Investigation: Shunned

By booksforever01

5.8K 270 87

Alice Cooper went on a holiday to Pairs for a month. She went to vist her gandmother but made sure she kept i... More

Investigation: Shunned
Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap. 13
Chap. 14
Chap. 15

Chap. 4

434 16 5
By booksforever01

I slowly opened my eyes and gave a massive stretch. I just had the best sleep I've had for ages. I rolled over from facing the wall and looked at the time on my alarm clock. The angry red numbers flashed 11.56. I sat up as quickly as I could and swung my legs off the edge of the bed.

"Fuck," I yelled out loudly. "School."

I looked back at my alarm clock again and it had just ticked over to 11.57. Is it really worth going to hell for 3 hours?

After no debating I decided to stay home and have a me day and got up to make breakfast. Lazily, I walked down stairs to the kitchen to decide what to have for breakfast.

After pulling everything out the cubed I settled upon toast.

While waiting for my toast to cook I realized how quiet the house was so I cranked up the radio. Of cause Blank Space by Taylor Swift is on, I swear they repeat this song every hour.

Despite the fact that this song isn't one of my favorites I still turned up the radio louder, singing along to it and dancing.

"Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream," I sang as I spun around and grabbed my toast out the toaster and placed it on a plate.

"So it's going to be forever, or it's going to go down in flames," I sang even louder, reaching the point of screaming. I jumped up onto the table and stood on it.

"You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain," I sang with a whip of my hair. I opened my mouth to sing the second part but I was rudely interupted.

"Oh my fuck Alice, first talking to a bowl now this!?" Luke screamed over the music. I spun around to face him but turned too fast and since I was wearing socks, I slipped on the table and fell on my ass.

Luke, like usual, laughed at me for being such a klutz. I awkwardly climbed off the table, my ass wining after my fall. I turned off the music and rubbed my ass, trying to make it feel better.

"Haha, Luke, just laugh at my pain," I said sarcastically and for some reason this made Luke laugh harder if that's possible.

Grumpily, I grabbed my toast and took a bite out of it. I scunched up my face as it had gone cold from my dancing distraction. With a shrug, I kept eating it. It's better then nothing right?

"Two day in a row, two days in a row I've seen you do somehing utterly ridiculous," Luke said through fits of laughter.

After several minutes Luke finally sobered up. "Anyway, I came in to ask when training starts with that kid?" Luke asked causing me to inhale my second piece. Shit, I totally forgot.

After finally coughing up the piece of toast I inhaled I told him. "Um, today I think. I just need to text him to confirm it," I said not actually knowing.

"Okay then," Luke said. "That's okay because I'm home all day anyway. Wait, why aren't you at school?" Wow, he took his time.

"I must have forgotten to set my alarm," I said with a shrug, not caring one little bit. "Well I've got to get going. I'll be in my room if you need me." I said while briskly walking past him.

I practically ran up to my room. As soon as I got into my room I turned on my phone and saw I had two texts from Nick.

What's your house address?

Where are you?

I quickly replied to him giving him my address and saying that training starts today at 3.30. Once I had sent those texts I felt like I could relax again and settled on a TVD marathon.


At 3.30 on the dot Luke barged into my room telling me that Nick was here. I quickly walked down the stairs and saw Nick standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

With a smile I lead him to the backyard where Luke had put several cones down and footballs were sitting in the corner of the yard. Our backyard was bigger then your average yard. Luke has played football for his whole life so from the start we had a massive backyard so Luke could always practice.

"Come on Jim, lets get started," Luke said calling Nick Jim. With a laugh I quickly corrected him.

"It's Nick, not Jim you dweeb," I said through laughter. Nick gave an awkward smile before walking up to Luke.

Luke got Nick started by making him run 10 laps around the yard which I honestly though was to much but left it, after all I'm not the one who plays football.

Once Nick had finished his laps they were doing some simple passing. Luke threw Nick the ball but when Nick went to catch it kind of bounced around in his hands then hit the floor. Then when Nick went to throw it to Luke it went way to wide and missed Luke by at least a meter.

With a weary groan I sat in the chair behind me and rubbed my temples. I get what he means by how he can't play football now. Hopefully he improves by next week.

By the end of throwing Nick could actually catch the ball and kinda through it although it still went wide sometimes. After the standing and throwing Luke went onto the running and throwing. When he said that I slumped back in my chair. If he can't stand and throw I hate to see how this goes.

Luke ran a little in front of Nick with the ball. Luke threw the ball to Nick and... and Nick caught the ball flawlessly. Nick caught the ball! I resisted the urge to get up and clap.

Now Nick and Luke swapped positions. Nick had the ball and was running a little in front of Luke. Nick threw the ball and totally missed Luke. I let out a sigh. Okay, he can catch but not throw. Well, we defently know what to work on then.

Luke called it a break and they went to get some water. Nick sat down next to me with a water bottle in hand and gave me a sad smile.

"I told you I was crap at this," he said as he unscrewed the cap of his water bottle and took a massive drink.

"Come on, you weren't that bad," I said, not wanting to tell him the truth.

"Did you see me out there?" Nick asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You were okay. We just gotta work on your throwing," I said with a shrug and a smile.

"And my catching," he mumbled earning an elbow from me.

"Don't be a Debbie downer," I said cheerfully. I picked up my phone and checked the time.

"Shit, it's 7.00 already," I said turning to Nick. "Call it a day? We'll continue this tomorrow," I said getting up from my chair with a stretch.

"Good idea, I'm stuffed," Nick said, getting up as well. I lead him to the door and on the way Nick said thanks to Luke.

"Thanks for getting you brother to teach me," Nick said to me with a grin.

"No, thank you. You wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for me," I said with a smile on my own. I swear his smile's contagious.

"I guess so," Nick said with a laugh. "See you tomorrow." Nick threw over his sholder as he walked out the door.

"See ya," I yelled to Nick just as I shut the door. I turned around to see Luke behind me.

"I don't know if I can teach him how to play football by next week," Luke said while wiping sweat off his forehead.

"All we can do is try," I said to Luke.

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