tiny & vicious || h.s ✔️

By jcwrxtes

6.5K 188 20

The second part of the series reveals the infamous assassins Aria and Harry falling back into the shoes of th... More

~Song List~
~ 11 ~


104 4 0
By jcwrxtes

Song: Corazon by Maluma & Nego Do Borel

Aria's POV

"Please. Come inside." Mila gestured to her home quietly, her eyes glazing over. I held her hand softly and walked slowly up the driveway, the rest of the group following. The moment we entered the house, the eerie silence ended, and the numerous voices of children livened the room.

We walked between the large archways and into the living room, witnessing the many children roaming around the room with toys in their hands. They conversed happily and sat together by the fireplace. The sight of them all together and happy warmed my heart. Each one of them had been abandoned. All left on Mila's doorstep to be her responsibility and I was proud that she had managed to love and care for all of them. My eyes drifted to a young girl, holding a tiny baby in her arms as she observed the others. She had to be the oldest girl here, and she was bearing the responsibility of a tiny baby who was not hers.

As the sound of our feet shuffling echoed through the room, the children grew quiet. They all stopped what they were doing one by one like a domino effect and looked at us, some staring and others sinking into the arms of the older children. I smiled softly as I found two familiar children in the crowd. Sienna stared at Harry with a small glint in her eye and I smirked. She clearly had taken a liking to him already, while her little brother watched my sleeping child who was currently stirring in her father's arms. I watched as she wiped the sleepiness out of her hazel eyes and turned around. She came face to face with the group of children and she furrowed her eyebrows cutely. I laughed when she scanned her surroundings with a weird expression. She looked around the room, seeing Mila and then the boys and Theo. She looked at Theo as if she was looking for an explanation, but he just shrugged and clutched his Mum's hand tighter.

"Niños. Me gustaría que conocieras a unos amigos míos." (Children. I would like you to meet some friends of mine.) Mila started off and the kids looked at her fondly before returning their eyes to us. I admired the love in their eyes for her and I smiled.

I allowed Mila to introduce us before she started introducing the children.

"This is Adelio and Adrianna, they are six." She gestured to two kids and they beamed up at us, clearly comfortable with strangers. "This is Lucia, she is 8. Sienna and Cinco are twins, they are 9. Cristina is 13 and Carmen is 16." All the kids piped up at the mention of their name and smiled. I loved the warmth in the room. Mila had done an amazing job in raising them all to be kind and adoring kids.

Mila walked to Carmen and lifted the baby from her arms. She held the child with so much love, it brought tears to my eyes.

"This is little Isabella. She is 11 months old. She turns one this Friday." Mila never took her eyes off the baby. She was so happy and content, the moment was pure bliss. For a moment, I felt guilty for intruding on her perfect life. She and the children all deserved to be happy and peaceful and I did not feel right bringing all my problems here. However, one glance at my baby halted my thoughts. This was the only choice I had, and this was the only place my baby would be safe for now.

"I hope you all can join us for Isabela's party on Friday." Mila looked into our orbs with hope in her eyes. I looked to Harry and he stared at me for a moment before nodding. "It would be our honour to celebrate Isabela's birthday with you all." I smiled warmly and Mila nodded happily before passing Isabela to Carmen again.

An older woman by the name of Esme walked in, informing the children that dinner was ready. The children lit up and ran off childishly into the dining room. I watched as they seated themselves in their chairs and served themselves impressively without help. Adrianna and Adelio required minor assistance from the older kids but they still managed surprisingly well for their age. Once again, I beamed with pride for Mila and her motherly skills.

Carmen placed Isabela in her cot and went to eat while Esme fed the baby a warm bottle of milk.

This whole place emitted a similar ambience to my own home. It was indescribable. This was a very happy place and I longed to stay here with the children.

"Please come." Mila gestured for us to follow her and she presented us with our designated bedrooms. I informed Harry to give Blair a shower, telling him that I will join later. I left the room, closing the door quietly behind me before walking the halls with Mila.

"Thank you for giving us a place to stay." I quietly spoke, to not disturb the others in the house. "Of course. You are all always welcome here." We walked downstairs and passed the dining room. The children laughed and spoke happily.
"And thank you for giving these kids a home." Mila smiled, looking at the children with admiration in her eyes.

"You know. As a young girl born into the mafia. I never imagined it could turn into all of this." She spoke freely with wonder. "I never imagined that after 32 years in a gruesome and brutal underworld, I somehow would find a peaceful and safe place to raise these children." I listened closely.

"There were countless times where death would flash before my eyes, and all I could think of was the fact that I would die without a family and children. I would die without experiencing motherhood." She stopped in the doorway to the garden and squeezed my hand. She looked into the house once more. "Those moments were what inspired this place, Aria. I wanted children to look after and raise. And even though they are not my blood. I love them all like they came from my womb." I nodded in understanding.

"I love what you have done with the place Mila. Seriously. All these kids were left for you to take care of and I truly believe they were meant to be on your doorstep. They are all your children, blood or not and you have seriously proven yourself to be the best mother I have ever seen." I looked her in the eyes as I spoke. I wanted her to know that I meant every single word. She had taken her inability to have children and turned it into a brilliant motherhood for seven children.

Tears flashed in Mila's eyes and I giggled before wiping them away and hugging her. She was the kindest soul I had ever met. She was an angel. She took my hand again and walked us through the doors and into the fruitful garden. Fireflies danced in the moonlight and tiny creatures chirped in this garden of wonderment. The flowers bloomed beautifully, and the herbs smelt amazing. I brushed my fingertips along the sweet-smelling rose petals and soft leaves with a warm smile.

"If you don't mind me asking. What happened to Niall?" The instant she asked me, my smile dropped, and my heart thumped heavily. My stomach churned with the memory. I turned to Mila, who seemed instantly apologetic for asking.

"Let me tell you." I sighed and began my story.

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