๐€๐ƒ๐ƒ๐ˆ๐‚๐“๐„๐ƒ, chicago pd ยน

By queensassy20

313K 5.5K 778

๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฑ๐—ถ๐—ฐ๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฑ | โ i think being addicted to drugs was a lot easier than being addicted to you โž ๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ญ... More

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5.8K 129 21
By queensassy20

chapter eighteen. get my cigarettes.

Riley and Erin sit at their desks, scrolling through their computers as Adam says, "All I'm saying, Jay, is you got a target on your back and you don't seem all that fazed" as he, Jay, Antonio and Al leave the break room.

"Overseas my unit and I, we always had a bounty on us" Jay answers.

"Most gangs only pay 10g for a cop. If you're really worth 100,000, I should take you out myself and pay off my mortgage" Antonio jokes.

"Try it"

"Coke dealer one time put a million dollar tag on me and Voight" Al says. Jay sits at his desk and says, "what?"

"How'd you handle that?" Ruzek asks, as Riley starts to twirl the ring on her necklace around her finger, which Jay noticed.

"Well, you dust yourself. Never go home the same way twice. Run red lights and if a car follows you through one, you chamber a round and you handle business"

"Alright" Adam says, taking a bite from his spoonful of yogurt.

"This is Billy Fagen" Voight says, leaving his office and tapes a picture onto the board, "small time hood. Had ties to a local outfit. I've run into him a couple times." Then he tapes another picture right next to the other one, "this is Billy Fagen seven hours ago. Organized crime found him. Dollar bill pinned to his chest. They looked into the Serbians, cartels, coming up empty"

"We taking this from organized crime because he was your poker buddy?" Erin asks, making Riley's eyes go wide with shock. Hank ignores Erin and says, "start searching out to your CI's" then he looks at Erin, "you got a sec?" and the two go into his office.

Jay rolls his chair over to his partner and says, "hey"

Riley clears her throat and says, "hey"

"So, I uh, noticed that ring you keep playing around with" Jay says, pointing to the ring around the girl's neck. Riley quickly hides it under her shirt and says, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Is that the reason why you're so happy?"

Riley nods her head for Jay to follow her and they walk into the locker room.

"I'm only telling you this because you're my partner and my best friend"


"Justin and I got married"

Jay instantly feels the wind get knocked outta him. A pit forms in his stomach and he fakes a smile, "wow, congratulations" then he goes to hug the brunette.

"Thanks. It means a lot that you support me"

"Yeah, of course"


The intelligence team meets up at some Lumber yard, where Voight told them to go after getting the name of a suspect.

"Brent Norelli. Assault, armed robbery. Even did six months at the cook county psych ward." Hank says, showing his team a picture of Brent, "Norelli inherited this lumber yard from his old man, but it's just a front. He just broke off from the outfit old timers, but he's already making plays for some of their rackets. Let's go"

The intelligence team duck under a garage door with their guns drawn, slowly making their way through the lumber yard and Olinsky yells, "Chicago Police! Get down on the ground, let me see your hands!"

Antonio nudges a box that had fallen open and whistles, "ten years worth of oxy."

Voight pushes a guy up against a ladder and asks, "where's Norelli?"

"He's in the store room" the guy says, pointing to a room that says private on it. The team stands on either side of the door when Antonio slams his fist on the door.

"Chicago Poli-" Antonio was cut off by bullets flying through the door. The detective then puts his gun through the hole in the door and hits the shooter, who falls down on the ground.

Kevin kicks in the door and Jay runs in and shouts, "Police, stay down" kicking the gun away from the shooter.

Kevin flips him over, ripping his shirt open to see a bullet proof vest and says, "nice vest"


Riley hangs up her desk phone and says, "one blast of double ought buckshot, killed both Fagen and Marcelo. No shells were found at either Murder. Crime scene estimates the killers height based on blood splatter to be 5'10, which narrows it down"

"There was no forced entry to any of the doors or windows in Marcellos' building. There's a fire escape in the back, but it doesn't lead to the roof." Erin states, "you'd have to climb up from there, which is not an easy feat. But it's the only way that somebody could have come and gone unnoticed"

"How long have you been doing this?" Al asks Hank, "alright, and how many shotgun murders have we seen before these?"

"Two" Voight says.

