For a Moment at Least (Age Ga...

By GeneralizedBond

2.2M 57.6K 12.8K

BOOK 1 He hovered over me in silence while I gathered my senses. "Why are you here Deacon?" I finally asked... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapted 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 12

64.6K 1.6K 156
By GeneralizedBond

Chapter 12

"Ellis Belrose." A petite blonde poked her head from behind the large wooden door. I immediately stood, smoothing out my blouse and grabbing my bag.

Alcast's office was smaller than I expected. I was used to working in Cornell's building, which was much bigger. I was glad I have yet to return Deacon's generous birthday gift, it saved me from a long boring bus ride.

I decided against calling Deacon that night. After my conversation with Carlos about this job opportunity I realized I needed to focus on myself. Saving for college, and gearing up for the school year.

I didn't realize how much I'd miss him though. Each night I fell asleep thinking about him, honestly every spare moment I had to myself was spent pondering Deacon and what he was doing. I couldn't avoid him all summer. I said I would to get to know him and I intend on doing so.

"I'm Alice." The nice girl voiced, stretching her hand out for me to shake. I smiled and shook her small hand. "Ellis." I responded.

"So I read over your email, and saw that Mrs. Aldrich was one of your references?" She spoke as I followed her down a narrow hall past many small offices. I couldn't help but notice the small glances I was getting as I past a couple of strangers hard at work.

"Yes. I don't know her very well, but she seemed to take a liking to me." I piped up. Alice lead me to a large conference room. I felt my nerves rise as I noticed a male and another female seated chatting to themselves. Their heads turned in my direction as Alice and I entered the room.

"Well that's impressive. The Aldrich's don't take a liking to just anyone." She smiled and pulled out a chair on the opposite side of the two strangers. I returned her smile and sat next to her.

"Ellis Belrose, I'm Andy and this is my co owner Elizabeth." The nice man greeted. He had light brown hair, specks of grey peppered his sideburns. His piercing blue eyes analyzed me a little too closely.

"Nice to meet you both. I'm truly grateful for this opportunity." I spoke, letting my gaze land on Elizabeth. Her hair was dark and she looked much younger than the man next to her.

"He likes to maintain the formalities with new comers. I'm his wife." She chuckled. I smiled and nodded. Looking between them. They didn't seem visually compatible to me.

I thought of how Deacon and I must have looked together. Not only was he quite larger than me, but it was obvious that he was older as well. My heart ached for a moment as I thought about him.

Andy talked to me about the job opening as if I were already hired. I was surprised at their willingness to bring me on, barely knowing me.

I would be a Data entry clerk, by the sounds of it I would be on a computer most of the day. Updating account information, resolving simple problems, filing and sending important documents.

I was grateful for the job, just not excited. I would have much rather continued working for Cornell, doing what I loved.

"It was nice meeting you Ellis." Andy said standing from his chair. Everyone els followed suit. "Likewise." I smiled to all of them. Alice showed me out of the conference room and back down the hallway.

"So I was thinking you can start tomorrow? As of now this position only requires 20 hours a week and two days of the week your allowed to work from home." I nodded and thanked her. This job will work perfect with my school schedule in the fall.

I left in a better mood than when I came in. I decided to stop and grab a coffee on the way home.

"Ellis." I heard my name as I entered the coffee shop. I quickly turned around to see Lenon smiling in my direction. I held the door open as he jogged towards me. His messy blonde hair fell over his forehead, I couldn't help but smile back. Lenon was a good-sized man but the way he moved almost looked childlike and corky.

"Hey." I greeted him as he entered the shop with me. He tensed and took a step closer to me, his eyes narrowed and his goofy smile faded.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I snapped taking a step back. He took two more steps towards me, putting himself closer than before. I stood frozen, confused by his odd behavior. He leaned down and put his face near mine, taking a deep breath.

"Who were you with?" His question sounded more like a demand. I scoffed at his tone.

"You smell different Ellis. Who were you with?" He asked more desperately. I smell different?

Then it clicked.

He knew of Deacon. He tried grabbing me at the club. He helped me when I was alone crying on the side of the road. He was here at the coffee shop twice now. He could smell me...

"How long have you been following me Lenon?" I blurt out, recalling my conversation with Deacon and the possibility of him having me followed.

Lenons eyes went wide before analyzing my stale expression. "Deacon told you?" He asked sheepishly. I was right.

"He didn't exactly tell me he was having me followed, but I put it together." I huffed and walked in the direction of the counter to order. Lenon followed close behind.

"I'm not following you." He stated defensively. I stopped and turned around, watching him stop as well. I glanced at the space between us. "Yes. You are." I chuckled. He rolled his big brown eyes.

"I'm suppose to keep an eye on you, make sure you're safe." He whispered. I ordered my coffee and took a seat at the nearest table. Lenon sat across from me. I wasn't angry with him. I was curious if our conversations were authentic.

