made my way into the kitchen to make myself a snack to eat considering that our little family dinner was happening within a few hours. Just as I finished making my snack, Nick wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. 

As I ate my fruit and yogurt, I leaned into my fincee. Nick stole an apple from my bowl of fruit and then gave me a peak on the cheek. Soon we heard someone walk in through the door. Selena walked into the kitchen and said a brief hello to the both of us before exiting the kitchen, I heard her make her way up the stairs. 

"Well that was rather odd...even for Selena"  Nick stated

I turned around and lightly slapped his chest. 

"What you know I'm right"  Nick stated

"Yea you are and that's why I'm going to check it out"  I said 

I made my way up the stairs and to Katies room, the door was felt ajar and I found Selena sitting by the window sill talking to someone outside, more then likely it was Katie. I could barely make out what they were talking about. I knocked on the door to make my presence known. Selena turned around and looked at me.

"Selena mind if I have a moment alone with my daughter?"  I asked

"Sure thing Dems"  Selena said while standing up 

Selena left the room and I walked into it, closing the door behind myself. I walked to the window sill and took a peak outside only to find my daughter staring off into the distance. I slowly climbed out on to the roof and sat near the window. 

"So how many times have to sat on the roof before today?"  I asked curiously 

Katie looked at me, her face was both confused and surprised. 

"Woah shouldn't be up here"  She said 

"Yea well neither should my 15 year old daughter but she is, now answer my question"  I said

"Few times..maybe 10 times at most. I come out here sometimes at night when I can't sleep and look at the sky. It helps me clear my mind and I just like being in the cool air"  Katie said with a shrug of her shoulders 

"Ah okay then, no more of this please because you could get really hurt. Now can you please tell me about why you couldn't sleep at night?"  I asked her, cautiously sliding closer to her

Katie looked at me and then sighed

"Can I just see how this day plays out? If it goes anything like how I think it will then I will talk to you both about it later tonight"  Katie said

"Fair enough, now lets both go inside before someone sees us up here and we both get yelled at"  I said 

I slowly made my way to the window sill once more before carefully sliding into Katie's room, Katie soon followed behind me. I pulled her into my chest and kissed the top of her head, when I let go of her, I closed the window and then told her to change before coming downstairs. 

I walked back down the stairs to the kitchen to find Nick and Selena making small talk. I noticed that the time was getting closer to noon and I knew out families would soon be arriving. 

"Hey babe, you wanna put the meat on the grill and Selena and I will start on everything else"  I said

Nick turned to me. 

"Yea sure thing baby"  Nick said as he walked to the fridge and got the meat from within it. 

I turned to Selena, who was looking at me in curoisty. 

"Lets start with why you didn't tell me about the ring on your finger?"  Selena asked me

"Nobody was supposed to know until today"  I simply stated

"What about me? One of your two bestest friends ever. Does Marissa even know?"  Selena asked

"Besides for Nick, Katie and I, nobody else knew"  I said shrugging my shoulders 

"Is there something else that you aren't telling me?"  Selena questioned

"Maybe"  I said 

"Tell me Lovato"  Selena demanded

"No Gomez, you will find out later along with everyone else. I promise that you will love the news"  I said 

Selena let out several grumbles. 

I turned to the fridge and got the rest of the food out, placing it on the island so Selena and I could work on, Selena in turned got out two knifes and two cutting boards, one for the each of us. 

"So did my daughter tell you why she was sitting on the roof?"  I asked after several minutes of silence 

"She just said that she had a bad feeling about today"  Selena said silently 

"Anything more then that?"  I asked Selena

"Nope, she was basically silent after that"  Selena said 

"Damn it..I wonder why she had a bad feeling about today"  I said 

After that, the conversation about this morning dropped, the only noise heard between the both of us was the chopping of whatever food we were working on at the given moment. It was a little to silent for my liking. 