"Alright, so it's gotta be a pro"

"Or a redneck" Atwater says nonchalantly. Jake raises his hand and says, "Pro redneck. I'm calling it"

"Damn, I was just about to call that" Jay sighs, making them both laugh. Adam then walks onto the unit with a file in hand and says, "I did some financial forensics on our two shotgun victims."

Kevin looks at Jay and Riley and says, "he farmed it out. Guarantee it"

Adam glares at the man for a second as he walks to the board and points to the victims photos, "Fagen and Marcelo were, uh, partners in a shell company, Maxwell investments. They, uh, loan money out at astronomically high..."

"Loan sharks" Al says, cutting off the officer.

"I was gonna get to that. Thank you, Alvin." Adam then clears his throat, "their latest client just signed over his dry cleaning business a week ago. One Dale Hansen. Owned Fine Choice Cleaners. Two locations, one of north broadway, a second on West Belmont. That fast enough for you, Al"

Alvin then raises his cup up in agreement. Hank looks over to Antonio and says, "You and Halstead go talk to this dry cleaner. I got someone I gotta talk to"

As Jay and Antonio leave, Erin and Riley walk over to their sergeant and Erin says, "We know you and Nick Marcelo were friends."

"Let me guess, you got an opinion about that too?"

"We just wanted to say we're sorry. There was always a lot of laughs when him and Tricia would come over for dinner" Riley says.

"He was a real nice guy. We liked him" Erin states, then the two walk away.


Riley and Al walk onto the crime scene where another gunshot victim was in his garage with a dollar bill pinned to his chest. Al crouches down in front of him and says, "George Washington strikes again."

Then a second later a knock was heard within the car, making them immediately draw their guns.

"Did you check the car?" Lindsay asks the patrol officers.

"Uh..." one of the officers says, causing Riley to roll her eyes.

"Open the trunk"

Riley and Al both aim their guns at the trunk as the officer goes to pull on the trunk latch. As he does a woman shouts, "don't shoot"

"It's alright. It's alright. We're the police"

"Call an ambulance" Al tells the officers.

"It's okay" Riley tells the scared girl, while helping her out of the trunk.


"It's okay. Take your time" Riley tells the girl as they sit in the break room on the unit.

"Me and dad got out of the car. It's like he came out of nowhere, wearing a hoodie."

"Did you get a look at him?"

The blonde girl nods her head and says, "white. Dark hair. Clean shaven. And his eyes...there's nothing behind them. He just had this blank look and...he just turned the shotgun on my dad and...right in front of me"

"I'm sorry"

"Who'd do that? A human being wouldn't do that"

"Collette. How did you end up in the trunk?"

"He turned the gun on me with that same dead look in his eyes, and I said, please don't kill me. So he nodded at the trunk and said, get in."

After talking Riley leads Collette over to Adams' desk and says, "Hey Ruzek?"


"Collette saw the shooter, so we're gonna need a sketch."

"From the, uh, new composite software that just came out?"

Riley nods her head and says, "correct"

"Yeah. Alright, yeah" Adam says, looking through his desk for the tablet. Riley pats the blonde girl on the shoulder and says, "I'm gonna be right over here if you need me" pointing to her desk.


Riley knocks on Hanks door and says, "Hank"

"Yeah" he says, sitting up in his chair.

"I gotta tell you something"

"What's up?"

Riley goes to move her ring on top of her shirt and says, "Justin and I got married"

Hank looks over at the detective in shock and says, "what?"

"Last month. He proposed and I said I couldn't wait so we went to city hall"

Hank gets up from his desk and goes to hug Riley, who was caught off guard. "I'm so proud of you"

Riley smiles into Voights shoulder and says, "thanks Hank. That means a lot"


"You guys look amazing" Bunny tells her daughters as they sit at a table in the bar she works at, "okay, I'm gonna say it. You two have my genes" she says laughing, making Riley roll her eyes, "but I really am. I'm so proud of you two, especially Aurora"

"Thanks" the younger Lindsay says, looking down at her glass. Bunny looks at her oldest, who says, "don't look at me. I'm here for Erin"

Bunny clears her throat and says, "Well, some good news. I've been clean for seven months. In fact, that's the real reason I wanted to see you girls. I've done the ninth step with everyone else but you two. I already called Rory"

"This should be good" Riley says. Erin shakes her head and says, "mom, you really don't..."

