The Twin

By ilovefood257

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[BEING REWRITTEN! MORE INFO ON MY PROFILE] I've tried multiple times at a decent description but im bad at th... More

Before We Begin
The Potters
Mystery Man
Going to Hogwarts
Change of Clothes
New Enemies
Singing Like We Mean It
Christmas Feast
Changing Snape
Making Up
End of Break
Potions class
A Night To Myself
The Three Headed Dog
Free Day
Saving The Stone
Do You Have Any Ideas You Can Give Me?
Detention With Hagrid
Back With The Dursleys


1.4K 28 38
By ilovefood257


I was sleeping so peacefully in my super comfortable bed. That is, until I was woken up by Hermione.

"Y/N! Wake up or we're going to be late! Breakfast is almost over." I groaned as I rolled over.

"Hermioneeeeeeee. Im tired! Go awayyy."

"Get up! Do you seriously want to miss breakfast?"She got me there.

"Fine. But only because I want food." With that said, I got up out of bed and took a quick shower. Then I brushed my teeth and got dressed in my robes.

"Y/N/N. Your hair." She pointed out.

"I can't be bothered to do my hair, 'Mione. The food is calling to me!" She just sighed and we made our way to the Great Hall. I sat down, opposite of Ron, and started eating. Just as I started, Professor Snape walked over to me.

"Late to breakfast Ms. Potter? I would only hope that you make it to class on time, but I assume that might not be happening." I thought for a moment before I responded.

"Well you were late too, weren't you? Guess we're both on the same boat then." He looked slightly amused and gave me a small smile before walking away. Thats when Ron spoke up.

"Wow. Snape.. smiled? At a Potter? And a Potter was the one who made him smile? Did anyone else see that??" It was quite strange. He and Harry had gotten off to a bad start, apparently, so Im not sure why he was being semi-nice to me.

"That was really weird. Didn't Fred and George tell us that he was the meanest teacher at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked. Before anyone could answer, we were handed out time tables.





-Defense Against the Dark Arts

-Study Hall

I showed Hermione my schedule and hers was fairly similar to mine. She had Charms, Potions, and DADA with me. Harry and Ron had those classes with me, plus Herbology. That meant that I was alone for Break. Everyone had Study Hall at the same time so I would see them then.

"Well, we should get to class before we're late." I said, and stood up. Hermione followed, but Harry and Ron sat for a while more. It was a pretty boring class. The only good part about it was when 'Mione had to teach Ron how to cast a charm.
"It's leviosA, not leviosar! Here, like this, Wingardium Leviosa." And with that, she twirled her feather around in the air.
——————————————— Time skip to Break
I sat in the common room next to the fireplace as I thought aloud.
"What do I do for Break? Why do I have to spend it aloneeeeeee?!" That's when I thought of the perfect idea. I'm going to pull a prank! On the entire school! Or I can try. I think it will be best to make it when we're in the Great Hall...

Time skip to before Great Hall

I was walking beside Hermione. We were walking behind Harry and Ron, who didn't seem to notice that we were there. Then Ron spoke in a mimicking voice.

"Its leviosA not leviosar! Geez, no wonder she's got no friends." As soon as I heard that I turned to Hermione who had a face full of hurt, and she ran off. I ran up to Ron and punched him right in the jaw.

"RONALD WEASLEY, HOW DARE YOU! SHE DOES HAVE FRIENDS! UNLIKE YOU, BECAUSE YOU JUST LOST ONE!" I screamed at him. I didn't care that everyone was looking at us. I just ran off in the direction Hermione went, hoping to find her. Luckily, I found her fairly quickly.

"Hermione, are you ok? Don't even answer, because I know your not. I gave him a good talking to and guess what?"


"He is going to get what he deserves in the Great Hall. I set up a prank!" At this, her face lightened up a little bit and she looked up and nodded, telling me to go on.

"Well, in Break, I was really bored. So I came up with this brilliant idea! Don't ask me how, 'cause I don't even know how I did it, but when everyone gets up from their seats, flour is going to drop on them!" When I finished, she looked amazed.

"I think I'm ready to leave this bathroom now."

"Well let's go then."As we were about to leave, a huge troll smashed their way through the bathroom and we screamed. As it was going to hit us with it's club, I pushed us back into the stall.

"Hermione, we're going to need a plan!"

"Let's go under the sinks first!" We dashed under the sinks and luckily, he didn't see us.