"Why wouldn't I be safe?" I asked. I was starting to feel overwhelmed with how much Deacon was treading on my life. I used to picture my first crush and how simple it would be. I'd have my life, and he'd have his. In my head it was a delicate mending of lives, slow, steady, and comfortable. So far my relationship with Deacon has taken the opposite route.

"Ellis, many have been talking about Alpha Vidar, and how he's found his mate. And how she's human. Being a Luna puts a target on your back. Especially one mated to Deacon Vidar." He told me this as if it were a warning. I furrowed my brows at him. Sam never told me this.

"A target on my back?" I asked myself. Lenon reluctantly put his hand over mine, grabbing my attention.

"Deacon's pack land takes up 70% of Oregon territory. Our pack is large. One of the largest. He has many allied packs that would love to watch him pass his position onto his next generation. But there are many that would love to watch his lineage die with him and his mate. Killing you both means easy invasion." he looked at me as if I should have already known this.

Is this what becoming a Luna means? Living with a target on your back? I was beginning to understand why Deacon was so possessive and overbearing with me. He's lived with a target on his back his whole life.

"Sam never told me any of this." I spoke more to myself. I heard Lenon scoff at my comment. I looked up to see him leaning back in his chair with an irritated smirk on his face.

"Of course he didn't." Lenon mumbled. I cocked my head at him. "What does that mean?" I asked defensively.

Lenon's body language told me he knew Sam and wasn't a fan. I don't know why I was upset about it. I barely liked Sam myself, but he was my sister's mate. I wasn't going to let anyone disrespect him, besides me of course.

"Deacon is Sam's great, great, great uncle." Lenons face contorted as he counted the greats. My stomach turned. A part of me forgot how old Deacon really was.

"Sams great, great, grandmother was Deacons little sister." he continued. I shook my hands at him. "Please stop with the greats!" I shivered at the uncomfortable feeling building in my gut. Lenon couldn't help but chuckle.

"What I'm trying to say is... That family wants nothing more than to see Deacon with his mate. Why would Sam tell you about the hardships and sacrifices it takes to be Luna Vidar." Lenons words burned into my ears. I was beginning to think that maybe he was right. Sam seemed to always worry about everything I did since he found out about Deacon being my mate. I brushed off the thought, not wanting to ruin the emotional progress I've made towards my sister's relationship.

I looked up to see Lenon leaning over the table, sniffing the air between us. "Stop smelling me. Please." I snapped. He relaxed back into his chair.

"You smell different." he mumbled, letting his eyes look me up and down. "Where were you?" he questioned again, finally locking eyes with me.

"If you have to ask me, then you're not doing your job correctly." I chuckled, taking a sip of my coffee. He wasn't amused.

"This isn't a joke Ellis. Where were you?" his voice was strained and serious. I was beginning to realize that the intense, serious emotion was a common Lycan trait.

"A job interview at Alcast." I told him, standing from my seat. He followed my movement pushing in his chair.

"Ive never heard of it, where is it?" he persisted as he followed me out of the coffee shop. I turned around before I could reach my car.

"Lenon. I already feel so invaded. Everyone knows everything about me. People know things about me before I know things about me. I'm tired of it. I'm not going to talk to you and tell you every little detail about my day so you can report it to Deacon. If he wants to be that controlling he can come to me, face to face, and force that information out of me himself." I turned around before I could take in Lenon's reaction to my outburst.

I slammed the car door shut and leaned my head back. Closing my eyes I took a few deep breaths. The anxiety in my stomach was knotting up again.

I don't know why I felt like I had so much power in this situation. I truly didn't. If Deacon wanted to, he could force me to do anything. His power, strength, and most of all his pull could push me into anything. Admitting that to myself oddly made me feel better. I needed to keep the logic inside my head alive.

I needed to talk to Deacon and be honest with him. He said himself, he wants nothing but honesty between us. I need to tell him that I'm scared, overwhelmed, and confused. Something inside me wanted him to resolve these unnerving emotions.

I drove through the familiar wooded area, taking a few wrong turns before remembering where Deacon lived. Heat was gathering in the pit of my stomach as I saw his home come into view.

I parked in the large driveway and turned the car off. Sitting in the car, I prepared myself to see Deacon again. Reminding myself to think with logic, to not let his presence and touch affect my thought process.

As I walked up the driveway, I was nervous that maybe he wasn't going to be home. It was mid-day on a Thursday. I could imagine that he was a busy person. Running a construction Company while also leading a whole pack.

"Ellis." I heard my name before I could reach the large porch. I looked up to see a familiar dark haired man standing in the doorway. He was dressed very casual. I awkwardly adjusted my bag on my shoulder and halted my approach. That wasn't Deacon.

"Im Arlo. Deacon's old friend." he spoke, finally letting a smile warm his face. He was tall and emanated power, making the air between us thick. He reminded me of Deacon in that way.

"Please come in." he motioned, opening the door all the way. I shifted uncomfortably before making my way up the steps.

