
By Godslittlelight

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This is a story told from a guy's perspective of a dating violence relationship. Relationships do matter when... More

Sweet Abby
About Broken
The Beginning
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Salts and Light
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Show Time
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Bro Battling Stars
Black and White
EHHHHHH Macaroni!!


70 7 2
By Godslittlelight

Pov: Gabe

I turn around and see three guys staring at me.

I had hoped that elementary school had ended this 'new kid' battle between us, but it does not look like it is that way. He has an evil smirk on his face.

"Well hello shorty. Did you forget about us?"

I am petrified as they grab my shirt and shove me against the wall. My throat is too dry to holler for help. They hit me in the arm and kick me as I fall to the ground. I curl up in a ball to try to protect myself from these guys. "Lord, help me," I try to whisper to myself, but not quietly enough.

"Oh look it is the Jesus Freak," I hear his voice cackle. "Do you think a guy who isn't physically here is going to help yo...."

A hand grabs the bully and intensely looks in his eyes and says, "If you mess with this guy again you are going to have to mess with me, and you do NOT want to mess with me. I will also tell the principal what happened if you do this again. I am going to be 'nice' about this and let you slide this time. As long as you promise me you will NOT do this again!"

"Woah woah woah, girl we promise we will stay away. We are sorry and we promise we will leave him alone, just don't hurt me."

"What are you scared of girls too?'

"No I am just scared of you, but I give you my word."

The three dash back to the cafeteria, and I am looking at the girl that just saved me....... wait a GIRL just saved me? Wait a minute.... this wasn't just ANY girl. It was the same one that I had seen look at me back in fifth grade. She was a pretty, but can I let her know that? Is this an okay thing to say in junior high?

"" I am still shaking from the blows from the guys.

"You are welcome. I have learned from my mom that if I see someone being bullied than I should go and help them. I had this big voice inside of me saying that you needed help. I think it was our Holy father speaking.
Can I ask you, are you okay now?"

"Yes... I am okay now."

"Then my job here is done."

Alan must have known that I was in trouble for he was walking toward me as she was walking away. "Did SHE do this to you?" Alan looks nervously at me.

"No but she did save me from the guys that DID do this to"

Alan looks relieved... a little. He helps me get up and we go back to the bathroom and he goes with me as I splash my face to keep myself from crying. Guys do not cry. Girls do not like to see guys cry for we are supposed to be "big and macho"... am I right? Of course I am. I have only seen in the movies the big strong guys get the girls. Alan starts talking to me that God must have been by my side when the bullies were attacking me for I am not beat up that badly..... what he didn't know what it was not the bruises and hits that hurt. He did not hear what those guys said to me that left scars on my heart that I will not be able to forget.

"Do you think a guy who isn't physically here going to help." No I cannot let those words into my head for God IS with us ALL the time. I mean if He wasn't, would He have sent that girl along to help me?

"You think you will be ok now?" Alan asks.

"Yeah I think I will be fine since you talked to me. Your advice for me works every time, thanks bro," I reply.

Alan smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder, " as long as we have God by our side, He will protect us and use each of the five of us to look out for each other."

Those words gave me comfort, and Alan knows it. I can tell by the way that he is looking at me that he had helped me in a big way.

We walk back into the cafeteria to join the other guys before heading to our next class.

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