"How are things between you and Niall?"  I asked her

"Things are amazing. I miss him so much right now since he is back with the boys planning tour but last night we skyped and he said that he would be back next week for a while before he has to leave again to practice for tour"  Selena said 

"Awh you guys are so cute. I love Siall"  I said smirking 

"It's all thanks to you Dems"  Selena said giving me a hip bump 

"How's Gracie doing?"  I asked her 

"I was just over at my parents place this morning and she's doing so good. She's getting so big and I can't believe it. She's already a year old"  Selena gushed

"If you're like this and only being a sister, I can't wait to see how you act with motherhood"  I said smiling

Selena looked at me before smiling. I already knew that she had been agreeing with in internally. 

Katie soon came into the kitchen and sat across the islan from Selena and I, casually stealing some of the vegetables that Selena and I had been chopping up. She kept smiling up at me which in turn made me smile back at her. She seemed to be in better spirits then she was just a few short hours ago. 

Nick soon came in and sat next to Katie who leaned her head onto his arm. Nick kissed the top of her head and she smilied up at him. The cute moment was interupted when the doorbell rang. Katie sprung up and ran to the door, I followed behind her. Katie opened the door to reveal Dallas standing there with two bags in her hands. Katie jumped at her aunt while I smiled from where I stood. The girl could literally build a strong relationship with just about anyone she met, at times that worried me but I knew she'd be fine. 

Dallas was quick to hug her niece back, once they came apart from the hug Dallas came inside. She handed a bag to Katie and then approached me and gave me a tight hug before also giving me a bag. I gave her a look and she returned it with a look that said 'open it', so I did just that. Inside the bag was a large box, I pulled it out and opened that up inside that was a small box. I took it into my hands and opened that up. Inside was a necklace that had pendents of five letters hanging from it, they were: 'A, D, D, K, M' which stood for non other then 'Amber, Dallas, Demi, Katie and Maddie'  the letters were arranged by order of our ages.

I smiled at the gift and once again took my older sister into a hug. 

"I do believe that congradulations are in order by the way"  Dallas whispered in my hair

I pulled back from the hug and gave her a confused look. 

"Oh come on Demi, you really thought I wouldn't figure it out? You're glowing and by the ring on your finger I figure that you said yes"  Dallas said 

"Yeah I did say yes"  I said 

Katie's POV

Everyone was at my house now and by everyone I mean: my moms family, my dads family, Aunt Selena, Aunt Marissa, Cody, Bea, 5th Harmony, even Luke was here along with Ashton and Calum. All of us where about to sit down and eat but before that happened, Demi and Nick were going to tell everyone here that they were not only engaged but that Demi was also pregnant.

Luke was a little distant today which worried my slightly, seeing as this was my first relationship and all, but I didn't let that bother me. Demi asked me to get everyone from inside the house to come outside and get ready to eat. That didn't take long since mainly everyone was outside holding a conversation with the others. The only people inside was my Uncle Joe, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Dani, my cousin Elena Rose and as where Ally, Normani and Dinah. Once they were outside, I joined everyone else.

I sat to the left of my mom while she sat next to Nick, Luke sat to my left and Maddie sat across from me and on her right was my Aunt Dallas and her left was Bea. My Aunt Selena sat next to my Uncle Joe who sat next to Nick. Everyone just filled in the rest of the sports all over the place. 

We all joined hands and said a prayer. After prayer Demi and Nick stood up while holding hands, everyone just looked yup at them with the small conversation coming from the end of the table. 

"Excuse me everyone, but if we could have your attention for the next few moments. We have an announcement for everyone"  Nick said 

"Well the first piece of news is that Nick and I are engaged to one another"  Demi said and everyone broke out into applause and congradulations were among the applause. 

Demi motioned for me to stand up, which once I did, she put her arm around my shoulders and brought me into her side. 

'Our second piece of news is that along with our daughter Katie, our family will be getting a bigger in the next few months. Demi is pregnant with triplets."  Nick said, he was smiling as he turned and gave Demi a peck on the lips, I simply just sat back into my chair

Just then, the moment I was hoping wouldn't happen, happened. Nick's mom sprung to her feet. 

