The Monster Reborn

By RedReaper1121

173K 6.4K 1.5K

She was the villainess in the popular novel, Demon Hearts. In her past life, she was betrayed by her family a... More

Chapter 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31

Part 7

6.8K 254 35
By RedReaper1121

WELCOME CHILDREN!!!! What are we here for? The drama of course! So let the drama BEGIN!

3rd P.O.V.

Lilly was sitting in the crowd on a wooden bench. The ceremony was about to start, and excitement was in the air. To anyone else, Lilly looked calm and had a disinterested look on her face but on the inside, she was screaming. 'AGHHHHHHHHHH IT STARTING' She was having a mini panic attack. ' Ok, calm. I am a calm individual. Be a mountain, I AM A MOUNTAIN.' 

Lilly P.O.V

When A boy walked on stage, the talking stopped. He smiled, " Hello and welcome to WitherBridge Acadamy!" His blue hair glowed under the sun, and his green eyes sparkled. He was extremely handsome, He was 2 of 3 Princes. His name was William van Dragon, He was the cute i-will-bake-you-cookies-and-then-suddenly-becomes-a-yandere-type. But I sadly can not stay FAR away from him like I desperately want to. When Lilly was still Lilly she went on a stroll with him and left him out in the middle of nowhere. He was attacked by bandits and they sold him to a red light district. Where he, of course, was too young to anything but he as still scarred. Sometimes I want to revive the original Lilly and slap the shit out of her. I sank down on the bench, 'You can't see me, you can't see me, you can't see meeeee" I canted in my head. Sadly it didn't work. When he saw see, His eyes dimmed and his smile became wider. I was now officially dead, Goodbye cruel world I don't need this shit. He stepped off the stage and sat down next to Alex and... TUS!? 

WAIT, HOLD UP. I backtracked in my mind, Augustus. AUGUSTUS VAN FUCKING DRAGON! 3/3 princes, He was the surprise character at the end of the book. In his life, he was without love and care. His father got was the king and he favored the first and second princes. He hated Augustus because his mother was a mistress who got pregnant. He was named the Bastard Child, He had to stay at the castle and all he did was train and read. He was always in the shadows, but suddenly Eva came and took away his darkness that was slowly corroding his heart. He wanted her all to himself he was, of course, a Van Dragon.

The Ancient myth was that each male member of the Van Dragons was to have one treasure that they would want once they put their sight on it they never let go. The reason for that is because ancient ancestors of the van dragons Were Dragons. And the traits of their ancestors never left their family and were continually passed down. In the book, there were 5 boys going after Eva, And I've met  4/5. On the bright side, I've only scarred 4/5 boys, not including Tus. 

When we were allowed to leave, I practically bolted out of there. In the courtyard maids and butlers were stationed in a line. Each butler and maid pair had a family name pinned to their clothes. I looked for mine, I stopped when I saw Edwin and the brown-haired maid whose name was Anna. I gasped and ran for Edwin, He reached down and hugged me. " How are today Lady Lilly?" I sighed, " Tired, I just wanna sleep." He laughed and stood back up. " Come along Anna we have to get our Lady to bed before she falls asleep standing up." Anna looked startled and nervously followed along. I looked at Edwin, " Edwin who will take care of Sylvester?"

" Don't worry, Young miss. Young Master has another servent he requested." I nodded, We walked toward a large double door and the guards let us pass. The inside was a big Ballroom, and there were stairs that lead up to separate towers. I assumed that each was for different genders. We went up the right staircase and walked up an additional flight and turned down a long hallway. I was stationed at room 666 I scoffed 'How convenient.'

It was the last door at the end of the hallway, I walked in and saw a very large room with a window seat. Sunlight streamed down and through the window, I walked toward the window and laid down in the seat. The warm sun covered me and warmed me like a certain pair of arms. I bashed that thought away as I sank into unconsciousness. 

The Next Day......

