Danganronpa girlxgirl one sho...

By XxyourwaifudiesxX

88.9K 1.4K 2.8K

I'm bored. I'm definitely only gonna write wlw ships, cause that's what I'm good at. (I try to make chapters... More

Nanamiki - rain
Kirizono - confession
Celesgiri - strip poker (request)
Kirizono - classmates
Unfinished ideas
Nanamiki/Kirizono - fine wine
Pekobuki - Flowers (request)
Kirizono - detention
Irumatsu - did you just bite me?
Nanamiki - spider
Chapter from my reject celesgiri book
Nanamiki - accident
Kirizono - missing you
another celesgiri chapter
irumatsu - definitely
Irumatsu headcannons
Nanamiki - argument
Celesgiri head cannons (request)
Kirizono - tired
Izukono head cannons (request)
Nanamatsu - love letter (request)
Kaemaki - inside date (request)
Nanamiki but my guinea pig writes it
Kirizono - damsel in distress
Irumatsu - halloween party
Celesgiri - vampires
Nanamiki - mafia gfs
Irumatsu - box train
Pekobuki - sweater weather
soapies - just the two of us (request)
Celesaya - tea at a coffee shop (request)
kirizono - on the phone at 3
celeshina - gifting (request)

Nanamiki - blood

1.3K 35 44
By XxyourwaifudiesxX

welcome to spooky szn, and good morning lgbtq+ community!! it was a little hard to pick this one shot out because I write so much questionable Nanamiki. Mafia au is just chillen in the drafts rn. Trigger warnings below.

(Tw: stabbing, blood, death, drugging.)

Blood. A little bit of blood (or even a lot) didn't bother Chiaki Nanami. It was common place for her now. The blood, the rush, and then the bored feeling that always came afterward. Just a cycle that continued over and over.

But for what? All for Hajime. Every person she killed, it was all for none other than Hajime Hinata. Of course, she wouldn't kill anyone in her own class, but, anyone else who got too close to him, or was even mean to him, they'd be dead by morning. (She didn't kill his family members tho cause that's messed up.)

Hajime thought he was cursed, and Chiaki reassured him that curses definitely weren't real. Well, that's what she thought, until people that got close to Hajime started turning up dead before she could get to them.

Everyone that she didn't get to first had always overdosed on something lethal, Chiaki supposed. There was never any blood, or even a sign of anyone touching them at all. But really, she was sure that all of these perfectly fine people didn't just start overdosing at the same time.

Maybe Hajime was cursed. Or, someone who specialized in medicine was after him too. Chiaki wasn't stupid, usually. She just couldn't think of anyone who specialized in medicine. So she concluded that Hajime was cursed.

Which honestly made things better for her.

Until she found out that Hajime was, in fact, not cursed.

One day, while she was staking out to murder someone, (a typical Tuesday,) she found out that she wasn't the only teen girl at Hopes Peak that killed people.

"Mikan?" Chiaki almost screamed, while she was lurking around, her and Mikan had bumped heads.

"U-uhm.. C-Chiaki!" Mikan was shocked. Why was Chiaki crawling around in someone's backyard?

"Why are you here?" Chiaki slipped her pocket knife into her cat backpack.

"I-I d-don't know! I-I'm sorry! F-forgive me!" Mikan panicked.

"I'm not mad at you, there's no need to apologize." Chiaki stayed calm, hoping Mikan wouldn't ask why she was here.

"T-thank you!" Mikan calmed down slightly. She needed to get out of here. "Uhm.. I h-have to go now.."

"Oh, me too. See you at school tomorrow." Chiaki waved to Mikan, crawling out of the backyard that they had just met in.

Mikan also waved, leaving the backyard.

Once far enough away, Chiaki muttered to herself. "What just happened?"


It didn't occur to Mikan until later. Why was Chiaki crawling around someone's backyard? Was she there for the same reason that Mikan was? Surely she wasn't. Chiaki would never lay a finger on someone.. but according to everyone else, neither would she.

Mikan didn't sleep much that night.

Chiaki also didn't sleep much that night.

~the next morning~

"Woah, Chiaki, it looks like you've been awake for a few years." Hajime teased.

Chiaki's cheeks were brushed with a light pink. "Games." Although, games weren't the reason that she was awake all night. It was Mikan. Why was Mikan lurking through a backyard at night? Was she there for the same reason that Chiaki was? Chiaki had to know.

So, she devised a plan to find out.

After class, Chiaki approached Mikan.

"Mikan, could I uh, talk to you? You know, without anyone around?" Chiaki asked. Hoping Mikan would say yes.