"I am sorry"

"Okay. There, you said it"

"Honey, please. Let's be back in each other's lives again."

"Look, Bunny" Riley snaps, "we've been down this road with you so many times."

"But this time is different"


"Is Hank Voight still in your lives?"

"Yeah, he's our boss" Erin answers.

"Oh. You know, I'm so grateful to him for everything he did for you girls when I couldn't."


"Fine. Whatever. He's not your blood I am"

"And what about Willow? She's your daughter to and it's like she doesn't exist to you" Riley says, her arms crossed over each other.

"Because her father took custody of her. And of course I remember my baby. I keep tabs on her from time to time. She may not know it but I do"


Riley sits on her couch, drinking a beer and scrolling through the channels on her tv when she hears a knock at the door.

The detective sighs, setting her beer down and goes to look through her peep hole and opens the door saying, "Jay. What are you doing here?"

"My apartment was broken into"

"What? Come in" she says, moving to the side to let her partner in, "do you know who?"

"It has to be Bembenek. My landlord says my apartment was the only one broken in to"

"Jesus. Do you need a place to stay?"

"Do you mind? Just until I can get my door fixed and this whole things blows over"

"Yeah, of course"

Jay brings the brunette into a hug and says, "thank you"


The next day, Adam walks onto the unit and tapes the sketch Colette has given onto the board and says, "Guys, this mean anything to you?"

Everyone shakes their head as Jay gets up from his desk and says, "that's the kid from the hospital. It's Dale Hansen's son"

A few minutes later, Erin prints out a picture of the son, Nate and tapes it to the board and says, "Nate Hansen was enrolled at the Union Hill military academy in Arizona. His TAC officer says he was first in his class, but three days ago he disappeared. That was the day after his mother overdosed"

"I just checked with the school's armory, they're missing a browning gold 10 gauge along with a box of shells" Dawson says.

"Let's grab those kid up" Hank says.


After barging in on the Hansen residence, Antonio holds up a picture of Nate to show Dale and his daughter in the living room and says, "Eyewitnesses described your son to a T."

"I think you got squeezed, you wanted some retribution, so you sent your son to do it for you" Jay says, tucking his hands inside his vest.

"No, I swear, we just found out what Nate was doing. He ran off maybe a half hour ago" Dale says, as the rest of the team walk into the living room from searching the house.

"We're all clear guys. No Nate, no weapons" Erin says, going to stand next to her sister.

"If you had nothing to do with it. How did Nate know who to target?" Voight asks, as Dale Hensen becomes very hesitant.

"The three of them. Marcello, Fagan and Valero, they showed up one night. When I said I'd go to the cops, they threatened my life, my kids. Nate saw them do this, he saw me cower and beg. The look on his face..." Hansen says starting to tear up, "it's my fault"

"If you find Nate please don't hurt him" Dales daughter says.

"That's up to him" Al says.

"Is there anyone else who leaned on you your son might be gunning for?" Hank asks.

"Uh, there was a boss who I paid money to a few times. Enrietto"

"Don Enrietto"


Riley stops the car, almost hitting Nate then sees Jay chasing after him so she and Kevin get out of the car and chase after them.

"Jay!" Riley calls outs.

After what seems like a mile chase, they follow Nate onto the train tracks.

"Nate, stop!" Jay calls out, then gets out of the way before he gets hit by the train, followed by Riley and Kevin. Riley holds onto her partner's arm before she falls to the ground.

As the three slowly make their way into the tunnel with their guns drawn, Kevin says, "when I was on patrol a guy got mugged. Chased a robber into one of these. Took body control about three days to find all those parts"

"How about you tell that story when we're not walking on the tracks" Riley says. Jay holds out his hand for them to stop and they climb up a ladder, leading to an alley, which leads out to the street.

"We got a ping on Hansen's phone" Jake says as he and Erin exit their car that just pulled up, "he's right around here somewhere"

"Where?" Riley asks.

"I don't know, this thing says right here"

"Police!" A woman calls out. The team runs over to her and Erin asks, "what happened?"

"The kid. He had a gun"

"A white kid in a navy hoodie?" Riley asks, holstering her gun, and the woman nods her head.

"Hey, he dumped his phone" Jay calls out.

"He took my car!"

"what kind of car?" Erin asks.

Once the street is blocked off, Kevin and Erin talk with the woman as Jake is on the phone.