"Nicolas I hope you and Demi are going to be married before these children are born"  She said 

"No mom, more then likely we won't be. We want to enjoy life being engaged and don't want to rush the wedding. We love eachother and we love our daughter, we don't need a piece of paper to prove the love between us before our children are born. It should be obvious that we love each other, because if we didn't then we wouldn't be engaged nor would Demi be pregnant"  Nick said

"I will not have my grandbabies born out of wed-lock"  His mom argued back 

By this point, I've had enough and before Nick could reply, I sprung out into my chair and walked to where she was standing. I got into her face slightly. 

"You listen and listen good, I don't care if you are my new grandma or whatever but those two standing right over there are two of the best parents I could ever ask for and we don't share a single shred of genetics. So who cares if my siblings are born while are parents aren't married? Nobody, that's who. A simple piece of paper doesn't matter to this family, they will love my baby siblings just as much as they love me. We are a family and families are forever no matter what"  I said 

I then turned around to everyone else who had watched my confortation with my new "grandma". 

"I appoligize for what you just witnessed"  I said 

I then turned around and walked into my house, I slammed the door behind me and walked angerily to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I angerily fell onto my bottom bed. After a few moments, there was a light knock on my door. 

"Come in"  I said 

Demi came into my room and sat onto my bed, next to where I was laying on my bed. 

"Lay with me momma"  I requested

"You never had to ask baby"  Demi said as she laid on the bed and pulled me practically on top of her

"You wanna talk about this morning now?"  She asked me 

"Well last night, I had this dream that unfolded like today just did and since I couldn't sleep, meant I was cranky so thats why I gave you a lotta sass and tude this morning, which I am sorry about. I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want to believe that it could be true"  I said 

"Its fine baby girl, we all have our sassy moments and we all have our bad attuide moments"  Demi said while wrapping her arms around me

Once again a knock came from my door. 

"You can come in daddy"  I said 

Funny how I knew that it was Nick on the other side of the door. Nick opened the door and shut it after himself before he sat on the bed. He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. 

"Before you even speak, family cuddles now"  I demanded

"Yes ma'm"  Nick said

I rolled off of Demi and got comfortable, then Nick laid on the other side of me. The three of usjust laid there, in silence for a moment or two then Nick had to go off and break that comforable silence that I loved.

"So what you did out there...that was brave of you. Thank you Katie"  Nick said

"No problem daddy"  I said as I snuggled to him

"I love my girls"  Nick said

"Okay so as much as I hate to have this end but we have a party going on downstairs and we should be down there with them partying it up. Oh and mama and I love you much more daddy"  I said 

Nick's POV

As soon as the back door slammed shut, Demi was on her way to the door going inside to talk to Katie as well as get away from the drama that just unfolded. I saw her wipe a stray tear from her eye and my heart just broke on the spot. I was hoping for a happy reaction from my mother but I guess I wasn't getting that. 

I walked in around the table and tried to pass my mom but she grabbed my arm, so I had to face her. 

"Thank you mom for upsetting the two of the most important girls in my life"  I said as I faced her

"Nicolas, I deserve an appolgy"  She stated

"No mom, I don't think you do. This wouldn't have happened if you could have just been happy for me and my family like everybody else here is. Nobody needs to get married just because they are having children together, yes that day will come for Demi and I, but right now we are happy the way we are."  I said

"What happened to you?"  She asked

"I grew up mom, I'm not some 14 year old kid anymore. Now, if you excuse me I need to make sure that my fincee and daughter are alright. I also think if it was best if you left by the time I came back down with my family. Once you come to your senses, you can come back into our home."   I said

I then turned to everyone else. 

"I deep applogize for what you just witnessed, you can enjoy the wonderful dinner and I will be back down in a moment with my family to join you all once again"  I said 

I then turned around and went inside but was stopped at the foot of the stairs by my father calling after me. I turned to him and looked at him. He was beaming. 

"Congradulations son, you're an amazing father to Kaitlyn and you'll be an amazing father to the babies when they enter the world"  He said

"Thank you dad"  I said

We shared a quick hug before I jogged up the stairs to Katie's room where her and Demi most likely are. I knocked on the door and heard a 'come in' so I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me.  I sat on the bed and before I even had a chance to get words from my mouth, Katie cut me off.