"U-uhm.. okay. I-I don't really have anywhere to be s-so.." Mikan knew what was happening, and she was willing to let it happen. She needed answers.

Once back to Chiaki's dorm, Chiaki locked her door and closed all of the curtains.

"What were you doing in that backyard last night?" Chiaki kept her pocket knife where it wasn't visible. "I'm willing to be completely honest if you are."

"U-uhm.. I-it's a funny s-story.." Mikan lied. "I-um, I lost my d-dog."

Chiaki made sure her knife was visible. "You don't even have a dog. Why would you lie?"

"B-because I can't t-tell you that I-I was about to drug h-him to death!" Mikan blurted out. Just after saying this, she panicked. Now Chiaki knew what she did.

A soft smile appeared on Chiaki's face.

(A/N: insane women,,)

"Oh, so it was you! So you just started huh?" Chiaki came closer to Mikan. Their faces were really close together. "I've seen your work. Let me tell you, I'm a fan!"

"Huh?" Mikan seemed surprised.

"Have you seen what I've done? It's usually messy, but they're never breathing when I'm finished so," Chiaki rambled, backing away from Mikan.

"Hey.. why do you kill specific people? You've gotten to a bunch of my targets before I could.." Chiaki's smile faded back to her normal bored expression.

"Huh? Specific people..?" Mikan giggled. "I kill whoever I want."

"Oooh, so you're the 'I just kill people cause I want to' type girl?" Chiaki pressed her hands together.

"It's just really, really, nice. When you see them slowly start to deteriorate.. then they collapse. I've just ended their whole world.." Mikan seemed to drool.

"Wow, you're insane."

"Sure, but so are you."

"Yeah, that's fair." Chiaki held her pocket knife in her left hand. "Let's form a pact."

"Okay. But, why do you kill people?"

Chiaki giggled. "For Hajime." Chiaki cut the tip of her middle finger and it bled a little.

She handed the knife to Mikan, and Mikan did the same. They shook hands, and the pact was sealed. Anything they talked about here would never reach anyone else's ears, and they couldn't kill each other. (Or maybe they summoned something, I dunno how blood pacts work.)

The next day at school, both of the girls wore a bandaid on their middle fingers. Chiaki's excuse was a paper cut, and Mikan's excuse was that she accidentally cut herself while cooking. To everyone else it was just coincidence.

Plus, the two of them seemed closer.

"Mikan! I forgot my lunch today." Chiaki exclaimed, approaching Mikan and her friends.

"I-I know." Mikan handed Chiaki an extra lunchbox.

"Thank you, Mikan!" Chiaki knew that it wasn't too professional, but Mikan's lunches tasted good. But Chiaki killed people. She wasn't too professional as it was. She shrugged it off. Mikan's lunches were to kill for. Literally.

That night, Chiaki and Mikan met up in an alley.

"How's it going, Mikan?" Chiaki asked, wiping some blood of of her knife.

"Nothing super interesting is happening. Everyone begs to live, I drug them, they die." Mikan shrugged.

"Let's go get something to eat?" Chiaki asked, shoving her knife into her backpack.

"You smell like blood." Mikan turned around and started walking towards their dorms. Mikan was right. Chiaki smelled of blood and sorrow, a lot different from her usual smell of cotton candy and the air that comes out of a PlayStation.

"Aww," Chiaki complained. "I'm always so hungry after this, though."

"I can make something from what we have back at the dorms." Mikan stopped, waiting for Chiaki to catch up.

Once back to their dormitory, they both went to Chiaki's dorm. "I'll cook." Mikan said as Chiaki unlocked her door.

"I'll shower." Chiaki went to shower. When she got out, Mikan had already finished cooking.

~time skip cause I don't feel like describing food~

They ended up spending the night together, and walked to school together the next morning.

"Mikan, did you make me one of those lunches I really, really like?" Chiaki asked, holding hers and Mikan's bag.

"Of course I did." Mikan smiled.

"Thanks, Mikan!" Chiaki smiled back. "Hey.. do you remember our plans for tonight?"

"How could I forget?" Mikan's smile seemed a bit more deranged. The two of them would be murdering someone together tonight. Mikan was especially excited. She'd never seen Chiaki in action before.

"Don't be late. Or I'll kill you." Chiaki giggled. Of course, she wouldn't actually kill Mikan, but it was funny because she was capable.


"Alright, you got everything?" Mikan asked Chiaki. The two of them were outside of this poor man's house. This poor soul had bumped into Hajime while being in a hurry. Chiaki was angry because he touched Hajime. Mikan didn't care who they killed, really.