"Use Wingardium Leviosa!" As she said that I ran out from under the sinks and pulled out my wand. As I was going to cast the charm, it saw me and hit me with its club. I flew back against the wall and I swear, I heard a crack. I slowly lifted my wand and spoke "Wingardium... Leviosa!" before I went unconscious.

Hermione POV

Y/N ran out from under the sinks and raised her wand. Before she could say anything the troll hit her in the head with its club and she flew back and hit the wall. I saw her slowly rais her wand before saying something that I didn't quite hear. I looked over at the troll and saw that it was lifted by the foot and released. When it was released it landed on its head.

"Y/N you did it!" I yelled looking over to her. She was out cold. Her nose was bleeding, along with the side of her head.

"Help! I need help, please! Someone help!" I yelled. As I called out for help, Harry and Ron came running in the bathroom with a confused look on their face.

"Guess we don't need to save them, then." Ron said. This is when Harry took over. By then, I was already in tears.

"Y-Y/N came t-to help me a-and *swallow* sh-she got hit a-and she s-saved me b-but-" Then Harry interrupted me.

"Y/N got hit?!" I nodded and moved out of the way to reveal Y/N laying unconscious on the floor. While Harry was freaking out, and running out screaming for a teacher, Ron had a neutral look on his face. It was then that I noticed that they were both covered in flour! Y/N's prank worked! But, I wonder what Ron's thinking about...


We were all sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner when Professor Quirrell came running into the Hall.

"There's a troll in the castle! Just thought- you should know.." he said, before he passed out. Everyone stood up and started screaming, when flour dropped on all of us. We looked confused for a second and were completely silent, but then proceeded to run and scream. We were told to go to our dormitories.

"Ron, what about Hermione and Y/N?! We have to go save them!" We started looking around for the girls when we heard calls for help. We ran into the girls bathroom to find an unconscious Y/N, an unconscious troll, and a crying Hermione. I started to think. If I want her to fall for me, I have to treat her really mean. It always works in the movies, so why not in real life? I even have a reason to be mean to her! She did punch me in the jaw.

Now, I have a plan. I'll start ignoring her and start acting really mean to her. When Harry asks why, I'll make up a reason so the he ignores her too. Then when 'Mione see's whats wrong, she's obviously going to ask us, and we'll tell her what she supposedly did. Then she'll get mad at her and then Y/N will have nobody and she'll start to miss us and realize how amazing I am! If it works in the movies, it'll work for me! By then I had at huge smile on my face but quickly put up a frown because the teachers walked in. They rushed over to Y/N and took her to Madam Pomfrey, us following.


I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to find that I was in the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey came rushing over. She took one look at me and looked shocked and confused.

"What?" She handed me a mirror and I looked into it. My eyes were different colors? One was brown and the other was a mix of green and blue. 

"Ms. Potter, where did you get hit?" I pointed right next to my left eye. She sighed and shook her head.

"It seems that the impact from the troll's club has killed off most of the melanocytes in your eye. Im afraid that this may be permanent." 

"As much as Im upset about that, Im just glad that theres no worse injuries. How long have I been in here?"

"You've been in the Hospital Wing for a day. If you hurry, you can make it to your Potions class for the last thirty minutes."

"Ok. Thank you Madam Pomfrey!" And with that, I ran as fast as my legs would take me. I was really excited to go to Potions. I was really fascinated in the subject and wanted to create my own. When I got to the door, I was out of breath and breathing heavy. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Decided to join us Ms. Potter?" He asked, looking confused about my eye, but waved it off.

"Well I wouldn't want to miss my favorite subject, now would I?" Snape gave me a small smile and gestured for me to sit down. The only spot open was the one next to Ron. I sat down and quickly started working. He looked disgusted.

"Hey Ron. Did I miss anything important?" He just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine then. Don't tell me." I said and got back to work. I must've put in a wrong ingredient, because my potion blew up. Thankfully, I ducked under the table just in time.

"What's going on over here?" Snape asked, slightly annoyed.

"Well, I asked Ron if I missed anything important and he didn't say anything so I made the potion wrong and it blew up." I said, all in one breath.

"Detention for Mr. Weasley. As for you Ms. Potter, you're problem was that you chopped the knotgrass. You were supposed to crush it. Class dismissed." Everyone looked at me weirdly. Probably because the Potions Master didn't yell at me for blowing up my side of the table. I guess I was a favorite, then.

We walked out of the room and headed towards DADA. Ron was being super rude to me the whole time, so Harry pulled him aside to ask what his problem was. Hermione and I just made our way to DADA and took some seats. I wonder what was bothering Ron. I'll ask him in the Great Hall. For now, I'll just focus on my classes.

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