"Guys!" Riley says, "white male with a shotgun just stormed into Chicago Med"

"That's where Hansen's mother is" Jake says as they head to their cars and drive off.


Jay and Riley run down the hall at Med, where the other officers are and Jay says, "Wait, wait, wait. Hey, put your guns down"

"Put them down!" Riley orders.

Jay slowly walks closer to the room with his hands out showing Nate he doesn't have his gun in his hands, who says, "Stay back!"

While Jay tries to talk down the teenager, Riley stands at the nurses station with the rest of intelligence with their guns still drawn.

Suddenly a few minutes later, Nate backs down and hands the shotgun to Jay, who then hands it to Riley.


"Still has his place in Elmwood park. And remember that old broken boat he had in his backyard?" Bunny asks her girls as they sit at a diner, "still got it. He still talks about fixing it up and moving to Channel Lake. God bless him. You three used to love spending the fourth there, having Roman candle fights with the neighborhood kids."

"I don't remember that" Riley states, then she sits up in the booth, "Wanna know what I do remember about the Fourth of July?"

"What?" She smiles.

"The time I found you OD'd on the kitchen floor. I had to psychically keep Erin and Rory away from you"


"Didn't think a 80 pound girl could lift a grown woman like that. But see, I knew I couldn't call 911 for help, cause then CPS would take us from you, they'd separate Erin, Rory and I and I couldn't have that happen. So, I told them to go to their room, and I dragged you into the bathtub, kept filling it with ice cubes, just sitting there hoping you didn't die."

"Do we really have to bring up all this negative stuff?"

Riley slams her fist on the table, making them jump and says, "I was 10. Erin was 9, Rory was 6 Bunny. And do you know what you said to me when you woke up? 'Get my cigarettes'"

"I made amends with you, Riley. With you too Erin"

"Oh, I know you think you did. And I know you don't like talking about it. But I'm done with you, and if Erin wants you back in her life, then sometimes we're all gonna have too. I'm doing this for my baby sisters, so, your call."

Then there was a knock at the window and some man waves at Bunny.

"Can we just drop it please?" Bunny asks. Erin scoffs and says, "I get it now. You meet a nice guy and he finds out you have two adult daughters in Chicago that you haven't talked to in eight years and thinks it's a little weird, right? So you want us to prop you up?"

"Can we just drop this, really, please?" Bunny says then looks behind her as the man approaches them, "hi honey"

"Sorry I'm late. Work was crazy" he says, giving the blonde lady a hug.

"Johnny, I want you to meet my daughters, Riley and Erin"

"Where's Aurora?"

"Still in Washington"

Both Lindsay girls get out of the booth and shake his hand and Erin says, "nice to meet you, Johnny"

"Look, we gotta run back to work, but we just wanted to congratulate you guys" Riley says, taking a 10 from her pocket and puts it on the table.

"It was great meeting you too, Erin. Riley" Johnny smiles, "Hopefully we'll you two a lot more"

"Yeah" Erin says, as they walk away.

"Bye sweethearts!" Bunny calls out. Erin grabs a hold of her big sister's hand, who she knows is stressed and pissed off and they leave the diner.


Riley walks into the bar to meet up with her partner and sits next to him and gulps down the drink that he just ordered for her.

"Went well, huh?"

Riley hums and says, "Mhmm" then turns to the bartender, "can I have another one?"

"You got it" the bartender smiles then walks away. Jay takes a sip of his drink and Riley says, "you're sleeping with her"

"What? No"

"You're a horrible liar"

"We played scrabble, like, once at her apartment" Jay says, making them both laugh.

"Shut up"

"That's it"

"Shut up" Riley smiles, then says thank you when the girl hands her, her drink, "she's cute"

"Hey, you sure you should be drinking? You didn't sound to good this morning"

"I'm fine, Jay" she says, taking a sip of her drink, then she looks over at the front door and notices a guy walk in with a gun, then Riley pushes her partner to the ground with her and yells, "Jay!" As the shooter fires his gun.

Riley takes out her gun and starts shooting back at the offender, as Jay runs over to the bartender, Maddie who just got hit.

to be continued...


well, jays hearts is broken but he'll get his chance in the future! & Hank was so happy for her and Justin ❤️
Ps who else doesn't like Bunny and thought she took advantage of Erin way to much?🙋🏼‍♀️

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