"I always have everything." Chiaki giggled. "Let's head in."

The two of them snuck into the mans house. They'd taken special precautions before entering, so this'd be the perfect murder.

"Wow. This is a nice place." Chiaki said, sitting on the couch.

Mikan sat next to her. "Yeah. These couches seem real expensive." The two were talking quite loud, in hopes the man would hear them.

(A/N: if you have a leather couch, I hate you xoxo.)

And he did. "Woah.. why're you two pretty ladies in my house?"

"You didn't tell me he was an idiot." Mikan glared at Chiaki, who looked disgusted with the man.

"Dude, you're like, twenty-three. We're both sixteen." Chiaki deadpanned.

"So what?" The dirty nasty stupid horrible man said. I bet his breath smells like wet cardboard and three day old microwaved pizza.

"Oh god. Can we just get this on with?" Mikan rubbed her temples. "Sit down across from us, please."

The dude sat down. He smelled like wine tastes. Bitter, and unsavory. Chiaki couldn't wait to kill him.

"See those two glasses of water?" Mikan asked. The dude nodded. "One of them is poison that'll kill you immediately, the other is just water. Choose wisely."

"Oh, really?" The dude didn't seem to believe Mikan, which was making Mikan angry. He picked up a random glass and drank. Mikan scowled when he didn't die.

"You're lucky." Mikan muttered. "But not lucky enough. It's Chiaki's turn."

"I didn't plan anything special." Chiaki shrugged. "Which knife do you like better?" She held up two knives.

The really fucking stupid dumb stupid man pointed to the smaller knife. This knife also happened to be Chiaki's favorite. She smiled.

"Alright. Bye!" Chiaki stabbed the dude in his chest. He died quickly.

Mikan smiled, and giggled. "Wow, you're strong."

"It's not that hard if you know how to do it right. I can teach you if you'd like." Chiaki smiled back at Mikan. This was nice. She didn't have to do this alone anymore.

"Let's get back first." Mikan poured the poison out in the guys sink, and took her two glass cups. The two of them snuck out of the guys house and back to their dormitory.

Mikan went back to her dorm to shower, and so did Chiaki. They met back up at Chiaki's dorm.

"You think they're gonna give us cool serial killer nicknames?" Chiaki asked, then continued, "I wanna be the hash slinging slasher!"

(A/N: reference go brrrrrr)

"Let's check the news." Mikan suggested, "I'm sure they found that dudes body already." Mikan turned the tv on, to see exactly what she expected to see.

"Pfft-! His name was Herbert?! We did a favor killing him off." Chiaki laughed.

"Ah, they think we're the same person." Mikan sighed, watching one of the reporters explain the murder.

"Bummer," Chiaki deadpanned, making stabbing motions with one of her knives. "Let's kill some more people and prove that we're not."

"Yeah.." Mikan looked over at Chiaki. "You know, I had this idea. Don't kill me, but we should.."

~super spooky timeskip hehe~

After the deed was done, Chiaki stared down at the body. This had definitely been a good idea. She'd never felt this way before. Mikan stood by, watching Chiaki smile.

"So, what do you think?" Mikan asked, smiling.

"This is the best idea you've ever had," Chiaki said, giggling a little. "Let's go before we get caught."

Once back in Chiaki's dorm, Mikan seemed to be staring at Chiaki more than usual.

"Hey, now that Hajime's gone.. who're you gonna kill people for?"

(A/N: woaaaaah!!! did not see that one coming, guys.)

"Hmm.." Chiaki took a moment to think about it. Hajime was dead, so she obviously couldn't feel that way for him anymore. Actually, she hadn't felt that way for him in a while. She'd just been killing people because it was fun to do with Mikan.

Wait. It was fun to do with Mikan? Chiaki supposed she wouldn't mind doing it for Mikan.

"You." Chiaki said without thinking. Her face turned red. "Wait! Not like, Uhm.."

Before Chiaki even noticed, Mikan's and hers faces were really close.

"God, I was hoping you'd say that." Mikan smiled, but this time it was less deranged, and more cute. "Can we uh, kiss?"

"Hmm.. no." Chiaki teased, as she kissed Mikan.

Once they disconnected, Mikan seemed surprised.

"Chiaki, let's kill a bunch of people."

"And then call it a date?"

"Then call it a date."

word count: 2153
this is kinda funny cause i literally have a one shot called "Nanamiki - Halloween" half finished. I'm gonna post it after Halloween cause that'd be even funnier. also, about the trigger warnings. if i missed any, tell me, and I'll add them. see you next week.

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