"Sorry for intruding, I was hoping to speak with Deacon." I responded, brushing past him to enter the house. I slowed my pace and admired the dark wood floors and high ceiling. This place was immaculate. There was a wide staircase to my right and an elegant open floor plan in front of me, leading to what I assumed was the living room.

I heard the door close behind me as I walked towards the living room where a large sectional resided. Everything was decorated beautifully. There seemed to be an earthy theme throughout the house. I let my fingers graze the plush fabric on the back of the couch.

Looking up I noticed large windows and double glass doors that lead to the back patio of the house. Standing on my toes I peered out of the window and saw the back yard lowered down a grassy hill that disappeared into a thickly wooded forest.

It was beautiful. Everything was perfect. The patio held matching furniture surrounding a large gorgeous chimenea.

"I don't think I've ever been in a house this beautiful." I whispered. I heard a deep chuckle from behind me, waking me from this dream state.

I turned and saw Arlo leaning against the back of the sectional. Something about him was so familiar. He turned his head away from me for a moment. Giving me a good look at his profile. That's when I realized he was the man that knocked on the car window, interrupting mine and Deacons' first kiss. I felt my cheeks heat up as the embarrassment sunk into my stomach.

"Deacon is working right now, but I can call him. I think he would want to speak with you as well." Arlo spoke, grabbing his phone from his jean pocket. I quickly shook my head.

"No, it's fine! I don't know what I was thinking to be honest. He's busy, I can call him or come back later." I stammered my words as I headed back for the door.

"Ellis, don't be ridiculous." Arlo stepped in front of me, stopping me where I stood. I couldn't help but notice how tall he actually was now that he was this close to me.

"He would be upset if I let you leave without at least notifying him that you're here." he put his large hands on my shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze, in what I assumed was an attempt to calm me down. Unfortunately it did the opposite. I didn't like being touched by strangers.

I slowly nodded stepping out of his grip. He smiled and pulled his phone out, dialing Deacon and pressing his phone to his ear. He was already making his way to a separate room before I heard him talking into the phone.

I took this chance to look around the house. A long wooden table stretched the length of the dining room, I walked around it and admired a beautiful landscape painting hung on the white wall. I kept on my self-tour and found myself in the kitchen. Everything was beautifully up to date. Stainless Steel appliances, a paneled refrigerator that matched the light cabinets beautifully. I leaned my hands on the cold marble countertop, peering out the kitchen window, taking in the beautiful view once again.

"Eerily beautiful, isn't it?" I heard Arlo's voice from behind me. "I wouldn't use the word eerie." I responded, turning from the window and catching his eyes from the kitchen archway. He smiled.

"What words would you use?" he asked playfully. "Mysteriously captivating. The word Eerie plays into fear. There's nothing scary about that gorgeous view." I told him. I felt more relaxed for some reason.

"The woods don't scare you?" he asked, walking to the fridge and pulling out two bottles of water. I shook my head.

"Nature has always intrigued me." I smiled back at him. He handed me the bottle of water from a distance. I could tell he was trying to respect my space, which I appreciated.

"Deacon is on his way here." Arlo broke the silence. I awkwardly nodded, I always felt uncomfortable in a room alone with someone new. No distractions to take the stress off of making small talk

"So how do you know Deacon?" I was trying to make small talk, but I was also very curious.

"I am Beta of Praimos." he spoke proudly. I took a drink of my water before giving him a questioning look. He chuckled again. He may have had the same build as Deacon but he did not act like Deacon. His aura was warm and inviting.

"I am second in command in our pack." he explained. I quickly nodded. Of course, it made sense. I should start expecting that everyone close to Deacon was also a Lycan.

"Do you live here too?" I asked him, leaning against the island. He laughed as if I had said something funny.

"Practically. Deacons office upstairs holds most of our pack documents. So while he's out working, I take over the pack business that can't wait. I'm here almost everyday. But Deacon lives here alone." I was weirdly relieved to hear that Deacon lived alone. A part of me saw this huge house and felt like he may have shared it with someone else, someone of the female variety.

"Arlo?" I heard a deep voice echoing from the living room. The way my body tingled at the sound told me it was Deacon's voice. I stood from my leaning position and perked up a little too fast for my liking. I cursed my body for throwing my brain out the window whenever Deacon was around.

Arlo smiled in my direction before making his way out to the living room. I followed close behind him.

Deacon was facing away from us, standing at the mantle, setting his keys and wallet down before taking off his suit jacket. I watched as his back and shoulders flexed through the thin material of his shirt. He was so perfect.

Deacon turned and let his dark eyes immediately land on me, ignoring Arlo's presence completely. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Everything about him was so intense.

"Well I'm going to head out." Arlo spoke up. I broke my eye contact with Deacon to give Arlo a friendly nod. "It was nice meeting you." I gave him my most sincere smile. So far I liked Arlo.

"It was nice to finally meet you as well, Ellis." he made his way to the door before turning to Deacon and giving him a small nod. Arlo closed the door behind him leaving Deacon and I in an awkward silence.

Thanks for reading!

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