"Before you even speak, family cuddles now"  She demanded

"Yes ma'm"  I said

Katie rolled off of Demi and got comfortable, I in turn laid on the other side of me. The three of us just laid there, in silence for a moment or two then Nick had to go off and break that comfortable silence that I loved.

"So what you did out there...that was brave of you. Thank you Katie"  I said

"No problem daddy"  Katie said while she snuggled closer to me

"I love my girls"  I said

"Okay so as much as I hate to have this end but we have a party going on downstairs and we should be down there with them partying it up. Oh and mama and I love you much more daddy"  Katie said

With that, the three of us got off from Katie's bed and went to join the party. When we came back down my parents were long gone and Joe was entertaining everyone with random stories. I noticed the absence of my parents and that hurt a little bit but I could live with it along with the people that were happy for us.

Katie's POV

After eatting dinner, I spent time with Bea and Maddie in the music room just goofing off with singing and instruments. Some of that time I had spent venting about how much Nick's mom had pissed me off and how hurt I felt about it all. They both told me not to let it get to me and I tried my hardest to not let it get to me from that point on.

After being in the music room with two of my best friends, we rejoined the party and just mingled with everyone. I sat by Luke as he tried his hardest to comfort me about how I was feeling, he didn't understand how I felt but it made me smile at how hard he tried to make me laugh. I loved moments like this with him. He never let me be angry over someones opinions and stupidty.

Luke had to leave not long after I came back down. He was flying to England to perform at the Jingle Bell Ball, I was so happy for him. I was still laughing over the fact at Mikey lost his passport.

After Luke left and once everything was cleaned up and put away I spent the rest of the night with my loved ones watching some movies. Grandpa Eddie and Nick had a talk but I'm pretty sure it was the 'I like you and you better take care of my daughter and grandbabies. You'll make an amazing dad'  speech because him and Nick were laughing when they came back into the room. I spent time cuddling with my three aunts, my mom and dad, my grandparents, Maddie, Bea and each of the 5th Harmony girls. 

Besides for the bump in the road that happened in the afternoon, everything else went swimmingly. By the time everyone left, it was almost midnight and I was dead tired but I didn't want to sleep alone. I quickly changed and made my way to my parents room, knocking on the door to make sure that neither one of them were naked. Cause that would take years of therapy to drain from my mind. When I got the 'come in' , I entered the room. 

"Can I sleep with you guys tonight? I don't want to sleep alone"   I said shyly

"Of course babygirl, you never have to ask"  Nick said while making room for me

I crawled inbetween him and Demi in the bed and fell asleep right when my head hit the pillow. 


Ello my loves! I really hope you enjoy chapter 37 because I have been working on it for several days now, majority of it being today after my dad got mad at me (like thats ever anything new). I hope you were all surprised by the drama that arose in the middle there...I'm going to see how long I can make it all work out..hopefully it will last a few chapters..wink wink. 

So I have some names you guys can comment which you all like better for the babies. Top three from each catagory will be choosen for the chapter after next.

For girls we have:
1. Hayden Devonne Jonas
2. Peyton Hope Jonas
3. Daniella Rylee Jonas
4. Scarlett Destiny Jonas
5. Savanna Nicole Jonas
6. Annabeth Sage Jonas

For boys we have:
1. Jaxon Baylor Jonas
2. Nicolas Shawn Jonas
3. Carson Jerry Jonas
4. Patrick Kevin
5. Storm Riley
6. Edward Trenton 

Anyways, please keep voting, commenting and sends me messages. You all truely make my day, I hope you all realize this. A huge thank you goes out to all of you who read this and make writing this a fun thing. Thank you as well to all my followers and to all my new ones. I love you all!

Stay Strong because its always dark and stormy before you see the rainbow and sun! You are all worth it! I have faith in all of you to stay strong! I know its hard but you can do it if you put your mind to it. 

And with that, I bid you all ado. 

P.s If I can't update before the 25th (I'm not sure what y'all celebrate but I celebrate Christmas. So if you already celebrated your holidays, happy late holidays), I hope everyone has happy and safe holidays and a wonderful new years eve. 

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