Anna woke me the next day with a shaking hand. "Y-young Lady... I-its time to G-get up." I rolled over and ignored her. 5 minutes passed and I felt a large hand grab me by the ankle, The hand-pulled and I came with it. I Dangled Upside down looking at Edwin's pant leg. I curved my head to look at him, He was staring down at me shaking his head. I seriously do not get how Edwin is so strong. I mean He's at least 38 and looks somewhat scrawny. But he's super tall He's like 6'7, My first thought was he could definitely play basketball for a living. I honestly have no idea where all his strength comes from. " Edwin, 5 more minutes, please." I even said the P-word, The MAGIC word. He turned me upright and ushered me into the bathroom. My school uniform was hanging from the wall of the shower. I quickly showered and put on my uniform. It was a Plaid semi-short skirt with a white polo shirt and over the polo shirt, There was a gray suit jacket and to finish it off a cute bow tie.

I came out of the bathroom and looked around the room for Edwin or Anna. There was a desk and a couch with a coffee table. The walls were yellow and the trim was black. There was a closet next to the door of the bathroom. I opened it and took out my beauty. The sword was clean and polished, It balanced perfectly in my hand. I have been practicing for the last 4 years in secret of course. I reluctantly put it back, I didn't have time to practice today. I needed to go and get my schedule. I grabbed my off the shoulder bag and walked out of my room. Edwin also left a key to my room next to my clothes. I locked the door behind me and hid the key on the doorframe. I turned and walked down the corridor, I descended the staircase and walked toward the lunchroom. When I walked in, I held my head high and there was an arrogant air around me. Conversation stopped and everyone turned to look at me. I smiled in a mocking way, I sauntered toward an empty table next to the window. I sat down and a maid hurried to take my order,         "4 pancakes and blueberries." I narrowed my eyes and said, "Now. Make it snappy." I inwardly apologized to the maid, 'I'm so sorry'. I turned toward my bag and pulled out my leather book. I opened to Tus's page, I looked around for him. He was nowhere in sight, I looked around for a new muse till Tus comes back. I saw William, 'He's not bad, I'll do him." He was laying on the table sleeping. His legs were crossed under the table, his person; relaxed. I labeled the page William and began to draw him. I was almost done when the maid placed the pancakes and blueberry in front of me. My eyes light up and my mouth began to water, I reached for the plate. 

The maid turned away only to stop when she heard a small, " Thank you" She turned around, Eyes wide but she just found Lilly eating the pancakes as if nothing happened. 'I must have imagined it. ' 

I Was stuffing my face with the fluffy goodness covered in syrup and butter. I turned my attention back to my drawing, I had just finished the shading when I heard a sickeningly sweet voice appear beside me. " Excuse me? May I sit here." I turned toward her,

" Go away, just looking at you makes me lose my appetite." Her eyes turned watery,

" Why are you being so mean? Is it because I'm a commoner?" 

"What part of Go away do you not understand?" I turned a glare on her. Tears began streaming down her face. She turned and ran away, she tripped and fell into the lap of Alex. His eyes widened and he looked down at her.  I repeated his thoughts in my mind, ' An Angel fell into my lap... How cute.' Pretending to be mad, a scowl formed on my face. She quickly got up and ran away. I saw his eyes follow her out, ' How Interesting' He thought. I could practically read his mind. 

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating and drawing. William who was still asleep and saw none of this. I finished his drawing, I looked up to compare the picture of him to the real-life him. His Green eyes watched me, dark intent swirled in his eyes. His eyes went to the book and back to me. I pulled the leather book to me and glared at him. 'Fuck Off, its mine.' I screamed in my mind. 

He smiled a chilling smile and looked away. 

I looked at the clock, 7 am was too early to be dealing with this shit.

HELLO CHILDREN, Was the drama to your liking?

What will happen to Lilly? 

What will William do? 

Where is Tus?

We will find out in the next chapter of MONSTER REBORN

1617 Words

~Love, Author~ 

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